It's About Timing

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[Music] okay folks what we got going on is this is sticks and you've seen him in previous videos whether you know it or not it's been probably five four or five years ago we have no concept of time so we just guess at everything so he's either nine ten somewhere around there the point of the video is that you watch me back up chanako in the hackamore you watched me ride him in the hackamore okay i mentioned at one time you can do the same thing in a snaffle bit if you understand timing and release so that's what i want to share today the way i approach it with the snaffle as opposed to a hackamore is what i want to share with you so this snaffle is mine so you know it's not broke in the middle we've learned over the years that broke in the middle means you're going to lose a high percentage of the horse's brain so what i have to do with this horse is present myself and then ask him to walk backwards now what i want you to watch is that as i pick these reins up watch everything come into play my body his body everything from head to tail so now i'm going to sit up get my math correct make the bubble and i'm asking the horse to walk backwards now watch his nose you notice my hands are touching the saddle now what's happened is he hasn't he's he knows what to do and he chooses not to move his feet so now i'm going to get some life in my legs right now both legs and say excuse me now my hands aren't on the saddle because i need this vertebrae now remember if it was a hackamore all you'd be seeing is me bumping what you're seeing now is pressure and it's his this is important it's his job to get behind my hands until he agrees to work with me as soon as he agrees that he's going to go off a field then it's my job to release now it's his job to release so i'm going to say i need you to gather up as in collection and walk backwards now i since you made it i'm going to give you back the rain but now your nose went out so i'm asking again and then i'm giving the rain back right there that's called an intentional step if you watch my right knee you'll see how much my leg is off now i'm going to drop my right knee at the same time as my left exhale and sit down and the horse stops now i'm going to say okay go ahead and stretch and by the way i want to say hi to bob and cheryl in ajo they're good friends of ours and we miss seeing them so hello to you i hope you're keeping warm down there i can mail a jacket to you if you're in a vine factory is all you need to borrow soap down there right now cause the monsoon made it now i'm going to walk forward and on this horse because of his age knowing him and the mileage his job is to walk forward in a level of collection and when i'm finished today tomorrow next year he'll be walking forward on a loose rain now let me show you what a loose rain looks like in this in the snafu bit world right there if you see that much play this is not this is when you're making a circle outside that's how loose the rain is when i'm talking about schooling this is what it looks like so now i'll walk forward and i'm asking him walk forward some dignity if you need to just barely move your feet in a schooling walk i don't really care right now what i need you to do is to get on the payroll and pay attention now just so everybody knows this is what horses do their mind they're a prey animal so their mind goes away well then it comes right back what i'm getting at is they'll look around you watch the ears and you'll see they're looking at things any kind of movement well if he didn't look and he was brain dead then i would he would be a halter horse so i prefer to have a horse that has some kind of a brain now once again i'm going to say i need you to bridle up now i'll sit up take my legs off i just asked him to walk backwards you can see the amount of straightness in my rain now horse is gone watch my right leg and understand that the left leg is going to do the same thing now i'm telling the horse you need to pay attention to me thank you now if you would please walk backwards now i'll give you the rain there he's walking straight so i don't have to put a leg on him i'm going to stop and stand give me your head please here it comes in other words he was pushing on the bit so i asked him to bridle up now you're allowed to stretch now it's real important that you understand i bumped him with both legs and i actually made contact with the spurs because he was not checking in when i asked him to check in it's his job to check in once again i'm going to walk forward in collection right there now you'll see me move the horse over plus put pressure and release now i'm going to sit down and ask him to walk words i'll move his right front foot over because he got crooked now he needs to pay attention and walk backwards something that's interesting for me is that he can walk backwards and still be looking left or right doesn't matter when he's using his brain moving the feet as a as you know walking and when you just walk as a human you don't pay attention you just walk well he can just walk plus look around the word around he's not allowed to do this because my reigns won't let him so i'm keeping him in a right in a spot here that he still has to stay straight now here's the here's the reason why i'm making the video i hope i'm not just babbling