IYC21 - Day 4 -March 27 -2021 - 10:30 AM -Pastor Tommy Bates

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good morning good morning if you'll stand to your feet are y'all tired or what if you're tired say hey if you're excited to say yeah amen amen so i'm excited to be here with you all today for the last day amen i came here in 2016 from virginia and when i and when but what got me here is somebody said to me that if you go it's going to change your life they said go expecting something and today four years ago was the night my life changed or the morning my life changed forever more i left this day in 2016 with a vision i left it with a plan and i left it with a new purpose so can i tell you today today is your day amen get excited come expecting maybe the last three days amen maybe the last three days you didn't get what you needed but today is your last day amen so it's not over yet i want you to begin to get in your heart what what's this last thing that you need from god before you go back see in 2016 i wasn't who i am today amen i was living very much in the world i was a party girl i was lost i was broken i had wounds i had boys amen and i was in college amen so i was 22 so if you're older don't worry this place is for you too amen but i knew once i left this place i was going back different because i got the baptism of the holy ghost and all of a sudden my desires begin to change so let me share this scripture with you right quick because the lord's been speaking it and actually you said it yesterday and so before i was leaving the house today this fell on my floor and i was like oh boy i've got to share it so listen to this habakkuk 2 2-4 then the lord answered me and said write the vision somebody say write the vision and engrave it plainly on clay tablets so that the one who reads it will run amen for the vision is yet for an appointed time it's for the future hallelujah it it might tarry but wait for it wait somebody say wait patiently for it amen look at the proud one his soul is not right within him but the righteous will live by faith amen faith in god so perhaps you're going to leave here today with a vision perhaps here you're going to leave here with a new a new sight in mind but when you leave here i want you to write it down because in 2016 the lord said i would come here and i would move here and i began to write it down but it wasn't until a year and a half later did the lord actually bring me to this place and now i'm walking in the vision that i wrote four years ago amen so is anybody expecting you're going to leave here with a vision you're going to leave here with a plan amen and you're going to leave here differently can you just raise your hands i'm just going to declare it over you you my friend are going to leave here differently than you came you're going to leave here with a new vision you're going to leave here on purpose and you're going to leave here in power amen will you just raise your voices with me today lord most holy god we come before you lord and we ask you lord king of kings and lord of lords that you would just have your way god have your way in my heart to have your way in my mind have your way in my soul have your way in my spirit god i offer my body over to you a living sacrifice holy and pleasing unto the lord god whatever you need i've got it whatever you need god i'm willing to release it god burn me righteous god burn me holy god burn me beautiful god burn me lovely so that then i may present myself a living sacrifice holy and pleasing unto the lord are you ready to worship today come on lift up your voices [Music] how y'all doing this morning yo ready to worship go ahead [Music] let's have a little church 10 30 a.m [Music] [Applause] there's a storm out over the ocean [Music] oh [Music] i'm oh i'm a soldier praise the lord everybody yes [Music] yes in the morning i'm crazy victory turn it on oh oh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] who has the final and no matter what [Music] it out declaration this morning help me tell me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is oh [Music] hey is is oh oh know [Music] come on [Music] [Music] break it down real quick i just want to testify about this song um they they had us do it a couple weeks ago and on the way to church i had such grit me about this song that says i have no reason to fear and i was so nervous kendall was with us in the car i was shaking saying i don't think i can do it i don't think i can do it and i was so bound up in fear about operating and ministry again i was so bound up in fear thinking i can't do it i can't make it but the song says that the lord is my life and i don't care what you've been through i don't care how far you've fallen i don't care what you've gotten yourself and tangled up in you have no reason to fear god is a deliverer god is a and you have no reason to fear so come on this morning let's give god a big praise cause you have no reason to fear [Music] we're gonna do it one more time [Music] i have no reason to fear he's a problem no [Applause] everybody ah [Music] oh [Music] it if you know that the lord our god is jehovah jireh he's our provider come on lift your hands open up your mouth and give god a shout out praise this morning [Music] me [Music] yay [Music] my faith is [Music] gonna [Music] is [Music] [Applause] is [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] preparing me but i know you will you will you gotta come through [Music] lord just need you to show me [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] this me [Applause] [Music] [Music] for me god [Music] [Applause] [Music] god [Music] lord yes [Applause] he will be this morning what only god can do it shall worship this morning that's come from a posture in your heart that is true before god that's gonna create an atmosphere of this glory to come and create something so incredibly tangible in this room [Music] to be faithful to me my voice is exhausting this morning but that doesn't even matter i just have to share that god is so faithful and he is our provider he is jehovah jireh how many times have we been in battles and battles and gone through things but god has been right there to rescue us every single time right i believe that we can create something so great with our worship so can we just take some moments this morning and give god everything that we have worship him as if it's your last moment to worship him worship him this morning worship him this morning and this is this is all for nothing god i surrender everything jesus i surrender my heart to you lord i surrender my heart to you paul god come and wreck us this morning with your presence come and rest this house this morning with your presence jesus do whatever you can do i'm reminded that when you worship god i heard an evangelist say one time that when you worship god when you shout when you release a shabbat praise unto god that god shouts back destroying every mountain destroying every chain destroying every feather that is that's positioned between you and him so if we could just lift up a shot of praise in this room if we can lift up our worship in this room god [Applause] oh god come on god let's go let's go into the kingdom of jesus let's go into the holy of holies [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] amen he's the same god for abraham he's in here this morning he's the same god that was with daniel in the lion's den he's here this morning the same god that was with shadrach meshach and abednego in that fiery furnace he is right here this morning as jehovah jireh the provider for everything that you need you need only ask amen hallelujah come on tell somebody how good they look on the way back to your seats this morning come on young man you've been waiting all weekend for an opportunity to tell her so you look good this morning you look good this morning praise the lord i kind of wish it was wednesday i mean i'm exhausted and all don't get me wrong but i kind of wish we were just getting started amen what an incredible conference we have had so far how many all have enjoyed yourself at iyc21 amen amen amen amen all right so i have to know usually i could tell by facial expressions those of you who have your hoods on you're the ones who stayed up all night long so i want to know who stayed up all night come on wave at me if you stayed up all night all night all right i got an eye on you i'm keeping an eye on you you better stay awake hallelujah hallelujah amen again i just want to take the opportunity to say thank you so much for coming to impact youth conference it has been our pleasure to host you but we still got one more service and we got the man of god pastor tommy bates going to bring a word this morning he's the only preacher i know that can do a saturday morning after you all have been up till three in the morning that's for sure amen but thank you all so much for coming online family thank you for joining us this morning i'm going to jump right in