I've Got More Money Than I Can Use and I'm Miserable!

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[Music] jack is with us jax in oregon what's up jack hey you guys i've got a question for you that will seem ridiculous to other listeners but it's it's real to me um i'm 37 my wife and i just entered baby step seven yay wow yes you're 100 debt free you're rocking retirement and you're 37. you're a rock star man yeah and that sounds and it is exciting and our net worth is just north of a million dollars so we're doing great so good um but here's here's the struggle we face now um you know mathematically with our income and with this savings this will turn easily into several million by the time it's it's time to retire 10 or 20. now yeah i i struggle with a sense of purpose now it almost feels like i'm working for nothing i don't know what to do with you know i've got more money than i could possibly use when you're when you're working on paying off a house that's a motivator yep um everything's gone right so now you know writing checks for charity that doesn't it doesn't always satisfy me it's just a check i don't see the end result um leaving a ton of money to my kids it doesn't feel satisfying i feel like that just puts them in the same problem i'm facing right now we don't spend a ton that doesn't satisfy me to spend time i it's just i struggle when i say so you have discovered that money is not the answer to happiness yeah that's awesome very cool good for you so now what well i'm gonna tell you jack the reason you feel the way you feel is because you're realizing that we were created to work genesis chapter 2 is where we first realized this that we don't work to live we live to work in other words let me say it a different way we were created to contribute and what you're longing for right now is some work to get up every day and to go do something that matters to you and this is where the answer is to your future you're 37 money's not an object when people call the ken coleman show and they get a little stuck there's the age-old question it's not unique to me and i just simply say if money did not matter i guarantee you success you could not fail and you just get to go do something tomorrow that matters to you that's when it breaks for people and they begin to say well i want to help people so i'm going to give you three questions that you and your wife need to answer and this is going to give you a lot of clues okay here they are number one who are the people you most want to help just think of those people now what problem or challenge or desire do they have and then what are the solutions to that need that desire when you begin to get the answers to those questions and you match it up with what you do very well this is what you bring to the marketplace the skill to actually bring the solution dave the answers are in there and there's multiple things they can do that's what's exciting and change your charitable giving where you get your hands dirty yeah down in the giving where you meet the people and it'll change the it'll change the visceral reaction your gut has your spirit has to charitable giving to generosity okay we bumped up into a break on that i want to keep that discussion going a little bit ken ken coleman ramsey personality my co-host today on the air it turns out a pile of money does not make you happy now we all kind of knew that the poets told us our second grade teacher told us and our grandmother told us uh and yet we thought we tried anyway sure so why not right yeah yeah so what it does do what apollo money does do is it does lower your stress on things that make you desperate like taking care of your kids and basics like food shelter clothing and those kinds of things what it does do what it increases your stress over is the more crap you own the more repairmen you have to know i swear the number of things i'm having fixed all the time and uh it's because i own a bunch of crap you know i own a bunch of stuff so i got a you know a 200 000 square foot building here yeah you know we have tornado winds hit it the other day and tore out some beautiful trees unbelievable cost us seventy thousand dollars to have the trees cut up they were just bazillions of them they're gorgeous and at three hundred thousand dollars worth of damage the top of the building and all i was in most i was under insurance but the whole hassle of the thing and if you don't own that you don't have to worry about that when the wind comes through you know so it's not a problem so on and on we go such things to cry about right yes but uh but but the the point is is it doesn't you trade one set of problems for another set of problems first the second thing is is that our spirits are not designed to be satisfied by non-spiritual things whether it's stuff uh substance abuse uh you know addiction mentality on uh pornography sex uh cocaine heroin alcohol people try to find something to put into themselves all of us the human runs around their whole life looking for that thing to make us happy and for those of us that are christians we have found personally yeah that god fills that and that you get this godliness with contentment is great gain you get this the peace that passes all understanding and aside from the sermonette that i'm diving into the thing you start to realize on a practical level when you get to baby step seven and you're you have a level of wealth that young man 37 years old is a millionaire already and he's obviously making bank we didn't ask who his income was but it's probably a couple of hundred or more and so he's killing it and yet he's still and now he kind of got to the top of the mountain and he's like what now yeah so what your point was was there's something to be done you're designed to strive and in the striving there is dignity yeah we we're created to work to contribute so we're looking we're made in the image of our creator and he is a creator that's right that's exactly right well hey look i mean bottom line is if you just want to dive behind this the theologies go read genesis chapter 2 and watch what happens and so he's created the world and now he tells adam and eve to go subdue the earth and the the the greek behind that that is is to create and so the idea is that when you go out and work you create a result all work creates a result and and and when we look at the journey for all of us i've got seven stages to meaningful work to significance the