It's In The Air | Part 2 "Inner Atmosphere" - Touré Roberts

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[Music] I want us to go to First Samuel chapter 30 I'm gonna read the first eight verses in 1st Samuel chapter 30 and then we'll skip down to verse 17 and I'll read verse 17 through verse 20 First Samuel 30 verse 1 through 8 and 17 through 20 it says now it happened when David and his men came to zig lag on the third day that the Amalekites had invaded the south and zig leg attacked zig leg and burned it with fire and had taken captive the women and those who were there from small to great they did not kill anyone they did not kill anyone but carried them away and went their way so David and his men came to the city and there it was learned with fire and the wives the sons and the daughters have been taken captive then David and all the people who were with him lifted up their voices and wept until they had no more power to weep can you imagine that imagine being so discouraged so distraught in such despair that you lift up your voices to God and you weep and you weep so much that all of your strength too weak further is gone you are all cried out anybody ever been there before where you you you you your situation is so has not only cost you so much physically but it has cost you so much emotionally that you can't even offer God that you can't even cry anymore you can't even you you have become this this thing man I feel like the Lord wants to do something in here - damn you have been disappointed for so long Hope deferred makes the heart sick you have been disappointed for so long that you don't even cry about it anymore however the reality is you are weeping and crying inside and that that that pain is expressing itself in many areas of your life you have become dead to life although you're a living and sometimes even a word can't even get through to you because you have become something because of disappointment and God's gonna give you life again I feel the Holy Spirit II he's going to resurrect something in you today if that is you they lifted up their voices and wept until they had no more power to weep and David's two wives I'll explain later ah-hah no on the jezreelite sand gab and Abigail the widow of the ball the Carmelite had been taken captive now David was greatly distressed for the people spoke of stoning him because the soul of all the people was grieved every man for his sons and his daughters but but David but David but David but David strengthened himself and the Lord his God I got a funny feeling we'll be coming back to that then David said to a bias are the priests a Himmel X son please bring the ephod here to me and abiathar brought that if I to David and so David inquired of the Lord saying shall I pursue this troop shall I overtake them and he god answered him pursue for you shall surely overtake them and without fail recover all recover all and we jump down to verse 17 it says then David attacked them from Twilight until the evening of the next day not a man of them escaped except for hundred young men who rode on camels and fled so David recovered all that the Amalekites had carried away and David rescued his two wives talk about later and nothing of theirs was lacking either small or great sons or daughters spoil or anything which they had taken from them David recovered all [Applause] then David took all the flocks and herds they had driven before those other livestock and said this is David's boy I didn't start with it but since I had to fight and since I had to invest in pursuing and subduing and overtaking my enemy God never lets me fight a battle that does not have spoil and so not only am I gonna recover everything that was taken from me I am gonna punish my enemy in such a way that they're gonna be wages for what I had to go through father I thank you so much hallelujah for what you're doing in our hearts what you're doing in this house what you're doing in our lives God there's some people here who need this message so bad whoa this message is literally life or death and so god I'm praying that you would give me the spirit of wisdom and revelation and insight knowledge and prophesy and full access to heavens resources to communicate to these your sons and daughters who you love so much it is indescribable to bring to them insight and revelation and healing and breakthrough and victory unlike ever before that they might run their race in the way that they have never done it before and that their impact will be so powerful that it would have a multi-generational impact on their children their children's children God and that they would set Colorado on fire that they would set California on fire because you will have spoken so clearly and so powerfully that they would never be the same again God do it may we leave out of here different never the same again and we believe you for these these things and more in Jesus name Amen amen if you receive that prayer already come on just take a few minutes and say God I receive I receive what's getting ready to to me I received my transformation I received my healing I received my breakthrough I receive getting my mind back I receive getting my choice I receive it I receive it already hallelujah thank you God so last week last week we talked about the air this is the second week in a series called it's in the air and it's all about atmospheres and understanding atmospheres and the importance of atmospheres and will be on this series for at least two more weeks I may have a fourth week in me because I believe it's it's critical and we have to understand how to navigate the air and the atmosphere if we're going to remain focused and if we're going to be productive and effective in the earth particularly when now clean air and I speak that metaphorically clean air is such a rare commodity the air is toxic and it's getting more more toxic in there there's so many voices out there and there's so many ways to feel you can watch television happy full of the holy spirit and by the time you go through two or three news stories you are depressed or you are angry and you you want to fight it's the same with social media so there's a lot of toxicity in the air and we're gonna have to be very intentional about the atmospheres that we subject