I've Found My Comfort Game..

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guys i am not kidding you when i say i have found my brand new comfort game i've been feeling pretty sick recently for like the past two months it's been it's been brutal i'm almost there almost better but a game that's been getting me through it is this one this is um super mario golf and yes this is um this is treyarus golfing and bouncing and stretching in a skirt i mean i mean why not actually really like the super mario spin-off games such as super mario like tennis what is this game called i can't even remember mario golf super rush it's actually really good and just for casual gaming it's really fun so i'm gonna show you uh just a round of golf i guess and i've slowly got back the ability to laugh as well recently i haven't been able to laugh it's been awful okay so the way this one works is i'll show you how like all the golf and stuff works in a minute but there's extra rules in this as well like this particular map that i'm on this course you drain water over you it's weird but you drain water over time let me um let me show you what am i resting over here wait what rest until dawn hey sure yeah that's fine have a little sleep get ready for practice day speed golf training involves completing nine holes before you run out of water no refills so they're literally why are they why are they doing this this seems like some form of torture instead like no water no refreshments we're in the desert don't care no water but welcome to this game i've had a lot of fun with this game casual game and i thought you know what hey who's this why are you here oh there he goes all right okay we're gonna top spin this i'm gonna send it to the sky let's go so in this game you have to run after your ball it's very strange but it's like i said it's relaxing we do special dashes as well and oh i hit it so much further than you told i'm so much better than you oh my gosh and there's like different type of shots you can do i've got a special meter that's just below which i'll show you and you can curve the ball like a beast as well let me let me see if i can do it i'm going to do double bag spin curl it this way look at that oh no i should have called it back i should have curled it back oh no i didn't think about that is this gonna be the longest part ever 25 meters oh god this is far this is so far so the little white dots show you where the um whether the ground is moving i need to hit it so far it's uphill as well i'm gonna go here max power oh oh oh let's go nice oh my god told your trash actually you're not trash you're par i'm just unbeatable oh that was phenomenal work i can't believe i just hit that i am a professional golfer watch out hole two what is that giant thing in the middle oh look i've got my special i'm actually i might use a special shot i'm gonna do it check this out i'm gonna do special shot i'm gonna double back spin it as well and it goes over the sand with no issues whatsoever this game is mental but also incredible at the same time i don't know what the the sand dragon's doing in the background either right this is uphill but pretty straight am i gonna double birdie oh i'm incredible 28 seconds as well the special shot is mad but you have to collect queens to to fill up the special bar hole three uh that's 243 meters that way yeah i definitely can't do that i'm gonna have to go this way there's trees though could we oh we hear the tree hit the tree you suck you suck right we're gonna do top spin we're gonna bend it left and bend it right nice did i hit the tree oh look at that who knew that a golfing game would be my absolute calling i'm gonna grab as many coins as possible so that i can do my special move again whether i land over here that's phenomenal i can backspin this super backspin and check this oh wait no trey why did that go go whimsy whimsy that's like that's a golfing term this is the driest lake i've ever seen i made onto the green though all right i'm gonna do this is downhill sweet spot oh i'm good at playing i'm very good at playing that's three birdies in a row not gonna lie to you this is my best performance so far off camera i'm not this good toad's going down though he's so bad i feel like i'm i'm being quite mean to toad so i'm just gonna do a normal shot oh he's gonna top spin it nice there it goes race your toes it's also it's also not that fair because i have much longer legs than he does toad is not rocking the longest uh he's a short king throat is a short king oh this is really close to the sand i think i'm gonna go here and put a little bit of backspin on it just so why are you so oh no he's showing me up where's that going don't go in the sand fair way okay i'll take that i think we're on the same as toad right now almost the same elevation we've got a bit of a bend as well i love doing the backspin shots it's so much easier to to aim it that's more like it he's doing some kind of bouncing thing oh that wasn't too bad actually yo hey this is a burn mark is this uphill or down just down this is going to be a hard part and now toad's in my way get out of the way boy i think he's going to go in never mind i forgot how good i am four birdies in a row and what's with the time are we gonna do it quickly i've completely forgot the whole point of this game right there are some big monsters here we're just gonna go straight for it top spin [Music] smack em tray you you need to work this out buddy we can't be having these bending