It's Worth the Wait | Herbert Cooper + Central Live | Central Church

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well welcome to central where it's okay to not be okay i'm nikki and thank you for watching this experience today be sure to connect with us by dropping a comment below or you can always go to for events going on right now now don't forget we go live every weekend right here on youtube so you can hit that subscribe button and get notifications for when we go live and when we upload new content for now we have an incredible experience in store for you so check it out what's up central family we're so glad you guys are here with us this weekend let's all stand and let's sing together [Music] [Music] [Music] but now my eyes see [Music] is [Music] [Music] the darkness cannot [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] like how we filled out their central family [Music] let's all sing together [Music] who long to be free [Music] there's beauty for ashes and [Music] yes there is [Music] [Music] [Music] there's no conservation [Music] be okay [Music] [Music] is you walk out [Music] sing it all again [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is in this place [Music] [Music] oh i lived in a community where there was about 30 boys that went into the service my brother bill he he wanted to go in so bad [Music] he was in the air force along with my other two brothers they were the air force also they were all three pilots he went over to the south pacific on the mission that he went on he got shot down [Music] on christmas eve we got the message [Music] that bill was killed [Music] it's a beautiful thing to know even though in the midst of sadness and despair that your loved ones perished so that we might have the freedoms we have i would like to express my thanks to all the people all the the men and women that have served our country and have perished so that we might have the freedoms that we have today [Music] well it is memorial day weekend and we just wanted to stop as a church and recognize those if you have lost a loved one who served in the military or if you have or are currently serving in our armed forces would you please stand so we can honor you today come on church thank you [Applause] in fact i'm sitting here with bob tone who served in the air force for 33 years and uh it's while he was serving in spain he was relocated to nellis air force base just over 38 years ago and bob walked through the doors of central church for the very first time and they decided to make central their home and three days after they joined the church bob and his wife bobby joined our church choir at the time bob's seen a lot of change but bob is the longest standing worship team member here at central church he tells me all the time hey when i'm just that old guy and you don't want me on the team anymore just let me know and i've told bob as long as you can get yourself out here i want you on this stage worshiping with us as often as you can [Applause] bob you've seen a lot over 38 years at central just tell the central family just about your experience over the last 38 years well when i first came to central we were over the mojave campus and there were 350 people on a normal weekend and as we started growing in 1990 uh we built an addition onto this mojave campus so we could have more people and we ended up in the gymnasium we ended up sitting in the gymnasium and uh by the time we got into the mid-90s we said well we got to get do something about all these people so we planted canyon ridge on the other side of town and we still had more people than we knew what to do with so we decided we had to relocate and then we started a a campaign a fundraising campaign and we got commitments for 10 and a half million dollars to help build this facility and you know there's a lot of miracles involved in that tell us a little bit more about that project there's something pretty special a special story about the hacienda behind that yeah when we were building this place it was as you can look outside you can see there's a wash down through here and we had to have a lot of dirt and dirt is not cheap uh we had to have a lot of dirt to bring it up to we put the pad on for this building and at that time the hacienda hotel which is where we had our fundraiser where we raised the commitments for 10 and a half million dollars uh was being imploded and they were going to build a mandalay bay there and because the mandalay bay was going to be a taller facility it had to have special dirt and special footings and all that kind of thing so they had to dig out all the dirt that was underneath the hacienda so they could bring in good dirt for uh the mandalay bay and we were at that time we needed dirt so we got the dirt for free to complete the dirt that we were sitting on for our fundraiser and we're sitting on that same dirt right now that's pretty amazing bob just in your own terms of generosity i know god's really moved and worked through your life share with the central family um just how you went from welfare to starting to trust in him yeah i i when i grew up we were in welfare we would go down to the county office and get our government cheese and our sack of flour and some butter periodically and when i graduated from college went in the air force i was commissioned as a lieutenant in the air force i went to fly the f4 did that for many many years and at the time i started okay now i'm making some money they actually paid me to do that but anyway i was actually making a little bit of money and i decided at that time i would never spend less than i earned and that financial security was one of my essential needs food shelter clothing and financial security so financial security was big to me and then when i came to central when bobby and i decided we're going to be here and this was our church home and we