Convicted drug smuggler Schapelle Corby | 60 Minutes Australia

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bawah settler European bank on Saqqara six ama promotion Grassi to Mercedes Kobe this is the news she thought she would never give up in the hunter support and then it goes into the law and in English that reads clemency has been granted on this day the 15th of May 2012 yeah president public Indonesia his name dr. H Solis so bang bang UD on that yeah this is the best news we've had so well for a 20-year prison sentence I guess that makes a huge difference yeah especially when she's already done eight years since 2004 Chappelle Corby has sat in Bally's korabik and prison as a convicted drug dealer her life slowly slipping away have you ever been frightened that you could lose Chappelle yes yep when have you thought that with her mental health she became catatonic I'd have to shower her hand feed her you know she she cut all her arms up and we were really worried she wasn't gonna make it so she Paul is just yeah she's actually just behind this wall if we started yelling at you more than likely hear us Mercedes is Chappell Kobe's sister and staunchest supporter as she walks the prison perimeter it really is a case of so near yet so far and I guess it occurs to you that there is just one wall between you and her and freedom Chappell Kobe was 27 and embarking on a holiday with family and friends when she was arrested at barley Airport on October the 8th 2004 inside the cover of her boogie board bag customs officers discovered 4.2 kilos of marijuana I don't know what it was that I saw this it's not so I didn't what a bit as you knew instantly it was 9 I I just knew there was something there and what worried you about that um it's just an instant click oh my god I've seen this kind of things in the movie but I didn't know what it was at the time I just knew it all I'd put him there was nobody but my flippers these were drugs Chappell could never explain and from my first meeting with her shortly after her arrest their drugs she's always denied were hers you weren't just being naive and silly and thinking I'll give it a shot no death penalty no if I can be here for 20 years and never have a baby never have a life no way can you look at mr. young people and say without a shadow of death you are innocent I am listen this would be the beginning of an extraordinary saga one that would polarize public opinion and fuel a media frenzy why do you think Chappell became such a big story what was it do you think about your sister a lot of people come to Bali a lot of people love Bali I just think it was a bit of shock she struck a chord though is it because she was the quintessential Australian girl yeah she definitely struck a chord she could have been your sister your daughter your friend just going on holiday and this is what happened to her [Music] in May 2005 before a packed court Indonesian judges found Chappelle guilty a shell-shocked Chappell was dragged off to prison to serve 20 years behind bars her family was devastated did you ever ask Chappelle are you guilty no I haven't she has told me I I didn't do this so I've never had to ask it's there's no part of you that's ever going to reconcile yourself with Chappelle being guilty no never if if there was anything if I thought my sister was guilty I would never have given up my life as I have to defend her put myself out there to be put down you know my children everybody's but it's because when we know Mercedes led a relentless campaign to clear her sister's name but it wasn't long before she found she was not only having to defend Chappelle but the entire Corby family in all of this it wasn't just Chappelle who was sentenced was it no but you've all been convicted yes you're all drug dealers now we're all drug dealers we're all drug addicts so the rumors and the lies and the innuendo say yes Abbey you your husband your brother's your father father who has passed away you've all been accused of being in the drug world every single one of us and for the record you're not none of us are drug smugglers we're not in the drug trade and we stand by that but as a convicted drug smuggler Chappell Kobe had no choice but to come to terms with the brutal reality of prison life what is it like inside that prison what is it like inside her cell it's crowded it's pretty much just a room with mattresses on the floor and a squat toilet with a bucket to showering no privacy no privacy no privacy at all how many people in there she has anywhere between 10 and 15 girls in her room I think there's around 10 or 11 now in her actual cell right from the day of her arrest Chappelle always questioned whether she could survive years in prison all I can do is try to adapt this as best I can I'm trying to keep healthy the prosecutors actually at the point now to decide whether it's 20 years or live 20 years alive which to me is like what see it's of me trying to survive these days anyway if wives in 20 years you couldn't do that for my family I could for myself what's the use I'll be like 50 by the time I get out and never be married he's never had children ears into her sentence and