It's Wrong To Pay For Sex-Intelligence Squared U.S.
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Channel: IntelligenceSquared Debates
Views: 78,310
Rating: 4.4573302 out of 5
Keywords: Melissa Farley, Catharine MacKinnon, Wendy Shalit, Sydney Barrows, Tyler Cowen, Lionel Tiger, John Donvan, IQ2US, Intelligence Squared, Skirball Center, NYU, prostitution, sex, brothels, johns, madame, gender, women, illegal, morals, values, legality, abuse, disease, society, empowerment, equality, crime, pimps, regulation, ownership, health, well-being
Id: 8uT38_pRxHo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 113min 3sec (6783 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 21 2011
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