Jack Black didn't always intend to be the funny guy he's known for now | 60 Minutes Australia

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he's everything a Hollywood star should never be ordinary down to earth just a regular bloke he's also rumpled scruffy and overweight and that's the kind of character Jack Black usually plays on screen with a few outrageous twists Just for Laughs until you actually meet him you do wonder how he's become one of the world's most bankable Starts Now I know even in real life he's every man he could be any one of us that and he's very very funny so when he offered to show me around New York this week I jumped at the chance but I should have known to expect one of those Jack Black twists [Music] this is interesting welcome to the Big Apple Jack Black style bye [Applause] this is a sort of weird way of seeing New York isn't it it's very romantic yeah you never quite know what to expect when you hit your ride with this unlikely movie star even he seems a little surprised that a short disheveled average dad has become one of the world's most recognizable comedians how do you go seeing your face and your name on billboards and bus backs I like it when uh it's a funny photo there's been a couple of posters and billboards that I was like oh I wish I had a different hairdo on that one but I go that's not me I don't want to be cute I want to be I want it to be more like this yeah yeah now that's yeah much better you know much better the Vagabonds check the New York Times that once describe you as having a build of awesome worlds the eyebrows of Jack Nicholson the music sensibility of meatloaf is there a compliment in there somewhere yeah I'll take a compliment from all three of those kind of wait a second the bill divorce in Wells oh they definitely mean the later Orson Welles fat horse and Wells the eyebrows of Nicholson you'll take that that's pretty good it's pretty evil though when you think about it his eyebrows are scary and then the musical Talent of meatloaf I'm going to take that as a compliment the other has things with with applying on that because your eyebrows are you train yourself to do that in front of the mirror how do you do that yeah a trained is there an eyebrow Academy or something you'd go to for that I think it all starts with scrunching your eyebrows down and then only lifting one you know scrunch them down and relax only one that's the beginning there's the Nicholson right there that's Nicholson in the middle yeah on the sides [Music] Jack's many faces are his fortune his versatility has seen him in nearly 50 movies but it was the family comedy School of Rock where he virtually played himself that turned him from Comedy relief into a fully fledged star come on grazie you seem to specialize in playing this sort of odd man out you know the dorky Misfit yeah is that because it's easier to be funny like that or is that partly you that's me I feel most comfortable in The Outsider role um the guy that uh yeah it's not really fitting in with society's norms [Music] it's worked for him in a series of outrageous comedies from Shallow Hal [Music] to his role as a drug-taking actor in Tropic Thunder we're running this program now JP show me where the drugs are acting is a weird thing though isn't it being paid a lot of money to pull a pistol out of your undies yeah but they're paying you a lot of money to play like a child and uh I can't imagine a better yeah life it's the life he literally prayed for as a teenager Pitfall for the Atari 2600 and in television when he faced his first audition for a computer game TV commercial I remember when I got that role in that commercial I thought there was an answer to a prayer I made a deal with the Lord I said if you let me be in a commercial on television that other children in school will see I will be satisfied with my life and I was wrong I was not satisfied so you're packed with the almighty has gone by the way of well I I yeah I had to renegotiate with the Lord hey what's up we're Tenacious D this wrote this song that gives you a little taste of like the history of the band originally Jack had dreamed of a musical career it actually had limited success with his band Tenacious D look into my eyes and it's easy I love His Two Worlds collided fortuitously when he was cast in the Breakaway hit High Fidelity and he joined the big hitters of Hollywood comedy okay buddy uh I was just trying to cheer us up so go ahead put on some old sad bastard music see if I care they say you're a member of this frat pack yeah who else is a member Ben Stiller Owen Wilson Will Ferrell and some other dudes I can't remember we don't actually have a headquarters or we don't actually get together for meetings to talk comedy but um don't kick any minutes I like all those guys I'm proud to be in the Frat pack the fictional frat pack [Music] the people come up to you on the street you're going for a walk like this and you know expect you to be funny uh sometimes they expect me to pull some Shenanigans here it's always