Chief Inspector Nipples

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yo hi everybody this is AB so yeah I'm here today at elen police station I visited this place before to be honest uh I don't know was it during Co oh I don't know yeah it didn't go too bad uh it doesn't have a yeah the station you cannot go inside oh look at all these cars we' got the pyramids where the looks of it just going to check if they leaving any kind of information nope nothing there oh hello what you do that what am I doing what you just there when over that car sir what were we doing with it nothing that's a police station that's a police car what's WR with your nipples what were you doing go get a jacket what were you doing nothing why were you going over to that car and putting your phone against him I didn't put phone anything I saw you what were you doing do he who are you what do you mean are you a police officer do I look like a police officer I don't know I'm not a police officer no don't look like one right just come over here I'm detaining you for search come over here what do you mean I'm detaining you for the purpose of a search because I saw you go over that car put your phone against it and I thought you trying to get into it do you own any of these cars what do you own any of these cars I don't think I answer any of your of your questions how going what what did you tell me ENT there for I'm detaining you for a search what what kind of search a search your person because I believe you were trying to break into a car did you see me trying to break into the car I saw you go over to that car and put your phone against it yeah I was looking why were you looking in a car I was looking for something what were you looking for well it's none of your business is that your car so you're looking in someone's car for something yeah I can you're detain for a search for why huh because I believe you were trying to break into a car well just you got pen and paper I've invited you but um you want to get Street duties or someone down there uh sorry there's my details you can see who I am you're detained for sir I can see who you are yeah can I ask you which section you using to detain me for section one of pace what you looking for uh items to break into a car I believe it's prob possibly your phone so let me just get someone down here with some paperwork we can search what about what about my phone we just looking into the car what's your name don't think I want to give you my name to be honest don't have to give you your name but my name's Adam Adam yeah I'll give you all my details but in the meantime you're going to get detained for the section one pce search of a vehicle um cuz I believe you trying to break into that vehicle well I looked into a lot of cars today when I wake up uh you know I wake up I got got out of my house obviously that look suspicious seeing cars none of them detain me about from you yeah so why is that well maybe some of the cars you were looking in were police cars huh maybe some of the cars you were looking in weren't police cars what do you mean so because of police cars listen just for my safety I'm going to record who's can I just step back you two close to my face so just because it's police guys you're going to search me just because it's police guys you're going to search me no no I thought you trying to break into that car you thought but I wasn't well I don't know that do I I'm going to search you on anticipation that you might have something to break just because you thought I have a reason to look what was your reason to look I don't want to disclose that okay I was looking you never looked into a car you been detain for the purpose of some of my colleagues to come down they've got all the equipment they got the paperwork equipment yeah which's equipment paperwork they can do stop search for I don't have any of that on me and who is he who is he he's a colleague who's just standing by just uh to look after me cuz I don't have any of my PP kit on me oh don't wor came straight out of my office when I saw you you're a very tall man I don't think you be worried about your safety here and who is he sorry can I should the number no shoulder number no actually he's just here to look after me do you have a shoulder number Sor shoulder number 3 4 3 4 and you are just a shoulder number we do 346 3 46 all right so again you detain me because I looked into a car and you don't care about the reason that I was looking into the car reason you won't tell me also you put your phone up against the uh key access of the car so I was wondering if your phone you just made this this up I've put my phone against the key access what yeah the mini the key access what do you mean by the key access what do you mean what's the key access oh like my phone is going to open the car I don't know which movie you've been watching inspector you're an inspector I'm a Chief Inspector Chief Inspector uh like I said I don't know which movie you've been watching but clearly uh not a happy one so I and who is he this the officer is going to support me give me some equipment so I can give you a quick search find out who you are and then you can be all you you want me to do it is that all right cheers I'll help that why do he got gloves hello how are you I'm not too good to be honest uh uh I can't see why this guy's searching me okay well he's wi you look into the yeah yeah