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there's not really any way for me to sugarcoat this uh and I'm really not going to try there's something that I have failed to acknowledge for some time now and it's been playing one mind a lot over the last few weeks especially as I've been trying to make this effort to go back menend some of my past mistakes or past misunderstandings uh and I really feel like now is the time Sky High is not a fascist Eugenics movie it's just about kids with superpowers the real ones in the audience will remember a specific video of mine that sort of set this channel off uh of course I'm referring to a Pokemon Parody look at me I'm a video game character look at me I'm going around on my day I'm doing things you don't even do when you're a video game character in terms of making video essays I started off with stuff like a a video about like Jam's gun getting cancelled and I think I did like a Fallout video uh but then there was a specific video I put out uh that that happened to to kind of take off um the the topic being that the two 2005 Disney superhero movie Sky High was actually Eugenics propaganda this really set the tone for the entire Channel but it's also been a video that I've consistently gotten um a lot of mixed reactions to being a YouTube person you're always in this strange sort of temporal position where at any time someone's encountering something you might have made three four five six years ago uh and to them it's like a new thing this is obviously completely natural like the date that the video came out is just this tiny little thing and it's like when you find it you you have a take on it but in the spirit of me going back and sort of clarifying things that I had previously talked about uh I feel like this is as good an opportunity as any to look back at this stupid video I made like 6 years ago uh and figure out what I think about it now uh I'm ready to cringe even though there's a fair part of me that imagines looking back at something I made in my early 20s now uh and sort of wants to die I also want to make clear that I have given into to the peer pressure on this video uh and have applied the lapel mic properly so if it sounds worse uh that's actually your fault to be honest I myself have not seen this video in like three or four years so I am also interested in how much I agree with the things I say or you know the way I present the things I'm saying hey there film fans fun fact did you know now I just want to say uh just a beautiful look that I've got going on here uh having long hair was I think a a large source of my power early on someday we'll get we'll get you back baby um someday I'll be willing to commit the trouble with long hair is that you have to commit to that midstage where it just looks like [ __ ] all the time also before anything else what what an atrocious uh look that this video had at the time I think that Disney in particular was pretty strict in terms of what would get copyright claimed so I had to do a lot more in terms of applying filters like switching the colors on things like slowing up and speeding uh speeding footage I like the the stuff that you add to get past the copyright filter so you can still say what you want to say I think that's a really good trick I'm going to steal it I'm not really sure why I applied it to the whole thing like even the parts where I pop in I'm purple for some reason now I know I've had an issue with with being the wrong color in videos before um for the record for anyone who still has that issue uh I've mostly been able to get around it by just keeping my Clips to below 5 seconds and then if you have to uh go over really try and make sure that's not in the clips where you have audio uh cuz when it's just like the clip and audio that's that that's the kind of stuff that's going to get get you copyright strike I also love the terrible green screen effect now to be clear this wasn't wasn't even a green screen I just had this blue top when I moved into the apartment that I was living in in Cleveland yeah yeah you can see it right here it was just like this old scrunched up wrinkly thing and and because of that and also because of the atrocious lighting that I had on it it really functioned horribly in terms of being a a green screen type thing a blue screen rather I I should say uh but you know that's that's the kind of Maverick film making that you just don't get uh you don't get nowadays what stands out about funny sound effect often accidentally or even deliberately referring to socialists and Communists as liberal when those are not the same ideology the political stuff is really front loaded in this video also so I think that's the kind of uh people not liking this as much thing I really understand that I just get straight into like Jonah Goldberg and his like misunderstanding of uh liberalism and the left I'm going to say you know 23-year-old Jack maybe just you know take your time a little bit buddy the evidence by oh there is Hitler Hitler's right there's Hitler right there I think that might be this might be the reason that the video oh whoa there the straight up just Nazi propaganda on the screen um this is actually one of the few videos I have that is still um demonetized and I think that this might be the reason what does that tell you for yeah just a full on 10c clip of of Hitler with a TV filter over it you know the more I watch this the more I'm actually into the weird color filter thing that the entire video has on it again it was my understanding that it was just to get around the Disney stuff uh but I appear to have just put the filter over the entire video uh pretty cool to be honest I mean more Hitler and then Sky High happened and all my children I learned to such a such an Abrupt transition too regular police never seem to show up to deal of anything oh that that little uh image was over the filter anyway is the gathers a gang of colorful super Co this is also I think just an early thing that a lot of people starting out will will fall into which is over summarization it's really hard to avoid when you're first writing YouTube video stuff especially cuz it's just so common like a lot of the big um Media review critique type channels do do this where they just like M just granular summarization of the thing that they're talking about which is completely understandable because like I say a lot of those channels are very popular and people like to get