and take up the offering this morning actually before i do that i want to do one thing i want to recognize the incredible amazing and talented team i have here at impact youth ministries at cfc so can you just let the leadership team for the youth group here at impact know how much you appreciate them putting this conference together there are just too many to name too many to name too many to name and then the person is going to hate me for doing this but becca could you stand up the most beautiful woman in the room tonight this morning my wife thank you so much for the support honey praise the lord amen we're going to take up our offering this morning i know many of you have already sacrificed but maybe you want to take this last opportunity to give this morning we're going to do that obviously i i don't need to rehash the the whole uh giving but you can text the word give g-i-v-e to there's offering 859-359-3997 to my left and right back in the sound console i forgot to tell you that last night so everybody came up here but there are a couple back there in front of the sound console those of you in the balcony and the glass partition in front of you there's a couple of buckets you can place your offering in as well and we are just so appreciative of the sacrifices of time emotion and finances that many of you have given to this conference of course if you're watching online you can give at cfcky.com or you can mail to 11875 taylor mill road here in independence kentucky amen the next voice you're going to hear is sister jamie bowman my friend is she ready all right there she is okay we're going to pray over this often you all ready father we thank you so much for the opportunity to give lord in this ministry god and what you're endeavoring to do lord we thank you that there's nothing we can do to pay you back but god this is not about that this is about making sure that young people have a place where they can experience an outpouring of the holy ghost god and we thank you god that you have showed up in a great in a mighty way but god we just praise you in advance for the eternal work that will be done in this service this morning in jesus name can you shout amen with me this morning come on you can do a little better than that shout amen with me this morning amen stand to your feet and you can bring your offering at this time [Music] sometimes we lose the wonder of jesus [Music] we come to church we experience his presence and just like anything else it can become commonplace and anything that becomes commonplace we don't put a value on it we treat it any kind of way we live any kind of way we come in i just church but oh that we could say god you are wonderful just like a wonder that i've never seen before we begin to see him in a different way above our problems above our situation because he's holy can you say that can you say he's holy come on i'm going to sing this as i look around and i see all the words that your hands have made the awesomeness of you how your love will never [Music] this is what [Music] [Music] we'll lift you up [Music] that i can say to tell you how much i appreciate all the wonderful things you've given me your loving kindness to tell you how much i love you [Music] you didn't have to suffer enough for me [Music] i don't know how you could love me [Music] why you could show me so much mercy you didn't have to suffer and die for me [Music] how you could give me so much [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] if i waited until i felt something pastor thomas i waited in the midnight hour when i'm by myself and i got my kids and i waited for so i felt something sometimes i'd be waiting a long time you can't go on what you feel you can't say oh that song's anointed or that song oh when you're in the when you go through some battles like i've gone through and like many other people have gone through and you don't feel nothing and you ain't going nowhere and you feel like you're stuck and you feel like your life is a mess and you feel like nothing's going for you and you messed it all up you gotta get up out of bed shake yourself my situation may not have turned but he's holy he's wonderful he's glorious he's my best friend david said i encourage myself in the lord i dare you right now as we declare this one more time you begin to pray it over your situation are you ready come on [Music] you're worthy glorious please [Music] victorious [Music] you're right come on [Music] hallelujah [Music] one more time [Music] oh you made a way where there seemed to be no way i declare that you are holy i declare that you are righteous i declare that you are good and i declare that you are good [Music] get out to it [Music] [Applause] even when i don't see it you're working oh you're never done praise [Music] just keep your praises going [Music] thank you jesus [Music] praise the lord [Music] we give all of those watching by internet we've had thousands our usual internet audience is somewhere around forty six thousand three hundred that's what the average is during this conference we've had at least twenty something thousand watching uh how many watching right now live streaming i've received messages even this morning from the bahamas they're just people are just being touched by the power of god third wednesday night's message from michael addison your season of weeping is over it's time to recover all and then thursday night with melvin sanchez it was an incredible absolute incredible message on don't go to egypt to get your help go to your father's wells and dig them again go where it's been and then last night's message kept me in tears and shouting and tears and nobody your illustrations i could never preach that message i've never been in a fitness place in my life i'm sure you can tell they preached against all that stuff for so many years and i'm just too old to go now i wouldn't want anybody see me but what wonderful illustrations and what's amazing is i want all of you to understand this because there's many of you going to be used in ministry and you never want to be who someone else is because if you be who someone else is your gift will never reach its fullest potential um michael addison preached a message from the perspective of a young man whose father murdered his mother he can't be like anybody else melvin sanchez preached a message of heritage of taking us back he brought us a connection between that which was and that which is and then last night whom he told you from a broken home broken family all of those things from his perspective so you that feel a call in the ministry if you don't feel like you can yell and spin and stuff like that that what's important is the message that comes out of you under the anointing of the holy ghost and the anointing isn't loud we get loud but that doesn't i heard a lot of people yell and there wasn't an ounce of power in it the anointing destroys the yoke if when we're preaching the yoke is not being destroyed then we can evaluate the messenger and say must not be too much power coming out there because it's the anointing that destroys the yoke we give honor today to the lord jesus christ give honor to all the workers and all of you that's made this possible and we're thankful you're going to go home some of you are going to go home to a dynamic church that's on fire some of you are going to go where it's rough some of you gonna go where it's very difficult some of you since the pandemic your services have never kicked back it's almost like walking into a cemetery but you have to go back you cannot allow the environment to control you you have got to control the environment hallelujah let's all stand together we're going to read our second thessalonians chapter 2 verses 11 and 12 and then come back and explain this just a little bit i'm telling you the musicians the singers and i know she's my daughter but that's going to be one of the jumpiness babies whenever he's here he's got latino blood and he's got cuban blood in him he's going to be the wildest pentecostal cuban that you know they tell me that my mom uh when in the old church and then when the church was in the chicken house well let me see i came around the basement they said mom uh until a few days before i was born would have to turn her guitar sideways and still shout her hair down and give praise unto god so ashley you're carrying that good anointing sister praise the lord second thessalonians chapter 2 verses 11 and 12 for this cause god shall send them strong delusion allow it to happen he's just going to retrieve himself back and say believe what you're going to believe that they should believe the lie that they all might be condemned who believe not the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness just for a few moments this morning we're dealing with the subject don't believe the lie let's pray father we come to you in the name of jesus i'm asking you lord to let your word go forth with love compassion mercy and as your scripture teaches