all the other way oh did i i hit something i've killed someone oh excuse me i definitely got revenge never mind no what are you doing oh i need to do i need to be quick it says who knew golf was so dangerous i wanted my special my special i wanted my special shot to be filled up i'm getting distracted stop the hitboxes are so bad okay we're going this is going straight in watch me watch me go that's right super bag spin overpowered let's go trey let's do this i can't believe i hit that many of that i can't even remember what that character is called i've got a special sand wedge look it's got a green handle and bamboo and stuff that means i earned it i actually bought it let's do backspin it's gonna be awful you know what nice that ain't too bad it's not my usual birdie but i'll take it there we go at least i didn't miss that my water went down quite a lot there i think i've only just realized i need to be doing these quick and not it doesn't really matter about how many shots you take right 326 because he definitely finished before me but my time is so much lower why am i so confused is that total it is total but i haven't taken 13 minutes to do this anyway let's just play golf i told you this is my comfort game i'm just playing golf that's all i care about straight down the middle a little bit backspin let's go straight in i've got a hole in one yet that's my goal i really want to hole in one maybe i should have used my um special move there yeah that was not gonna make it too much backspin oh we have to chip this no i'm putting this from here why is this ball on fire this is uphill oh i i'm so good i'm so good at this game holy is that online on this forget minecraft forget anything else i'm playing super mario golf it's my calling 131 yeah i don't know it says i didn't take as long but i definitely did ignore it as long as i'm winning i don't care oh this is a bit of a weird one yeah let's go straight let's just see what happens no spin on this one i don't know why he's bending every single shot this is unacceptable from a professional all toads got a completely different way oh i'm in quicksand what happens if i go all the way under this experiment needs to happen never mind it doesn't actually do anything i should have known this is a nintendo game i want to use my special shot but i don't think i need to let's see what happens that's more like it that looks quite far actually further than i thought it was going to be how we how we looking oh that's not bad definitely should have backspin it though like this is uphill and there's a little bit this way ah i think i've messed up yeah i messed up massively that is not up to my normal standard i thought i messed that up never mind don't believe it oh this has got quite a few different ways you can go i'm gonna go this way i'm gonna bend it that's right is this a good idea let's find out here we go top spin bend so bend in a second watch it what you watching watch it there he goes where have i ended up oh no waist area that sounds horrible which i don't think this is too bad it's not affecting my swing oh yeah it is look at the red bars beside my power bar uh let's special shot this let's see what happens yo straight down the middle did that hit the did they the flag i didn't it went a little bit too far that special shot is good though i've only just unlocked that uh uphill enough bend in that ah told you putting me off told i blame you toad's canceled oh there's only one hole left i better be winning 21 oh yeah by like two and a half minutes why don't i understand the time thing again i'm winning i don't care well this one's quite dary there we go this way is that a terrible idea oh that's a different course never mind yeah let's go let's go this way let's not mess it up here we go [Music] boom i'm liking this outfit as well this outfit actually this shirt that i unlocked allows for less water to disappear from you i guess and who is this guy can we hit him i'm kind of hot i'm far enough in the lead to maybe hit him let's see what happens it's gonna make me lose isn't it no no no okay that was not ideal oh no i messed this up so you want to bend it to the left oh god i've messed up why did i why did i get curious no i know i'm dead holy i thought this was a nintendo game you can't die i think i can save this but i am on am i on par now yeah i need to get this in oh god okay let's see magic shot magic magic magic magic magic that'll do this is going to be over but only because i got curious and tried to hit a dinosaur yes pulled out of the bag when i needed to i've buggered absolutely boogered oh never mind toads choked absolutely choked what happened toad what happened what's going on look at him he looks fantastic in a skirt just gotta say that is that weird it might be weird i don't mind oh they're all clapping you finished the barmy dunes front nine in this heat you're amazing golfing is no joke ask me how i know that staying hydrated is important you lost all your skin and bones wait skin and organs go inside the front desk for more info what's happened is everyone is everyone okay why do you all live here when you hate the sun so much told what's going on buddy uh registration is open for the back nine but you can't get past the 14th hole right now due to flooding if you want to get some practicing registration over speed golf how can there be flooding we're in a desert should we see what this is about i'm kind of intrigued now bronze badge confirmed each set of three holes as a