Jaan Se Pyara Juni - Ep 01 [CC] 24 April 2024, Powered by Happilac Paints [ Hira Mani, Zahid Ahmed ]

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Among eight billion people in this world there could be one more lonely in this world… the emptiness of each and every moment No one could have borne all this all on their own. Every part of this room is alone… ...like these walls, the lamp and me. Even the pictures speak to me and say, ‘Who’s lonelier between us, you or me?’ The view holds a sense of emptiness. ...Even every bit of news holds emptiness. On a table surrounded by empty chairs there’s a lone jug… and on that, like me, standing on its own is a lone glass. I drink this loneliness each day. This is how I live each day. Having washed away the remnants of the shadows of my dreams… and cried all that I alone could… and after dressing in my bright and clean clothes and wearing a happy face on my existing face… I ask the mirror, ‘What do I lack that I still feel so incomplete?’ Today…. Will my loneliness come to an end? Will someone notice me today? Maybe a path will open up for me today? Maybe I’ll find a reason to live today. The mirror says maybe… but you will have to try. And so having some files of my dreams and their interpretations and keeping them in my bag of hope… with the light of my hope shining in my eyes and hanging my bag over my shoulder… I leave behind the very empty walls filled with loneliness even more alone. I put a lock on the loneliness and then I turn only to see that even it changes its face and follows me outside. Every character I meet on the way knows me. But the world is unaware of the loneliness inside me. Hiding the vacant feeling inside me… I… with a smile on my lips…. meet everyone This is how I begin my morning every day. I kick start myself daily and then get lost in this world of eight billion people. Whether I want to or not I become a part of the busy crowd. Mummy? Oh god mummy, you have such dark make up on! You’re really looking over the top. Come here and I’ll lighten it for you. No way! I haven’t done any dark make up! And besides make up should be some thing that one can see. And then this kind of make up looks good on women my age. It only looks good if done properly. And if you’re going like this then I’m not coming with you to have people make fun of me. What do you mean? Are you now ashamed to be seen with your mom? Have you forgotten what happened at brother Sajid’s wedding? I made a mistake getting my make up done by you then. My entire make up disappeared within one hour! And all the women of the family had faces that were shining till the end of the event! And then there was me, standing there with a washed up face! Hmph! Now come on hurry up! The car driver has been standing outside for who knows how long! The car driver? Why did you call for a car Mom? We could have gone by rickshaw. You’re going to incur an unnecessary expense now. Oh hey, He will pay for it... the one who’s work we’re going for I’m running around only for him. Okay well, at least will get some nice things to eat along with the tea and refreshments. I’ll also get to relieve some of this boredom from my life. Oh my foodie daughter, you’re so like your father. Even your father likes to go eat at other peoples homes. He’s never once hosted anything at his house for anyone. Okay so listen, what do you think of this purse? Does it look expensive? Isn’t the color looking a bit strange? Its not at all strange. Look at this… it matches my long scarf. You always say unnecessary things. Hurry Up Safina We’re just coming… Okay so Nida, did you tell your father that we’re going to look at girl for your uncle Juni? Yes, I told him. Shall we go? Hello Greetings Brother Rasheed How are you? All well? Greetings sir. Greetings. How are you? All well? I’m well. Come inside. Let’s see what we got today. Don’t worry. You’ll get an email the moment its done. Alright then. Thank you. Brother Junaid? I’ve done the delivery, and this is the receipt for it. Alright good, well done. You didn’t have any problems, did you? No sir, no problems. Alright wonderful… this is fine. Brother Junaid? Hmm? Sister Safina! Greetings! Greetings! Greeting Junaid. Greetings… where are you… going? Greetings uncle. Greetings daddy. All okay sister? If you needed something you should have told me and I would have come to you. Whose car is that? Where are you going? Look at that, one question after another! If I sit down to answer your questions, the girl’s family will be left hanging. .And then I’ll have to face the embarrassment of it all. Listen, give me ten thousand rupees. And we’ll do the rest of the expenses later. Ten thousand? Okay, no issue… uh… but what’s this for? Am I to go empty-handed to the girl’s house or what? One