Dating Just Don't Do It

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it's a bit odd i just stumble across this usually i'm aware of everything you all the videos you make the recent ones at least but that's neither here nor there i think it's a nice video a nice attempt at giving men some sliver of hope i'll be false hope um in a completely toxic toxic atmosphere uh i.e the dating scene and um unfortunately as much as i like the video i i have to respond in a fairly contrarian fashion you say at the outset that i'm not gonna make any comments whatsoever about your marriage i'll take your word for it you say she's some grand exception i'll take your word for it um but let me also say at the outset that the kinds of women these potential women you could date you're talking about to call them needles in the haystack sorry it's a bit funny it that would be a euphemism we're talking about micro bacteria in a hot and a haystack we're taught your chances are so infinitesimally small so as to not exist and that's part of the problem the other problem is reefer's law which i always like to stress and some video obviously i made a video about that it's very important revo's law is important to every man because it basically will explain the nature of the females you and quite simply stated uh briefo's law states the female not the male determines all the conditions of the animal family where the female can derive no benefit let's underline no benefit from association with the male no such association takes place with the following quarter corollaries past benefit provided by the mail does not provide for continued or future association any agreement where the mail provides a current benefit in return for a promise of future association is null and void as soon as the male is provided the benefit a promise of future benefit has limited influence on current future association with the influence inversely proportionate to the length of time until the benefit will be given in directly proportional to the degree to which the female trusts the male in a nutshell and i go in much greater depth into that in previous video uh at the end of the day men are simply utilities tools appliances for a woman this has been a state of affairs since time memorial since thousands if not millions of years in our hominid ancestors uh this is not going to change and has not changed in fact it's only worsened to a degree and almost in towards in an ineffable uh indescribable degree in today's current atmosphere so if a man chooses to date particularly in today's atmosphere um and he's not well put it this way if a man chooses to date in today's atmosphere he needs to be aware of briefo's law and he needs to be aware that every relationship with a woman at the end of the day is simply a business transaction and usually the goods being exchanged are resources money luxury in exchange for access uh to the vaginal orifice um well that if a man is content with that that's okay um at the end of the day a business transaction is okay i suppose people have business contracts and engage in business and things of that nature all the time what's not okay is if a man does not wish to merely be in an application a tool an appliance a utility and goes in to the so-called dating scene with the notion that he is anything but that uh he will always just be that um and whilst you might find some women who are a bit more enlightened it cannot be stated enough that briefo's law really doesn't have exceptions you only have degrees within female kind to which women will manifest uh refuse law so in one woman it might be completely completely overt you're getting a hundred percent specimen in terms of her relation or her reflection of what briefo's laws in another case you might only get a 10 but which i i'd probably i'd reckon that the 10 or the micro bacteria in the haystack um so but a man who's going to date i think better advice would be to be aware of his nature of the business contract about what he's getting into be aware that no woman loves a man she only loves him she loves what she can do for her and so the perceived love will evaporate upon his inability to provide the goods that she perceives as being her entitlement or her right or her desires and he will be thrown upon the trash heap um when a better opportunity i.e a man who can provide the resources to a better degree to a greater extent and so on and so forth comes on scene so i have to be contrary in here because i just i just deeply disagree with your premise once again i can't judge your marriage uh you might have found one of the few women that you count on one hand on earth who's not like what i'm describing or whose manifestation of brief was law is maybe ten percent uh you know i don't know but regarding the rest of them particularly in the west um where feminism has created an inflated sense of entitlement that is simply immeasurable and insatiable mind you and because of this insatiability that's where we run into problems i think ultimately the problem with this video is despite the very nice intentions you're giving men a false sense of hope um unless they're very clear about the nature of the business contract if a man has enough resources financial material to engage in um socially accepted prostitution i have nothing against prostitution ultimately that's what a relationship is right uh that's fine but let's uh let's call what it is let's not let's not pretend that these things you mention common interests maybe a similar sense of humor and so on and so forth at the end of the day that there they are the contributing factors um these these are things that can create the illusion of cooperation of unison of unity but the underlying factors the fact that a man is and will always only be a utility for a woman um that's that will never change no matter how much a man might have in quote unquote common with a woman and say something on that issue talk about start looking for micro bacteria in a haystack finding a woman with common interests that's pretty rare and that's another yet another obstacle if you want to enter into the business contract i also find it encouraging that ultimately you do encourage you say it's probably better to go your own way if in today's toxic atmosphere dating atmosphere than to bother with with it all um my advice and i think barbarossa's echoed this is that where it is obtainable if you you know you need to get your rocks off you know look for um maybe short-term quote-unquote relationships friendships things of that nature where you're simply getting access where you're satiating your um you're getting access to vagina satiating your need your sexual addiction to women to some extent um so maybe if you're that bad you're not you're not turning it you don't turn into a slavery and uh slavery and insane uh menace to society otherwise uh there's there's not really much point in today's atmosphere um let's let's bring up the numbers again remember uh girl writes what mentioned that okay cupid which is one of the biggest dating sites out there in the anglophone world at least eighty percent of the women thought men were subpar 80 sorry sorry women women thought 80 percent of the men were subpar on the day 80 what does that tell you so perhaps you're one of the blessed men of the world having found a woman with a very minimal manifestation of brief host law and but i you're obviously very intelligent so i i can't imagine that you would advise men to go down a path that they are almost certain certain to falter upon um based on your own uh what appears to be fortune now i'm not being bitter at all simply stating the facts that the chances of finding the thing you're talking about are so beyond infinitesimal that investing in it uh investing energy resources it's just a waste of time and those that energy and those resources could be better invested elsewhere in my humble opinion on the other hand on a final note i realized that there are a lot of men who aren't yet at the point mostly for reasons in my opinion they haven't yet fathomed what exactly is going on and what's happening to them where they can jettison the female the female as an abstract from their lives in that regard i think this video is very important because if you're not ready you still want to try your hand at it well this is reasonably sound advice but i think most men upon rational reflection experience realize that there's no bang for the buck that uh well there is right you're paying for sex essentially but the benefits beyond that are are marginal at best emotional needs are completely neglected men's emotional needs are completely neglected because remember men are not permitted to show any signs of weakness and once again as a final final point we men are and will always be appliances utilities tools to service the pleasure and interests of women and what women bring to the table is simply spreading their legs there's nothing else they have ever brought to the table and nothing else that i can imagine they can at least within a relationship so i appreciate the video very much i think it's good for the men who are holding on to the last threads of hope before they plummet into the ravine but uh as good as the intentions are i don't know uh but it's a good video and uh i appreciate you making it and obviously we have very divergent points of view regarding this um but i shall continue to support you you are my youtube ally and friend so uh let's continue making videos
Channel: Thinking-Ape
Views: 18,831
Rating: 4.9200001 out of 5
Keywords: Stardusk, Hypergamy, Briffault's law, Briffault, Feminism, Masculinity, Femininity, Male disposability, Male expendability, Women and Children first, Alimony, Child Support, Vaginamony, Gold diggers, Gold digging, Gold digging whores, Whores, Prostitutes, Legal prostitution, marriage, Divorce, Separation, women initiate divorce, Traditionalism, Gynocentrism, Parasitic women, Alpha fucks beta bucks, alfa fux beta bux, White knight, Mangina, Manginas, White knight manginas, Apotheosis of Vagina
Id: rro5CG17TYU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 9sec (789 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 07 2013
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