were making contributions to the central ministry every time i would give money to the ministry and increase my giving to the ministry my financial security increased you say how counter-intuitive is that but what in reality was sometimes it was you know an investment would pay off or dividends had come in or something like that but but a lot of times it was just because we all have wants and we have needs the needs are much smaller than our wants and by giving to the ministry i could see that there's oh there's probably some wants out there that i don't need but i still have the needs that are met including my need for financial security and i found that therefore i could see that my financial security was still there and that therefore i had more faith in god and therefore i became a cheerful giver and therefore everything was good and i would continue to do that and that's just the way we lived our lives what would you say what would you say to someone who's maybe on the edge right now of getting in the game of becoming a generosity rock star how would you encourage them to take that step i would just say have faith you know god has said he will provide for all of our needs and if you honestly believe that god will provide for all your needs and you have faith that god will provide all your needs what difference does it make if you if you put some money back into the ministry it just makes sense and not only that it's it's being obedient to god's desire to spread the word of jesus christ well bob tone part of the central family for 38 years 33 years in the air force the longest standing worship team member we love you we thank you so much for your sacrifice to our country as well and let's thank bob one more time we've come to a time in our experience where we have the privilege and the opportunity to give back to god financially just a portion of what he's blessed us with with our tithes and our offerings i want you to know the best and the easiest way to give here at central is by giving online you can go to this is how my family gives to the church as well uh or you can find someone from our generosity team in the lobby at the end of the experience they'll be holding ipads wearing a red apron you can give it all of our exits our ushers will have buckets you can also call the church or mail in check to the church there's all kinds of ways to give but thank you for your generosity it's people like bob who gave so many years before so many people today could experience life change would you pray with me and let's ask god to bless these resources right now god we thank you so much for this church thank you for the difference that you've made through the generosity of others so that many people could experience life change and i pray that you would take these resources and bless them and use them to change more lives god thank you for memorial day and what it means for our country for those who have sacrificed and laid down their lives for our country i pray that uh this monday that we would stop and reflect on that sacrifice there's no greater love than someone who would lay down their life for their friends we love you and we thank you for it's in your name we pray and everybody said amen let's all stand together as we continue to sing i never knew [Music] cause every time [Music] is [Music] me [Music] oh [Music] know [Music] where could i go is he never let me oh [Music] i've come [Music] legacy [Music] never let us us so [Music] you never let me go over the past couple of months our worship team central live have been writing many new songs that we're going to start introducing right here at central church in fact 15 new songs that we're going to start singing over summer with the idea that this fall we're going to do a central live live recording right here in this room and get these songs out to the world because we believe that there's people that need to hear them and one of the songs that we wrote in particular it's called god is in this house and it was unanimous as a worship team we felt like we need to introduce this to our church right away no matter what you're going through no matter the shame or the burdens you carry nothing else matters when you're in the presence of god so we want to teach you this song today bring your burdens bring your pain bring your worries you're [Music] we are standing in the presence and that's all that matters that's all that matters now be forgiven be restored find your healing all you need [Music] that's all [Music] is [Music] [Music] anything can happen in the name of jesus [Music] come on of is this house all that matters now god is in this house in this house [Music] is god is in this house [Music] bring your birds [Music] bring your pain bring your worries [Music] cause we are still in the presence of the lord [Music] isaiah 40. book of isaiah says do you not know have you not heard that the lord is the everlasting god he's the creator of all the universe he never grows weak or weary no one can fathom the depths of his understanding he gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless even youths and young men will fall and exhaustion but listen those who hope and trust in the lord will find a new strain they will run and not grow weary they will walk and not be faint they will soar high on wings like eagles church in the presence of god all things are possible i believe that god is not only with us right here in this room he's with us when we leave he's with us in our homes he's with us in our workplaces he's with us in our addictions in our depression through god all things are possible and i believe he has a plan and a purpose for each and every one of us i want to take a moment today i don't want to stop pray for our church family we do this every weekend if you're struggling if you just need god's help it doesn't matter what you're going through we just