has to give and take something or the other you know. And then to top it all, I had to get an expensive rent a car, car as well. I couldn’t have gone in a rickshaw you know. It would have lessened your position. And then these days people look at such things when you’re going to check out a girl. Hmm Come give me the money now. Here you go Oh hey brother Junaid, you have a lot of money today. Come give it to me. At least then the money will stay in the right hands. Anwar, you have no right to speak in the middle of two siblings! I didn’t realize that even Miss. Safina was present here! Greetings. All well? How are you doing? Stop acting. I know that you have the eyes of an eagle, Anu! Come lets go Nida. Alright then uncle and please pray that mummy likes a girl this time. Amen. Lets go. Come let me leave you outside. Goodbye sister. Who knows how many girls sister Safina has seen these last few years. She rejected every one of them. I think I’m going to die as a bachelor. I hope to God not. .However, as I’ve always told you, if you continue to depend on Safina, nothing’s going to happen for you. I’m telling you, this woman is never going to let you get married. Besides its been years and this is just a way for her to pass her time. And then to top it all, every time she comes here she always cons you out of five to ten thousand rupees… …with the excuse of going to see a girl. Forgive me for saying this Junaid but I’ve never seen or heard of a selfish sister like this in our family ever before. Hey no…Don’t say such things, She’s my only sister and she really cares about me. Get up some courage and tell the one you like how you feel about her. Hey, I’m talking about Husn Ara… How long are you going to hide your feelings from her? Not everything has to be said. Oh man…Come on hurry up! I am running late I’m already quite late as it is. Greetings aunty. Greetings. Bless you. Here are your things. Alright listen… I needed to speak to you Mina! Where are you going??? Mina, wait listen! This girl is always in a rush! She must have had a fight with someone before coming back. Okay listen, Bilal’s parents are coming over so don’t misbehave in any way alright! Even your uncle has given strict instructions for you to behave! No… when have I ever misbehaved before as it is? I always greet them when I go to their house and even if I don’twhat’s the big deal in that? That’s not nice. They’re your future in-laws so you should respect them. Don’t go saying anything untoward to them now! As it is you’re getting married in a few days. By the way, why are they coming? Is there any particular reason for them coming over? I don’t know. We’ll find out once they arrive. Make sure you clear one thing to them! Bilal has to take me along with him to Dubai. He shouldn’t even think of leaving me behind with his parents. I have no intention of living in this neighborhood forever! What is it? Tell me, did you have some work here? Uh… Is aunty in? No, she’s gone to visit a neighbor. Wait up, listen. Junaid I don’t have the time to stand at the window and talk to people! Let Ma know when she comes as to whatever you needed her for! Oh hey, wait… one second. Its… its just… what I wanted to say was… .what did I want to say…? Oh yes, this… bill… give this to aunty. Its… Its been paid. Did you give the money for it? Don’t worry about the money. What difference does it make whether you pay it or I pay it? Its one and the same thing. Wait there….I’m just coming. Here, take this. The account is now clear. If there’s any other that needs to be cleared, let me know and Ill give the money. Why are you embarrassing me? As I just said whether you pay it I pay it…. it’s all the same It’s not one and the same thing. Why are you looking at me like that? Here, take this! Where has sister Safina gotten to? She’s never taken that long at a girl’s house. Maybe she liked the girl whose house she went to. ‘The number you’ve dialed is not answering at the moment” What are you saying sister Bushra? I don’t understand. Look if we’ve done something wrong or if you have some complaint of us then for God’s sake tell us. We’ll atone for it. No, no, what complaint could we have of good people like you. It’s our bad luck that we are forced to say no to this marriage. It’s just that Bilal is refusing this match. He’s told us that he doesn’t want to marry Mina. .And he let us know his decision last night. It’s what we came to tell you. Greetings. Greetings, bless you child. We will beg your leave now. We’re truly very sorry. If possible do forgive us. And Mina, you should also forgive us. Let’s leave, Bushra They didn’t even have tea. Why were they asking for forgiveness? Why are you crying aunty? They came to break the match between you and Bilal. Mmm… God be praised… What