ourselves to it's gonna be extremely important and we begin that conversation last week last week we talked about how atmospheres are comprised of thoughts remember that thoughts create atmospheres if you're in a place and there are as there's a collective group there's a collective of negative thoughts it creates an atmosphere sometimes a person doesn't have to say anything you can just feel it so so sometimes thoughts are louder than words and we talked about that and in fact we learn we looked at first a second Corinthians chapter 10 and Paul taught us that that our warfare that we have a warfare as believers and our warfare is actually a warfare over at fears that are created by fortified arguments or thoughts that have become so concrete in the air and sometimes so concrete in our heads they become fortified arguments and he said that we have weapons we have weapons the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but they're mighty through God to the pulling down of those strongholds so we are atmosphere shifters we're atmosphere shapers were atmosphere creators and and sometimes in order to win in life we have to recognize these arguments and we have to cast down these arguments and we have to bring the atmosphere into an atmosphere of truth you remember we talked about that last week if you weren't here last week you've got to go and either listen to the podcast or watch the YouTube video get it because because we're building upon something and last week we even talked about Jesus and we saw that Jesus did that very thing he was after something he was going to heal Jairus his daughter and he there was something that he wanted to accomplish but he ran into debilitating atmospheres debilitating environments environments of doubt and cynicism and he had to address it in order to complete the task you have to put those things out here to invite only certain people into environments because some things cannot be manifest or produced in certain environments remember we talked about that right that is the reality sometimes the reason why it's not being produced is because it is in the wrong atmosphere I feel the Holy Spirit sometimes you have to shift your environment you have to shift your community you have to shift your company you have to change your locations to get out of you what God has placed in you because everything that God has placed in you cannot be birth anywhere that's extremely important you're saying God you have failed me and God is saying no you need to change your environment because there's certain things that can only be cultivated and stimulated in certain environments and you have to be so desperate for producing what God has placed in you that you will sacrifice environments that you would sacrifice this over here that you will sacrifice that because you were born to birth something you have something before God puts you in your mother's womb he put things in you you can not dye into those things get out of you and you have to be willing to make difficult decisions hard decisions that go against the grain of culture that goes against the grain of what you might be comfortable for you have to do what it takes to get out of you what God put in you are you tracking with me do I have any people and you will do what it takes you realize that you are on a time ticking clock you are on a timer and they're things that have to come out of you because if you don't birthed it your grandchildren will suffer that's why there's a such thing called a greenhouse a greenhouse is a controlled environment to produce what it's supposed to produce and so you have to man that you have to manage you have to take environment seriously there's certain things I mean how much time they have there's certain things that I had to make some moves about I had to make some moves because because I discerned that I could never manifest it in a certain place oh god I wish I had time today but but but there's certain moves I had to make and they went against the grain and sometimes and some people didn't understand it and some called me proud I wasn't proud I was trying to get out of me with I knew God it put in me and just because you can't see what's in me that's not my problem that's your problem I have to steward what I know God has placed on the inside of me where my great people if you know you got greatness on the inside of you and you ain't got time to play you gotta get out of you what God showed you what was in you do me a favor and say that's me and celebrate Jesus they'll call you crazy they'll call you proud they'll call you everything when they don't know who you are they'll call you every name in the book and you have to be so filled with love that you're not mad at anybody it has nothing to do with you being mad at anybody or better than anybody you have just got to get out of you what God said in you you gotta make a move you gotta make a move let them call you crazy let them wonder why you doing it you know what don't say anything just birth something and then they'll say oh you weren't crazy just saw something I feel that God will give you hints about what's in you but that's not what we're here to talk about today and so we saw we saw Jesus navigating environments last week and so last week we dealt primarily with navigating outer atmospheres mm-hmm that's what we looked at last week this week we're going to deal with what I believe is an even greater and more critical atmosphere to manage and that is your inner atmosphere in fact it was Jesus's inner atmosphere that gave him the resolve to confront what was happening outside of him and ultimately to bring that under submission graters he use in you who's he was in the than he used in the world right because here's the thing you may not always be able to control your outer atmosphere you may not be able to put your husband out come on some I remember Jesus putting folk out yeah okay in fact you better not do that you may not be able to put your kid out he's driving you crazy tell my outer atmosphere sometimes you can't control what's going on you can't you may not be able to fire your boss hello somebody so so so what I'm getting at or your coworker what I'm getting at is that sometimes you cannot control what's happening outside of you but there is