us let this word be preached with demonstration and power of the holy ghost and we'll give you all the praise and all the glory and the wonderful name of jesus let the church say amen you may be seated just for a few moments this morning we're dealing with the subject don't believe the lie our text is found in 2 thessalonians chapter 2 verses 11 through 12. you see in the book of daniel god gives king nebuchadnezzar a night vision of all of the gentile nations that are going to rise up until the end of time he said there's going to be the babylonian the medes the persians the greek and then the roman empire the roman empire would be described as two long iron legs the voice of the roman empire was last heard in 476 but his feet were not formed meaning that the gentile one-world globalistic power was not ready yet to conquer the entire world there were no feet on this image as of at that time we are now living in the coming together of the last world empire in 1945 the united nations was founded in new york april the 7th 1948 the world health organization was founded called the who which was a byproduct of the united nations their headquarters being in geneva switzerland may the 14th 1948 israel becomes a nation in revelation chapter 18 and verse 23 the bible says that this last world empire which is described in the book of daniel 560 years before the birth of christ was going to be the roman empire revised everything that was in rome was going to be in this last world empire but it was going to be mingled with clay and there was going to be a combination that every nation is still going to keep its nationality but this one world globalistic power is going to take control and when you get to revelation chapter 18 verse 23 it says that this one world government comes together now i didn't understand this and none of us did really i don't know of anyone that preached this i was young and i would preach because the scripture says that all of this happens because by thy sorceries network sorceries there is pharmaceutical or pharmaca which we get the word pharmaceutical which comes from drugs by their sorceries were all nations deceived so in my younger days of preaching i would i didn't really know how to interpret this other than there was going to be such an influx of drugs because i'm a product of of the generation that brought the sexual revolution and the drug revolution i come from an age when we said in the elementary school heard the principle get on the speaker and tell us to open up your bible the sixth grade are gonna come and read a scripture we opened up with prayer and then in 1964 every bit of that shut i am from a generation that saw nothing but righteousness as far as leadership and then came the sexual revolution the drug revolution the appetite for the occult all of it came at the same time everything came into this nation and the people who own the pornographic businesses which make more money than mcdonald's ever thought about the people that have contaminated your life are my generation they own every wicked thing the seed was sown into them as teenagers they swallowed the lie they have made merchandise of you they have made merchandise of this generation but the word now has become since the pandemic so powerful this word sorceries pharmacia means because of the medical solution all nations will be deceived now that means this we have not heard the voice of a world empire until 2020. the last time that verse was heard was 476 476 but it's been heard again the voice of this image the voice of this beast has now been heard it has summonsed every nation from the antarctica to the south pole everywhere you can imagine the voice of this beast has summoned every nation every kindred and every tongue it's a time for the unification of global force global power global wealth these things have come and the voice of the antichrist and the voice of this beast are being heard so when you get to 2 thessalonians chapter 2 he said i'm going to talk about the coming of the lords what he said when this world power is in existence when it comes to past he said i want you to not be shaken in your mind or troubled by spirit or word or even by letter that i'm giving you and i don't want you to be deceived because that day shall not come until there come a falling away now in the 60s you know i was i'd go to the holiness churches that's where we all went and everybody preached the great falling away because people were watching television peep women were cutting their hair starting to cut the hair there were some that even started god went as far as coloring the fingernails and they preached against they preached a message called the great fallen away and that's all i heard from the time i was 11 12 13 that's all i heard was a great falling away every time you went somewhere they they say there's a grave we're living in the great falling away our churches are going to be empty it's going to you're going to barely make it the antichrist is coming they would scream in our faces and they would say what are you going to do mama when you can't buy milk for that baby are you going to deny christ and i would sit there in terror and when everybody was believing that it was over the great falling away was here and when interest rates went up to 18 and milk was beyond unbelievable prices gas prices ranged up the notifications were giving that you can no longer have multiple services in church because there's a fuel shortage on this earth people were just saying it's over it's over but in the middle of that all at once the power of god began to move and say no it's not over a young man playing a saxophone down in georgia by the name of jensen franklin didn't know that god was going to raise him up a young man by the name of t.d jakes over in west virginia a teenager he didn't know god was going to raise him up a man by the name of rod parsley in the baptist church didn't have any idea that god was going to raise him up benny hen didn't have any idea that the mantle of kathryn kuhlman was going to fall on him and god was going to raise him up joyce myers was in the met i was in the presbyterian church got a hunger for god called women into her living room smoking cigarettes and saying girls there's got to be more in this bible than what we've got she had no idea what god was going to do through her and tommy bates 1972 16 years old sitting on a piano bench wanting to run away from god wanting to grow my hair long get drunk and go see a dirty movie i had no idea that there was a change in the position because god said listen you all don't see what i see you see a great falling away but i said in my word there would be an outpouring of the holy ghost and all over the world this outpouring of the holy ghost came and here we are again we're in the same situation history is repeating itself one more time people are saying it's over with the apostolic renewal is not coming the pentecostal refreshing is the thing of the past young people don't want this and this is going this way but i'm here to speak to you by the authority of the lamb of god i'm here to tell you that in this building and watching on the internet right now are world changers that god is going to shake you with the anointing of the holy ghost because it's not over till god says it's over we are not in the great tribulation this is the day that the lord has made this is the season of the harvest this is the time that the door of the ark is open it's not time to be lazy not time to be lethargic not time to sit on the sea to do nothing this is the day god has his hand on you right where you are he knows who you are he knows what you've been through he's going to use your testimony as a trumpet that's going to shake the world world changers are in this house and the only way to change a world is to have the great world changer to dwell in you and to work through you and talk to you now give god a shout of praise what is the falling away it's the spirit of no restraint that's coming up on the earth the spirit of no restraint you are getting ready to see things that you are imaginable we are coming into a portion of history to where on the internet things i may say today will be prohibited on the internet this may be my last opportunity to look in that camera and say some things i may say today the rest of our instruction will have to be in private meetings we can preach but we will not be allowed to cross the pro prohibitions the lines that say you can't do it the falling away is the spirit of no restraint you know if if people want to engage in same-sex activity that's one thing but why in the world do they have to wear why in the world do men have to wear bikini underwear down the middle of our little southern country northern country streets and parade their bodies why do i have to go on vacation take my grandchildren to a little play area on the beach and watch men walking down holding their behinds in public i i what you want to do is you know you can do