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w f look at him look at the girls look at them they're well interested Dominator good morning everyone if you have not already don't forget to hit the Subscribe button ring a little bell get notifications of my videos every Tuesday Friday and sometimes we do the Sunday video and today's video it's uh it's a bit of sweet video today bit of a start and an end and a mix and a match to it all it's time unfortunately the big lad to go in you just sit on a couple of videos I've mentioned he's just been a little bit of a pain in the ass problem is Nigel's on his own all the heers have come so he's got no one to follow there we go that's the best way to move it it's just been a bit of a pain in the ass he's just doing things that you would not want a bll to be doing so we're going to trade him in and I've actually got another one lined up so Nigel not as much of a legend as Neptune I loved Neptune neptun was one of my favorite bows the one before that was pretty good Toby was a lovely bow and they just turned a bit nasty when he on the pen Nigel obious broke his leg Neptune broke his leg Nigel just a bit of an ass I personally think he's a nervous bull the problem with the nervous bow you don't know if he's going to do anything he's never done anything but you're listening when we TBD it was a bit of a pain in the ass unfortunately when we had a cow that um had to get taken away with the with a vet note so it's cow that didn't get up and she broke her leg and you can put them into the food chain if the vet com signs off says yeah this is a healthy cow it just can't walk on normally if they go to slaughter house they've got to walk on this got killed on Farm blood on Farm sorry for a bit of graphic that's what happens and they get picked up and they get taken away like that and so we had to do that it was in that field there and the bull would not let the vet go anywhere near it and the vet was just like I'm not going in there well I said after I was chasing around with the loaded tractor not chasing around just trying to get rid of him um it just wasn't happening and that was just a moment of like right yeah it's time it's time for him to go got a phone call he's going to get picked up his passport is in here Nigel he is he'll be four years old next month very young for Angus bull not really what we want hopefully the return on him should be okay and we'll probably have to put 500 quid towards it to pay for the new bull but that 500 quid is well worth the safety of Staff me dad Luke Katie everyone so that's why we're doing it they just show you that moment not taking the risk right anyway you're going to come I'm going to scrape up and bed up over the road and then uh it should be here so I'll catch you you later I'll tell you what big Nigel might be leaving but he is leaving in style looku at this hell of a thing is it we're going to try something I was going to reverse there but that's bigger trailer than it looks it looks bigger in this yard now struggle to get back out again only so by the way this is someone called Nick Nick is through a company called We Buy Any cow don't we so in laner Northwest we B Cal speak to Nick and he will sort you out do do you do you mind me putting that in do you want that on that's Grand is yeah yeah if you want it mate take the promotion no definitely no so we buy a c though just give him a ring uh and he'll organize Neely any day or the day after something like any day I'll pick it up probably do B is a b it was quite a good ball he's a b he's amazing it's just a moment we go hey Lo very well you think oh actually we won't get rid of him but I hope these gates are strong oh no sad really he's a good life there we go he's done he's in actually he loaded up very very well which is sad cuz you kind of think should we have kept him but nah definitely not not not worth it just takes one one thing to go wrong thing with Nigel as well OB she is going um he always kept yourself to yourself quite B I think that's the reason why was just too nervous you didn't like Nigel did you I was wary of it like me that's a trouble uh passport he was a baale legend a baale leg Lov the bail didn't he love the baale obviously Toby Neptune Neptune was a boy Nigel was just just could never trust he should never trust a anyway C you got to the point of never trusting at all so again like any animal that leaves God and they have a passport n's nearly four years old quite like say young for Angus and they can't go anywhere without the passport the boy has gone nigela has gone and I knew it was happening so I've lined up another bow someone was selling one if anyone's been watching me for a while farm called bra farm he bought two bows because he had about I think 56 I want say 56 60 heers to carve maybe even more I was going to get it Thursday today's Monday but I might go today the Beast it's raining everyone's saying why don't you drive up in the saying why don't you drive up in this tractor to lanaster because will take forever so I looked at it and in the car down the mallway it take 48 minutes probuy take I'm going to guess an extra hour each way so it's extra 2 hours just to chain not change the trailer and uh I'm not going to do that I'm going to change the trailer but I'm going to