one atmosphere and one environment that you can always control and that is what is going on inside of you which leads me to our story David we find David in this text he is in a crazy situation David first of all is on the run from Saul watch this or nothing Saul is jealous of David because David has been anointed king because of Saul's dysfunction because of Saul's disobedience because of Saul's dysfunction God said look I'm trying to burp something in the earth and if you're not gonna be a willing vessel then I'm have to go ahead and put you to the side because there's always somebody come on somebody humble enough and with enough integrity I feel the Holy Spirit to do what God is assigned to you if you don't do it because God loves you it has nothing to do with you going to heaven and all that has nothing to do with that I'm talking about whether or not you're gonna produce something God is on a mission God is a business man hello somebody that's why Jesus says don't you you must know don't you know that I must be about my father's business right so God is a business man he has integrity and there's things that God needs to get accomplished in the earth and if we sit around and don't do it God is like well I'm sorry I love you I had this for you but since you didn't have the faith or since you you couldn't you know you suffer you struggle with integrity since you didn't allow me to leave me since you didn't ultimately believe me then I gotta go find a little shepherd boy on the backside of the desert then everybody is overlooking but I'm not overlooking him because he's not overlooking me and I'm gonna raise him up and I'm gonna give him what you could have had and more and that's what happened with David Saul blew it David gets anointed by God and all of a sudden instead of Saul serving and support what what was inevitable he allows that jealous spirit to fall upon him and now all of a sudden he's chasing David so David literally is on the run simply for being anointed and I felt like stopping for a second and convinces somebody and somebody needs to hear this I feel this is just a word maybe even of knowledge for you dad nothing wrong with you you just anointed can you imagine what David had to wrestle through when the authority fell Lord when the authority figure in his life is trying to kill him and he is searching his own heart and saying is there something in me this is the same David that said search me O Lord and test me and see if you find anything wicked in me and remove it he's searching himself and he's making certain that he isn't pride and he's prideful and he's making certain that that he he isn't angry or jealous or whatever type of things that he can be and he finds nothing and yet and still he is being pursued and God wants somebody to know that there's nothing wrong with you and in the process of time God is going to prove even to those who pursue you that you are the real thing in fact saw before he died had to come to a place and say David you know what you are more righteous than me this happened if you read some of the chapters that preceded the chapter that were in Saul finally came around to it because David had an opportunity to kill his enemy to kill his threat and David didn't do it and he showed him I could have killed you but I didn't consol said oh man you have more integrity to me than me and he left him alone forever that day so what I'm getting at is you continue to be true to you you continue to walk in your unique identity don't get mad at anybody don't try to get revenge don't try to get back just keep walking in the integrity of the spirit and God is going to make your enemies your footstool are you hearing what I'm saying sometimes God will not bring you into fullness until you know how to handle an enemy I feel the Holy Spirit sometimes he will not bring you and to fullness until you become like Jesus with your enemy think about Jesus he knew Judas was dirty the whole time Judas wasn't fooling anybody I am digressing significantly G Judas wasn't fooling anybody Jesus saw him the whole time and then finally Jesus says okay now that what you gonna do don't do quickly I feel that about two hours with you sometimes you can't move beyond your feelings about your enemy because God is not watch this God is not out there to put your enemy to shame contrary to popular opinion he loves your enemy too and so so if I move forward in life and don't move forward to the place to where I love my enemy I have not moved forward in God so David is in a very tricky position he is on the run from Saul he has been separated from Israel that's his tribe that that's his family that's his community he's been separated but yet still he is carrying a promise that the whole enchilada is his but there is no manifestation he gets some breakthrough which I don't have time to explain he gets some breakthrough and is relieved from having to to live amongst the enemies of Israel and ultimately he is on his way to positioning and he comes back to zig lag which was a land that was given to him it was a place that he called home his wives were there his children were there his possessions were there everything that he had hid his you know his community was there it was the only Plitt 'el slither of peace that he had and that he relied it on it's all he had and it comes back to that place and he finds that place ambushed ransacked it is literally now a place of of rubbish think about that for a second this was home my life is crazy I've got so many things going on so so many ministries and I have business and I'm an author and I have children and I've got you know all these things so many things outside the house children aren't outside the house not yet and so when I come home home welcomes me home says you don't have you can take your cape off home says I accept you simply because of you home I could take my shoes off I can walk barefoot I can go on the refrigerator and stick my fingers in the meals and something and I can drink juice out of the bottle and put it back and it's nobody's business I'm talking about home I can I can double dip I home because after all I am I'm home David in the midst of the craziness of his life he just lost his spiritual father he's confidant the only boys the reason and all these