want to pray with you and for you if we can pray for you of any sorts would you just slip your hand up in the air raise them up high church family if you're next to somebody with their hand raised i want to encourage you to stretch a hand out towards them you don't have to touch them let's just pray and ask god to do what only he can do god we come before you right now i'm sure it took many people some major courage today to walk through these doors because when we're going through pain got in the hurting sometimes it's just hard to get up and get going but lord i'm so grateful for these individuals who are raising their hands right now saying we need your help we can't do it alone anymore we've tried so right now god we surrender whatever's holding us back to you i just pray that you would meet us in this place you would just give us your joy and your hope we trust you god and we thank you for who you are thank you for being a good god to us for it's in your name we pray and everyone said amen and in the name of jesus [Music] freedom with jesus is [Music] is is [Music] is [Music] it is good to see your face in the place really good to be back ah you can be seated we just give god praise that we have survived the pandemic and we're still in church come on that's good news that is good news and i've preached here so many times it's home away from home i know for uh some of you you know who i am for others i'm the black uncle from oklahoma so that's that's this case you want i'm family around here and uh love your pastor so much dear friends for a lot of years it's great to have friends like that where you can look back and have history together that had each other's backs for years and so i love pastor judd and lori and who they are matter of fact they were in oklahoma a few months ago they spoke at our marriage conference at our church they killed it and crushed it literally one of the best marriage conferences we've ever had as a church i think they can do pretty good with marriage ministry and uh yeah they're powerful it was really really was powerful i i want to say this because i'm a pastor and a leader and um i want to just say to you all that leading through 2020 a pandemic was not easy a lot of leaders a lot of churches a lot of companies are no longer even around through that season and i look at what god did through central i was inspired just your hope for the city and feeding people and helping people and ministering to those who are hurting and and the fact that central is still strong and you're having services and your campuses are all still alive and moving and flourishing and lives are still being changed and people are still being set free and relationships are still being healed i don't want you to take for granted uh the leadership that you're under the stability that you're under you ought to just take a moment because i know it would encourage my heart for my church you ought to take a moment and just drop judd and lori a little note in the mail and just let them know how much you appreciate their leadership and leading through one of the hardest years in throughout history come on can we give it up for judd and laura can we give it for the entire central team thank you central staff thank you volunteers thank you jude and lord thank you for all that you do huge huge you're still here and lives are still being changed because of all of your leadership so we give god thanks for that and my my crew is in oklahoma uh today uh this is my lovely bride this is my girlfriend my boo my baby's mama the hot sauce on my chillers in the gravy on my biscuits it's right there y'all tiffany yeah so uh we've been we'll be married this year for 24 years and um somebody told me a few moments ago you look like you're in your 20s i'm like hi you're funny you're funny because i'm not my oldest son there he's 17 and uh my on the far right on the far left is my uh next oldest son and he is 16 two drivers in the house then my baby girl's 15. she'll be 16 in church pray for me my youngest son is going to be 13 this year we're gonna have four teenagers in the cooper house y'all four teenagers and and and next year next year's gonna be wheels off for the cooper family my oldest son's gonna graduate from high school next year my wife and i will be married uh 25 years next year and our church that we started will be 20 years old next year that's called i'm gonna be broke that's what that's called i mean that's that that's what that's called uh but i thank god uh for my family i could not wait to be back at central i love this place and and i had it on my calendar marked and matter of fact i just hate waiting so it's good to be back anybody else like me you hate waiting you're just kind of impatient i i struggle i really do i struggle with waiting i struggle with my my my patience and and our culture does not help at all we live in a culture that tries to eliminate waiting we we have instant overnight prime express lane instant messaging apps to avoid traffic grocery shopping pickup or delivery insta pot instant coffee faster internet fiber 5g cell call ahead seating online reservations online check-in pre-check lines matter of fact i'm gonna fly out after this service back home and yesterday i already checked in for the flight who knows what i'm talking about yeah i don't like to wait i'm going to be flying home on american today and i'm already no i'm group four i already know and here's what will happen i will sit at the gate and they'll call group one i'm cool group two i'm getting a little anxious on the inside group three i get up and i'll come on i'll walk and i start scoping everybody out where where are you at you're three are you four you three you're four you're three you're four you're three okay all right because i'm gonna be at the front of four because i hate to wait and then don't let me fly southwest i'll act