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I love you Lord for your mercy never fails me and all my days I've been held in your hands from the moment that I wake up until I lay my head and I will sing of the goodness of God all my life you have been faithful and all my life you have been faithful glory to God and all my life you have been so so good with every breath with every breath that I am able I will sing of the goodness of [Music] God I love your voice thank you Jesus and you have led me through the [Music] fire in my darkest night you are close like no other I've known you as a father I've known you as a friend I will live in the goodness of God tell them all my life you have been faithful and all my life you have been faithful with the God we serve and all my life you have been so so good with every breath that I am able I will sing of the goodness father God in the name of Jesus Christ made Pastor Amy we come before you we join our faith with your wonderful people we thank you for some of those who are already receiving breakthroughs who are already receiving good reports who are already receiving and having a clearer picture clear understanding of the big picture God our hearts Rejoice we love knowing your people are receiving the word we love knowing they're being nourished by it they're growing in their wisdom knowledge and understanding God we are so grateful for your people continue to pour to them continue to menend them heal them menend together their broken hearts be God continue to raise them up continue to give them the victory on every side God continue to cause all things to work together because you love them and they are called according to your purpose give them even more bread from Heaven this morning through the word feed them until they are fill to overflowing with your word Lord let your will be done in Jesus name somebody say Amen oh glory be to God I'm having a time of my life I'm enjoying myself as we talk about understanding the big picture on this morning we're talking about we're talking about Divine Interruption Divine Interruption as we continue understanding the big picture are you enjoying yourselves we want to hear from you let us know what this series is doing in your life tell us let us know some of the experiences you are having as the Holy Spirit uses the word of God to encourage you and to help you understand the big picture concerning what God is doing in and through your life email us right under the video let us know we want to hear from your Saints if you have any testimonies of Miracles healings Financial breakthroughs we want to hear from you amen let's go into the book of Genesis CH 41 as we continue understanding the big picture and we talk about Divine Interruption Genesis CH 41: 1-6 and it came to pass at the end of two full years that Pharaoh dreamed and behold he stood by the river and behold there came up out of the river seven well favored kind and fat flesh and they fed in a and behold seven other kind came up after them out of the river ill-favored and lean fleshed and stood by the other kind upon the brink of the river and the ill-favored and Lan flesh kind did eat up the seven weaven and fat kind so Pharaoh awoke I just love this because this is the most powerful man of his day can't nobody just break into his Palace and yet God can walk right in late in the Midnight Hour past the gods pass walk through the walls come on somebody and give Pharaoh a dream and begins his process of divine interruption in the life of pharaoh God will interrupt any King any president on the face of this Earth to accomplish his will and his purpose come on somebody so God God be you know the Bible says the heart of the king are in the hands of the Lord and as the rivers of water God can turn that king's heart however he chose to watch this and he slept and dreamed the second time this is God messing this man up and behold seven Airs of corn came up upon one stalk ranking good and behold seven thin hirs and blasted with the East Wind sprung up after them and the Seven thin airs devoured the seven Rank and full airs and Pharaoh awoke and behold it was a dream so God is interrupting Pharaoh who's who's the king of Egypt and giv him dreams and now he is Disturbed he wants to know the interpretation of the who want to know the interpretation of don't you want to know the interpretation of your dream come on somebody and the Bible says in verse eight and it came to P to pass in the morning that his Spirit was troubled and he said and called for All The Magicians of Egypt he wasted his time now and all the wise men thereof and Pharaoh told them his dream I love the end of this verse but there was none that could interpret them unto Pharaoh you know there's a scripture in 1 Corinthians 2 that says the natural man cannot receive the things of the spirit of God this means that unless the Holy Ghost gives you the interpretation or the Revelation or the understanding you're not going to get it you can't figure it out you cannot figure God out the work of God and the revelation of God has to be revealed Christ has to be revealed his scriptures has to be revealed his wisdom has to be revealed and no magician in hell has the keys that can unlock a revelation that that comes from God that's why I love tongues and interpretation it takes the Holy Ghost come on the devil ain't got a clue what you're talking about God can give a dream and the devil is absolutely clueless The Magicians the Witchcraft workers the suiters the Palm readers the Stargates not a narrow one of them was able to tell Pharaoh the interpretation of that dream because God had the interpretation and the revelation of that dream God had that thing under lock and key reserved for one man that had the holy ghost in the palace and his name was Joseph and he was locked up in prison that all of this was God laying the groundwork and setting the stage to bring Joseph to the Forefront somebody shout amen glory to God now watch this my God I don't know if you're enjoying those scriptures but I love I love me my Bible I love the word of God I love it the Bible says he called for all the magicians of Egypt and all the wise men thereof and Pharaoh told them his dream but there was none that could interpret them unto him they