to say… the fish smell wonderful. Come lets start….In the name of God In which hand do we hold the fork… Left hand..yes… Mmm… This is really delicious madame Madam Safina! I swear Look at the blessings I have. Yea? Now see… the actual taste of life is found in eating good food N and sleeping well. Its the truth. It keeps one diligent, healthy and fresh. And we have both these blessings by the grace of God! Right? Praise be to God. You’re absolutely right, Mr. Shakil. But it would be better if you were to give my Juni these blessings. All this food and drink, money, home and clothes to wear… It’s because of my Juni that we have all this Absolutely. I just need to tell him once and my command is obeyed. He’s one in a million. It’s why Juni is so loved. Forget it mummy. When do you really care about him. And that poor man, no matter what you ask of him he’s having it delivered to us all day. No one in this world cares more about Junaid than me! After my mother’s death, I’m the one that looked after my father and Junaid the most. I made so many sacrifices for my Juni. It’s the reason why he cares so much for me. Yes dear…Nida don’t interfere between your mother and her brother, okay. And listen, you will give me some of that Chow Mein as well. Don’t even look at the fish. Oh, is that right Mr. Shakil! I was only saying it is all. You can take as much as you like. Its right here. Where is it? Greetings. Greetings. Has your van transport not come? Can you see the van anywhere?! No. Uh… If you find it suitable then I can take you to your office. I’ll find a rickshaw or I’ll get a taxi a little further up….I’ll find my way. By the way Miss. Husn Ara as you already know no conveyance comes this way in the mornings. Which is why I can easily drop you. Hmph? Easily and on this bike? Yes, so what? Plenty of people travel on bikes. They even take their whole families on one bike. In fact, I’ve even heard that there aren’t just one but two - Stop it Junaid! You’re telling me stories about your bike first thing in the morning when I’m as it is getting late for the office! But that’s what I was saying as well. Why waste any further time… Come, let me drop you. I am getting late though Alright fine you can drop me! Let’s go! You seem to be deep in thought? Come and have some peanuts. Its from Parachinar and quite delicious. I wonder where the girl destined for my brother is hiding. I’ve already seen so many girls, but the result is always the same…Zero My poor brother’s become even more lonely after mummy’s death. I know who he has a crush on… He is scared to even utter that girl’s name in front of me Aunty Suraiya’s daughter….Husn Ara…. There you go…Ms. Husna Your destination is here without any discomfort and wasting your time. First of all …this office isn’t my destination. I have yet to go very far in life. And the second thing is… what do I say? I can only say thank you. No need to thank me. …Ms. Husna In fact, you want and think it appropriate I can pick you from office on the way home as well since I already know your office timings. No, thank you. There’s no problem gets conveyance out here. I’ll manage. Okay? As you wish. By the way may I say something? Of course. I can’t stand your rattling bike! Why don’t you just get a car! And what’s with this miserliness that one doesn’t even spend on ones own comforts! Oh hey, its not about being a miser…Ms. Husna.. I’ve never been a miser to date - Wait, listen! Mina! You can cry if you feel like it you know. There’s nothing wrong with it. Its lighten your heart and - I’ll throttle you if you give me such stupid suggestions! Why would I cry? And cry over a person who wasn’t even worthy of me??? I’m not that desperate! Really? Then why do you have such a dour face? If it makes no difference to you then to hell with it! He insulted me! I didn’t like it…I will never forgive him! And then who is he to refuse me??? It’s a refusal from my side! I refuse! I refuse! I refuse! Did your conveyance not pick you up today? In fact, I saw you with someone else on a bike. That was Junaid. Actually we don’t get any kind of transport in our neighborhood in the mornings and since I was getting late…I asked him to drop me and he did. Junaid? What a personality. Every time I heard you mention him, I got the impression he was some useless guy. But… he’s quite nice. You should think about him. You’re my friend but that does not mean that you can embarrass and or make fun of me. Now pay attention to your work. Send that file to me as I have to complete it. Don’t want to work… Sorry. What do I tell you brother… I was too embarrassed to come to your place and face you. You must think that my sister takes my money, but the result is always a negative. What kind of things are you saying sister. Why