like the full summary before they really get into the thing that's being talked about at the same time I think that can actually kind of obscure what you want to actually talk about are those guys dead ding yeah that was one of the early criticisms that people had with the video is when I was talking about will being a stronghold and getting preferential treatment because of that and how well that's just like a generic nepotism thing that's not really about you know fascism or Eugenics or anything like that my point was more that we're not just talking about him getting preferential treatment because he's part of this prestigious family it's specifically that he's getting differential treatment because of a perceived genetic superiority he has sorry I should probably say what this video is about for people that can't be bothered to actually go through and watch it the essential argument of the video is that the society presented by the Disney superhero movie Sky High is a fascist Eugenics based society um in which uh people have positions in society based on a perceived genetic superiority uh while people that are perceived as genetically inferior are treated as lesser and I was specifically using the the setup of Jonah Goldberg's liberal fascism um because of the idea that oh well if we're to imagine a fascist eugenic SE Society uh that doesn't have obvious cruelty involved like obvious genocide taking place uh how how would we how would we then say that we disagree with the fascist Society um now it's kind of uh self-contradictory part of the problem is that fascism inherently uh leads to that kind of society uh and certainly there is a lot of Cruelty going on in the Sky High Universe I guess it kind of goes into a similar thing as Starship Troopers which I talked about in the last video which does try to present a a fascist adjacent society that is uh free from obvious bigotries but in that case I think the point was more well what we're getting in instead is a a ridiculous fantasy world which is the only World in which that type of society could actually function I believe the preferred term is hero support yeah that's the thing too the I think that's worth highlighting the fact that Sidekick is talked about as like a slur in this world and yet everyone just openly calling people Sidekicks I'm just saying I'm I'm agreeing I'm agreeing with 23-year-old Jack here it's pretty [ __ ] up pretty [ __ ] up when you really think about it my favorite trend of YouTube videos the isn't it [ __ ] up when you think about the media as if it was real uh genre oh it was only since watching this that I watched the expanse and then found out that that was the guy that was [ __ ] Holden from the expanse playing Warren peace I just iconic just the most iconic roller I've ever seen not to mention of course uh will strongholds friend being cousin Greg which is really blowing my mind tough man T is did they say that they were going to do a reboot of Sky High at any point because honestly I would I would still love to see it the stinky bus driver fart noises need to bring those back I guess I'll take a break to Broadley go over the history of eugenics go for it buddy I will say like I've had a certain percentage of people that honestly prefer how my videos used to be and I think there was a certain amount of uh unself-aware confidence that I had to just be like yeah okay that's me talk about Sky High I'm going to talk about eugenex for a while now and just like without needing to lampshade it or signpost it in any way just like yeah just go straight into it um which honestly like yeah I think in some ways uh it's it's the better way to do things honestly when you're when you're already delving into this particular genre of like political media analysis just go all the way right none none of this Namby pambi oh let me make a bunch of jokes so that I can make it seem ironic that I'm doing this when when I am actually doing it um Hitler and therefore that hey it's Hitler again hey it's it's Nazi propaganda again the confidence of this man Native Americans were also in the chopping block with thousands being unceremoniously sterilized just covering all the all the the he topics of the day with this video amans you need only look to the reaction to a revelation that a Star Wars Jedi prowess might not be tied to genetic Heritage to see how attached the West is to eugenic story this particular comparison aged in a very interesting way and obviously I knew that from the moment I included it like half of the video's comments would be uh just people complaining about uh that movie but I did not realize that then the following movie would try it so desperately to be like no no no no no no Eugenics is a thing in this universe guys she has the medoran because she's Palpatine's [ __ ] daughter oh my God that movie was so [ __ ] stupid I truly don't care that much about Star Wars but I'm I'm still annoyed about that [ __ ] movie I genuinely just thought it was cool to have this inversion of episode 5 where it's like oh actually you're the the descendant of this like big important guy to then have the opposite thing where she it turns out she isn't like Oh I thought that was a cool idea and then Palpatine's behind it all somehow Palpatine's return I think it it leads into an interesting thing with storytelling where people feel like they need objective reasons for things to be the case which in a way that doesn't really correlate with reality like the idea that this character can't be stronger unless they're given the context of some uh bloodline that they're connected to that that might have given them some kind of Advantage plenty of people to be clear not from a prestigious bloodline that have happened to be incredibly skilled or talented in in different areas but you know in the case of something like a magical Force Powers feeling like it needs to be connected to something objective or else it no longer makes sense which I not a discussion I want to get into ever in my [Music] life love the Psychonauts music in the background here yeah so so one of the things I was going to get into is how people are saying this is commentary on that kind of Society because you know it's from the perspective of the people that are seen as lesser uh and is sort sympathetic to them and therefore at the end of the movie you're supposed to have almost an anti-fascist or anti- Eugenics kind of opinion which which is interesting because a lot