here the main thing i want you to understand about this video is it's all about me taking my legs off away from the horse okay so now the horse doesn't pay attention it's ill-mannered i bump and i say wake up he says okay got it now i keep my legs off now he gets crooked going into my right leg so i put my leg on to straighten him out that's why the legs stay off now what i've learned over time is that if you really put the energy and take your legs off more they'll walk faster in their brain it's like freeing them up now there's a go-to all i did was sit up i didn't ask him to walk backwards he walked backwards because now he's on the payroll so now i'm going to walk in a circle that's that's the amount of weight on my hands folks looking asking impulsion is my right leg putting an arc in his spine is my left leg i keep going forward and back with my hands because i want him to walk in collection i'll say the word there when he's correct there now i hate to be mr captain reminder but what i watch in the clinics from washington to south carolina is people still have this thing about doing this watch my elbow this is how you release pressure release pressure release that's how it's done to me if you do this you're going to teach your horse to pull the reins out of your two little fingers if you have your entire fist on it and give with your elbow they're not going to pull the reins out of your hands i'll guarantee you i'm going to leave i'm going to arc this side the rib in excuse me out and i'm going to ask him to make a turn my right hand will shift the weight back and the horse will turn now remember i said my right hand it's the opposite of what a lot of people think now my left hand i've given the horse direction right now my left hand pulls straight back and that shifts the weight to the hindquarters so the horse can turn and i know we've been over this 100 times but according to the emails i get i need to do it 101. now i'm going to control the feet with my body asking now here's the deal about collection this is something that's pretty important to me what really happens when you're schooling a horse the reason i keep using the word collection is because when a horse is done he'll walk his front end around in self-courage when he's not done he's going to push on the bit one pound two ounces three if he's always pushing with a pound or more you need to back up and get it where it's pound or less before you move on what happens is when people get a horse turn and they start turning more and they're tickled to death with the feet and they're forgetting about the horses pushing through the bridle so that's the start of ruining a horse so i that's why i'm so slow at doing everything as in the speed that i do it and the time so what i want now watch this horse's skull watch his nose i'm going to back him up then i'm going to turn right now i'm going to ask him to turn right see that push on the bit well you may think it's subtle but it turns into big over time so what i tell a horse is that you need to stay in collection because i need you balanced now you need to move your feet accurately if you're pushing with your nose then you lose your accuracy what i've done is i've worked the horse a little bit and i'm allowing it to do nothing which means it gets to do what this horse does it looks around it's a prey animal when i ask it to walk backwards feel that when i ask it to walk backwards it's going to start by me reaching for the reins and that'll give the horse the first clue if you'll notice the left front foot fell into sin as i reach for the reins i'm going to bring my body up in the position of a horse walking backwards right now i've set it up this horse should walk backwards in collection there now i need to move the right foot to the outside now thank you so much the left front foot needs to go the other way the other way thank you so much now please understand the reason i'm doing this is because i'm going to show you what i don't want to see when i make a horse the problem i ran into from washington to south carolina and i get this lame excuse about old habits well old habits quit whining wake up pay attention and quit doing the wrong thing here it goes i'm not going to move the right front foot by moving my right hand i'm going to move it by pressuring the outside leg and that moves the foot over my horse raised his skull if you'll notice it so i know in my mental notebook over time he's not going to raise his skull a half an inch he's just going to simply stay in collection and move his right front foot now that little demonstration my friends is a difference and i'm going to go ahead and use this word because hopefully it'll stick that's a difference between a horse schooling and a horse resenting now just raising their skull that much turns into rooting on the reins unless you've got your timing down that's why i told you you can do this just like the hackamore if you have timing so i hope that makes sense thank you very much goodbye [Music] you
Channel: Pat & Deb Puckett
Views: 13,495
Rating: 4.9742765 out of 5
Keywords: Pat Puckett, The Disciplined Ride, Missing Link Snaffle, Horsemanship, Ranch Horses, Deb Puckett
Id: EIraPvCRryQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 41sec (941 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 22 2021
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