do in the clean area so my mother is Happy sick milk truck sick P shop you know what I went to Crum a bit ago I don't think I to YouTube though and I bought these and if these show these things don't remind you of your nan I don't know what those so I don't know if this is just a British thing or UK thing tropical fruit drop my n us to always have them in there in the car we got diesel oh yeah boy don't you love going to D's car it always has fuel always I mean that wasn't too bad Howard they work sick boom tell I'm so legal so legal just soers from when we went to Market do right so we going I have got a pie from the farm shop got a couple of apples couple of carrots I'm trying to think about my health a little bit since baby I think I've eaten the worst I've ever eaten in my life uh and funny enough a lot of you probably don't know this but I used to eat mad into fitness maybe some of you do like properly a bit obsessed with it like everything I do I just have an obsessive nature so I does not like doing things my hares um so yeah so now trying to be more healthy we lost a little bit of weight whilst we were doing the parlot gained it all back with the small human fingers crossed things will get easy right we're going to get off get to Lancaster and we'll gol this new bow we found Janet is here do you remember Janet who remembers that video back in the day when I first started doing like little tours and it was just a friend I was like oh they've got massive parlot I think it's 24 side yeah it's amazing you'll be surprised to now I'm still youtubing so guess who's back Janet I think it was three or four years ago my first milk in in a massive parlot and uh this is the bow we bought and he's you say he's quite young as he he's work though is he he has works yeah a l cars yeah that's what we want he's got carbs on the ground literally my Ball's gone this morning has it yeah yeah and I a wrong ad here he is he's a diddy thing come on good good [Applause] boy good that was that was easy and harmless do we know his name he's got a name we don't know I've got passort I can't remember what it is on passort either Dynamite or exclusive one or two we'll find it in the passort we'll get all that stuff what that was a very very calm Bowl right we'll get the passport so we're at braids braids Farm which is the Bist milk if you remember the Towers family we got Ed towers and John Towers a really really good mate of mine was farming the farm that we farmed beforehand Alec which is John's son it's all connected in a way all the way to Lancaster and when we came we milked with Janet we milk on the hoverboards you know the hoverboard people these are the hoverboard people they sell the make for bristan milk so like Posh coffee milk you'd say wouldn't you head yeah Posh pretty much milk for speciality coffee shops look at this platform it's is cool is it yeah so just means we can bring the customers up to see the cows and and the environment without necessarily being in amongst them yeah yeah just stressing them out and then they can stay clean as well just put you come and then get an idea for home I want to do it on the parish but it's just there's a lot of projects going on at home it's one of them in it look at these all bedded up on Sand still that's right y they lie on the beach lie on the beach little bit of Sun so I went to a farm the other day and they separate do you separate it now no we don't it still all goes in the tower does it oh go pick it up and spread it we've got we've got we've got better at it how cool is this so it's his feet my Ball's feet should be class yeah except he's been on the straw bed him oh bugger chatting look at the size of the difference of those cows so you you calling these a Hojo Hojo because they're holin cross Jersey holin mother and Jersey father and they so small and that's next to like a normal is that holin or Freez a Hol holin cuz that they need their milk quality to be a certain type certain type of protein certain type of fat they need to hit it and if they don't well that's that's their job so that's why they've got like some really really small cows and then the big cows and the milk mixes into the perfect milk for coffee so every farmer kind of come have a look around the braids is not different is I look at the caring um system as well cuz I want to kind of upgrade ours obviously we've applied for the ground you've got these optimate C so each cve can hold up to eight I think and then they just go into here and they can stay in here till about 3 months look at them that is a cute cute C look at those hello you guys are healthy aren't you and then get pressure washed clean good for uh pneumonia as well hay rack in the middle easy to clean easy accessible it's what um Ed was just saying they have 14 of them they used to be on igloo but they've gone off those just currently cuz these are just a a little bit better look really clean and tidy these are all the jerseys 150 of them hey yeah they are cute little things very cool all on sand obviously uh can we see the sand I think sand is there yeah watch your tell you what girls are interested no tell you what they're interested they can all smell something's happening it was a cracking ball Nigel he was just too I think he was nervous so he just went a bit well he