itzy foreigner LIA can't understand itzy (being clueless)
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Channel: Juri Juri
Views: 60,849
Rating: 4.971046 out of 5
Keywords: itzy, yeji, lia, ryujin, chaeryeong, yuna, 있지, 예지, 리아, 류진, 채령, 유나, juri juri, itzy engsub, itzy yeji, itzy lia, itzy ryujin, itzy chaeryeong, itzy yuna, itzy cute, liapple, ryujinies, itzy! midzy!, mafia in the morning, lia english, itzy confuse, lia don't know, Lia can't understand itzy, itzy lia don't know the game, ryujin teaching lia, yeji teaching lia, lia being quite, lia being serious, itzy lia don't know the dance, itzy lia can't understand korean, itzy lia mafia in the morning
Id: AIqBxy0_pg0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 4sec (544 seconds)
Published: Wed May 05 2021
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