God is this little place piece of home called see glad Betty it comes back to it and he finds it raided ravished ransacked and burned to the ground there is nothing his wives are gone his kids are gone his people are gone his flocks gone his herds are gone he is in a situation and what's worse is the people who are with him have totally lost it and now the few that he had left that were with him at least let me have my boys with me please let me have my my mom my dogs with me my my friends my Ryder dies there were none there were none and in fact those who should have been in that position now are talking about stoning David they're trying to find somebody to blame and they talk of stoning him and David's response to all of that is remarkable it is nothing short of a miracle it says in verse 6 it says now David was greatly distressed for the people spoke of stoning him because the soul of all the people was grieved every man for his sons and his daughters but in the midst of that the word says that David strengthens himself in the Lord many translations some translations rather suggest that that word strengthen it can be better utilized by saying David encouraged himself in the Lord there was nothing outside of him there was nothing outside of him to encourage him what what what do you do with when there is nothing beyond you to help you on your worst day your sometimes your wife will give you support sometimes update I get home and I get my wife we talk we can figure it out and by the time it's done we're laughing and joking and you don't mean it and we're gonna figure that thing out but what do you do when you have nothing and your rider dies now have become a mob against you [Music] and guess what and it's not like you're not going through it to you you're going through it as well you have people relying on you he is in a predicament but something clicks and see sometimes it takes you to get your back against the wall for something to click so that the great thing that is in you can arise and come out of you and begin to change everything around you that's what I'm getting at for some of you you need to snap not in a crazy way in a productive way some of you you need to get your back up against the wall where you have no other options and everything that God has placed in you has to stand up for you are you tracking with me for where you have got to go you have to get to the core that God has placed in you because there are things assigning to your life that are going to take that version of you that version that doesn't have any options I feel the Lord you gotta get this there is a part of you that you haven't met yet there's a part of you that will stand up to anything he's in your car that's why God can put you in a fight because he knows what he has put in you I'll put you in a fight when I know I put a fight in you there's a fight in you I'm telling you that a fight against cancer that a fight against depression that'll finally gets a lot snap it's a snap and you can only have that snap when you're in certain situations David had to encouraged himself in the Lord he had to tap into something he said you know what I've been a little far removed but I remember there was a moment when there was a bear and I just looked up and the bear was right there I didn't have time to run I didn't have space to leave it was me and the bear and I said hey do babies and something came out of him and he slayed that bear and then there was a liar are you understand what I'm saying I'm trying to tell you family that's submenu there's something bold and courageous on the inside of you and sometimes you gotta just snap to get to it it's in there it's in there the signal is in there it said that I'm telling you there's a fight in you he's fast he does from the inside the exact opposite of what everybody else was doing on the outside if I don't fight I'm gonna lose it oh god I feel gosh if I don't fight back i'ma lose everything everything is on the line right now some of you can't even show up until that level of trouble shows up in your life fight or flight sink or swim and ain't no flight and today there's a fight in you there's a fight in you that's what the Bible means when it says greater is He Who is in you than he who was in the world there's something in you that is bigger than anything that will stand against you it's in you it's in you it's in you the people spoke of stoning him he is distressed he has lost everything he has no place to go [Music] and all of a sudden there's a shift was an outer shift it was an inner shift and David said wait wait something is wrong I don't I don't see there's a part of you that doesn't even know failure Oh for the Holy Ghost there's a part of you that cannot even compute defeat it just doesn't it that's it doesn't it doesn't even understand it there's a part of you that cannot even relate to lack the Lord is my shepherd I have no lack I shall not want I have no lack that there's a part of you greater is he who was in you who's in you greater is He Who is in you than he that is in the world so that greatness that is in you does not perceive lack this says watch this because it is the great I am that is in you not the great I am NOT or the great I have not of the great I can not you have the great I am the great I can and the great I have on the inside of you sometimes God will reduce you down to your core he'll reduce you to your core and David's core was that he was a worshiper and a priest he doesn't just simply encouraged himself in the Lord how does he encouraged himself in the Lord he didn't tell us this this unique priest this is unique fella called a by afar and he says if we look at I'm almost done he says if we look at verse 7 it says that David said to a by afar the priests a him elect son that's important I wish I had time to bring please bring the ephod here that was a garment of the priests that's what the priests wore now it's interesting that this this guy abaya thar who the priest he's with David they had a special bond they had a special bond and the reason why they had a special bond is because when Saul was crazy when he went through his crazy citizen season he was so adamant on trying to kill the prophetic and anything that was truly close to God that he has all of