of those same people that will make this point will also deny that the film is this weird eugenic Society in the first place but for for the people that do the point that I I think I I made a few times in the video is that the hero supports aren't just seen in this really sympathetic way they are basically treated as a punch lion for a lot of the story like in the case of side boy where whatever his [ __ ] name is like a lot of the characters are just meant to be pathetic I think I saw this guy in Fargo recently so many they honestly got some like a great cast for this movie All American boy that's what it's called what' I say the tuna fish sandwich I also maintain that I don't know what that sandwich is what the [ __ ] is this ad this is a case of me trying to be very elegant with getting around content block yeah I just trying to be real subtle about it and make sure it doesn't get in the way of your viewing experience so I hope you appreciate that um's back and this hopefully highlights just how maddeningly difficult it was to not get your reviews struck at this time yeah YouTube YouTube sucks he and Will's mother admit to one another how disappointed they are but this development and briefly consider conversion therapy I think this is also probably one of the bits of confusion like to be clear when I'm saying dropping will in a vat of toxic acid is basically conversion therapy in this universe like on the one level uh true but also you know I'm aware that it's like it's not that serious right like there's a lot of people that just sort of criticize the video of being like well it's not that deep and it's like obviously it's a [ __ ] Disney movie like it's a [ __ ] um silly Disney Super movie right like clearly you're not meant to think of that as as serious as conversion therapy um it's just sort of when you think about it that's effectively what we're talking about here the idea that I can simultaneously um oh my God ice cream the idea that uh it's not like the serious commentary and the the jier elements of the video are these two separate weird things that clash it's it's the same thing kind of at the end of the day like I say I think there's there certain audiences that this video is just not going to appeal to and I completely understand that this clip now you'll notice that not only is it the weird sort of like shrunk down thing not only is it fil filtered but in fact double filtered and with the content ID block text over it because this clip specifically got my video blocked like a dozen times like I was honestly having a mental breakdown at this point of trying to get this video published uh and at the time I didn't even have to do deadlines so clearly something was something was going deeply wrong I think nowadays I probably would have just like sped up the footage or something or or like pit shifted it and and sometimes like the audio will be the thing that leads to the block and that's one way that you can get around it at least I found I can get get around it in the lunch yeah this is kind of the thing because a lot of people have watched the video and then they've said well it's not that deep this is actually just uh story about jcks versus nerd essentially you know it turns out that will has a bit more Talent than than he previously uh was assumed to have uh and this kind of creates this separation on the one hand you can have a simpler straightforward reading of the film and that's fine this isn't the one correct way to interpret this as per my last video on this subject it's just that at the same time maybe you can apply that logic to the kind of society that I'm talking about uh and maybe that could actually give you something to think about in terms of how this sort of ideology tends to fester in society you know the idea of the superior and the inferior uh for these very specific genetic Frameworks um yeah you can maybe say there is like a a point of comparison uh you don't need to suddenly be like oh uh being a jock is like being a fascist I don't even know if do we still do like the jock and nerds thing I I'm I'm very out of touch but the point being that you can have the simpler reading but then take something like this and then maybe think about how it could apply in these more boiled down contexts uh or not who [ __ ] cares this YouTube video the thing here is that the film still feels the need to justify that not just narratively but in Universe now I always say like thinking about that I don't think that's entirely Fair because I do think for the most part that was just a way to provide some additional commentary in the film you know by putting will the character in a different position later in the film it just allows him to have a sort of different perspective and then that to kind of uh give you something else to think about also to to be clear and I think I even say this in the video and this honestly I feel like I've said it a million times this is not about what the creators of the media deliberately put into the thing again I I think that this is very consciously like a a commentary on that kind of society to be honest but I don't think it was meant to be negative in any kind of way I think it was supposed to be this very positive like oh everyone can make a difference type of story even if it was using some of those tropes at no point am I saying oh the people that made Sky High yeah those are fascists those are fascists right there and they disgust me anyway away from the Sidetrack will gets home elated by these developments summary summary summary summary summary summary summ waren gets trapped in a wind Vortex and seeing his rival slowly dying from being starved of oxygen in his brain which which frankly is still an extremely anime way to implement super fast abilities as a way for someone to overpower someone else more inventive than pretty much any flash media that has been released uh unless there's been a FL piece of flash media that has done that uh and if so I'm stupid and wrong at a certain point Sky High just sort of gives in to its suedo fascist setup sometimes there are words that you read a lot but you know you don't make YouTube videos that are potentially going to get seen by hundreds of thousands of people where you said the word and so you just for the first time say the word and it turns out that that's not how the word is pronounced sudo stress on the first syllable silent P pseudo and you might say Jack why would you ever think that