I looked into the I'm not denying that I have a reason I have a reason speak or should I speak yeah yeah after to you then no because you're going to do the search I'm just wanting you to think I know he's an inspector I know he's an inspector but you are the one that can violate my rights it looks because he got blue gloves so I'm just letting you know I've looked into that car you have looked into the car yeah yeah I also looked into you're going break into it I L into that one hang on hang on let me finish let me finish no no I haven't been violent oh your sergeant SE want a pace re suspect that you're going to break into the vehicles out makes you makes you think that going to quick to steal at the end of SE TI to a copy do you understand why I'm searching you but what makes you think that do you understand why I'm searching you hey just chill out I'm not going to be violent don't worry you're going to do you're actually going ahead put that down please I need to take your bag off don't I take your you got to get ahead there well thank you it's you I'm trying to search I haven't been violent why you checking my phone checking behind your phone my phone checking behind your phone I'll pass you back after why are you doing that why you checking behind my phone people hide stuff behind their phones why are you talking about why you here sir why am I here well walk around looking into cars to break into them or you stupid aren't you what kind of a stupid question is that are you getting ready do you think so if somebody's breaking into car he will answer you yes come on seriously you guys are dumb as hell seriously come on we're being polite to you I don't you being po by going into me like this you call up don't worry I'm not going I'm not going to be violent just I'm making sure yeah yeah I'm not going to be violent to you so don't do any things stupid you've noticed that I'm I'm not job your job is to violate people's rights like that to make sure that you I'm not up to no good and if you're up to no good if you are if you are not up to no good then you'll be on your way won't you what do you mean okay if you was remember the public someone's looking to your car for no reason how would you feel be your suspicion you look into my cars all the time I'm driving police I look in my car every 5 Seconds we're looking through the windows yeah okay well there's a lot of theft on motor vehicles and robberies around I was looking for some violations by you guys so you you were trying to provoke a reaction so that we no no no no you've made the reaction I was looking into cars to see if you leave in any oh hang on what are you doing now set your back make sure you got no tools or anything they can use to breing into the car no tools what tools hey don't steal my After Shave I think I got my own at have you you he did smell a bit funny you smell a bit sweaty to me I just going go see where he was I know where he was I see B DET here yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah are you from heing what's he going to do with you ah for God's sake why are you two look so angry yeah relax he's concerned about your behavior listen you guys what what you guys usually do yeah I've seen it a thousand times yeah are you listening what are you saying are you listening yeah yeah I'm listening actually I'll wait for the inspector as well I'll wait for you shouting as well I heard someone shouting from my window I didn't oh no it was you actually somebody from the window yeah no it wasn't I was it was somebody from the window shouting sure it wasn't you shouted no no no you reac you should do him with the antisocial Behavior not me whoever that person was shouting if that's if that's the way you going to is that what you're trying to do yeah inspector I was just saying something what you guys seem to do uh I mean the police officers in general they leave sometimes documents in their cars okay so that's what you looking for yeah you could have explained that at the very beginning I don't have to because now you're going to tell hang on hang on hang on let me explain if I explain that to you you're going to tell all your colleagues about it and then they all going to check their cars and hide them do you get it so I can't documents yeah go and check their cars is any documents reveal in if they reveal any documents so I can't really tell you really can I otherwise it's going to break the surprise element of it you understand but it doesn't give you the right how come you were there crouching down looking underneath the uh the gates uh the that gate kind of opened up I just had a quick look so it doesn't give you the right to do that it was suspicion builds I think you're looking in cars to try and break into it then I do have the right I can look into car yeah but my suspicion is that you try break into it we we good we get your details we'll complete a stop search oh yeah you get my details yeah would you like a copy of the search like a search yeah record we have to wait here I go inside and get a form and fill it out for you right so are you going to bring me a coffee while I'm waiting or no don't be silly what's your first name sir my first name yeah between you and me do you really think I'm going to give you my details oh you don't want to give you do you think I was going to give you my details all right thank you I don't know what made you think I was