ITV Coronation Street Lauren fIashback 'reveaIs real kidnapper' as fans point out 'forgotten' Iink

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Coronation Street offered another Lauren Bolton flashback on Wednesday night with fans convinced it reveals the real kidnapper after a cryptic clue only recently Roy Cropper has found himself arrested charged and the number one suspect for the supposed murder of missing teenager Lauren soap fans will recall that troubled youngster Lauren abruptly left the cobbles earlier this year and her friend Bobby has been left concerned after he found her Flats unlocked with Lauren nowhere to be seen viewers never saw Lauren leave and it seems she told no one close to her of her plan to leave weatherfield aside from Roy Bobby reported Lauren as missing to the police and Roy has found himself Under Suspicion due to his kind nature especially after he was caught innocently cleaning Lauren's flat which some people thought proved he was guilty and internet sleuths have since made his life a misery with a barrage of online abuse on Monday night Roy had a flashback of Lauren approaching the cafe counter with Max Turner but couldn't figure out what was significant about their conversation however before he could get to the bottom of it Roy collapsed in his prison cell and was rushed to hospital as all the stress of recent weeks caught up with him during Wednesday's episode Mary visited royan hospital as he admitted he was struggling to remember a conversation he overheard between Lauren and Max after giving him advice viice on how to remember Roy started writing things down of significance to which he suddenly remembered the interaction where Max grilled Lauren about her mystery boyfriend and she kept holding on to an expensive gold necklace taking to Twitter now X viewers are convinced this proves the mystery boyfriend is Joel Dearing as they pointed out a forgotten story line soap fans will recall that earlier this year DD Bailey was left confused to find a jeus receipt fall from Joel's wallet as it was dated December and Joel had clearly spent a lot of money Joel found DD Adam barow and alien azir discussing the receipt where he claimed he had bought himself some cufflinks however Joel was hiding something at the time as it was later revealed he had a secret estranged family with Joel being caught with an expensive Jeweler's receipt earlier this year and previously lying about his family could it be just a coincidence or is it proof he is behind Lauren's necklace soap fans seem to think so as one wrote on social media my guess is the jewelry receipt that DD found at Christmas will turn out to be Lauren's necklace well that's what I think anyway another person put Joel £300 on cufflinks Nate he bought her that necklace while a different fan added it's Joel Joel bought her that neckace and told people he bought himself cufflinks
Views: 23,533
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 2DZx5TiRIuo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 4sec (184 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2024
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