it on one side and the things that i'm saying right now and will say before this is over will not be allowed in the future and i know that when i go to england it's forbidden when i go to canada it's forbidden there are already two or three cities that i preach in in the united states when the pastor says no you can't mention anything of any questionable uh social uh subject you can't mention it because if you do the last preacher that did it there were parades outside my church thousands that held up signs christians hate we could not get in our sanctuary for three to four weeks because of the rage of the community you hear me today this is a drawing of the line between good and evil the stage is being set for the man of sin to be revealed that is the antichrist this world is behind the curtains they're putting everything in place for the antichrist to be revealed but there's another group of people behind another stage behind another set of curtains and they're putting everything in order because there's going to be a grand opening i said there's going to be a grand opening you hear me when the stage of the antichrist opens up and he walks on this earth and declares himself to be god it's going to look like god has gone to sleep it's going to look like the church has died a horrible death it's going to look like the bride of christ has been cast into a graveyard about the time this world system thinks that god has been nothing but a thing of the past oh i see those big drapes open up i see those that are behind the curtains and i see one clothed in a raiment that's dipped in blood i see him riding a white horse i see him coming in clouds of glory let me tell you something heaven and earth will pass away but this word will never pass away let god arise his enemies be scattered you're not a bunch of idiots that are sitting here that are on nothing but an emotional high this isn't an emotional high i'll die for it i'll stand for it i'll live for it i'll walk it i'll talk it because i know what i've got hallelujah the spirit of no restraint is coming upon the earth coming up on the earth who would ever even imagine in your mind to the number one song in america would be so lewd and so crude and so filled with debauchery that i can't even get a bunch of brothers and read one paragraph i read one paragraph a pastor a male pastor said look what the number one song in america is i can't even read it it's so filthy so trashy let me tell you something daughters of zion the enemy wants to make you out like a piece of trash he wants to make you out to look and dress and ask like act like a car on a used car lot just let whoever will take you out for a test run when they get done just just let you know let me just take you out for a test run the enemy has nothing he's verbal he's very verbal he wants to treat you like a piece of trash like some kind of animal you know why he hates you sisters you know why he hates you beautiful little pretty girls that satan says you're uglies and there's nothing you can do about yourself your old time you gotta color it up tuck it up paint it up and you know it's good to look as best as you can but you know why satan hates you because it was a little 14 year old girl that all at once god who left the throne room of glory the throne room of heaven he condescended and made it himself of no reputation and that little girl went oh there's something moving in me and every little girl every little girl satan hates because when he looks at you you have something that the human race does not have i thank god for masculinity but you've got something that the men does not have you've got a womb that carried god you carry god before his name was ever mentioned you carry god for nine months before anybody ever saw him before they ever heard him you carry god he hates your body he hates your body so you need to say body you're the temple of the holy ghost count it a privilege to dress right count it a privilege to look right count it a privilege to not seduce everybody calendar privilege to be numbered of those because your body is the temple of the holy ghost [Applause] well hallelujah i said well hallelujah quit looking at yourself as ugly quit looking at yourself as hollywood's trash no i suicide's falling off of some of you [Music] that spirit of intimidation and unworthiness has fallen off of some of you some of you already been messed with you've already been raped some of you already molested some of you has already had a the enemy's already worked a heyday on you but there is a fountain filled with blood drawn from emmanuel's veins ask ask mary magdalene come on mary testify testify mary didn't you have seven devils i did have seven devils but the blood the blood [Applause] i don't care what's happening to you in your past i don't care how many uncles got down your breeches i don't care how many cousins have molested you i don't care how many times you've been slopped on all over you let me tell you there's a fountain filled with blood and the moment that blood touches you you're just as much as pure as anybody to come out of a sunday school room hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah shake it off [Music] god set you free [Applause] yeah i know what the enemy wants [Music] he wants you to let's keep on preaching the lie the lie is every thought say every thought that exalts itself above the knowledge of god that's the lie second corinthians 10 and four four the weapons [Music] of our warfare i wish i could tell you once the drop of blood touches you it's a it's a skateboard ride to heaven but after that blood touches you you have to fight i said you have to fight and the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through god for the pulling down of strongholds because there's a war going on over the lie satan wants you to believe the lie even though the blood has cleansed you he wants you to believe the lie even though you've been set free he wants you to believe the lie hallelujah he said your daddy committed suicide your grandpa committed suicide your great-grandpa committed suicide you're destined for a suicidal death you say you're a liar satan you're a liar you see that cross you see that blood you see what touched me don't believe the lie don't believe the lie don't believe the lie oh hallelujah the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through god for the pulling down of strongholds where's those chains pulling down a chains pulling down the strongholds where's those chains hallelujah hallelujah pulling down on strongholds weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through god for the pulling down of strongholds what are the strongholds imaginations mental images mental images you go to sleep you have dreams of being raped you have dreams of being molested you have dreams of perversion you've seen enough slop gut trash on that internet that every time you go to sleep it's over and over and over and over and over one sex act after another one case of abuse after another but he said the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but they're mighty through god for the pulling down of the mental pictures the mental pictures you say i may get the middle picture but the middle picture will not have me you hear me it may be in my head but it's never gonna come out of my heart it may be in my mind but it's never gonna overtake me it's never gonna take me because i'm free i'm free i'm free [Music] when you get saved when you get saved you don't lose your mind he cleanses your heart he don't take your brain and dip it in alcohol from aldehyde every filthy thing you've seen every i saw the first filthy thing when i was in the fifth grade i can tell you exactly what it was i can tell you where it was when it was and what it was i can't get it out if a dream it comes back up again it'll always come back up i got to tell you this because you get the sometimes you think the preacher preaches it when you get saved you don't think those things anymore that's a lie you don't do those things anymore i just about ran on that one [Applause] those mental images are still there they'll never be gone every person that's ever taken every person that's ever done anything immoral to you anybody that's ever taken advantage of you you cannot ever get it out of your mind you hear me it'll be there it'll come up that you're gonna get so full of god that it won't be there all the time and finally it'll it'll it'll it'll be so faint so faint so faint so faint you go you'll go days you'll go weeks and then you'll go months and then you'll go years and you'll go man i haven't thought of that in so long i can't believe it it's almost like what the world's happened to me what has happened to me you just got to keep on going forward you got to keep on going but don't you get hung up because of the mental picture in your mind you keep on putting this word in your mind and it won't be long that what you used to have is so far back in your memory bank