It's Your JOB, You Can QUIT IT If You Want To! | It WILL Be OK!

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what's up everybody Tim here back with another video today I wanted to talk about quitting your job this is one of those thoughts that each and every one of us it has gone through our head from time to time if we're at a job we don't really like or can't stand we've been like man I wish I could just quit this job but then we usually don't do it and so I wanted to make the video me personally being someone who has quit many jobs and just kind of talked about my views on quitting your job my views on just like putting your job instantly you know planning and taking months to quit your job just kind of what my thoughts are on quitting a job and first off I just want to say that I feel like if you're at a job then it is sucking your soul and it is killing you you should quit it as soon as possible ASAP that means as soon as you finish watching this video are you before you finish watching this video getting up and putting it so be it why you're watching videos when you should be working I don't know but you know that's on you you know if it means quitting your job right now or today or putting your notice today I said go ahead and do it no job I think it's worth you losing your sanity losing your soul losing yourself worth if it's a job and it's really just not working for you they're not treating you as you shouldn't be treated if it's not fulfilling you you should quit it bottom line however I understand the reasons why people stay in their jobs jobs provide money money provide security people got bills people that debt people got responsibilities people got children they got to raise and put shoes on their feet stuff like that I get it so I understand why people stay at jobs but I also understand too that when you stay at a job you don't like for those reasons and you don't plan you don't actively make plans to leave that job you're gonna stay stuck at that job forever I know you know many close personal friends family members who've had to stay at jobs forever you know retired or some of them's really died you know we all know people like that because they always like man I got to stay at this job because of X Y Z here's my problem with that life is all about or should be all about figuring things out using the our brain and in all our other faculties to figure out life and live a life we want to live we in this day and age have got to a point where we're so worried about safety and security and paying the bills and things like that that we're really willing to trade actually living for of secure life but we all know there is no such thing as a secure life you can do it all right you can stay on the job forever next month they could lay you off like you know I've been laid off before and there was a one-hour notice I said hey if you weren't in this meeting we just had this morning you're laid off you don't think a me two weeks check and a bonus so I didn't I was like 1900 K but um you know this is this is the reality of the job market we live in today there is no secure job there is no secure life so if you are staying at a job for years and years years just because of the security that could come to an end and also to if that security is not allowing you to actually live your life what is the point I'm one of those people that I feel like if I put my mind to it I can figure anything out if I'm at a job and it sucks and I hate it I'm gonna I'm gonna quit it and then figure out how I'm gonna pay my bills how am I gonna you know pay my rent that that's the type of person I am and I feel like more people should be like that you know that's what life is about figuring things out so much of our creativity is stifled in the world today because we have these these secure paths we should go on you go to school you go to college you get a good job and basically that's it it's a retirement then you can do it you won that's kind of the path people you know are on and they think it's safe and secure but it's not really and it stifles people creativity people's creativity like I asked young people hey if there were no jobs if there was no hey you go to someone and they give you a job how take care of yourself how would you make ends meet how would you pay your bills one of the good things to do is I have a suit bills as possible never get into debt but the bills you're gonna have you know how would you survive if there were no jobs I think that's what we should be telling people you know our young people stressing not so much getting a job and stay there but you know create your own job you know find a way to live very cheaply so you don't have to work a real job you know these are the things we should be telling our young people and these are the things should be going through your head when you're thinking about quitting your god-awful job you know instead of being like oh I can quit this job you know or I can't quit this job because of what it gives me you should be asking yourself how can I get the things this job gives me somewhere else how can I get the things this job gives me at a job or you know in a field or doing something I like you know how can how can I get the same things somewhere else and then put your brainpower towards that you know one of the reasons I never minded quitting jobs one I was in a field I spent most of my I guess career days in lawn care and landscaping excuse me I'm sitting on this log and I've been sitting on a knot and it really is starting to hurt oh oh I spent most of my career days in lawn care and landscaping pretty easy to find another job in summertime that's one of the things I like to tell young people too if you get a job in the field that nobody wants to do you'll always have job might not make a lot of money you always have gel so I always knew be relatively easy for