Be as you are! - A unique expression of Divinity

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[Music] hi everyone I'm David farmer and welcome to effortless being just a short video tonight um which was inspired by a conversation I was having this afternoon with a friend and we were talking a little bit about really authenticity and one of the common traps that or pitfalls that can occur um for people who are spiritual Seekers or trying to find the truth of what they are um and this really common trap is the trap of trying to be spiritual trying to be holer than thou and this really comes from this desire that we seem to have to compare with others and especially if you're seeking uh um obviously you will go to some kind of authority figure and that authority figure will perhaps behave or act in a particular way they may have a particular kind of aura or um Radiance or they may be able to speak in a very eloquent way um they may seem to be very peaceful and calm and all that kind of stuff and of course the the pitfall is that you try to behave like that try to copy that and maybe you feel like you're kind of inferior in some way to these lofty spiritual Souls um but this is only really when we are comparing from the point of view of a separate person a separate self and of course as I've said before in other videos and I'll reiterate again there is no such thing as a separate self separate self is entirely imagined but from the position of what we know for sure which is the knowing of our own existence conscious awareness there is really no difference at all so if you come into this conscious awareness take a moment just to check in with yourself and you'll notice there is just awareness awareness aware of itself and this conscious awareness is never changing it always has been it is it always will be it is eternal infinite being and this never changing truth this never changing awareness is aware of the everchanging world so the analogy of the cinema screen is is very good here it's commonly used in nonduality where cinema screen is never changing and it but it allows every kind of image to be projected on it but this is not to imply duality of course because Duality simply doesn't exist there is no such thing as duality because this never changing conscious awareness is simply expressing itself and this expression is the Ever Changing world that is seemingly seemingly projected so as conscious awareness conscious awareness has no opposite it has no comparison it simply expresses itself in the immediate of forms and ways that we see and this is the real meaning of and if anybody has studied yoga for example they'll know the phrase namaste which is a common greeting in India which really means the Divinity in me is the Divinity in you or The Light in Me is the light in you and what light are we talking about the light of Consciousness to use Christian terminology all are equal in the eyes of God so when we look at a garden of flowers is any one flower you know they're all equally beautiful they all blossom in different ways they're all Expressions so when we recognize our true nature we are just allowing there's just the allowing of conscious awareness to come through this this human expression and and it is equally as beautiful as the expression of a famous Guru or famous teacher they are expressing or rather Consciousness is expressing itself in that way in maybe a eloquent speaker type way or a peaceful Sage type way or to compare two very famous gurus in India ramama Nam Mahari and narata Maharaj Consciousness expressed itself in a very peaceful sage in one hand and then on the other hand was expressing itself as a really noise chains smoker another so authenticity is just remaining consciously as effortless being and when you do so you'll find that you flour and Blossom in alignment with this true knowing and your life then becomes a unique and beautiful expression of divinity itself so stay there remain as your true self so I hope you like those words inspired by a friend today and uh if they resonated with you if you enjoyed that please do like share and subscribe to the channel if you would like to chat to me about anything or you would like to have a private session with me you can easily book one on effortless so I hope we have very good evening and see you [Music] again
Channel: David Farmer
Views: 346
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: non dual awareness, non conceptual awareness, spiritual awakening, enlightenment, effortless being, spirituality, non-duality, non duality explained, non duality teachers, our true nature, nonduality, non dual understanding, non duality conversations, consciousness and awareness, non duality teachers uk, non duality, spiritual enlightenment, spiritual seeking, spiritual seekers, illusion of self, suffering, human experience, authenticity, be as you are, spiritual traps, divinity
Id: 3eBzpZ6lSKU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 32sec (572 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2024
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