IT'S TIME TO GET OVER IT! Powerful Motivational Speech for Success Les Brown Motivation

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i was in my comfort zone i was doing just enough to get by working on a job they paid me just enough to keep me from quitting and i worked just hard enough to keep from getting fired how many know people like that blink your eyes that you understand what i'm talking about i was parked i knew i could do more but when my mama died it took something out of me when i went through a divorce it took something out of me when and my best friend died it took something out of me i parked and somebody said that life is like an onion you have to peel it one layer at a time and sometimes you cry life's going to happen to you when you have a dream you're going to get slapped around and don't take it personal don't ask why did this have to happen to me why not you who would you suggest you want to give us some names some email addresses and don't tell everybody 80 don't care and 20 glad is you it's called life suck it up and move on get over it it happens to everybody here's the other thing is you look at your goals and look at your dreams when you're going through some stuff repeat after me please when things go wrong don't go with them yes write that down when things go wrong don't go with them when you're working on a business deal you're counting on some money someone said you will get the loan and it falls through you have an event and the people that you thought would be there and support you they don't come through or someone turns against you or you get ripped off it's going to happen to you happened to me someone stole all my products my database over a hundred and eighty thousand names and addresses it's not personal it's gonna happen to everybody it does eight out of ten millionaires have been financially bankrupt walt disney had seven he profiled bankruptcy seven times and had two nervous breakdowns it's called life but i got a saying when life knocks you down try and land on your back because if you can look up you can get up you've got the power in you to do that you've got something special you've got comeback power here's the other thing let us say together it's possible it's necessary it's me yes write that down it's me take ownership for your life nobody can live your dream for you but you nobody's going to take care of your business like you stop coming up with excuses don't give yourself permission to continue to live a small life you can't fit a big dream into a small life give yourself permission to go for it to test yourself to challenge yourself to live full i like to say always strive to get on top in life because it's the bottom that's overcrowded reason you're here is because there's something in you that says i can do more this just can't be it there's something in you there's a calling on your life there's something in your heart that costs you to get dressed and and spend the money to go to the seminar after seminar and listen to message after message and speaker after speaker because there's something in you that tells you this is not it for you you have not peaked here there's more in you that you're expressing eye is not seen ear has not heard nor has entered a man heart of mankind what's in store for you if you challenge yourself if you persist and persevere if you take ownership for your life george bernard shaw said the people that make it in this life they look around for the circumstances that they want and if they can't find them they create them create what you want you have the power you to do the more than you can ever begin to imagine to control your destiny to make a difference in our children to make a difference on the planet to make an impact let us say together it's me and let us say together it's hard said like you know it's it's hard ladies and gentlemen it's hard that people who have seen their retirements taken away from them by the corporations that they work for they were within two or three years of retiring and they had it taken from them the number one entrepreneurs in this country now are senior citizens the number one employer number two mcdonald's and walmart and there's nothing wrong with those jobs i guarantee you those people did not have a plan to end up living their lives at the end of life with those types of jobs and they didn't have a plan like you have and while you're investing in yourself not to and it's hard they're people making choices between purchasing prescription drugs or paying for gas or mortgage note it's hard when you're working on a job for 20 years 30 years give them some good years and then they come in and tell you we've downsized in other ways other words you're fired and then you have to start all over again how many of you know it's hard raise your hands please it's hard and it's not fair one of the things i like about t harv is he talks about work and investing in yourself it's not fair but people are going up against that kind of stuff to tell them just think positive and be enthusiastic and everything will work out all right ain't that kind of party it's hard life will put some knots on your head i bought my first home from my mother i was rushing didn't know what i was doing and i bought a home that had a lien against it and they called me mr brown yes as a lien against your property we need fifty five thousand dollars if you're going to stay there wait a minute sir i just bought this home the guy told me there were no liens against it i'm not the one that owe you the money you should have checked that out mr brown come on i call my attorney we follow up yes les there's a lien against the property but he told me there were no liens he lied obviously oh my god he told me he wanted to help me because he admired the fact that i was buying this home for my mother and that he was adopted and he he identified with me lest he suck at you he played you man so what well would they take payment arrangements can i what about five thousand dollars a month they want all the money less they want all the money or you're going to have to get out the house