you get another job but I also too felt like I was smart enough to figure out another way to make money you know like I I never and there were times when I quit a job quickly and you know coming weeks later I was like oh I wish I hadn't done that that quickly that promptly but I always figured it out I always found a way to make it and I feel like you could too if you're contemplating quitting your job and you're not really sure if you don't have a definite path as to how you're going continue to live just realize you're smart enough to figure it out you will figure it out you can look out there and listen to all the horror stories people who quit jobs and it up on the street or whatever um I always felt that wasn't me that's not you I always thought the it was worth it to live my life you know sometimes I quit a job didn't find another job for a while and it was a little stressful until I found another one but you know or until I found another way to make some money but honestly those were some of the freest moments of my life that next morning when I got to wake up and didn't have to go to work and for those few weeks or whatever when I could do what I want those were some of the best stressful times of my life you really hit that point where you're like okay I'm ready to go back to work so you can figure out you can work it out you can quit your job have another job eat it's one of those just quit moments notice out the door I can't take it I've done that but there's another jobs you know I gave my notice you know two weeks from now I can't be here those are typically jobs we're I had something else lined up I'm a firm believer and always looking at other jobs even while you have a job I think that's another thing people mess up at they have a good job okay this is good they stop looking at their other prospects when the time comes up when they need to go to another job they don't know the job markets like they don't know what their prospects are I'm always looking in the classified ads you know I'm all even out doing seasonal work I'm always on full works looking at seeing what's out there you did always have your eyes open your prospects see what your prospects are you know if you see a better job and if you even if you're content at your job you see something better turn in your resume turn the application see what they offer you you know you never know she's always got to be looking for better in life and I feel like too many people settle they get content to make say ok this is a I don't really like this but it's paying the bills or it's okay and they stopped looking for bigger and better in life you always got to be looking for bigger and better you always got to be looking out for like what can get me the least amount of work for the most amount of money so I can do what I really want to do now if you're working a job you love oh this is well you probably would be watching this video and you are working a job you love but you working a job you love cool but most people aren't most people a lot of people way too many people they're working jobs they hate which is something I can't understand I did it for many many years and looking back I'm like how did I how did I survive you know most your life is work you know so when you hate your job you're hating most of your life like 60% saving for sentient life you hate you know even when you're not at work you're doing things that are involved work work stipulates when you go to bed what you can do when you can go on vacation work is like control your life so when you don't like it that's a whole portion of your life you're just miserable that's why I say if you don't like your job quit it you can figure out something else it's not worth it you don't want to look back on your life and you haven't lived because you had to work and had a sucky job if you have to work to get through life cool a lot of us do but don't continue to do it at a job you don't like for security because it's not real at any moment that job security could go out the window um life is meant to be lived and meant to be lived in a real fashion not in this rat race cubicle you know hamster wheel of 40-plus hour work weeks it nothing ever changes if you didn't have a calendar you wouldn't know what day it was you know you didn't have a watch he wouldn't know what time it was because nothing ever changes day in and day out hour after hour that's not existence you need to find something different I know for me if I had never quit the last like real job I had I wouldn't be able to be sitting out here and this not so well-lit I'm looking at the camera I'm sickening shadows only I apologize but I wouldn't be able to be sitting out here right on the edge of Rocky Mountain National Park watching the water go by just enjoying myself and I'm not really doing anything you know is it's a spot where I can enjoy life just sitting here listening to the water or listening to the birds fight and quit my job the last time I wouldn't be able to do this so I could never say to someone don't quit your job when that was something I didn't like that has totally changed my life I had to figure out something else to do I discovered seasonal work I started doing it now even though I'm still working it's at jobs I love and beautiful locations totally changed my life this may not be your dream but I know you have the intelligence you have the smarts to research and figure out another job you could be doing where you can be sitting in a scenario that you love that you enjoy but it starts with getting or the job you have now so you hate your job don't like it you want to be doing something different go do it it's that simple you'll figure it out you know don't let fear and in the end the thoughts of what am I gonna do and I'm gonna you'll figure it out you know when the bills come due and you ain't got no job you'll figure out