the priests kill the house of animal Eck he has them killed but one escapes him Alec's son a by afar he escapes the slaughter and him and David hook up in the struggle and he walks with David and David says come with me you're gonna be safe so there was there was this relationship it's really important to society no just a footnote in relationships everything I'd rather have one person who will walk with me in the thick come on somebody who will be with me in the high times and the low times than 25,000 people calling my name all I need is one person David goes to him and he says bring me the ephod what was that he was reminding himself of who he was I am a worshiper I am a priest I am set apart and he encourages himself he encourages himself in Lord and and and I don't want to say a couple things real quick and then and then we're gonna be done his response is just it's nothing short of a miracle it's nothing short of a miracle and he brings him ephod he reminds himself of who he is he stands in the middle of that he has encouraged himself in the Lord he says I can't trust what's outside I've got it this is an inside job I've got to do this thing from the inside I gotta tap into God he taps into God and he asks God shall I go up shall I go up and pursue this troop and God says and God says where does he say that all right the universe a he says so David inquired of the Lord saying shall I pursue this troop shall i overtake them and he answered him pursue God answers him pursue for you before you shall overtake them and without fail recover all and so I was thinking about as it relates to our inner atmosphere which is really next level and what I discovered is one of the greatest purposes for a healthy and a powerful inner atmosphere is for recovery oh god I fear the Lord for recovery there are some attacks that you see coming and you understand there are other attacks that you don't know anything about until you get there if you saw the attack coming you could stop it you could do something about it right you could you know but sometimes you would just find yourself and you will realize that the attack has happened and there are things missing if that ever happens to you be encouraged because the enemy God would never allow the enemy to blindside you and take something from you unless he had already ordained a strategy for you to get that back and then some are you hearing what I'm saying when it is a sneak attack what it is a surprise attack and you're doing what you're supposed to do and you look up and you realize that the enemy has been in your stuff and it is missing I'm telling you right now that is a sign God allowed it because he was getting ready to upgrade you you're going to get it back but what you have to do this is very important I think this is noteworthy this is very important they didn't just take it they didn't just take it they burned the city down the marina city don't feel this foot they didn't just take it they they burned it with fire the Amalekites were of the descendants of Esau you know the story of Esau and Jacob there is a beef a generational beef between Esau and Jacob over the birthright Esau had the birthright by human and natural sequence Jacob had the birthright by favor oh you're not ready you know yeah I'm ready some of you is not because you have been so good it's not because you have made all the right decisions it's not because you were born in the right family it is by the grace of God that you are who you are because he favors who he wants to favor are you tracking with me it just is what it is and can I just tell you stop apologizing for the favor of God that is on your life do not shrink do not pull back be who God has created you to be it's not your fault that you're chosen it's not your fault that you're in position it just is what it is God will break all types of orders and all types of rules to manifest his favor if that's your testimony holla at your boy real quick holla at your boy real quick he will put you straight to the front of the line he will set you with kings and queens and princesses it is what it is baby it is what it is and he saw could not figure that out that should have been me know if it should have been you it would have been you so the Amalekites the Amalekites are of the descendants of Esau so that's saying jealousy that matter bullsháá can't even fight your head up because favor will wipe them out so it sneaks in and tries to do things and ultimately watch this knows that it can't wipe you out so what it wants to do is burn down your hopes oh I wish I had more time sometimes it is not what happens to you that is the most deadly figure in your life it is what is consumed when it happens to you when you when you lose because of disappointment when you lose your expectations when you lose your ability to dream again when you lose your ability to start a new business when you knew when you lose the ability to start a new church the start of a non-profit to start a new things this way see that's what the Amalekites were after because they knew it wasn't a fair fight they knew that God was on this side so so let me sneak in there while they're gone and let me let me take everything and let me burn this thing down let me let me let me produce ashes let me burn this thing down because I'm hoping that they will make the fatal mistake of thinking that is over and notice it said that they were carried away not killed I feel that some of you you've been sitting in ashes for too long you ashes represent what was there he represents what was there sometimes we sit in ashes for too long sack cloth and ashes we know that was what you did when you mourn when something was lost you said but it wasn't you weren't supposed to stay in Sackhoff ashes at some at a certain point you're supposed to wash your face wash off the dust and the ash wash it off with your faith set your eyes towards the future and see again and dream again and believe again because sometimes it's not what happens to you that is the worst thing that happens to you it is what is taken from you when that happened to you you understand what I'm saying that did it take away your ability to believe for better things a just man falls seven times yeah failure is not final the worst is a just man falls