was was he because he's unpredictable he put his head down he was going to go someone well you didn't like him did you you didn't like it you look at that he's smelling that we put six heers with Nigel four days ago I don't actually know his name just yet and he's on one already which is good we've never done that before sold a bow in the morning picked one up in the afternoon got but then he can carve him out a little what he's got a mullet he's got a mullet is that what Kat is saying mullets are all the fashion all if you are a young lad between the ages of 17 and 20 they got a mullet Katie is in point me out there I am putting you out there but yeah he's here we'll catch up with him properly later see how he's getting on but he's bed in very well he's following animals around which is good he's got a job to do turn away rip my pants yeah and also but bear in mind it's amazing how the stock could tell there's a new animal on theard a new bull is it all of them lucky and it's amazing when the other wagon came to pick up how the stock with he can tell there's something else on the arm we can't different is it but when there's a chopper like a chopper comes in they're not that bothered they know when it's animal based which is interesting these are doing better now now they thin them out they looking them the content there's no coughing they got hey a bit of Salo there's Hugo well that's a body c yeah that's a that's a DA no I think it's beef could be wrong but yeah they're all looking well in there aren't they pretty much all Dair is popped from that one that was looking bit that would be a ju cross I think maybe but yeah he's he's definitely finding mate look at him look at the girls look at them they're well interested can you see that I know it's a bit dark gopro's dark the other thing in being a bit smaller it might just carve down well bit nicely you got think we've had two SE sections out of heers this year yeah the baale and then when the that other one had a C-section Dave's mom maybe holding a bit of condition oh back doesn't have quite the same r no the back end no the back end you know but then again you know it depends what cares he throws you got it for a year a year and a do a job and they we look for some more we'll see what the cares come out like and if they if they're not growing well we're swapping in but he's interested which is the main thing well he's proven it's a good size for the haard at them a lot of them will be in car six of them won't be out of the 32 but then um one or two could be in carers it was a great ball but like I say it's a shame Le ain't getting rid of him in it yeah but you can't trust him with people on the yard on the OWN time's turning he only has to turn the wrong time here he is this morning having a bit of a pose the big lad don't know his name actually and I have a very very special treat for him as well so I served a cow 3 days ago and thought she was bulling served it with a native CU it was like a for service and served it with a Nigel cuz Nigel's good there Nigel rip um because Nigel's quite good having him there you put native on it and you can put Nigel on him CU like I say he's got six heers which is easily for him to do and then he can cover any cows that's why we like having blls I did actually debate funny enough buy 20 collars and put 20 collars in my heers and just serve my heers with sex Sean and then a bit of native if they're not getting carve get a really really small like easy carving beef bowl do say with the cows two shots with sex and then anything on top of that use a beef Ball but daav like really good having a ball and it is good having a ball instead of spending like the two grand on the ball you spend two grand on the colors probably a little bit more probably 2 and a half um when youve bought this colors you B the colors with a bull you've always got like a value in it fingers crossed don't just die on you and but you can always sell them hopefully we'll get about 1,500 quid for Nigel I'll let you know at the end of this video shoting cows 145 and Technically she's not a cow so technically she's still a he we call a heer he until it's at it second car so it'll be a first carved heer if that makes sense and a heer is normally cow that hasn't or a female that hasn't had a CF but we call them heers I think in Scotland you call them a cow they've had one W holla got an absolute bit yesterday Katy did it it's looking really good uh with a new hot wash look at that you still happy with the Parlor oh yeah Katie do hey you hey boy it just needs to be piton a very risky game let that g open 145 there you go nice cow as well probably would sell rubbber at Market cuz got black legs you know they got black legs oh here we go she knows what she's doing because she did this a couple of days ago I'll tell you what three days apart two different Lads three different Lads if you count the straw I gave them you're going to have a sniff so she might not be bulling and she might have been bullying 3 days ago cuz he's not that interested obviously Nigel you put any new cow in there because it's new he's like wow unfortunately rip n right well he's not doing much he'll do a bit more oh here we go and like I said he is a little bit smaller than what Nigel and Neptune are you usual bows is I