final stage is give yourself away the idea here is is that when we get to a point where we're living in our purpose and we're contributing that role that the creator gave us to to fill then there's tremendous meaning and significance and success what the world defines as success comes with that so you know again i said this before on the show i'll say it again just to crystallize this for folks when when chris hogan and ramsay solutions did the largest study of net worth millionaires that the world has ever seen 10 000 plus the third largest group of net worth millionaires were teachers who you know you're looking at in the american you know just the general the median income there dave is probably between 50 to 60 000 maybe even lower in certain areas of the country and the point is is that they have tremendous meaning they know that they were created to instruct if i was going to pick a one word to describe their unique role it's instructor and they love instructing and they love teaching and guiding and so they have found something that gives them tremendous meaning so they live on less than they make and they're not making a ton of money but they're making enough and turns out they can be a millionaire with enough and and so that's the idea here and that young man 37 he just has to figure out at this point how do i give myself away i have lived like no one else and i love that you've you've said this for years you live like no one else now you can give like no one else and it's not just the charitable giving he said that he goes i can't get any meaning out of writing a check right now well it's because he's not getting his hands on it you get meaning out of your charitable out of your generosity when you're involved that's it you got to get down in it you want to produce something well you want to be in you know participate in the ministry that you're supporting in some way other than just writing a check from afar that's right i mean you can do that and there's nothing wrong with that but if you want the generosity to feed your soul when you're being generous then you've got to be in the thing that's number one number two is and that's this is what i have done yes absolutely personally i and i get great meaning from and i work my tail off and i haven't had to work for decades that's right uh because i enjoy running the business i enjoy the ministry of what we do i enjoy doing this show i enjoy working with you personalities and watching your careers blast off of the platform that i created i enjoy watching the ramsey kids getting the saddle for the next generation to handle this place as a succession plan unfolds i enjoy every bit of that and i work really really hard at it but none of that is for money anymore it hasn't been for money for a long long time um i think of the email you read from staff a meeting about three weeks ago i believe it was a young lady uh i believe from southeast asia who you know literally transformed her life not just financially but spiritually and and you were reading the email to us and you got choked up as you recalled you were doing the math in your head you know behold she was because she revealed an email how old she was and that was you know about the time you were trying to sell a book out of a car based on extreme pain that you had gone through she was born yeah that's when she was born and you were doing the math and you're like i did not know when i'm in that hot shower that you've told and you're going what do i do or when you're selling books out of the back of the car or you're using one of those uh projectors on a church wall you had no idea the impact but you just knew this is what i'm supposed to do and this is why i'm supposed to do it and you don't do it for the numbers you do it for the one person the one person god takes care of the numbers yeah that's exactly right and it's that so in your career you got to find meaning in your work and work that has meaning and in your giving you have to connect to that um because you know as soon as you get to the top of the mountain of money and it's a pile of money you're going to go it's not enough and we never told you it was enough we just said do it anyway because it's the op the other options be broke and you got another set of problems that's right and so retiring with you know dog food on the table because you're you know trying to live on social insecurity counting on a government that can't add to take care of you and your old age now that's dumb okay so instead of doing that let's have these other set of problems that are existential problems and let's let's wrestle through the theology and the philosophy of life and uh our spiritual walk and our careers and what are we getting meaning out of and so because here's what we have told you all along i told you this in the legacy journey and hogan told you in everyday millionaires as well that when you get money the things in your life are going to magnify the crazy in your life is going to get crazier the people who are depressed become unbelievably depressed when they get money if they don't heal their depression and walk through a healing with that at a time bad marriages get worse crazy kids get crazier bad jobs get more toxic nothing gets it all gets larger and the good things get larger too compassionate people become unbelievably peace you just see peace on their countenance when they when they get money and so whatever it is all the good parts of your character in the good parts of your life and the bad parts of your character and the bad parts of your life are going to be magnified so if you're dissatisfied with your job and you get a bunch of money do not expect the job dissatisfaction to get better expect it to get worse so go ahead and do the ken coleman stuff while you're working the baby steps
Channel: The Ramsey Show - Highlights
Views: 432,620
Rating: 4.8574843 out of 5
Keywords: the dave ramsey show, budget money debt cash, real estate, insurance, how to make money, dave ramsey, save, credit card, compound interest, buying house, buy, snowball, I've Got More Money Than I Can Use and Miserable!, money, alternative, finance, capitalism, debt, no debt, debt free, rich, millionaire, I've Got More Money Than I Can Use and I'm Miserable!
Id: VV61yk_aGLE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 14sec (734 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 22 2020
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