is going up for sheriff's sale do you have it no i i don't have them can they give me some time tell them to give me give me three months please give me three months i my mother's in her 70s man she has a bad heart don't do this to me this is my dream don't do this man please let me talk to him les i'm talking to their attorney they don't want to talk to you i've got to talk to the attorneys do you have the money no will they give me three months no what about two months no less they want the money in seven days oh my god let me call you back i'm not sure and i walk the floors thinking god how could this happen to me i gotta figure this out huh i gotta figure this out it seemed like the days were just ticking off taking off thursday i had to call them and let them know they called me les do you have the money no i don't friday you have to leave the chef will be there you'll have to leave les they're going to take my house what about my down payment you lost it less you lost it okay i gotta go yes i prayed lord please if you show me that you're real if if it's if you're really real you think paul worked for you you haven't seen anything don't let me lose this house and watch what i'll do for you i was trying to cut a deal have you ever tried to cut a deal it's amazing how spiritual you'll get when you get in trouble you know to me when i was diagnosed with prostate cancer i was going his bed with the with the bible and the holy koran and science of mind and joel goldsmith everything i could find i was paying to jesus yahweh melchizedek everybody i was calling on everybody it's amazing and and here i was walking the floor three o'clock in the morning and i had to go and wake my mother up i got on my knees and i said mama i said i need you to wake up she said what's wrong leslie i can i can hear you walking back and forth i'm not sleep son i said there's something i need to tell you she said your eyes are red why are your eyes red because i feel so stupid now why we got to move tomorrow why leslie there's a lien against the property and they want fifty five thousand dollars and i don't have it and we're going to be set out tomorrow we have to go back to liberty city so she said it's okay i don't like this house anyhow i said why she said because of my arthritic knees it helps it hurts my knees when i go up the steps i said why didn't you tell me because you were so happy i just said it because you were happy i'll live in a shack with you boy i love you it's not the house i love you i love all my children i said thank you mama thank you and the next day the next day when we were in the truck going back to liberty city and we pulled down 68th terrace the neighbors came out and said whoa mamie mimi y'all coming back are you back yes what happened to the home your boy bought for you those boys you adopted leslie didn't do a title search he made a mistake and boy i was i was so humiliated how you ever made a mistake that you were just humiliated raise your hands i was devastated i was taking the furniture off the truck and my mother came and i was crying and she said boy i said yes ma'am she said hold your head up i said mama i can't she said hold your head up i said why look what i've done she said it's okay it's okay you are going to make a lot of mistakes in life young man you're going to fail your way to success you have nothing to be ashamed of keep your head up and take that furniture back in the house i said yes ma'am and i learned something from that if you ever go through something hold your head up if you ever make a mistake hold your head up if you ever do something and everything goes wrong life catch you on the blind side hold your head up it's not over girder says that which does not kill you will make you stronger hold your head up shut someone's hand on your right and left and say hold your head up here's something else ladies and gentlemen repeat after me please you got to be hungry everybody together you got to be hungry i'll never forget mr washington said mr brown yes sir what do you want to do with your life young man i said sir i want to be a discharge he said mr brown i said yes sir he said you got to be hungry i said what do you mean by that he said people that are hungry are willing to do the things the day others won't do in order to have the things tomorrow others won't have people that are hungry are willing to invest in themselves people that are hungry will go to seminars and workshops people that are hungry always searching always seeking higher ground so how do you want to make it i said i want to be a disc jockey that's good here's what to do he said i want you to read 10 to 15 pages of something positive every day he said you don't get in life what you want you get in life what you are you must program yourself to success he said won't you listen to earl nightingale and zig ziglar listen faith comes by hearing and hearing and hearing he said i want you to change your relationships and i don't want you to ever lose your hunger i said what do you mean by that he said people that are hungry unstoppable people that are hungry or no matter what people they make it happen no matter what he says i want you to listen to paul harvey who is he he's the world's greatest communicator success leaves clues young man always listen and follow people who are doing what it is you want to do at the level you want to do it and learn from them i told hihab when we were standing by the stage i said hey man i want to work more with you i want you to coach me i want to learn from you see i found you're never too old to learn and you're never too young to teach always have a thirst for learning so i listened to paul harvey every day on the radio while in school i would go out and listen in his car he gave me his keys i was working to develop myself and i continued to listen to motivational messages and he would take me to see the late no doctor norman vincent field who wrote the book the power of positive thinking i toured with him before he passed you you have something special you have greatness within you don't allow your circumstances to determine who