a way to make some money trust me or something we'll just come up I mean one time when I was about a job you know I was just I was on what I thought was one of my other YouTube channels I was making videos and an affiliate program I have with comic books sent me a check for $15 and I made a video about how i went to cash that check I went to deposit that check in the ATM and I locked myself out of my car and it was this whole ordeal getting back in my car at the ATM and in over this little 15 dollar check some people who saw that video had a website that dealt with the oil rigs and I had done some videos about working in the oil rigs about a year before that they actually called me and offered me a job being a host on their radio show about working on the oil rigs and the reason they called me because they was like if this guy is willing to go through all that trouble for $15 we could probably get him pretty cheap and they didn't get me pretty cheap but guess what the cheap they got before was like exactly what I need it to pay my bills every month so for about two months I did that radio show it covered all my bills I only had to dip into my savings just to like you know incidental stuff worked out perfectly right when I you know ended that job another job came about so like that's the way these things kind of work I could have never foresaw that when I quit my job I wasn't like oh so little call me to do an online radio show no like I couldn't first saw that that's the way these things work just put in the work put in the effort once you quit your job just start look looking for other jobs you know check the temp agencies temp work a lot of people hate it but I have had great success with the temp agencies go to day labor all those things you wanted to do in life do them but just put forth the work in the effort start researching jobs you really want apply for jobs if you think there's no way you're ever gonna get because you're not qualified or you think they're just in fields that you know you know nothing about you might get one of those I know people who have applied for jobs they just were not qualified for something about them they got hired they got a great job they loved never be creative you know there's so many people when it comes to finding jobs we stifle we stifle ourselves we pigeonhole yourself oh I only know how to cut grass I'm gonna apply for jobs right and cut grass I could never do that no apply for every job in the paper who cares all I can do is say no um get out there and sell something create a product you know just when it comes to making a living to support yourself you don't have to be a nine-to-five worker drone you can be whatever you want to be it's your life you know start a YouTube channel takes a while but hey there's been times when the money I make up you to help me to pay my bills between jobs like write articles on it there's so many things you'd be doing other than sitting at this job you hate it is a wide world out there and I promise you you are smart enough that you can tap into something out there in that world to make a living you don't have to do what everybody else is doing just because you think it's safe you think it's secure there are so many examples of people in business who you know took that leap and now they're super successful I don't really look to much to like business people a lot for like inspiration because then a lot of times people start talking about the money oh this so-and-so made millions after I don't care about money I look to someone in business who's except I see them I successful if they're making a living being able to do what they want to do at something they love and you could be one of those people - I'm telling you it is not as hard as you think there may be hard times it may be stressful and a lot of times that is the biggest issue is the stress but you just work through it you just keep going through it I mean that's the beauty of life is that it goes on even if it sucks it goes on and what usually happens is you get through the sucky and you get to you know somewhere like this you know so yeah if you're contemplating quitting your job I say go for it you know I'm not gonna be one of those people who's like well make sure you have this amount not go for it you know you're like you know who you are you know you're smart enough to figure this out trust me when twent one that one that one that one that when the chips come down like I said them bills are due you'll start thinking of ways to make money and also I'm a firm believer the universe helps those who helps himself and so there might be opportunities open up that you've never thought of and you'll look back a year from now and be like why did I stay at that job as long as I did anyway I'm Tim thanks for watching I'd love to hear your comments on the subject in the comment box below have you put a job did it work out are you currently looking for a job what are some ideals you've had or you have have you have had that have panned out to help you support yourself I want to apologize for the lighting son is like moving so I know I'm pretty dark right now but you can see the water back here that's what I was going for in this video so anyway I'm Tim thanks for watching follow me on social media if you get bored talk to you later
Channel: Timothy Ward
Views: 10,504
Rating: 4.9375 out of 5
Keywords: quit your job, why you should quit your job, quit your day job, employment, support yourself, temp agencies, career advice, job security, quit your job today, when to quit your job, quitting your job, how to quit your job, timothy ward, live your dreams, find a new job, fill out applications, resume, seasonal jobs, live your life
Id: Jz6ylYvpiHg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 52sec (1012 seconds)
Published: Wed May 09 2018
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