seven times and yet rises up again it ain't over I gotta land this plane you know some of you if you're not careful let me put it to you this way don't make your home in the ruins of life you gotta be like David encourage yourself in the Lord and if you've done that already do it again and again and again and again I feel that that life is in the ability to have things happen to you without those things happening in you encourage yourself I don't know this is for again and again and again and again because if you're alive God is not finished with you so encourage yourself again and again and again because you won't fail you'll never fail you nor forsake you so encourages I feel this for somebody and again and again and again and don't stop and when it happens again and if it happens again so what encourage yourself again and again and again believe again and dream again and dream again because of the process of time you are going to recover oh and and and have spoil sometimes God allows you to be attacked to get you to more to get you tomorrow I want to start playing praying Joey stop right family what am I saying it's your insides if David could in the midst of the most treacherous and devastating set of circumstances I mean at least Jesus we talked about last week at least he had Peter James and John to bring into that David has absolutely nothing or no one and he says what I'm feeling is warring against what I've been told I'm in distress it's like he looks at his circumstances and says this can't be right Phil the Lord he he looks around and yes it's bad and yes it speaks to game over time's up Phyllis for somebody game over time's up this is the big one you cannot escape this this is the one that's gonna wipe you out see atmospheres speak they speak but somewhere within David's being there was a contradiction between what his faith had caused him to believe and what the atmosphere was speaking to him and he begins to suspect that the atmosphere is where the error lay and he says I can't trust it I can't trust it I can't trust this depression I can't trust this oppression I can't trust what they're saying I am doubting the doubt I am suspicious of the confusion I don't trust it and I only have one safe place because you remember this physical environment I thought was my safe place but I realize that even that is temporal and is subject to being raided and burned to the ground safe place I've got more hiding place I've got one more place of peace left and this is a place that the world did not give to me and the world can't take away this is a place whose atmosphere is not predicated by the news nor the naysayers this is my holy place and when I have nowhere else to go I can always go here and drink from the river the river that never runs dry that always refreshes me and gives me perspective when Jesus was dealing with the woman at the well he says you you you this water that you're drawing out right now this water you're gonna have to even get thirsty again you had to come back to this water he said but what I want to give you is going to be a well on the inside of you what I'm gonna give you you will never thirst again maybe this well is gonna be in you and it's gonna be springing up whenever you need a drink if this well would be stopped up and fail to be able to produce water that refreshes you and nourishes you and gives you life when that is the case that's gonna be a well in you but you can tap into and it you you haven't lived until you have found yourself in a situation where you could not drink from any outside well to get what you need but there was only one will and that's the well that the Lord gives that's what David David said this is not my portion I feel that someone you have to get bold enough to look at circumstances and say this is not my portion this doesn't look like what God promised me and I can't trust what this environment is saying to me thoughts of suicide and thoughts have given up and thoughts of hopelessness and and one of the enemy's favorites is you will never those three words watch out for them you will never David said I can't trust it I can't trust it that says that my family is gone and everything that God promised he would protect us it's gone and my dream is gone and my calling is gone you have to say this right so you have to get to a place where if it doesn't match the promise don't call the promise of lie call the temporary circumstance a lie and believe the promise [Applause] David and he couldn't trust his outer he went to the only place that he can go to the only safe place and that was his inner and that's what we got to do the air is always fresh there we're gonna continue on next week but I want you to stand with me because I want to pray for you I want to pray for you hallelujah I felt really strong that this week was not just the second week in this series but I felt even this morning that there was a true prophetic edge to this message concerning current and present circumstances and if you're here LA Denver or wherever you might be watching from with all of our online community and you hear and and God spoke to you and you need a change in your inner while you're waiting on your outer to match what God says I want to pray for you if that's you I want you to come and meet me here at this altar so we can pray come on out let you come - come on LA come on Denver if you're at home and that was you I want you to just receive this prayer turn the volume up do whatever you got to do connect with this touch the phone touch and agree with me touch and agree with me because I believe that there's a prophetic edge um on this message it's time to get back to your core and greater is he who was in you he who was in the world and it's going to happen from the inside out from the inside out you're going to strengthen yourself in the Lord strengthen yourself when I can't be strengthened by circumstance I'm not out of the game because circumstance is not supporting me I got the great I am on the inside of me and I gotta let the great I am take over are you tracking with me I want you to come if you hear and you say man I don't know how to do that but I want to do that the promise Jesus made total woman at the well it was all as setup from the beginning the natural was mirroring