ITZY vs Men
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Channel: Juri Juri
Views: 123,785
Rating: 4.962481 out of 5
Keywords: itzy, yeji, lia, ryujin, chaeryeong, yuna, 있지, 예지, 리아, 류진, 채령, 유나, juri juri, itzy engsub, itzy yeji, itzy lia, itzy ryujin, itzy chaeryeong, itzy yuna, itzy cute, liapple, ryujinies, jinliatv, itzy! midzy!, itzy weekly idol, itzy helmet guy, lia screaming to helmet guy, itzy csi, itzy knowing brother, itzy jyp, itzy reaction to jyp, itzy shooting knowing brother, Yuna slapping sugeun, yuna tricking helmet guy, chaeryeong hit feather duster, lia kick guy, Chaeryeong scaring men
Id: EE6krta8XAY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 11sec (611 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 05 2021
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