like a fool well i'm i'm huh i'm a 42. i would walk straight up there hey hey hey where are you at hey i'm a 42 would you you you see you're 43 and you're behind me i'm 40 i'm four i'm 42. i'm 42. i do not like to wait even when i drive and i really don't have anywhere to be but i'm still driving aggressively anybody know what i'm talking about i'm in a hurry when i'm driving and don't even know why this is how i drive i do not like to wait and i'm driving in the car and i'm pulling up to a a light i'm 20 yards from the light and the light is green i got it i got it i'm gonna make it through the light and i'll kick the gas just a little faster and then the light turns yellow and the car in front of me stops you dummy what are you doing yellow means girl [Applause] i hate waiting and then the iphone i don't know why they they ruined my life when they put those dot dot dots when you text somebody and they're texting you back and you see that they get the message and they're texting and you're like come on you texted somebody and the answer back is just a one word answer yes or no and you're technical have you been there before you just come on it's dot dot dot dot dot dot dot dot dot anybody like me i will start question marks back to you question mark sin question marks in question mark saying why are you taking so come on come on hello where are you i hate waiting and right now there are companies that are designing different technology and gadgets to try to eliminate waiting and here's the problem is waiting is a part of the plan of god and yet we're so conditioned we're so wired that we think we don't have to wait i've actually heard a christian tell me more than once the devil is attacking me why because i'm having to wait it's the devil it's the no no every time you have to wait it's not the devil and there there's some dreams some goals that you have right now and you're having to wait and waiting's just not easy waiting is challenging waiting is difficult because what happens in our culture you're waiting on a dream to happen and then you get on social media and you see one of your friends one of your neighbors one of your co-workers somebody at your school as you're looking on social media and they go dream job dream house dream car dream vacation dream spouse dream date and you're thinking why are there dreams happening and mine are not happening and it just stirs on the inside of you this impatience and i want just to remind you today god's plan for your life a part of it is waiting god has dreams for you he has goals for you he wants to bring them to pass but a part of the plan of god is learning to wait well matter of fact all throughout the bible it talks about waiting and the importance of it in ecclesiastes chapter 3 and verse 1 it says there is a time for everything and a season for every activity under the heavens this verse lets us know that we don't all live in the same season at the same time so don't get jealous of someone else who's in harvest season while you are still in planting season because we all go through seasons everybody has a planting season a watering season and a harvest season so when you see somebody else in harvest season you realize they've already went through the other two seasons so let that encourage your heart that if god did it for them and got them in their harvest season the same god can also do it for me so don't throw haterade at somebody else who's in harvest season learn to celebrate let it encourage you god did it for them he'll do it for me everybody is in a different season the bible says in habakkuk chapter 2 and verse 3 for the vision the dream is yet for an appointed time everybody shout appointed time that's okay an appointed time but at the end it will speak and it will not lie though it tarries wait for it because it will surely come it will not tarry god has an appointed time on his calendar to bring your vision to pass you got to hear me today central i want to help you god has an appointed time on his calendar for your business for your job for your breakthrough for your spouse for that dating relationship for that family member for that leadership role for that child for that car for that home god has an appointed time wait for it god knows what he is doing wait for it god will do what he said he will do learn to wait for it genesis chapter 18 verse 14. it says is anything too hard for the lord talking about abraham and sarah as they're waiting for their promised child and it goes on to say i will return to to you at the notice these words appointed time next year and sarah will have a son god says i have an appointed time on when the child will be born it's already marked on my calendar there's one big idea that i want to get into our hearts today that'll be game changing for our lives as we wait on the lord for our dreams to come to pass here's the one big idea do not run ahead of god do not run ahead of god god promised abraham and sarah a child said i promise you this child and they were waiting on the child and they're getting older and older and older they think time is running out on the clock and so abraham and sarah decided that they needed to help god out a little bit and the scripture says in genesis chapter 16 and verse number one now saraiah this is before god changed their name to abraham and sarah abram's wife had borne him no children but she had an egyptian slave named hagar so she said to abram the lord has kept me from having children go sleep with my slave perhaps i can build a family through her abram agreed to what soraya said he here we see saraiah who now we know as sarah she is fed up waiting on god when is this child going to happen we're getting older i don't see the dream coming to pass come on abraham what is going on and she's sick and tired of waiting on god so she says let's help god out a little bit and she says i got an idea