that you'll have to go and log it in to try to get it to come up because god will give you a total new perspective of who you are don't believe the lie of evolution psalms 139 you are fearfully and wonderfully made don't believe the lie of evolution you are fearfully and wonderfully made don't believe the lie of the redefinition of the family and marriage in romans 1 25 he said who exchanged exchanged the truth of god for the lie and worshiped worship that word worship isn't necessarily our praise gyrations that we do and all of our praise calisthenics thank god for them they keep young they keep you healthy keep you fit and they give god glory and give god praise and i must soon rather see you jumping and praising and magnifying god than to be in some mosh bash pit whatever they're called and jumping up and down and acting crazy in the world with a joint in one hand and half drunk with your hand down your girl's britches and everything else going on i'd rather see you in here magnifying god and giving god praise and magnifying him so i'm not intimidated oh i know i got a bunch of starchy britches i know i got a bunch of old gray hair starchy britches and say i'm just not in for all that jumping up and down when you see me move it's god and it's only god that's the only way i'll move so what if you haven't had a move since 1984 and you haven't had a move since 2003 oh but when you move it's god i'm here to tell you i might be old but doesn't take too much for my hand to go up it doesn't take too much for a hallelujah to come out oh glory to god he's god whether i feel it or not he doesn't have to pick me up and shake me and throw me on the floor so we don't all he's got to do is say i love no all i got to do is look at that cross everybody point to the cross say that's all i need to jump that's all i need to praise that's all i need to dance that's all i need to shout that's all i need to glorify god that's all i need that's all i need i don't have to have a new song i don't have to have an old song i don't have hillsong i don't have to have bethel i don't have to have anybody all i need is that cross and if i've got that cross up i've got to shout i've got a praise i've got joy unspeakable and full of glory worship means worth worship means worth he's worth more to me he's worth more to me and sitting in that cinema watching women's tops flopping around in my face and i haven't been in one in 72 years since 1972 i haven't been in a cinema and you could go if you want to that's your business but i made up my mind then i wasn't going and i know the family says come on let's all go we're on vacation go see you come on paw paw go see you dizzy i said uh i'm not going to get started on that i didn't do it when i was a teenager and i'm not going to do it now that i'm old i'm not going to do it i'll just bring me a dvd if it's a good one we'll watch it at home i'll check it out on the airplane and see if it's a good one but i don't want to go why don't you want to go because i'm sick and tired of all the advertisements they give about the other trash that's on there while i'm in there getting with my family getting ready to watch disney there's another advertisement over here that's so seductive so ludicrous so horrible that i can't even stand even walk by the place oh yes worth worship means worse you're worth more to me than a filthy movie you're worth more than me in that trash on the internet you're worth more to me than smoking this joint you're worth more to me than wearing this seductive fill this ducts of clothing you're worth more to me oh i lost the worship i'ma say it again you're gonna say that's right you're worth more to me than anything else who changed the truth of god into a lie and worshiped worth themselves more than the creature which is creator which is blessed forevermore amen and because of this they were given up to vile affections the men went after the men and the women went after the women yeah that's what the bible said always a consequence when you eat the forbidden tree adam thought it's just a piece of fruit but then thorns came then rage came between the species and the lions ripping up the the lamb eventually murder came and then finally finally adam looks down to his boy his baby boy and sees the blue lips of a dead band oh this sin thing took me further than i thought it'd take me this sin thing made things happen i didn't think what happened it was just a little piece of fruit i didn't know all of this would happen i didn't know it would happen there's consequence i said there's consequence i know there's some of you you don't have any idea what i'm talking about because you have never been you've never been in a funeral home you've never been in a place you've never got the phone call from the grandma and grandpa that attend here you never got the phone call and said we were just and said we were looking for justin couldn't find him we went out in the field country people we we hollered justin justin where are you justin where are you we looked we called the neighbors justin up there playing video games no justin over here noah where's justin he went down to the barn open the door he saw the tractor the rope was thrown around the main beam justin put the rope around his neck jumped off the top of the tractor 17 years old his legs are swinging in the air oh the lie the lie then i got to go to the funeral home nobody's there yet i'm holding the cold hands of a 17 year old oh does that ever make an old man hurt does that ever make a daddy hurt to look into the face of a handsome 17 year old and they're cold cold and then all at once the door opens in the funeral home you can hear the scream 16 year old 18 year old 15 year old oh god why did you do this god why did you do this the demons of hell sit back in laughter [Laughter] just what i wanted just what i wanted they'll all hate god when this is over i got him to smoke pot i got him to elicit sexual activity i got him to do everything and now i've killed him and they're blaming god we've raised 10 other young men in our house besides our own two boys ashley knows what it's like to be raised in a house full of boys and one of them brilliant his daddy was a druggie his mommy was a druggie and he came down one of the families in the church said he came from michigan they said can you can you help us he's 16. we don't know what to do with him i said let's bring him over they brought him over to the house i took him to simon kenton i called the 12 high schools he had already been in i got all of his credits together the board of education because of my degree in education they allowed me to teach him a couple of those classes i got all of his credits together his iq was way as high as you can imagine high very high iq yeah but he believed the lie after being in my house for about four months [Music] i said i looked at him i said you love me you love the house i've provided you love the food the clothes and the bed but you don't know where it comes from i said most men my age wouldn't give a teenage kid nothing they'd spend it on the boat they'd spend it on the golf game they'd spend it they'd spend it on the house and floor the house there in the house there they wouldn't waste their time on a teeny bopper i said don't you know that god took these hands to show you he loved you [Music] he walked out i didn't see him again the next time i get a phone call they said he's gone to jail on his way to prison [Music] involved in illegal sales of cars taking cars from tennessee changing their license plate making a big making lots of money teenager 19 years old making probably 150 000 a year stealing cars running them from state to state changing their license plate because he was so brilliant and so intelligent but he believed the lie i don't care what your a.c.t scores are i don't care how high your intellectual scores may be when you believe the lie you've made the worst decision because he was in transition they allowed me and him to physically come together i went through one set of doors went through another set of doors when i got through the third set of doors they shut the officers behind me wearing orange a handsome boy that came to these conferences sister cindy a handsome young man that went with me to jeremiah yocom's church and while they were shouting all around he just sit there looking like you people don't have my intellect [Music] i i don't i don't get moved by all this shaking and shouting and speaking in tongues it don't move me you can see the pride you see it he went to barberville yeah he said all through it a couple times had a little crying spell but that was it i come through that second gate and in the distance we're in that orange prison outfit 19 years old i saw this young man strong bulky dragging his feet he looks up and he goes oh god i didn't want you to see me like this i didn't want you to ever see me like this oh i didn't think you'd ever see me like this i said you want me to leave no i want you