what Jesus wanted to do in her life spiritually she's down there at the well thinking that she needed natural water but really what she needed was living water water that would change her life and from that moment her perspective about life changed she found a sense of purpose and peace and passion she goes back to her community touches so many people because there was so many people connected to her getting her life together and if you're here maybe you like the woman at the well and you don't quite have spirituality or your faith figure it out you don't have that figured out yet but something is going on or you wouldn't be here today something is going on and you wouldn't be watching today and you say you know what I want that well to be on the inside of me I don't want to always have to read books to be an inspired or encouraged I don't want to always have to watch sermons I don't wanna I want to have something that I can access anytime anyplace and anywhere forever and if that's you I want you to come and meet me here at this altar as well and I'm gonna pray for you and Jesus is gonna do that very thing to you he's gonna put a well in you that's gonna be with you forever when you're young it's gonna be there when you're in the middle of your life is gonna be there when you're old is gonna be there and you'll be able to pass it down to your children as well if that's you come down and get this well come on if you know you need a well I want you to meet me here come on LA I want you to meet me here come on Denver come on it's well time baby come on from the inside out I'm tired of being lonely I'm tired of feeling weak I'm tired of feeling powerless I need God on the inside of me that's you come on come on meet me here come on we gonna pray it's gonna happen we ought to celebrate Jesus for all the people making their way down you thought you by yourself come on get down here take that set move move your feet come on come on let's do it something's happening you're gonna need that there's so much in your life there's so much God is calling you - you haven't seen anything yet we go from glory to glory if that's you I want you to come come meet me here come meet God here he's here what's happening in here not just speaking and singing it's bigger than that it's deeper than that your father who loves you and knows you is saying come to me I want to show you life like you have never seen it before I want to make you bold like David I want to put that in you ever since I met the Lord I met the Lord when I was 9 years old right I met him when I was 9 and I can honestly tell you ever since I was 9 I had a lot to learn I had Grove I had things that I had to work through I still work through things not that not to my perfection but I'll tell you what I had the moment I say yes to him an unwavering belief that nothing that came against me could defeat me I'm telling you I'm telling you I had a I had a knowing I had a knowing I can't explain it and you know what that knowing was it was a fight it was a fight it was a fight I knew from a little boy nine years old I got a lot to learn I got a lot to walk out I got a lot to figure out but one thing I knew if I called on God I was gonna get out of this thing are you tracking with me I'm a figure this thing out this will not be the end of me it's what I knew that assurance blessed assurance Jesus is mine I had said sure that yeah the winds might come yeah they might yeah the storm might blow yeah they may yeah the floods might be against the door of my house but I will not fall I will not fail greater is He that's what God wants to put in you and if you have it in you that's what God wants to pull out of you in this season if you don't have it in you I want you to get down there we're gonna pray we're gonna pray hallelujah nine years old I knew it if I call on God he'd show up if I called on God he'd come through that the verdict was in ultimately I would win I wasn't even afraid of death anymore come on even in death I had confidence even being faced with death when I was 16 I was faithful face to face to face with death and I told my mother I said you know what I said even if I die don't worry about nothing I'm going to heaven God's got me and you'll see me again that's what you want to walk in because fear is debilitating it is stifling and in order to be who God has called you to be you have to step into things God's will for your life doesn't just manifest itself outside of your steps of faith uh-huh you have to become somebody to birth to everything that God has placed in you you have to believe that with God all things are possible and that nothing is impossible to you and the evidence of that belief is action and you can't take action like that unless you know that you know that you know and God watch this encourage God will put courage in you encourage he will put courage in you in you or Philip if you hear you're tired of being timid tired of being a people please you're tired of being a pushover feel like there's an anointing in here right now there's an anointing la in the building right now to release the boldness that's there that your mind has talked you out of believing is there it's a boldness it's Christ Christ was not a wimp hello somebody Christ was bold he stared opposition in the face and declared who he was and that's what you have to do in life you have to stand in the midst of opposition inner opposition outer opposition and declare to earth to the world to everything that's in the universe by the grace of God I am what I am I have what I have and I can do and I will do everything that God says I can do are you tracking with me that's the greatness that is in me and I'll give you 30 more seconds to come down there if you want that in you come on you need it then for us where you need it la you need it for all that God has for you you eat this you come on I see you come on come on I tell you I tell you la I dare you to get bold somebody's there and you're like this is so out of character for you exactly I'm trying to introduce you to your new character to your true character to step out when you sense the moving and the working of God you start doing something different you can't have something that you've never had if you keep doing the same things