it was pronounced suedo and not pseudo and look honestly make YouTube videos make YouTube videos and say a million different words and then just you know what never have a word that you happen to stumble upon that you don't know the correct pronunciation of and assume that you do know how to pronounce it she storms out much to will suin with him finally see shagin no one ever mentions the fact that I pronounced shagrin correctly right no one ever no one ever thinks about the the many words you say you say a thousand different silly words correctly and no one says a thing but you you say suo once and then you're the suo guy Sho tuer the worst part of the shoe Tucker thing is I looked it up and I read the thing that was like uh oh yeah a lot of people think it's pronounced sha Tucker but that's actually a misconception uh so I was like okay I know how to say it correctly now and then I just went the other way with it I still ship it that poor baby truly who I guess now is like 20 yeah can someone get in touch with these 20year old babies that were in Sky High uh get their thoughts on the eugenic society that they were a part of was using that classic uh wi Shop music that every single YouTube video essay used for about 5 years [Music] perfectly identified opportunity for a beastiality joke look cute little leg cousin Greg yeah I mean to be fair the sidekicks sorry hero supports do help but ultimately the day is saved thanks to a guy who is in fact the the Uber mench um which I think contributes to my point I don't know maybe this video has an a that actually I was I was really expecting me to hate it more but it's it's not that bad honestly yeah like that's the main thing for the people that did take the premise of this video seriously and weren't just like oh it's not that deep the claim being that the film is actually commentary on this society and why it's bad when I feel like the the point that you kind of Come Away with is well this kind of society isn't nice this kind of society is mean uh but fundamentally the characters at the end are rewarded because it turns out that they're actually seen as more useful than they first appeared you know they they aren't actually genetically inferior it's not really so much a critique of this genetic hierarchy based society as it is saying oh these particular individuals are actually of a higher grade than than we once believed which I do think holds true basically I need to piss so [ __ ] bad yeah I don't I think it just comes back to this idea of oh I'm saying this media is problematic and that's the whole purpose of the video and it's just I've really steered away from that when I'm talking about these very esoteric analysis of media type things uh like I've done videos where I'll actually say like oh I think this thing was problematic like the Dharma show you know like to make this piece of media this like this very vois look at a thing specific LLY in a way that was against the the concent of the people that were involved in the thing that happened um I did a video about Pam and Tommy which covers similar ground you know I do think that there's things to talk about there but when I'm talking about [ __ ] Sky High or Cars 2 the purpose is not hey everyone this thing is evil because it's fascist you know it's just it's more just an Avenue to talk about how certain ideas can become acceptable or framed in a way that they seem permissible in a way that's silly and hearkens back to some nostalgic media from your youth uh rather than seeming like this very Dow uh depressing discussion which often it can be when you're talking about uh Hitler which I I seem to talk about Hitler a lot is an anime called my hero now to be clear this was just because when I was making this video I was watching my hero Academia at the time and I was really really into it uh honestly from the the year following me making this video to now I have not consumed any my hero Academia media uh so I can't really say that much as to whether it's it's sort of gone worse in terms of these ideas uh I will say that at one point I actually followed up on talking about this uh in my cars video specifically talking about how my her acadamia does function as a critique of a eugenic bace society more so than something like Sky High but again I haven't read or watched much of that thing uh since I made this video so uh my conclusions here are are quite limited okay yeah honestly that video didn't age nearly as badly as I as I thought it would um yeah I think there's a lot of presentation things that would be different now which is kind of obvious because I've literally made I think like a 100 videos since I made that one and that was maybe my fourth or fifth video that I'd ever made like in terms of a video essay um yeah I guess it's more just a comment on how over the years through the process of making stuff you're going to have certain uh changes you might make stylistically uh which is kind of natural there's definitely elements of that video that that make me cringe now but um you know I try to be as clear as possible with the param of what I was talking about in that video and I think it still comes across so yeah uh [ __ ] Jack say Jack A's a piece of [ __ ] and he's trying to cancel my beloved children's media um not to say that I'm going to jump straight back to making another oh big political analysis of a nostalgic kids media thing I think I think the ship has sailed for me when it comes to that type of content uh and that's definitely not foreshadowing uh for the next thing that's coming out on my channel actually definitely isn't but it's definitely not foreshadowing for something that might come out soon on the channel and that perhaps this video was a quick cover up because I wasn't done making it by the time it was April 4S but thank you for watching anyway I hope you enjoyed this silly little look back uh which I I decided to do for those of you that have been here since a Pokémon parody um thank you for for sticking with me send me a tip or sign up with the patreon you can be one of the patrons that's scrolling by now thank you for watching I'm going to piss myself and I apologize for being me
Channel: Jack Saint
Views: 102,308
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: KFqtM2FxJoI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 13sec (1753 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 01 2024
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