abraham what i want you to do is take hagar our maidservant why don't you just sleep with her and have a child and we'll build a family through her and abraham said okay and and he takes hagar and has a child named ishmael and abraham and sarah ran ahead of god and before we pick on them before we talk negatively about them before we look down upon them i think we all have to admit that there have been times that we've all have run ahead of god i know i have several times throughout my life i remember being in college and i was a new christian and i was dating another this young lady who was a christian as well we were both christians and yet our relationship was toxic it wasn't good it wasn't healthy and this young lady had good sense and she she broke up with me and called off the relationship but because of my own insecurities my own past my own junk that i was working through in my life i felt like i had to have a girlfriend i needed her and i was going to marry her so i called her and called her and called her and called her and called her until she finally got back with me and when we got back together our relationship was still toxic it was still unhealthy it wasn't getting any better and i i felt something on the inside saying to me this isn't right this isn't good this isn't my plan for your life but i kept ignoring it and just said i want her and so i kept dating her and finally i gave in to what i now know was the holy spirit speaking to me and i stopped running ahead of god and i broke up with this young lady and i wonder if i would have kept running ahead of god i would have never met my wife tiffany we wouldn't have these four precious kids we wouldn't be married this year 24 years and here's what i've learned about waiting on god the only thing worse than waiting on god is wishing that you would have because when you run ahead of god things never turn out the way we want them to i want to give you some application today that you can take some notes with or or get your phone and take down some application on waiting for god when you're waiting on god i want to give you four wise ways to wait four wise ways to wait on that dream on that promise on that vision that god has given to you four wise ways to wait we're gonna look at abraham and sarah and their life today and then we're going to also couple it with psalm chapter 37 i like to call psalm 37 the waiting chapter the waiting on god chapter so four wise ways to wait number one is this weight with trust wait with trust abraham and sarah had to learn to wait on god and to trust god it was a long waiting period but they had to wait with trust and psalm chapter 37 and verse 4 says take delight in the lord and he will give you your heart's desires commit everything you do to the lord notice this trust him and he will help you when you trust god with your desires with your dreams waiting is never wasted and the key is you have to trust god more than you trust yourself and that's not always easy because when you're not seeing the dream happen and you're not seeing the career happen you're not seeing the promotion happening you're not seeing the breakthrough happen you're not sin god working in your marriage your child's your dating when you're not seeing the dream happen it's easy to start trusting in yourself instead of trusting in god and whenever you start trusting in yourself more than you trust in god you will find yourself running ahead of god like abraham and sarah and then you'll end up birthing burdens instead of birthing blessings and abraham and sarah birth a burden instead of a blessing because they were running ahead of god have you ever been there before in life when you're running ahead of god and you birthed a relationship problem and you want to blame the devil you want to blame other people but you have to look at yourself and say i ran ahead of god have you ever read a head of god and birthed a financial problem a birth a parenting problem or birth a career problem you birthed a problem in your life because you ran ahead of god and so what we have to learn to do in the waiting season is even when we don't see god's hand at work we don't understand his hand we got to trust his heart and know that god is working even behind the scenes trust god lean into god wait with trust number two is this application a second wise way to wait is weight with a quiet soul a quiet soul even in the midst of abraham and sarah's mistakes and failures they had to learn to wait on god with a quiet soul versus a restless soul and psalm 37 verse 7 says be still that's quiet right there be still in the presence of the lord and wait patiently for him to act don't worry about evil people who prosper or fret about their wicked schemes stop being angry turn from your rage do not lose your temper it only leads to harm for the wicked will be destroyed but those who trust in the lord will possess the land if you will wait on the lord with a quiet soul you will possess the land your dream will come to pass but you have to be still in the presence of god i want you to get this in your heart today it'll help you be still versus being restless be still in god's presence rest in god's presence enjoy everyday life enjoy the season you're in instead of being so restless of trying to get to the next season enjoy right where you are i like to say until god opens the next door go ahead and praise them in the hallway praise them right where you are enjoy right where you are you see everybody's trying to get somewhere everybody has a goal everybody has a dream and in our minds we think when i get to that dream when i get to that goal then i'll be satisfied then the restlessness will go away but the problem being so focused on the dream or the goal is that most of life is lived in the in-between season most of life is lived in the in between season and yet we we set a goal or we have