step out if you want to be bold if you're in your seat praying from our boldness step into the new bold version of you that does things that the old timid version of you would never do come on meet me here I see you I see you LA and you come while I'm praying father we thank you so much God for what you're teaching us what you're showing us what you're revealing to us God God even more than that thank you God for what you've given to us God you promised and you will be for anyone who opens up to you a well of living water a well that never runs dry a well that refreshes that renews that encourages a well that washes away the ashes a well that gives beauty for Ashes a well that lets us know that what we lose in you we will recover a well that says that that you are the great I am and the great I am is on the inside of us a well that assures us that you'll never leave us nor forsake us a well that affirms us in who we truly are and never speaks otherwise a well that aloud that will allow us to navigate the fog of life to navigate atmospheres that would attempt to convince us otherwise concerning who we are so god we receive that well right now we open up to you God and we say just like the woman at the well god give me some of this water to drink give me that well and God we thank you that you will not hold back you will not hold back your spirit you will not hold back all of the rich treasure all of the rich inheritance that belong to those who call on your name so we open up to you and we receive that God and God there's some here right now Lord and they have been facing things and Lord they need to understand how to encourage themselves God Lord I thank you right now that you are insulating and protecting their inner their inner I thank you God that you're pulling the weeds out of their insides you're pulling weeds out of their hearts and pulling weeds out of their and all these negative thoughts in these these ideas about themselves you are up rooting even right now God and you are planting truth God I believe by faith and even as we're receiving you today that you are going to give them the spirit of David you're gonna give them that boldness that David had even though it appeared that the world was coming crashing down on them they found their hiding place they found their secret place their secret place with you that safe place that says all is well because greater am I in you than anything you ever faced there's some I feel this prophetically there's some who have been literally gripped and debilitated by fear fear came in like a flood on you and you have been paralyzed to a certain degree by fear but in the name of Jesus I renounce the spirit of fear over your life I call it out for what it is a lie and the truth there's nowhere in it and I pray right now the God where thoughts that created fear had begin to overwhelm their hearts minds and spirits that you would exchange it that you would replace it with thoughts of faith thoughts of hope and thoughts of belief and when fear comes in like a flood because of the inner well we will allow the Spirit to chase that fear out for fear has no place in a child of God I just want you to be there than me Heavenly Father I thank you for this moment it was made for me I thank you for seeing me I thank you for knowing me I thank you for loving me I thank you for what you've placed in me I thank you for Jesus thank you for making him who had no sin all of mine all of my limitations all of my shortcomings all of my weaknesses you've placed in his body nailed it to the cross and once and for all put it to death and just as he was raised up free and victorious because I'm in him I'm raised up to and I'm taking my place I'm taking my seat in heavenly places in Christ Jesus and I confess right now for the world to hear that greater is He Who is in me than he that is in the world I will make it I will overcome I will triumph this is my portion this is my story this is my song praising my Savior all the day long in Jesus name Amen amen come on somebody let's do it right now this is my story this is my song praising my Savior all the day long victory is mine Authority is mine peace is mine joy is my hope is mine oh yes it is and everything I lost is coming back to me it's not loss it's just on reserve come on somebody I'm getting my joy back I'm getting my ring back I'm getting my life back I'm taking back everything that the enemy thought he stole from me would that first with extras would experts with extras with extras cuz it's mine Davidson of the the extra stuff love is this just most sprinkle no cherry on top David said after he got everything that was his he said and that's mine too I want you to start claiming stuff God's not just gonna bring you back what was lost there's something for you to trade in this life in this earth in this industry and I want you to start claiming it maybe it's your city I'm creaming Denver right now maybe it's Aurora I'm claiming Aurora maybe it's the Springs maybe it's Hollywood I'm dreaming it double for you truffle Oh somebody better catch that in the Holy Spirit double for my trouble I'm not going through that just to get back to where I was I'm dreaming what are you gonna claim today I'm claiming that business I'm claiming that success I'm claiming that ministry I'm dreaming that city I'm claiming that nation I'm claiming it where my claim is that all my claim is make some noise come on I'm claiming that thing I didn't go through that hear me I'm done we're out of time hear me hear me hear me hear me hear me I didn't go through that just to get through that I didn't I didn't go through just to get through the children of Israel didn't go through the Red Sea just to get through the Red Sea they didn't go through the wilderness just to get through the wilderness there was a promise man on the other side of what they went through that they had to clean [Applause] [Music]
Channel: ONE | A Potter's House Church
Views: 17,750
Rating: 4.8836365 out of 5
Keywords: LA Churches, TPH, The Potters House, TPH LA, The Potters House LA, One LA, Toure Roberts, Sarah Jakes Roberts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 2sec (4322 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 18 2019
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