It's Not What It Looks Like

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i walk in and head straight for the bedroom to lay down i just leaned against the door jamb as they went at it and my eyes started to see red they both start in with the i'm so sorry it's not what it looks like marriage is always in the favor of the woman should things go sideways don't get seriously involved with single moms [Music] yo what's going on everybody hope everybody's feeling good hope everybody's doing well we are back with another subscriber email two emails actually one's a story and uh another is some advice and i thought it paired pretty well so i'm gonna throw them together and typically when i do you guys as emails i'm gonna try to bunch them together um to catch up on these and get these stories out um the only thing about that i don't really like is that i don't want a story to get missed you know i don't want one story to stand out more than the other one i i just but you know i i'll try to do things like if someone sends advice um i'll pair it with someone's story or something like that but uh if you guys want to send advice uh send in your stories funny stories a success story anything uh send it in to truestorynation here i'll put it on the screen that's true story nation at so let's go ahead and get into this one so the subject is how i became red pilled before it was a thing all right he starts off with i finally decided to write in you can call me bishop man this is the second time i was cheating on and it finally woke me up so back in 93 i met this woman let's call her lisa she was 24 and i was also 24. i was right around a year out from the first time i was cheated on so lisa and i took things slow after being together dating and so on for a year we decided that she could move in with me in my apartment she was there most of the time anyways after about another year two years total i felt like things were going very well then one day at work i started feeling really bad and actually had to run to the bathroom to throw up i talked to my supervisor and he told me to go home all i wanted to do was go to sleep here we go i get home and my girlfriend's car is still parked where it usually is but i thought nothing of it because she would get rides to work with friends a lot or give them rides to save money on gas i walk in and head straight for the bedroom to lay down when i hear the unmistakable sound of sex so i walk up and open the door there in my bed are my girlfriend and what was supposed to be my best friend deep in her oh wow details i just leaned against the door jamb as they went at it and my eyes started to see red lisa finally looked over sees me in screams ish no am i supposed to be best friend sees me and jumps off her so fast he landed on his butt on the floor they both start in with the i'm so sorry it's not what it looks like don't beat me up man him hearing all of it i just started laughing and said what is it if it isn't what it looks like because it looks like my girlfriend is cheating on me and my best friend is betraying me immediately the sorrys and excuses start again i just put my hand up in the stock position and i was asking my best friend be honest with me or that butt weapon is going to rain down on you how long has it been going on he said about two months now i said okay do you love her he said yes i'm sorry man but i do i said cool then she's your problem now start packing her ish and she can move in with you lisa says i don't love him though i love you this made me laugh again and i said if you let him put his d in you then you don't love me at all and this is over i want you out now be gone by the time i come back nah they would have been out you're not no you're not staying in my house get out of here i went and stayed the next two nights at my sister's place when i got home lisa and all her stuff was gone i never knew where she went and i never cared when she cheated on me i was 26 i'm 51 now been single since it happened only ever had fwb's since then and the minute any of them start to get too serious wanting a relationship i say nope and get the heck out of there as quick as i can been happy with my life since it all went down but to this day i still don't trust women and i don't have any really close friends either hard to trust a new best friend when one of your best friends after your girlfriend's two months straight wow yeah let me give my thoughts i know a lot of you guys are saying where are your old videos for your old videos i will get them to you guys okay you guys will be able to see the old videos again soon but um as soon as you guys start talking about you know i had to go home go home early i know i know what's about to happen i know what's about to happen now my situation didn't happen exactly like that you know i didn't walk in or nothing like that but i walked in on something that raised suspicion but man your best friend that's some grimy stuff and the whole why is it always it's not what it looks like huh you stay in here and i kind of bleeped it out he was tennis balls deep he was he was in it he was swimming he went deep sea diving and they have the nerve to say it's not what it looks like like the disrespect just continues from the hiding it from you to them getting caught the disrespect just continues oh you didn't see what you thought you saw that's gaslighting like really i know what i saw i know what i'm looking at i love the fact that you're like you know you went back home all her stuff was gone you don't know where she went and you don't even care that's how you move on look she did what she did there's no reason to go beat anybody up uh anything like even though i i like a good revenge story don't get me wrong they tickle me i enjoy them but the best revenge is just moving on and not even worrying about worrying about it all right she's gone okay i don't care you just move on with your life there's nothing wrong with that i appreciate that thank you for sending in this story um really really good story so let's go ahead and jump to the second email the advice email alright so here's the next email um and the subject is important advice for your subs all right and he doesn't say his name so i'm just