a dream and and then we reach that goal and then we set a new goal and we reset goal then we set a new goal then we reset go and we set a new go we reset go then we set a new goal and the problem is this we start thinking getting to the goal will make us happy and satisfied but most of life is actually lived in the in between season and we never enjoy everyday life well that's my story you see i thought when i graduate from college i'll be happy and then i thought when i get married to tiffany you know my prayer was lord don't come back for the church until i get married and i did still restless on the inside once we have children i'll be happy got four of them well when we start a church i'll be happy start at a church when we go to 200 i'll be happy then 500 then a thousand then two thousand then five thousand then let's once we start multiple locations one and i kept thinking that when i accomplished the goal it was going to bring the satisfaction on the inside and i woke up after goal after goal after goal of being accomplished and i was still restless and anxious and disappointed and not happy and it dawned on me herbert there's a problem church we have to understand this the journey is more important than the destination because most of life is lived in the in between season and you have to learn to wait with a quiet soul you have to learn to be able to enjoy the season that god has you in right now be be still versus worrying about others don't don't just be still with versus being restless but be still versus worrying about others he said there in psalms 37 don't worry about evil people in other words don't worry about everyone else's success and dreams you run your race that's the word for somebody today you run your race i'm going to give somebody some advice right now matter of fact this is for five people in the room to implement today here it goes some of you need to get off of social media for the next 90 days you just need to get off you you need to stop focusing on what everybody else is driving and what everybody else is wearing when everybody else is posting it their new home and their new car and their vacations and their dream date nights you need to stop looking at what everybody cause here's what some of you are doing you're on social media scrolling through um they ain't even real that ain't joking even real i don't know that's all fake filter filter that's what that is um hates you and it's it's robbing you of peace and joy because you're so focused on everybody else's dreams everybody else's success and you've got to learn to run your own race the way that you be still in god's presence when you're waiting on the lord is run your race number three number three number three on weight with a quiet soul and that is this be still versus being angry the verse says stop being angry stop losing your temper because it only leads to harm and often times when we're waiting on god and i understand it's challenging it's difficult it's easy to find yourself getting angry with god and then you go through a setback you go through pain you go through trauma you're like god i'm not even closer to my dream happening i'm getting further away you start wondering god do you even see me you start getting angry and upset with people with god and somebody here today is angry at god and i want you to know god knows right where you are he knows the dream that he's placed in your heart trust him be still in the presence of the lord trust him don't get angry at god trust him in the season he has you in right now wait with a quiet soul let me give you a third wise way to wait some application here and that is wait with action weight with action in genesis chapter 12 when god spoke to abraham and sarah about this promised child the bible says they immediately immediately left heron they left their family they left their country that they were always moving forward they were people of action and psalm 37 verse 23 says the lord directs the steps of the godly action he delights in every detail of their lives though they stumble they will never fall for the lord holds them by the hand this verse teaches us that while we are waiting we should be stepping we should be moving forward we should be acting waiting is not passive waiting is not doing nothing we should be stepping while we are waiting but notice the verse says the lord directs the steps of the godly so we want to make sure that god is directing our steps that god is ordering our steps and i'm so grateful that when we give our life to jesus christ god places the holy spirit on the inside of us to lead us to guide us and i know that we live in a loud world but if you'll quiet your soul the holy spirit will whisper to you he'll speak to you and then you've got the word of god the bible to guide your steps to to order your steps and you want to make sure that you don't run ahead of god and somebody here today is saying pastor i know god's given me a dream i'm waiting on god and i don't know the next step to take it's not clear but let me say when you don't know what to do you do what you know to do the best next step to take is to do the last thing god told you to do don't stop doing it and so many people miss out on their dream coming to pass because they stop doing what they already know to do keep doing the last step that god showed you psalm 37 verse 34 says this wait for the lord and keep his way that's action right there keep his way and he will exalt you to inherit the land you will look at when the wicked are cut off keep god's way don't turn away from god don't start living in sin keep doing good keep doing what you know to do keep praying keep reading your bible keep serving on them team here at central and serving the hurting and serving the kids and serving the youth keep coming to church aren't you glad you're back in church come on it's good to be back in