would I think such a thing? You are my elder sister, so you have every right on me. In fact, you aren’t just my older sister, you are like a mother to me. Oh my brother Junaid, its you saying such things that make me care even more about you. Actually, the thing is that the girl I went to see for you yesterday, those people weren’t quite the right sort. They weren’t even familial. And nor did they know how to host people or anything. They were nothing much…not at all impressive They looked quite shady to me. That’s fine if you didn’t feel they were right sister. Don’t spoil your mood because of it. Okay fine. Your brother-in-law Shakil, Nida and I will come by to your place tomorrow. No sister Safina don’t come to my place tomorrow. Are you stopping me coming to your house? I am. And that’s because I will come to your house tomorrow and I will also bring a surprise with me. A surprise? What kind of surprise? You’ll see for yourself once I come by tomorrow. Are you going somewhere? Yes, since I’ve come out so I must be going somewhere… otherwise, I would have sat home on a Sunday and rested. That’s true. Ahh… If you like I can take you. I can drop you in this. What do you think of it? You’re asking as if it belongs to you? It is by coincidence actually mine. You told me yesterday, so I bought it. You still haven’t said what you thought of it? Uh… Yes, yes, its nice… but it isnt new… I mean it isnt brand new is it? It’s a two year old model… not too old. At least its not a ‘Rattling motorbike.’ Shall we go then? I can take you wherever you want to go. My ride’s here. We had a plan to… go out. Had it not been there I would have gone with you. And by the way, congratulations. Thank you. Who’s honking their horn at your gate? Has the person’s finger gotten stuck to the horn or what? I’ll go see. Greetings uncle! Greetings Nida…How are you? One minute. Is this your car??? You aren’t joking are you? I get the feeling it belongs to a friend, and he’s only brought it here to tease us. Yes, you’re right. You were only saying, ‘Surprise, surprise’ just like that right. Besides, what do you need a big car for? You already have a bike don’t you? That’s right. ...And as it is….savings are a good habit. If a man manages to save, he can help others you know. Isnt that right? And then blessings for it is something that you also get by the grace of God. Yes? Yes… ...but I’ve already bought this car. It’s what I brought for you all to see. What?! You bought this car??? Uh… Yes sister. Oh hey Safina? Sister? Please don’t do this sister and listen to me. Wait and listen to me. You already know that whatever I have belongs to you and brother Shakil. Junaid… These are only words. Had you any thought for us you would never have bought this car! You would have saved some money for Nida’s dowry. You would have bought a gold jewelry set for her to lessen out worries. When it’s time for Nida to get married she will lack for nothing sister…If God Wills Don’t worry like this…and… Okay look here…I need to speak to you about something important. You still have something important left to speak to me about?! There is one thing. I would like you to go to aunty Suraiya’s house with a proposal from me for HusnAra. Oh God Junaid! Have you gone completely mad! That… that Husn Ara who’s arrogant, ill-mannered, full of her own importance girl!!! She’ll make someone’s life a living hell! I like Husn Ara, sister. Don’t you care about my happiness? No! Definitely not!!! I have not just one objection I have a million objections to this match!!! But why sister? Junaid, even if I were to say yes, the first thing she’ll do on arrival would be to start a grievance between us! And then with you gone who else will I have left in my parents side of the family??? I’ll be left all alone. So, you won’t go? No question about it! I will not go! I do everything you say, sister. I’ve never refused you. I’m requesting you…Please agree to what I am saying for onceJust meet aunty once. Junaid I’ve already said no! I will not go there!
Channel: HUM TV
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Keywords: pakistani serial, drama in hindi, latest pakistani drama, best pakistani drama, pakistani drama 2024, jaan se pyara juni new ep, pakistani drama 2024 new episode, jaan se pyara juni latest ep, pakistani drama 2024 latest episode, pakistani drama new, pakistani dramas, jaan se pyara juni 01, jan se pyar juni 1, zahid ahmad dramas, hira mani dramas, mamya shajafar, mamia dramas, ep 01 jaan se pyara juni, jan se pyara juni first episode, jaan se pyara ep 01, jaan se pyara juni
Id: T52F-XMxq_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 42sec (2262 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2024
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