time limit okay but there's gonna be a flood why is it i'm so confused there's no rain is this bowser's doing it might be hole 10 this challenge is a time limit for each hole if time runs out you failed the challenge oh god so toad's not here i've literally i've embarrassed him so much he doesn't want to be even on the same course as me i'm trying to do this as quickly as possible that's perfect let's go trey let's do this buddy stay away from the spikes remember that goes horribly wrong fairway i like that at least we're not in the sand okay this is not good though we have to bend this oh god this is gonna this can be horrible actually we're gonna bend it backspin it and bend that way hook around i haven't got much on my my spin skill so oh no travis you're really embarrassing yourself here sir wait did we smash it i think we smashed it yes we have let's go uh this is downhill am i right i think it's downhill yes oh now it does this pots one over under one okay ready hole eleven oh there's a chance to hole in one this let's try this that's pretty straight oh no never mind it's not it's not straight enough needs to be way straighter than that buddy good try hey hey the balls back here no pressure no pressure this is uphill it's pretty long part oh no oh no 0.5 meters that's hardly any distance but at least this part hole 12. the sand monster better not interfere this time oh yeah let's go let's go here do a top spin on it that almost went too far to the left trey boy [Music] we have got a special shot to use i don't know whether to use that when we're in trouble or just to show off i think with this one we need to go over the top so we're not going to use it yet um is this course here i guess you're about to find out [Music] let's do a little bit counteract that that's too far don't bend over oh oh no oh no it's rolling off the edge where is it going [Music] where is the ball gone going down here how am i gonna get out of here oh no i thought this was up not down there's a literal sandstorm here i don't know how i'm gonna do oh wait special let's hit the special shot and see what happens shall we let's get it dead straight there we go let's see what happens i don't know what's gonna happen [Music] no that's not what was supposed to happen at all oh god all right let's try getting it higher please did it work hey okay so you can you can bend left and right but you can also make the ball like elevate like this or elevate like this so i tried to do a little scoop shot and it seemed to work oh wait there's time limit get up there go tray no this is like a platforming game as well i'm i'm struggling here let's try the alternate route okay this was a terrible idea oh no uh you know for a comfort game this is actually getting quite stressful supposed to chill me out okay i found it i've located them all right this is going to bend a little bit so let's do oh that's way too far [Music] oh never mind backspin saves the day this is uphill that's in oh it's not i was so confident a little tap in though oh that was awful seven strokes that's a double bogey i had nine seconds left as well that's so bad right next set of three apparently when we get to hole 14 that's when that's when the water comes in so let's see what that's about because i don't know if i think this is a rumor water in the desert sounds a little bit sus to me i mean i keep back spinning it a little bit too early i think mind you all right that bounce straight over the flag this is down a little bit ah no are you kidding me oh i can't believe it i'm doing so bad oh wait this is a part never mind i thought we were going over right this is this is the water one isn't it i see zero floods i see one patch of water up there that was like a nice nice little pond what are you guys worrying about huh what's going on why are you click baiting me all right this can go right near the oh wow i should have chosen oh this is my driver nevermind because i should try a different club but no no no no no oh no i'm losing my touch i'm in the rough gotta be too confident there let's try i know another backspin [Music] i kind of like this club oh it almost went in resorting to tap in that bogey okay that's par what are we on plus two plus one hey that's not bad oh so now it's finished the course oh here we go maybe maybe this wasn't a myth we are can we just do a moses you know with my special shot oh they're actually they're actually going to make me smash it open with my special shot troyers the hero we all need love and deserve hey hey jeez man look at the way he's running did you just spray that giant with your shot it's the wildest thing i've ever seen i'm a force of nature that's high compliments right there the course is finally back to normal so not only did we play some fantastic golf we are also a hero guys i hope you enjoyed playing my comfort game with me today this different style of content has been fun to make and hopefully means that you can see me play some more games some different stuff that i normally wouldn't play and you can see treyarch in a skirt what more could you want leave a like if you enjoyed subscribe if you're new and i'll see you in the next one bye
Channel: DanTDM Live
Views: 423,071
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dantdm, dantdm live, gaming, video games, funny
Id: aqKfFIvKLTs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 26sec (1286 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 24 2021
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