you are don't allow your negative thoughts to hold you back you you have something special you can do more than you could ever begin to imagine dr peel was an incredible man i i admired when he spoke he gave me goosebumps i can feel him in my heart and and i never forget we were coming back to the school and mr washington said mr brown yes sir when dr peel spoke you didn't move and he spoke you were hanging on everywhere he when he spoke we didn't have to tell you to sit down and be quiet why i said sir i could i could feel him and he talked i felt like he was talking to me sir he said he was i said but he doesn't know me but he was speaking to you did you feel him in your heart i said yes sir he said most people feel him in their head if you felt him in your heart he said listen to him son follow him learn from him and i would go to seminars and workshops anywhere i would find where dr peel was i would be in the audience i'll drive two and three hundred miles just to hear him speak and my dream and vision was was to share the stage with him i thought about it what is your goal what is your vision i want you to hold it in mind there's some power in that because when i became involved in speaking i never forget i got a call from augmentino who wrote the book the greatest salesman in the world he said last i'm stuck in philadelphia i need to be in king the key dr norman vincent fields appearing i can't make it i heard you're in chicago i said yes i am can you go and open for me i said yes man oh my god dr peeler i said yes i'd love to do it and i went there and i came i said hi i'm i'm les brown he said you're not the band right now and i said no i'm i'm mrs mamie brown's baby boy i'm here to speak he said come backstage and his wife martha was there and she said papa les brown is here the speaker and he said les brown les brown shoot for the moon because even if you miss your land among the stars i said sir that's my quote i wrote you when i was in the 11th grade i was a part of a special special education class project that's my quote he said i know i in all my speeches with that quote and dr pill had a great sense of humor a young man was backstage and i had so many questions to ask him in my mind froze up and the young guy said dr pill how old are you and he was up in age he said sonny i'm i'm 92. young man looked at him said i don't know if i want to live to get 92. he said that's because you've never been 91. so i did the things that mr washington suggested i listened to motivational tapes on a regular basis i would go to seminars and workshops whenever zig ziglar and dr dennis waitley and jim rohn would come to town and i said sir i said what do you want me to do now he said mr brown i've given you everything that i can give you he said develop your mind put your money where your mouth is continue to learn how to be an effective communicator because once you open your mouth you tell the world who you are and always surround yourself with oqp only quality people so i went to apply for a job on miami beach wmbm radio station milton butterball smith was the program director hello mr butterball how are you sir my name is les brown sir i like to be a disc jockey he said young man you have any journalism in your background i said no sir i don't have an experience in broadcasting i said no sir but i practice all the time sir let me audition for you sir let me show you how good i am all i need is a shot sir he says no we don't have any job for you i've never been rejected raise your hands please i was devastated i went back and i told mr washington said mr washington they said no he said don't take it personally most people are so negative they have to say no seven times before they say yes he said you got to be hungry make know your vitamin go back again i said yes sir hello mr butterball how are you sir my name is les brown sir i like to be a disc jockey young man weren't you here yesterday yes sir i was didn't i tell you no yesterday yes sir you did then why are you back today well sir i didn't know whether or not somebody was laid off or somebody was fired sir nobody was laid off a fire now get on out of here i came back the next day hello mr butterball how are you sir my name is les brown sir i like to be a disc jockey i know what your name is weren't you here the last two days yes i was didn't i tell you no the last two days yes sir you did why are you back oh sorry i didn't know whether or not someone got sick or someone died sir no one got sick or died no one was laid off a fire now don't you come back here again i came back the next day talking loud looking happy like i was seeing him for the first time as hello vista vadaval how are you he looked at me with rage he says go get me some coffee i said yes sir my favorite book says the greatest among you will be your servant how many of you serious about your goals and dreams raise your hands very good write this down provide more service than you get paid for provide more service than you get paid for i go to a lot of seminars and workshops and one of the things i know about t have eckerd when i was sitting in the class of robert royal pal and all of the other presenters they hold themselves to high standards and they provide more information than anybody else in the industry bar none they hold nothing back because their commitment is for your success and when you hold yourself to high standards write this down impact drives income that's why you're here because the training the seminars been making a difference in your life if there did not have impact two or three hundred people will be here if that amount impact drives income so i became the erin board for the disc jockeys i would go get their lunch and their dinner and i would bring it to them in the control room not watch them working the control boards knowing my time will come write this down i expect to reach my goal yes you want to operate with a spirit of expectation i expect to reach my goal so i started preparing for the next position never forget one quote that i heard as you look at your life look at your goals and dreams it's better to be