I've Searched for this Spot for Years - The Red Box of West Clear Creek

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so if you watch the channel you know that I'm kind of obsessed with West Clear Creek in Arizona and there's a spot called the red box that I've been looking for for a long time I've been in the white box it looks like this and the red box is like that only red because I didn't name it anyway did we find it yes we did all right what seems to be the problem Nick there seems to be a lot of right now you know how hard it is for me to Bleak things as soon as Nick gets done trying on a bunch of shoes we're gonna head down in that thing back there say that again for John I hate them those are the same shoes that Nick told me to buy so I have a pair of those pieces you know where we're going right no great we're about two minutes into the hike and uh we're already cliffed out Nick did not research this properly holy crap dude there's no way man Nick [Music] where did you lead us Nick do you know that you are a rock climber and I'm not right you have different degrees of being fine hey there's the creek I know it's nice too yeah if it wasn't for this dead end that you've let us do how's that handline looking there Nick that's great it's perfect it looks a little short out out it's almost about seven feet which is just enough to get down this 20-foot cliff there's two types of men ones who read instructions the ones who don't and unfortunately we're both the ones who don't so Nick got a vague idea of a location that we could climb down here and said that's close enough and I said yeah he's done the homework we're fine but we survived and we're at the creek good job Nick [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] yeah I bought this as a joke I was going to give it to the person we were canineering with and I forgot and now I brought it for myself and I didn't look at the size I don't think this is going to be adequate hey Nick let me have that lime on this is gonna help so much thank you wow [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] literally just said Nick this is a great day and before I finish the sentence I slipped twisted my ankle so I think it's gonna be all right but when I step on it a certain way it's tweaked pretty good so I'm chilling out he's going up scream a little bit further check out another section and then we'll link up and head back that way don't know how I slipped it's perfect walking conditions [Music] hello [Music] all right Nick's back we're heading out let's see what happens when we get back to the exit [Music] [Music] cut out there [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you inside is trying went a little further past the canyon wait for the sun to go down and found this [Music] and this wow this spot is so amazing there's an arch up there because why not [Music] how's my hair good yeah this spot's amazing wow just wow so we walked a couple of Miles back to where we came in and my ankle's doing all right it's I think I hyper extended it something it's not Twisted but it hurts when I do certain things but I can get out anyway Gotta Wait for Nick he went down a little bit further than me I'm gonna rest for a bit and then up the hill thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] oh my God I'm gonna record this while it's raw um I'm not gonna say what route we took I'm not gonna say where that was besides West Clear Creek I straight up died on the way out like I don't know what happened I had no energy I was literally going 10 steps at a time I ended taking breaks it's just dangerous Nick of course was fine because Dick is a freak of nature but yeah beautiful place glad I did it don't want to do it again uh there's no recording coming out because I I just just now finally got past all the roads the roads are trash too by the way they're strange but you know it's West Clear Creek but um yeah I don't think it'd be responsible for me to lead a bunch of people down there it's rough and I have not seen it heard of anybody who's been there because it's brutal I mean Nick even came back God bless him man I mean that guy had so much patience waiting on me he came back got my pack like the last 100 100 150 feet or so yeah that far but uh even when I was that close to the truck I was dead I wanted to record coming up to the truck I was dead I yeah anyway what's Clear Creek Red Box beautiful crossed that one off of my list and never ever ever go back now we're going to get Mexican food [Music] Nick's complaining I don't know why I hang out with somebody that's so negative you need to be more positive like me Nick start taking notes Jerry I didn't bring my candy nearing shoes oh never mind [Laughter] foreign do you see how he didn't even move like what if I really needed help I'll come back and uh you know you'll be at the other end you can take pictures of me coming towards you I look better from the front anyway that's true I know I look good from all angles that was that Jerry [Music] Nick should not touch this thing don't touch your GoPro Nick don't forget that that's where it's all at right there we've done it Nick we found the Red Box said it couldn't be done but there it is nobody but come on I'm being dramatic [Music] foreign
Channel: Jerry Arizona
Views: 162,354
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: lhMi4EG0Ykc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 10sec (850 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 14 2023
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