church lifting up jesus together keep coming to church every week and keep worshiping jesus keep tithing keep your integrity keep honoring god in your singleness keep loving your spouse keep loving your kids keep working hard at your job keep a good attitude wait with action keep his way the fourth wise way to wait this is my favorite point if you've been sleeping with your eyes open wake up because you need to hear this last point number four is this weight with commitment wait with commitment notice psalm 37 verse 7 be still in the presence of the lord and wait patiently for him to act wow waiting patiently takes commitment abraham and sarah waited 25 years for their promise but you have to wait for the lord to act you got to wait if you will wait god will act if you will wait god will act don't walk away in the delay you see one of the keys to abraham and sarah's success is they did not walk away in the delay it says in romans chapter 4 and verse number 18 about abraham and sarah and this waiting process it says against all hope abraham in hope believed and so became the father of many nations just as it had been said to him so shall your offspring be without weakening in his faith he faced the fact that his body was as good as dead since he was about a hundred years old and that sarah's womb was also dead their bodies were as good as dead that meant their dreams were dead can you relate today maybe you feel your career is dead your finances are dead your marriage is dead your dating life seems dead your family relationships seem dead your your hope seems dead the health in your physical body it just seems to be deteriorating and you feel just dead the future that you believe god for right now you look at it and it just seems dead verse 20 says yet in the face of its seeming dead he did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of god but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to god being fully persuaded that god had the power to do what he had promised and god sent me to central today to tell somebody whose dream seems dead you be fully persuaded today that god has the power to do what he said don't give up on god don't lose your faith don't lose your trust don't quit on god he will do what he said he will do i want to show you one of the most theologically sound movies i've ever seen a short clip from this movie finding nemo hey what you doing it's gone i've lost the mask would you drop it you dropped it that was my only chance of finding my son now it's gone hey mr grumpy gills when life gets you down you know what you got to do you don't want to know what you got to do just keep swimming just keep swimming just keep swimming swimming swimming what do we do we swim swim doriano singing see i'm gonna get stuck now with that song now it's in my head sorry just keep swimming just keep swimming just keep swimming just keep swimming just keep swimming [Music] bastard herbert the dream's not happening just keep swimming just keep swimming the pandemic put me in a bad place quarantined i struggle with my emotional mental health depressed somebody says i'm anxious not in a good place just keep swimming just keep swimming just keep swimming my marriage is on the rocks i i really don't think my marriage can make it just keep swimming just keep swimming just keep swimming i'm single and i've been believing god for a husband or for a wife for years and i haven't found anybody just keep swimming just keep swimming just keep swimming pastor herbert i've been trying to get over this addiction for years and i have good days and bad days and i go a month or two and then i fall back in and i'm so discouraged just keep swimming just keep swimming just keep swimming my finances are upside down and i thought i'd be financially free in that financial piece my business that i started the business right now the company is not doing well and i just don't know what to do just keep swimming just keep swimming just keep swimming just keep swimming pastor heard my heart's broken my child is not living for god they're making bad decisions i don't know what else to do i'm trying my best just keep swimming just keep swimming just keep swimming just keep swimming pastor herbert i've been waiting for years for my dream for years and nothing's happened just keep swimming just keep swimming just keep swimming my life verse is galatians chapter 6 and verse number 9 do not grow weary in well doing because in due season at the proper time you will reap a harvest if you do not give up i've come to tell somebody just keep swimming just keep swimming just keep swimming just keep swimming just keep swimming just keep [Applause] just keep swimming and god will be your dream to pass he's not a man that he should lie nor son of man that he should change his mind just keep swimming heavenly father we love you today give us strength for the journey help us to swim god help us to keep going help us not to quit god i thank you right now that you're the kind of god that brings dreams to pass help us to creep keep swimming help us to keep waiting with the wisdom for you to bring the dream to pass it's in jesus name we pray amen well what an incredible experience now remember we go live every weekend and it's a great way to meet and interact with so many of the central family now as you go on throughout this week make sure you hang on to romans 8 that says if god is for us who can be against us we'll see you next time
Channel: Central Church
Views: 1,319
Rating: 4.6363635 out of 5
Keywords: Central Church, Central Online, Central Live, Drew Bodine, It's okay to not be okay, Pastor Jud Wilhite, Jud Wilhite, Sermons 2021, Online Church, The Comeback, Nick Bodine, Better Family
Id: 2sZgdcngntI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 33sec (4233 seconds)
Published: Sun May 30 2021
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