prepared for an opportunity and not have one than to have an opportunity and not be prepared if you expect to reach your goal prepare yourself now and so then pretty soon the guys at the station they begin to take a liking to me write this down build relationships as you aware people deal with people that they know like and trust and so they would say leslie yes sir come here yes come outside who did this or your car yes who cleaned my car i did sir i would wax their cars in the weekend inside and out how much do you charge oh nothing sir i just wanted to help out i was providing more service and i got paid files building relationships i said whoa look here donna ross and the supremes are coming to town the four tops and the temptations here hurt my car keys pick them up for me take them to the fountain blue hotel on miami beach i said yes sir i would drive them all over miami beach in the big long cadillacs i didn't have any driver's license but i was driving like i had some then one day it was a saturday afternoon a disc jockey by the name of rockin roger was drinking while he was on the air it was a saturday afternoon and i was the only one there rocking roger got so drunk he could not complete the show he started slurring his words he's about to fall off the chair and there i was looking at him from the control room window walking back and forth young ready and hungry i was saying drink rock drink drink rock gotta go and get him some more if he'd asked me to then pretty soon the phone rang it was the general manager and i answered the phone and said hello he said young boy this is mr klein i said i know he said rock can't finish his program i said i know he said would you call one of the other djs in i said yes sir i said to myself he must be thinking i'm crazy i called my mom and my girlfriend cassandra said y'all come out on the front porch and turn up the radio i'm about to come on the air i waited for about 20 minutes and i called him back i said mr klein i can't find nobody he said young boy you're not a worthy controls i said yes sir he said go on and segment the records but don't say nothing here i said yes sir i couldn't wait to get a rock out of the way i put on a fast record i said look out this is me lv triple p les brown you plotted playing papa there were none before me and there will be none after me therefore that makes me the one and only young and single and love dominguez certified bonafide and duplicably qualified to bring you satisfaction and a whole lot of action look out baby i'm your love man i was hungry i was hungry get old man a round of applause i was hungry i was hungry you got to be hungry shake someone's hand on your right and left all around you and say you got to be hungry you got to be hungry to get those dreams out of your head and step into your greatness you got to be hungry to get those ideas that talent that gift out of your system you got to be hungry to get up off the canvas of life and understand what willie jolly meant that a setback is a setup for a comeback you got to be hungry people that are hungry willing to do the things the day others won't do in order to have the things tomorrow others won't have how many of you got value out of what you've heard that's why raise your hands please very good i'd like to leave this with you i don't know what your goals are i don't know what you want to do here's what i know about you you have greatness within you here's what i know about you i can help you to live full and to die empty i can show you what i've learned if anybody told me that i would be doing what i'm doing now i leave here today i go to new orleans and speak there then i'll be flown to barcelona if anybody told me given my circumstances born an abandoned building on a floor in a poor section of miami florida called liberty city of both my birth parents stood up and said hello son i would not know either one being labeled educable mentally put back from the fifth grade to the fourth grade failed again when i was in the eighth grade no college training anybody told me the principles that i would teach you that they would have the impact that it has had on my life this les brown that you see i did not know he existed and i tell you that you have greatness within you you have the ability to do more than you can ever begin to imagine come into the room with me and i guarantee your life will never be the same again i like to leave this with you i don't know what your goals are mine is to find a cure to autism mine is to find a cure to breast cancer and to prostate cancer mine is is to work with our youth and to reduce the recidivism rate in our prisons and help young people learn how to become an asset to our society rather than a liability mine is is to train speakers to become great communicators to speak from their heart not their heads and teach them how to impact and create a new conversation so people can see the possibilities of life and overcome the possibility blindness that held me hostage for 14 years i don't know what your goals are but here's what i know about you and i don't know you you've got greatness within you and i'd like to leave this with you something my mother used to love to hear me say leslie yes now mama say that thing for me boy that makes me feel good i dedicate this to you to the greatness in you and to the dream that you showed up on the planet to produce and it's simply this if you want to think bad enough to go out and fight for it to work day and night for it to give up your time your peace and your sleep for it if all that you dream and scheme is about it and life seems useless and worthless without it and if you gladly sweat for it and fret for it and plan for it and lose all your terror of the opposition for it and if you simply go after that thing that you want with all of your capacity strength and sagacity faith hope and confidence and stern pertinacity [Music] you
Views: 5,971
Rating: 4.9424462 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 57sec (1737 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 20 2020
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