to be here but i never wanted you to see me like this this is what happens when you believe the lie have you ever seen anybody die of aids have you ever watched a 220 pound strong young man [Music] handsome six foot four have you ever seen a six foot four 220 handsome young man die of aids when the body decomposes and out of his rectum his backside yes he lays a skeleton while his decomposed body begins to ooze out of himself you rot from the inside out you hear what i'm saying don't you ever think oh he may look like something really good and she may look like something really good but when you have to look in the mirror every day at genital warts and all kinds of sexually transmitted diseases and all kinds of things that's plagued your body and i know they're teaching you in the public school there's four ways to express yourself sexually one we would call naturally the other one anal sex oral sex and mutual masturbation i hate to even talk like this in church but that's what they're telling you in this this world that's what this world's telling you but i'm telling you today you believe that lie you believe that lie it's a worse condition than you can imagine there's some of you come here you're that close to believing that lie [Music] you're just a short distance don't believe the lie of drunkenness personality altering drugs then impair your judgment impair your decisions removes your natural precaution when there's something wrong that's what marijuana does that's what alcohol these are all personality altering drugs but the worst thing that personality altering drugs do is they open up your soul your will mind and emotion to demonic influence demonic influence oh don't believe the lie of drunkenness don't believe the lie it's my body i will dress the way i want first corinthians 6 and 20 says you're bought with a price glorify god in your body and your spirit which are god's it's not god's will for you to put a piece of strap up your back in and shake your naked flesh all down a beach and think that you're somebody and show your nakedness that is not the will of god don't believe the lie of abortion don't believe the lie of abortion it's a lie don't believe the lie of overpopulation every person not every person i've i've tallied it up you can put nine billion people in the city limits of jacksonville florida you find out what the surface area of the earth is and divided by the population you'll find that this world is telling you the biggest lies that exist you hear me don't believe the lie of abortion don't believe the lie of self-righteousness that i'm a good person look what i've accomplished all of my self-righteous deeds because any time you have self-righteousness any time that you put your emphasis on your talents your good education your skills it'll cause you all of those things that testify for your productivity rejects the cross when you say i'm a good person you let the bloody crucified christ you look at him with his jaw ripped out where they plucked his beard with his back fillet open where they whipped his back the scars in his hands his face and he looks at you with such love and you say i'm a good person i don't need your blood well you didn't know you were saying that did you that's because it's the lie it's the lie of self-righteousness it's the lie the end of self-righteousness you will become a very selfish person even to the point like cain and murder your brother the only way you will reject the lie is to come to the knowledge of the truth the tree of the knowledge of good and evil was forbidden but now evil's coming to the world the only way is to come to the knowledge first samuel two and three don't let arrogancy come out of your mouth for the lord is a god of knowledge and by him actions are weighed everything you do proverbs 1 7 the awesome respect of the lord is the beginning of knowledge hosea 4 and 6 my people are destroyed for the lack of knowledge habakkuk 2 and 14 for the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the lord as the waters cover the sea luke 1 and 77 jesus came to give the knowledge of salvation by the remission of your sins through the blood of his cross ephesians 1 17 god the father of glory may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and the revelation in the knowledge of him in this conference you have felt something but you need to make sure before you walk out these doors that you know something before you leave if you feel something and never know anything when the feeling's gone yeah you'll be right back at the same old stuff some of you will be back at it before you ever get on that van before the sun goes down tonight some will be right back where you were in the first place because you never came to the knowledge you believed the lie the only way to reject the lie is through the knowledge of god john 1 john 3 and 14 says we know oh we know i may know something today [Applause] [Music] i know say i know i have passed from death unto life because of this love i feel in my soul one of the young men the other night all of us shouting and stuff is foreign to him and i came behind him his hands from his uh his uh wrist down were so cold they were like this in ice ice chest and his his whole body was trembling and you're too big for me to do that too he was standing there like this and i just came behind him like that sort of patting him on the back like this and i went i felt his fingertips they were so cold and i went like this he grabbed my hand like that grab it both of them get both hands out he held on and squeezed like nobody's business and he kept on squeezing i thought he must be terrified and he kept on squeezing he wasn't terrified he was feeling this incredible awesome love that he couldn't imagine somebody said how do you know that because after he squeezed my hand [Applause] for a good ten minutes he turned around and squeezed me i mean squeeze and squeeze and squeeze and squeeze you hear me there is a special love when you come out of death into life that you know that you know that you know that you know come on say devil i know the truth because i got love in my heart hallelujah hallelujah first peter 1 18 says we know that we've not been redeemed with such things as silver and gold but with the precious blood of jesus how do you know the truth not just because of love but because you've been redeemed by that blood say satan i got to tell you something i know this i know the conference is over i know savannah's not singing more can that girl sing i know ashley's not singing that jay's not singing i know the praise team's not singing but let me tell you i got something there i didn't just feel it i know i know what happened to me i got love i know the blood has been revealed to me i know and i'm not ashamed because i know in whom i have believed and i am persuaded that he's going to keep me through every trial ever difficulty every obstacle do you know that today hallelujah [Music] [Applause] and i know that there is nothing that can separate me from the love of christ tribulation distress persecution for i am persuaded that neither death nor life angels principalities heightened our death powers things to come or things present i know that nothing's going to separate me from the love of god in christ jesus so when you're like me 17 years old and you're sitting in simon canton and the enemy said everybody's against you and you go to your locker room because your church is in a nine week revival and people are getting saved like unbelievable and i come to my locker and my my uh with that thing called that combination lock i've hit that 23 18 22 something like that i'd hit that combination i go well i woke up this morning knelt down on the ground and bill who was the captain of the baseball team or the basketball team kenny who was captain of the baseball team and david captained the football team and john shared a locker with me he was the captain of the swimming team i was threat i was always in the locker room but never did play that stuff and here we go and all once i go well i woke up this morning now they look at me they go pray to god in heaven they go and the holy ghost come down hallelujah oh there's gonna be times you're gonna feel by yourself but you know something i said you know something when everybody's drinking their little kings you know something when everybody's smoking their pot you know something when everybody's going this direction you know something oh you might not be feeling it but you know something and because you know something you say i've drawn the line i'm not backing up i'm going to be what god has called me to be because i know in whom i have believed let's go stand together i want you to give god the best shout to condemn [Music] [Applause] i know something i know something and when i sat there i went to the prom the holiness people were not allowed to go to the prom but because i sang a gospel song they asked me to be the entertainment there were 700 there or about 750. 