going to go ahead and read it um hey true story i'm a fan of your channel been following since day one salute to you salute to you man i i remember putting out that first video guys i could i was sitting on a bed and i told that story i was just talking i just needed somewhere to talk somewhere to to put a story out i just needed somebody to talk to i had no one to talk to i was too embarrassed to like call up a friend or anybody so i just i just made a video i didn't know people would start listening you know but you guys did but um i've been listening since day one i hope you can get my email into a video i've been studying female nature online for seven years very closely and today i'd like to share some dating advice in hopes to opening the eyes of other men i'd like to start out by saying that the following advice i have learned the hard way after being cheated on several times dumped out of the blue disrespected used as a doormat and lied to the advice is very counterintuitive to what many men have been made have been made to believe by movies and disney fantasies absolutely we've all been duped number one do not date party girls or girls who still go to the girls night out and get super drunk at a club or bar do not girlfriend or wife these girls up they are not girlfriend material they are damaged goods they are seeking male attention at these clubs if you have a girlfriend currently who still has the need to go out with her single friends and party move on this is hypergamy at its finest she is looking for the bigger better deal in seeking that validation all it takes is some alcohol and a chad to overshadow all morals your girlfriend should not do anything you are uncomfortable with do not put up with it as a pickup artist the easiest girls to pick up are the ones in the relationships who are at who are at these clubs if they sense that you are higher value than the man she has at home she will have no problem leaving him for you even though she has only known you for one hour number two the biggest power position in a relationship is showing the girl you can walk away and never look back if she pushes you too far this builds attraction in a relationship do not be a doormat stand up for yourself and have a backbone she does something you don't like call her out on it she treats you with disrespect and talks down to you walk away if she belittles you yells at you gives you an ultimatum let her know in a civil tone that you will not tolerate any disrespect and to call and to call you when she's ready to be sweet and loving yep when you want to be feminine let me know number three let your girlfriend chase you quit texting her so often let her do 90 of the pursuing let her initiate contact six out of seven days in a week this will maintain your high value image as a man and build attraction you always want the woman to think she likes you just a little bit more than you like her stay on your purpose and do not let her distract you don't make her the star of your movie you are the star of your own movie not her if you're the one who constantly chases your girlfriend i guarantee you she will lose all attraction and respect for you just give it some time chasing is a feminine quality absolutely number four get her to invest in you stop always picking up the tab get her to buy you lunch every once in a while having expectations of her and keeping her on her toes will make sure that she continues seeing you as a high value man with a strong frame number five stop simping stop being a doormat stop being a pushover stop doing anything and everything that you can just to please her it does not work stop simping start with the constant compliment stop with the non-stop gifts stop showering her with free affection and attention let her work for it let her know that you don't give your love away too easily people tend to value things that they have to work for not things that are just willy-nilly given to them number six do not get married and do not date single moms men do not get any benefit out of marriage marriage is always in the favor of the woman should things go sideways don't get seriously involved with single moms true story has explained why on the channel it's just a messy situation to get into number seven lastly when your girlfriend or the girl you're dating is becoming more troubled than she is worth dump her if she's constantly sucking you out of energy if she's constantly nagging you if she's constantly putting you down and giving you a hard time not supporting your dreams not supporting your goals withholding sex belittling you just being an overall toxic partner kick her to the curb you deserve a loving and healthy relationship well there we go i hope you guys can learn something today i really appreciate everything you do for us true story keep the videos going i will be watching always thank you man i appreciate that he told no lies there he told no lies guys in the comments let me know what you think about both of these the first story um maybe if you wanna that guy in the first story he told a story back back when he was young you know and how he quickly all right you did what you did get rid of both of you get out he didn't care about where this woman went he didn't care if she continued to date his ex-best friend he moved on with his life he's 51 now he was in his 20s when this happened he he didn't care he moved on that's what you got to do really move on like i said a good revenge story is kind of funny no i'm not gonna act like i don't enjoy it but the best revenge is just moving on with your life and focusing on yourself to the second guy with the uh to the second email with the advice and the points i loved it you told no lies there no lies guys let me know what you think about both emails in the comments um if you want to send in your story send it to truestorynation here i'll put it on the screen that's true story truestorynation and i'll catch you guys at the next one [Music] you
Channel: True Story
Views: 27,006
Rating: 4.9706745 out of 5
Keywords: true story
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 35sec (935 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 06 2020
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