pretty mellow yeah that's a shame all right hey I just gave him a cold he doesn't know it perhaps Jack was always destined for comedy he's certainly not your typical leading man I don't know what you call it I knew that was gonna happen the backwards walking he could be your uncle your brother or your funny mate it's nice to be recognized that's part of me that's that's the reason why I got into it I like people to notice me [Music] Jack got the world's attention last year when he was promoting Kung Fu Panda with Angelina Jolie and inadvertently spilled Hollywood's biggest secret that she was pregnant with twins how did you manage to blow Angelina Jolie's Secret my wife had just been talking to me that morning saying oh yeah ask her about her twins I heard she's got twins she was talking about it like it was common knowledge so I just threw in a joke when we were doing a an interview together you're gonna have as many as Brady Bunch when you have this right so is that confirmed armed is it two yeah yeah we've confirm that already I'm glad Jax just confirmed it actually yes is that true yeah and it turned into a big Maelstrom of what Jack just told us the truth and I was like what are you talking oh no was I not supposed to say anything but I didn't officially know either it's gonna haunt you for the rest of your life though doesn't it nah she's cool with it you'd think he'd learn his lesson after spilling the beans on Angelina and Brad but that didn't stop him revealing some Secrets he and wife Tanya share about their two sons Sam and Thomas I do think about their poo though and I worry about you know sometimes if it's like how long is it it's been two days since he's had a poo what's going on there mark it on the calendar he's got to have some more grapes we gotta get some fruit in this kid we're gonna get that poo moving through this intestines his baby intestines did you see his poo babe they're like they're like a little ball ball bearings what is he a rabbit why does he have rabbit poo we gotta get a doctor over here I've become really paranoid about their poo they've got a baby poo coming up honey it's Jack fantastic poo today yeah he just filled it yeah he killed it all right baby talk to you later why don't you try again a little harder how's that but Sam and little Thomas might be able to forgive their dad for discussing their nappy habits after all he is Kung Fu Panda thought your kids must think it's very cool to have a father who's Kung Fu Panda [Music] you know my my oldest son Sam has just turned three years old and he is aware that I am the Kung Fu Panda voice I think he'll want to role play and do do games and he'll say I'm crane your Kung Fu Panda he knows that I'm Kung Fu Panda and uh and we'll go off and solve crimes and fight villains together tell me you can say none of this who who knows what the kids will make of Dad's latest film year one where Jack goes back to the beginning of time as a caveman what are these big round things for the wheels numb skull they make the cart roll [Applause] [Music] go see Year One year one year one it's year one there's no one there I was just talking to No One you weren't supposed to pan the camera around uh this is how I promote movies now yeah very low budget promotional campaign no more yeah newspapers or television I just go horse-drawn carriage and Year One it hasn't always been a smooth ride on Jack's road to success and he said there have been misses along with the hits most notably the Tenacious D movie about his rock band [Music] let's face it the movie was a flap I was proud of it it wasn't too good we'll have to respectfully disagree you want me to be honest don't you no all right well okay I want you to say yeah it didn't do well I don't know why it was a fantastic movie well I don't know why why didn't I do well because people like you didn't like it because of you it's my fault he may be a serious Hollywood star these days but it's hard to take Jack Black too seriously let's get off and that is just the way he likes it hello I'm Tara Brown thanks for watching 60 Minutes Australia subscribe to our Channel now for brand new stories and exclusive Clips every week and don't miss out on our extra minute segments and full episodes of 60 Minutes on nine now.com dot a u and the nine Now app
Channel: 60 Minutes Australia
Views: 96,517
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 60 Minutes, 60 Minutes Australia, Liz Hayes, Tara Brown, Tom Steinfort, 60Mins, Amelia Adams, news, world news, news australia, investigative journalism, 60 minutes australia youtube, 60 minutes youtube, 60 minutes episodes, 60 minutes australia episodes, 60 minutes australia, 60 minutes, jack black, comedy, kung fu panda, school of rock, angelina jolie, comedian, tenacious d, rockstar, movie star, celeb, celebrity, entertainment, tv and movies
Id: gb_pitQxkdo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 54sec (774 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 03 2023
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