It's Just Crazy... (MANTRA + SECRET) | Deepwoken

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what's up guys it's punchie and today we got a pretty great deep oen update that solves a lot of issues and provides us with some new content to mess around with different from last week this update is actually on Friday so our schedule is back to normal anyway I'm excited to show you what's up and let's get started first off with a new Thunder call Mantra we have the new emotion wave this option is fairly high cost and it's also pretty cool too we slam the ground with the initial bolt of lightning while releasing G giant pillars of light from that radius you're also able to freely move around once these bolts start pushing out which might be great for some solid pressure so this Mantra looks and feels crazy next up with a fairly new event we have the Divers Supply rig so now this will spawn only in the aerl sea with a giant new construction site leading down to the depths it's honestly very cool to see in the Overworld and I think they did a great job so by interacting with this group they will then ask you to retrieve stolen divver supplies which can be found at Fort Meritt all you got to do is pull up and claim that giant box bring it back to the divers and be rewarded with an armorers needle Relic which is pretty cool loot also when you're finished the divers go back down Into the Depths which is a really nice touch alongside this we have ourselves a new Guild ranking by checking up top with your guild name you can click on that and view your rank by completing Dungeons and killing bosses you'll gain PVE rating and PVP rating comes through chime and grips hopefully this will be a fun way to gaug competitive builds and see which one is the best in the current day deepwoken moving forward into the chime Arena we have a new map that's pretty sweet with a similar design to the Maestro Boss Arena we do have another option to mess around with and it's a call back to the secret boss I definitely enjoy this and I'm glad we have another PvP map with actually good lighting Down Below in the depths of layer 1 there is now a new cinematic showing up the first time you drown this cut scene should indicate to new players how to escape through the de's cathedral trial it's definitely a fast introduction to the city they should be escaping and I think it's a pretty cool way to help out new players of course the point of this was to provide information the first time you drown and it won't show up after that for even more player assistance we can find some new information when viewing the map pressing M pops up our map which was added about a month ago but now it's easier to mess with while in this menu it's now possible to pin and zoom on the map if you do want a closer look on top of this active quests will Now display on your map for better wayf finding I mean who wants to guess where to travel and now we can just view it on our map which should be good for new players besides this when slapping down your guild base that will Now display fully on the map so it's easier to find and see if your allies are chilling inside overall These are nice additions for info and they should help in team activities further upon necessary changes we finally have have a ridiculous buff to all mob drops again I want to specify that this has nothing to do with chests but the actual items dropping from Monsters essentially before this update monsters were limited to dropping a single item it could be drip it could be a monster part or it could honestly just be a mantra modifier anyway this sole feature made specific talents like loot skipper for example make farming very polarizing for instance if you wanted to get the rarest item from a specific monster loot skipper was great making the rarest drop easier to get but if you wanted to get the second rarest drop obviously not the rarest one loot Skipper did not care and made the actual rarest drop easier to find instead so regardless the entire system revolved around monsters dropping a single item in this update we are now guaranteed to receive a monster drop and on top of this they may drop something else from a different loot table if a monster drops something common that is not going to remove the chances of it dropping something cool although this doesn't exactly solve the loot Skipper problem that hijacks your drops it is a little bit better than before granting us more chances to get what we want and obviously more loot moving on to Bell gambling legendary Bells now have a Pity system the rarest endgame option in all of deepwoken are these bells with an astronomical low roll chance anyway if you go 100 Bell rolls which is crazy without seeing a legendary you are guaranteed one on your next pull this is this track specifically for your slot so if you roll 99 times on slot a and one time on slot B that's not how it's going to work anyway legendary Bells should be easier to farm for and if you wipe that slot the pity counter doesn't erase besides this with a well requested Kami update or dimensional travel hopefully you won't get stuck in walls any longer essentially while inside of dimensional travel you should be told that exiting at certain locations is risky which should prevent getting flung and deaths that would normally kill you inside of walls it's definitely a decent change since more people are going to be using legendary Bells moving on with a murmur we finally have some giant updates to the task set invisible murmur with this option by pressing T inside of a sneak state will gradually enter invisibility but when we exit it happens very quickly breaking us out of stealth now in this update uncrushing from tacet for a pretty small period still keeps you out of sight fully invisible letting you do anything but the main point is to engage targets besides this Sprint makes your Tas set dissipate twice as quickly and M oneing instantly breaks that cloak regardless this is a massive buff to the tet's accessibility in combat onto some balancing we have some pretty large changes this week which I got to bring up first up with some massive Nerfs to light daggers basically we have a huge adjustment coming to their range there's quite a lot of options being affected but in summary most dagger ranges have been cut down from 6.5 to 6.0 the outliers in this situation which were larger dropped from 7.0 range to 6.5 although it isn't a massive Nerf the hitbox reduction of almost all daggers will definitely be apparent in PvP combat alongside some great bug fixes coming to all light guns which I won't be mentioning gun swing speed is now affected by all modifiers no matter what it is if it's a speed Nerf or a speed buff gun swing speed should be noticed in combat and affected by these modifiers and that's all so don't forget to check out Battle Royale with your squad as the wait for Conquest still continues if you're lucky you might see me there putting in the work anyway that's it and thanks so much for watching if you want exclusive update content just like this make sure to like And subscribe I'm super close to hitting 85k subs and let's get there thanks again it's punching time [Music]
Channel: TheRealPunchee
Views: 77,994
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Roblox, Punchee, Roblox Deepwoken, Deepwoken, Deepwoken Build, Punchee Deepwoken, Deepwoken Anime build, Deepwoken Builds, Deepwoken New, Deepwoken Update, Deepwoken New Weapon, Deepwoken Event, Deepwoken New Update, Deepwoken Bell, Deepwoken Meta, Deepwoken Weapon, Deepwoken Critical, Deepwoken Peak, Deepwoken New Crit, Deepwoken Legendary Weapon, Deepwoken Relic, Deepwoken Spark, Deepwoken New Mantra, Deepwoken Secret, Deepwoken Mantra
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 6sec (426 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2024
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