it was clear Chapelle was struggling the form of beautician who took pride in her appearance no longer seemed to care what was the first sign to you that something wasn't right she started getting more agitated she'd always been quite calm with us but she started becoming agitated and letting herself go look I still haven't had he come to grips to his love Mercedes says the death of their father in 2008 seemed to push Chappelle to the edge when it was at its worst how bad did it get she couldn't speak she couldn't walk I was leading to the prison to bathe her and feed her and the only noise we would get from her was a because she she just got to speak do you think that that's because she she was a broken woman definitely she was not in control at all she didn't even know who I was and when she cut herself was was that a form of expression or do you think she tried to commit suicide I actually think that was a cry for help yeah she had voices seeing things she had up made a whole new world in her head in her head I lived in a little hut on the perimeter of the jail and our mother was a chef there children lived in the bottom of the toilet and a dungeon she realized that she was still in jail no she didn't really know Hardwell Chapelle is now on heavy doses of medication delivered along with other essentials by Mercedes thank you got any depressants antipsychotic and there's mood stabilizers for mental health is basically in your hands this has really helped her and you know now that we've have the doses right the medication right you know she has a debt bad days but she's definitely more stable than she ever has been most irritating when you read that people believe that she's faking it more than you were tade it makes me so angry and upset they're just obviously ignorant people the other tonic for chappelle's mental well-being has been her Balinese boyfriend Ben whom she met in prison you know they can't do things that other boyfriend and girlfriends do but he's definitely supports her visits and when he can once once or twice every fortnight but he's their support so it makes her happy you know and she loves to have people visit so yeah we're definitely grateful is it a serious relationship do you think well it's hard you know she's in prison he's not and with her current mental health and how it has been for these it's hard to know you know what's gonna happen he understand she's mentally he definitely understands it's also believed appelles mental health played a role in the president's decision to grant her clemency reducing her sentence by five years it's still unclear when Chappelle will be released it could be as early as August this year or as late as 2015 what is clear is that the young Australian woman who went into this prison eight years ago a vastly different when she gets out it's going to take a long time for her to recover if she ever does she has to relearn she's definitely become quite institutionalized I've had to explain what Facebook is or Wi-Fi um just things that we don't get you know she hasn't watched TV for eight years she hasn't touched a computer the world has passed her goodbyes definitely the world has passed her by yeah so this would be homeland for Chapelle when she gets out yeah if she disabled to be granted parole I'm assuming this is where she would have to come and say this compound is where Mercedes and her Balinese family lives and it's where Chappell will come if she has to serve out her parole in Indonesia and I imagine that's a safe location for Chappelle yeah definitely safer than anywhere else Bali had been a favorite destination for both Chappell and Mercedes it's where Mercedes met and married her husband yn and where they raised their three children but while ever Chappell remains behind bars it can never be paradise yeah what impact has this helped on you my life's definitely changed you know I've done dream if just having my old life back but I know that's never gonna happen so you as much as Chapelle must be waiting for the day when she can be a free woman yeah because essentially you too will be free yep yeah I dream it I vision it and it puts a smile in my face actually now knowing it it is closer we're one step closer hello I'm Liz Hayes thanks for watching to keep up with the latest from 60 minutes Australia make sure you subscribe to our channel you can also download the 9 now app for full episodes and other exclusives 60 minutes content
Channel: 60 Minutes Australia
Views: 549,831
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 60 Minutes, 60 Minutes Australia, Liz Hayes, Charles Wooley, Tara Brown, Liam Bartlett, Allison Langdon, Tom Steinfort, Ellen Fanning, Peter, Overton, Karl Stefanovic, Ray Martin, Peter Stefanovic, Jana Wendt, Jeff McMullen, Jennifer Byrne, Mike Munro, Richard Carleton, Tracey Curro, Paul Barry, Peter Harvey, Michael Usher, Ross Coulthart, George Negus, Ian Leslie, Gerald Stone, Schapelle Corby, Kerobokan Prison, Bali, Mercedes Corby
Id: -jFC1tpNpqc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 11sec (851 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 24 2018
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