couldn't interpret it to Pharaoh CU God had his Revelation on the lock and key when the Holy Ghost ready to hide something can't nobody on the face of this Earth figure it out unless God reveals it to somebody come on somebody verse n then spake the chief Butler unto Pharaoh saying I do remember my faults this day Pharaoh was wroth with his servants and put me in ward in the captain of the God's house both me and the chief Baker and we dreamed the dream in one night I and he we dream each man according to the interpretation of his dream and there was there with us a young man and Hebrew servant of the captain of the god and we told him and he interpreted to us our dreams to each man according to his dream he did interpret and it came to pass as he interpreted to us so it was you restored me but the other one you hang well who wouldn't forget that now think about this remember and remember on yesterday we talked about it that the chief Butler after he got out of prison he forgot about Joseph he didn't even remember Joseph anymore but God allowed that to happen because God was not ready to promote Joseph it just was in time there is a time for everything under the heaven and I have gotten into trouble trying to do things before time you have gotten yourself into trouble when you try to make Joseph even told him Joseph said look mention me before pharaoh and bring me out of this place but God did not allow him to even remember Joseph because it wasn't time now two full years later Pharaoh has a dream and Pharaoh is probably troubled and disturbing if the king if you know these folk didn't play back in this day and time if the king is disturbing and can't Ste be nobody steeping around there and I'm sure all of a sudden all of a sudden I'm saw God brought it to the guy's memory to the butler's memory and he said hey wait a minute Pharaoh I remember something there was this young guy in prison by the name of Joseph when you thrw me into prison this man has the gift of interpretation I'm telling you somebody is someone had forgotten about you but now God is causing them to remember you right about now and the reason why God is allowing them to remember you is because you have come to that place and that season in your life where the plan of God is about to be unfolded the plan of God for your life is about to be fulfilled you are at that place the Bible says be not wary and well-doing for in due season you shall reap if you faint not you didn't faint so now you're about to reap and the Bible says verse 14 then Pharaoh then Pharaoh sent and called Joseph and they brought him hastily out of the dungeon no more prison somebody waved and said goodbye prison goodbye I'll never see you again glory to God and he shaved himself and changed his clothes and came in unto pharaoh and Pharaoh said unto Joseph I have dreamed a dream and there is none that can interpret it and I have heard of thee that thou can understand a dream to interpret it and Joseph answered Pharaoh saying it is not in Me God shall give Pharaoh an answer of Peace when God elevates you when God brings you before important people don't forget where you came from that in the time to act like it's about you that ain't the time to take credit that ain't the time to touch God's glory Joseph was the same person he was all along Joseph said to Pharaoh Pharaoh is not in me it ain't about me it's not in me he said I can't do this of myself Joseph said but God come on someone Point Your Hands to Heaven and say but God but God glory to God should give Pharaoh an answer of Peace this is the work of God this is the Finger of God this is the work of the Holy Ghost Divine timing think about it y'all from being lied on thrown in a pit the minut he got elevated in P ofer's house P ofer's wife tried her to rape him and and she holler and say Joseph tried to rape her and I mean he's just up and down and now he's thrown in prison again but God gave him favor in prison and God gave him a Divine connector called the chief Butler Joseph ministered to him and years later when Pharaoh needed his dream interpreted all of a sudden the butler remembered Joseph because it was God's time I'm telling you by the spirit of God somebody is remembering you right now oh blessed come on someone put your hands together I feel the Holy Ghost go right there I said somebody is remembering you right now someone is remembering you your goodness go straight into the cross listen someone someone is remembering you right now someone is remembering you right now and all my life you have been so so good with every breath that I I'm able and I will sing of the goodness come on let's sing it your goodness is running after me come on Church your goodness is running after is running after me come on your goodness is running after is running after me with my life laid down I'm surrendered now I give you everything your goodness is running after is running after me your goodness your goodness is running after glory to God your goodness is running [Music] after with my life laid down I'm surrendered now I give you everything your goodness is running [Music] after tell them your goodness your goodness is running after is running after me glory to God to give in this offering you can visit us online right now at Shan pender. netg you can you can also give through the ministry PayPal account that address is paypal.me Shan penda Ministries you can also give through the ministry app many of you have the ministry app downloaded on your smart devices you can also give through the ministry zel account the ministry zel email address is info@ Shan pender. net you can also give through the 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Channel: Sean Pinder
Views: 8,571
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: morning prayer, morning prayer to start your day, start your day with morning prayer, begin your day with morning prayer, pray before you start your day, powerful prayers, the most powerful prayers, meditation, christian, sleep, relaxation, godly, meditate, abide, peaceful, scriptures, bible talkdown, sermon
Id: 14CLgw8mcJ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 10sec (1090 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 09 2023
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