going to give you my details uh sorry I'm must being detained huh I'm must still being detained do you want a copy of the search I do want it but am I still being detained fre to leave you're free to right okay I I'll be waiting for that clock yeah uh for that receipt what the hell was that it's not yours sir what was he though Pap we're done here thanks for your thanks so much for your support yeah thanks for wasting public money time just give me a 5 minutes all right give me 5 minutes are you recording me with a uh iPhone yeah you are hang on hang on hang on Hey listen listen listen I hope that's not your private phone because I will be getting a copy about your phone uh that is a private phone but I will be getting a copy of that Sergeant that's all I uh hey I'm not being detain you will drop my stuff leave my stuff alone I'll put it back hey why do you touch my stuff I'm not detained Joker have a good day what do you mean have a good day I need that record o o o I need the record he's bringing the record down he's right now is so so are you done are you inspector you're an idiot inspector can you hurry up thank you what my God I need to answer the phone quickly uhhuh thanks my God it's been like 10 minutes already I need that record a subscriber waiting for me to have a coffee believe it or not so uh I'm making him wait and I don't like making people wait I'm never usually late to anything so uh so yeah yeah yeah you not police officer are you yeah you look too young to be a police officer no way yeah I like Cadet no no how old are you 19 19 right yeah good luck my friend my God he looks like he looks very young do you know you could be H 19 how is that possible uh yeah unless he was a kadad before that then yeah anyway uh I think they just uh taking the Mickey here ah there you are he took your time Sergeant how we going yeah yeah not bad not bad you take a seat here where take a box tick a box which box you taking oh you're going to ask all that rubbish like a nationality yeah that's the one you know you've been searched before have you have I yeah all the time all the time yeah how many times have you been searched this year then this year this year I don't know this year 2024 it's been 25 days 25 days uh this year I must admit that's the first time this year is it hopefully last time eh hope for you last time I don't think so because you guys are just Jokers really okay how do you define your nity uh I'm as guardian as guardian born born and raised okay these are the options so you can choose an option there what's that oh oh no no no no no it's not it's not there my friend it's never there so what do you want to say then I would suggest you do maybe uh what's that is that any other background yeah no no no like put a W10 and just put Asgardian you know I think that's discriminating you guys not including us in there what what is Asgardian uh somebody from Asgard there you go any other ethnic group there go no no no no I'm not any other ethnic group I'm as guardian it's not not on my list is it what do you mean um what what's that you refuse to give your detail oh refuse that's what I write okay but seriously uh that uh that phone that you recorded me with I will ask for that yeah yeah of course yeah yeah is it yours or is it belong to the force what do you think it was I think it looks like it's yours do you think I'm silly okay that's fine do you think I'm silly no no that's fine so he belongs to the fors what do you think personally I think it's yours that's what I think what my right is H it looks like a personal phone that looks like it belongs to the force but anything else looks like it's uh everyone's got it everyone's been a a job phone so yeah yeah yeah sorry and what about this one uh what's the question the color of your skin ethnic appearance so the color of my skin that's what it is white there's my skin there look it's it's bit purple at the moment purple it's for you to decide I'm purple it's not there you don't want to give me an I'm purple today because it's cold you search me for a long time all right is there anything else you need for me uh not really just a search record U not really no no no thought you wouldn't I did explain it to you n so did my colleague what's that just looked into a car he said you said you did as well yeah I did look into car you didn't give any reasonable explanation for looking into the car I don't think I should give a reasonable explanation to look into a car I mean we can look into a car into a police car trespassing yeah it's gated isn't it only have access oh really oh it's gated yeah can see that it's gated yeah are you sure it's gated are you sure it's gated look I wish you to have an amazing day okay Sergeant no problem and enjoy your Year have a good New Year no worries you just uh accomplished another claim to the force against the force shall I say have a lovely day you
Channel: Auditing Britain
Views: 200,780
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Police, British Police, Auditing, UK Audits, British Audits, British police audits, Metropolitan Police, London Police, American audits, British Army, Auditing Britain, AB, Matters of Public Interest, Met police, London, Ealing Police station
Id: EsNc9-zYzWY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 0sec (1080 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2024
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