300 seniors 312 seniors there are dates and juniors that was there i don't know how many juniors were there school teachers were there and one of the girls that went down to mexico to visit some of her family no she went to california and they crossed over to mexico she come with a purse and it really wasn't a purse it looked like a big bushel basket and they said girl what you got in there she said it's my purse it was filled with tequila that were you talking about that worm in it yeah is that real stuff from mexico yeah i'm sitting there in a prawn school teachers are drinking tequila everybody's drinking tequila yeah i was sitting there drinking somebody said a screwdriver wouldn't hurt you that's orange juice with some vodka in it i said the strongest thing i drink is iced tea and that'll be it cause i don't need any of this stuff i know something this tambourine shaking head banging bunch can't follow you everywhere when you're in that car you got to know something when you're in that cinema you better know something and the only movie i ever saw as a teenager when i went in that cinema it was billy jack and when that man took that knife and split that girl's brawl open and both of those things come flopping out when i saw that i looked at my friend i said i gotta get out of here now i know why they preach against this stuff now i know why they preach against this stuff let me tell you when you know something you'll get out of the cinema when it's time when you know something you'll get out of that place this time you don't care what they say you don't care what they do but you know that you have had an experience with god take these seats take these seats on these rolls just remain standing i want to get plenty of ultra space here come on keep your mind on the lord sing something actually because i'm there's some people need to make a decision for this thing is over so i want to get plenty of hallelujah hallelujah if you could just hold out just for five minutes this might be this might be the change of someone's destiny i know we're not supposed to join hands but i want you at least join spirits and let's all pray right now father in the name of jesus i'm asking you lord the chains that you spoke to us in a prayer meeting you said by the holy ghost we would hear chains fall there are some that have already started to believe the lie of their sexuality there are some that have already started to believe the lie of drunkenness there may be even those who've experienced the lie of abortion we don't need to know that it's under the blood if you're being born again and there's some that's believed the lie of self-righteousness in the name of jesus god loose those chains [Music] if you're in the back wall of that balcony or you're in the back wall anywhere and you still have not had that inner work that needs to be done in your life the truth is the only thing that's going to make you free [Music] i want you to get out of your seat and come down here right now hurry up as quickly as possible this is you that needs something done on the inside before you leave here oh how [Music] hallelujah [Music] is there anybody today there's something you still have holding you back i'm gonna ask that then the second thing i'm gonna do is go those in ministry [Music] you still got something holding your back okay here's the second question this is normal because usually my position is generally the anointing is to be to transcend transcendent how many in this place today you feel the call into ministry of some kind i want you young men to come first and come on this side the reason why is i'd like you to all you that feel i don't care where you are balcony or where you feel the call in the ministry and you want young ladies that feel the call to ministry come on this side come on jesus [Music] oh [Music] leave enough room for those coming down the aisle to come around hallelujah hallelujah this could be women this could be girls there's no age on this you feel the call of the ministry first of all i want to tell you something about this house this isn't in an ordinary house this house is 68 years old never had a split this house has heard the preaching from our beginnings claude ely johnny carter [Music] peggy richards harley hensley the happy goodman have been here in their day the hensons from the 70s were here in their day dottie rambo sang here tommy barnett has preached here jensen frank here franklin many different times perry stone what i'm telling you is the mantles that are in this house are incredible today you could receive [Music] a call on your life that's going to be totally unique how old were you pastor todd when you got your call you just a teenager weren't you how old 10 years old when you first felt it he answered the call at 15. you see you you if you delay the call more of that lie can come to you the lie can come [Music] so to today when you watching my internet you can't be here girls i want you to see yourself differently and you've ever seen yourself in the in the ever in your perspective i want you to say satan you really hate me you hate me because i'm the first one [Music] my gender is the first one that god came and dwelled in and i know you hate me and because i know you hate me i want you to know i hate you and we have that agreement now i need all you youth directors youth pastors if you have to come up on the platform we're going to pray and believe god is going to do an impartation here of the spirit of god father in the name of jesus let's sing this first i want to get everybody in ready in position because i believe something supernatural is going to happen to you before you leave this house today [Music] father in the name of jesus you said in the last days i will pour my spirit on the handmaidens you said there was going to be a special calling upon women women you said that you were going to call them in these last days and they were going to open their mouth and speak fully the word of the lord now in the name of jesus let the mantle's from this old house sister floyd has preached so much in this house peggy richards let those anointed mantles fall on these young ladies raise us up prophetess song leaders raise us up preachers you sisters gonna have to move around oh thank god you anointed sisters great for these girls in the name of jesus lord move on these young men they have overcome the wicked one they have overcome internet pornography they've overcome the filth and the trash of this world now in the name of jesus that the mantles of this house begin to fall upon their shoulders we'll give you all the praise and all the glory in the name of jesus and just receive that's all that's left [Applause] [Music] uh i the authority of the name of the lord jesus christ i'm going to drop these chains everything that stopped you [Music] either about the son of a host who are you where are you from justin lebanon are your parents in church how old are you justin don't look through your rear view mirror anymore you even even even now you keep on looking in your rear view mirror saying yesterday you won't go anywhere that way there's a new day ahead of you a new day oh you can look and praise god what could have happened and what should have happened and what didn't happen because you wouldn't be here it's all right to give god praise for seeing you through but don't look through your rear view mirror and let the devil tell you that what happened then is going to happen again because it's not going to happen again he's got a windshield in front of you that's big and he's got a highway that's straight and today when i throw these chains down everything that's held you down we're gonna believe by the authority of the name of jesus [Applause] and by 49 years of preaching that i know what god can do my faith level's high oh justin it's gonna be good it's gonna be good you play music a little bit of guitar you're saying god's gonna turn your voice loose in a different way in a different way [Laughter] who is it in your family is there somebody anointed in your family your grandparents there's a generational blessing that's been on you since you were born and get ready that thing's going to be manifest in the nahashaya in the name of jesus when this chain hits that ground you're gonna start looking out your windshield and driving a different way somebody's gonna say whoa where's justin going he's on the highway on the highway of god's perfect will glory to god glory to god glory to god are you ready satan you hear me every chain every molestation every perverted act every filthy thing that you've tried to chain and divide every thought of suicide of unworthiness of intimidation every thought that exalts itself above the knowledge of god is going to break and these ministers of the gospel are going to step out of their chains and they're going to walk in the liberty that christ has made them free in the name of jesus if you're ready when these chains hit the ground from the back of that