It's NOT OK to be WEAK - Jordan Peterson Motivation

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today's video is brought to you by audible it's not okay for you to be weak loser it's not okay and the reason it's not okay is because you could be way more than that and it's a crime an ethical crime for you to allow all that necessary potential to go to waste it hurts you it hurts your family it hurts the world really really it does and people think oh okay I give it and they do get it because they know at some level if you turn around and you confront the suffering voluntarily you'll find out that you are way tougher than you think it's not that life is better than you think life is as harsh as you think it might even be worse but you are way tougher than you think if you turn around and confront it and so then what you discover is that there's a spirit within you that pursue something that can pursue something meaningful that has the resilience and the strength to contend properly with the catastrophe of existence without becoming bitter that's actually the central so and then I would say that's one of the central themes of twelve rules for life is that make no mistake about it like the first noble truth of Buddhism life is suffering this is true and it's worse than that because it's suffering contaminated by malevolence that's the baseline but and so that's very pessimistic but the optimistic part is that you are so damn tough you can actually not only deal with that you can improve it hmm oh well that's a horrible situation but it turns out that I'm armed for the task well that's that's a great thing for people to know and I do believe I think the fact that we're armed for the task is even more true than the fact that life is catastrophe contaminated by malevolence we're stronger than things are terrible so how things are pretty terrible so that means we're pretty damn strong Wow yes it's a very good thing to know and it's not naive optimism it's a very different thing it's like no things are terrible they're brutal and you are so damn tough you can't believe it you know the idea that in some sense you're an eternal victim well there's a truth in that given that nature is conspiring to destroy you and will be successful in the end that you're undermined by your own society at the same time your buttress by it and that you're a target of your own malevolence and that of others I mean so there's plenty there's there's a triad of tragic and malevolent forces that are aimed directly at your heart and that's always the case but but to not take responsibility for that and to attribute a tribute to that to to a cosmic injustice or a social sociological injustice in some sense that's aimed particularly you that's somehow the fault of others is to miss the great adventure of your life in that adoption of that adventurous mode of being there's a deep meaning to be found right a meaning maybe that transcends just you that involves your family and that involves your community and maybe even the destiny of humanity itself but there's nothing about that that's secure easy and very little it has to do with happiness the the idea that your problem should be solved for you let's say and that it's unfair that you have them well it it it's attractive in that there's nothing for you to do except complain but but it's horrifying in that there's nothing for you to do except complain the difficulty is actually the funny thing is is the difficulty is actually the destiny and it is insanely difficult but maybe you're insanely up to the task the problem with the pursuit of happiness is that when life's storms come along happiness disappears and then you're left with nothing and so you need to pursue something that's deeper than happiness and if happiness comes along well then hooray for you you don't want to despise it because it's fleeting but it's much better to pursue things that are meaningful than things that make you happy it's deeper and and it Orient's you more appropriately in it and it keeps you centered in your own life it makes you more useful for your family and your community so a lot of what people find in life that provides them with a sustaining meaning is a consequence of not the pursuit of Rights or the pursuit of happiness or or the or the or the development of self-esteem but the adoption of responsibility and the more responsibility in some sense the better responsibility for yourself for making sure that your life lays itself out like it should responsibility for your family responsibilities for the community it's people who take responsibility that are the ones that you admire and that's the right pathway through life that's where meaning is to be found and I think that's probably the crucial issue is that identification of a profound relationship between responsibility and meaning and for many of the people that I'm talking with it seems like that's the first time that that's been articulated for them [Music] if you want to hear more insights from dr. Jordan Peterson we highly recommend checking out his book twelve rules for life you can listen to the entire audio book for free when you use our link at slash after school or text after school to five hundred five hundred twelve rules for life contains twelve simple yet empowering rules to achieve success Jordan Peterson maybe the most misrepresented person in history but there is no denying straightforward wisdom in his teachings on audible his audiobooks are all narrated in his own voice and they are useful if you're short on time audible is great for listening while you commute or during a workout and right now Amazon Prime members can start an audible membership and save sixty-six percent on the first three months just go to slash after school or text after school to 500 500 you will pay just 495 per month for the first three months after that is only 14.95 per month this offer is only good from July 1st to the 31st so start listening today [Music] you
Channel: After Skool
Views: 1,465,554
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jordan peterson, motivation, wisdom, victim, victim mentality, it's not my fault, maximum potenital, pursuit of happiness, 12 rules for life
Id: 5G8Gwr5JJ6Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 1sec (421 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 09 2019
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