am a little bit nervous about doing that I do like a big bow I do like a big back end um for the farm shop is fantastic the only thing it might just carve a little bit nicer than Nigel Nigel we did have two C-sections um on smaller cows so it might just work with our cows having small one and as well I was thinking last night about Nigel and like we obviously didn't really see him he was like the uh secret assassin just got everything car didn't think about it but I've got to give a lot of props to Nigel because whilst we were doing our bail work the new par work we struggling to get C's and car you shook Nigel in I reckon we wouldn't have 60 70% of the carbs on the ground uh right now and for the next four months without big KN so a props to him a fantastic ball really really good just I think was just a bit nervous and was just getting a little bit a little bit unsafe it's always sad like I I want to keep animals forever U we have a cow 6 41 and fingers crossed she makes it she did unfortunately bought a car um about 2 3 months ago and we're trying to get a backing car who is 1500 1,500 L away from 100,000 and she's nearly 15 years old um she's had 11 carves I think yeah fantastic car that's the kind of cows I like to breed stuff that's going to last for a while so we don't have to replace them all time good good animals so Nigel leav just before 4 years old it's not what we want but again the uh Farm safety is more important you are a very good looking heer one of short horn heers very exciting Luke just scraped up it is Friday morning so we so up today and where is he I still haven't found out his name yet says on his passport apparently I couldn't find it probably just need to trim him up tied him up and he is a lot smaller I really want his name to be Dominator because it's class dominator dominator it'd be amazing I've not actually seen him jump on a cow yet which is a little bit nerve-wracking but he has carves on the ground so I'm expecting to definitely do definitely to do so seems calm seems chilled obviously me being here he's not even bothered which is amazing Nigel you would not be able to do that like this is literally your job I hope his name is Dominator it could be dominator dominator yeah that' be class one it but yeah you couldn't do this with Nigel could you you couldn't stand here do this and yeah he'd be head down and stuff we've put chucked in a couple more heers with him as well I've chucked in the odd cow with him overnight or like during the day between milk just to kind of see if we'll do anything we will have to PD some heers in 4 weeks or something cuz we put another six with him L things put him in the cows might help I haven't got the weight of Nel and I didn't get the price of him but we actually got 1,200 quid so I was a little bit disappointed with that I thought I'd get a little bit more, 1500 quid would have just helped you know run be 500 quid towards the old Bill don't trust Bulls after good old Nigel fingers crossed for dominator he's got plenty of females to uh go out and look at the last two things TV merch is now restocked so coton ISO is doing that for us obviously cuz of a lot of um my life with child and human stuff so she's just restocked that so you can check it out here's someone in New Zealand who got the merch over Christmas absolutely class thank you very much for sending that in another thing llama will definitely be there on Wednesday I'll be on the Kirk B Tires stand with bkt with Rebecca Wilson and Mr Oly blogs got a discussion going on definitely on the Wednesday we might be there Thursday um but life is a little bit busy here so I might have to come back we don't know yet so yeah that is the plan for Merch and lammer but the Dominator going to call him Dominator for now cuz it's class well happy with him hopefully these cares will be a little bit smaller um because I do think that was a problem we did our health herd plan on Wednesday this week with the vet and all of the carbs that have struggled carving well mainly of them 80% of them actually came out of Nigel which is interesting two C-sections and some bad carbons was he just too big for heers Angus is meant to be easy carving but fingers crossed the Dominator just call them the Dominator be nice easy carbon anyway guys thank you very much for watching the video please give it a thumbs up subscribe to YouTube channel I do have a surprise for you on Tuesday it's a big surprise finally did didn't I L the big surprise on Tuesday say nothing saying nothing see you in a bit bye
Channel: Tom Pemberton Farm Life
Views: 243,945
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cow, farm, farming, fails, happy cows, milking cows, dairy farm, dairy farming, dairy cows, farming life, john deere, tractors for toddlers, millenial farmer, farm animals for toddlers, tractors for kids, farm animals, dairy cows mooing, dairy cows farm, farm simulator, cow comfort, mn millenial farmer, animal videos, good vibes, BULL, HUGE BULL, MONSTER BULL, new bull, new animal, arrives at the farm, bull riding, professional bull riding, dangerous bulls, rare animals
Id: n2agXbQ1JqQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 12sec (1272 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 12 2024
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