balcony all across here we're going to give a shabbat a are you ready left to do now than crazy oh [Music] is [Music] and when the fire falls great scott brother horn brother horn come here will you come around the back way if you want to eat it i don't even know where his church is where's his church they around here somewhere put one hand there put one hand there out of your mouth are gonna come words when you go back home that's gonna set the captive free god's gonna draw [Applause] brother there's gonna be so many people come that are bound that are into lesbianism homosexuality i'm telling you i see a whole flock of them i mean they're coming in bad shape but god's going to give you the words of eternal life in the nada botosa in the name of jesus you live in virginia you're not going back to virginia the same [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] bye sister do you preach i've never heard you preach but when i put my hands on him i saw fire come out of your mouth [Applause] [Applause] [Music] holy [Music] you know him you're related you go saint church there's a connection there's a connection go up there and touch over his hands one will put a thousand of life the two will put ten thousand of life just back each other's hands there's a connection in the holy ghost [Applause] fire reach keep yourself unspotted living free from sin fasting and prayer that's the way it comes when the fire flows on you you'll speak it other times they can't survive who is this brother who is that brother [Music] [Music] who are you [Music] why this is my neighbor and i didn't even know it he's down on the river way down yonder it's a long way off he said we started the church three weeks before the pandemic [Laughter] well here's what i feel like doing we're we're going to walk off your territory [Music] because god's going to take what's at independence right down the river to hebron in jesus name oh [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] god it's amazing he's grown up so much i didn't know who he was his daddy lived in our house for three years not as a rehab his dad came up from virginia to work on his master's degree he wasn't one of the ten boys i raised it's amazing i kept on looking back there and you're so smart looking and so intelligent looking and you are i know that you are a brain and the holy ghost said i am going to use him in such a way [Applause] oh i love it when the smart ones get it [Music] because you know what happens to them they realize [Music] let me tell you something i don't know if you're aware of this but there was an evil spirit that followed you here you may not be aware of it but there is an evil spirit that's been watching you in a distance he can't get to you because the prayers of your parents he can't get to you you can't just try he tries and he followed you here but in the name of jesus i said in the name of jesus he may have followed you here but he's to hightail it out of here you're not going home the same way [Music] oh oh hallelujah i feel like i've been so disobedient this whole service because this has been on my heart this whole service jay jay you were singing i have no reason to fear there's some youth leaders out there i know this is a conference for the youth but i got to tell some youth leaders something you came here fearing you carry a heavy burden for these precious kids a heavy burden you sleep with it you wake up thinking about these kids wondering if you are qualified to lead them in the way that they should go because you know they come from lives that aren't directing them but let me tell you let me tell you it's parents like me who are so grateful for your leadership my kids are here they are doing dramas they are preaching and they are singing it's because of the leadership it's because the youth leaders like tan and rebecca and pastor tom who have poured into my kids i want you to know you have no reason to fear listen to me use youth leaders you that are called to be youth leaders you have no reason to fear you were not given fear and your kids they see your strength when you walk in authority becca these precious girls walk in authority because you do you do you do praise you jesus just like these youth oh god please don't let them leave the way they came but youth leaders don't believe the way you came don't leave the way you came you drove five hours parents there's parents in here i come bringing kids parents you drove five hours you drove five hours to get your kids under this anointing you don't leave the way you came either you walk out of here with your authority this is not an experience can i tell you i'm tired of experiences i don't want an experience cindy this is not an experience for you you and isaac were transformed praise god youth leaders you have been transformed you have the authority to leave these kids [Applause] praise god you're standing up carter this isn't the end of here's the end of not the end of the story but this is the rest of it since i know who you are praise god the mantles we were talking about the mantle of glen sturgill you're going to go back with [Applause] [Laughter] how old are you carter 15 is that all you are oh there's a whole bunch of growing going to go on in this man glory to god glenn sturgill mighty man of god this this young man's going back to virginia not only with that demonic power not following him but he's gonna be wearing his grand great grandfather's mantle in the name of jesus hebrews it will never [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] um have you ever preached have you ever thought about preaching if you will one day you will oh my my my my my [Laughter] they haven't even seen what's gonna happen in you god's gonna put you on a level of sanctification and consecration and dedication that when you open your mouth people that's looked around said where did that come from because you are going to expound on the word of god and when you do the chains of your generation are going to be broken you don't have to do any cliches you don't have to act like anybody you don't have to act like a culture you just gotta be you cause the moment you open your mouth what was on your grandmother is gonna come out of your mouth since your grandma preached did your grandmother preach she did well what was in her mouth is she still alive oh oh yes she is oh yes she is she just changed locations and her assignment has been given to you today when sister julie said this is not just his experience it reminded me of what god was speaking to me when i was driving here today i kept hearing life change life change life change some of you need to declare right now this is a life change i will not leave the way i came this will stick for life this will stick for life life change i speak it right now i speak it i declare it for you right now this is a life change a turnaround from this day forward [Music] glory [Music] [Applause] little sister i'm gonna put oil on your head has anybody ever done this before has anybody ever called you out and said that the call of preach was on you i don't know that but your grandma's not dead she's alive very much alive and her ministry's alive and we're going to recognize her ministry operating through you come on up here we're going to put this a little dab of oil if you've been anointed by other people just going to get a little more this is kentucky oil hallelujah and all these mammals around here and i can't wait one day to hear you preach in the name of jesus in the name of the lord jesus christ we release the ministry in jesus name hallelujah hallelujah it will never one more time do it again [Music] bracelet [Music] we're so glad you joined us from the many different nations of the world we've had the most incredible youth conference and i'm here to say the blood still works it has never lost its power we'll see you sunday morning 10 45 sunday night at six o'clock we love you god bless you is our prayer let's give you praise tommy bates ministries there is a fervent desire to bridge the gap of what mighty men and women of the faith have shown him over the years to this current generation that so desperately needs a relationship with the holy spirit god's continued faithfulness to open doors for pastor tommy bates has done just that the message of jesus is going around the world and lives are being transformed if the holy spirit is leading you to pursue partnership with tommy bates ministries i encourage you to make your commitment today join pastor tommy bates as god passionately uses his ministry to stir and impact lives for the cause of jesus christ to partner or contact tommy bates ministries visit tommybates.com or call 1-866-411-1032 or write us today you
Channel: CommunityFamilyChurch
Views: 3,315
Rating: 4.9512196 out of 5
Id: 4zFB5SrJBZs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 140min 35sec (8435 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 27 2021
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