it's coming! July 14, 2024! BENEFITS OF THE MOON IN THE CRESCENT QUARTER OF JULY 14✨ Dolores Cannon

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sometimes when we contemplate the immensity of the night sky we are overcome by a feeling of smallness and uncertainty about how to fully take advantage of the magic that unfolds before us it is in these moments when the hypnotizing beauty of the celestial dance awakens a mixture of amazement and perplexity we find ourselves fascinated by the Splendor of the spectacle but we also feel overwhelmed and even bewildered of about how to become active participants in that Cosmic Phenomenon with the next Crescent Moon scheduled for today July 14th we are presented with a unique opportunity Beyond being a simple lunar event this phenomenon can become a powerful Catalyst for personal transformation by carefully observing the subtle changes in the shape of the Moon we can enter a state of Greater connection and Attunement to The rhythms and cycles of nature this experience can awaken greater awareness about our place in the universe and open New Perspectives on our own development and growth I encourage you to give yourself fully to this opportunity letting the beauty and mystery of the night sky inspire you and guide you on a journey of self- knowledge and transformation take advantage of this moment to connect with the magic that lies deep in the cosmos and let yourself be surprised by the revelations that may arise an inevitable question arises how can we adequately prepare to make the most of this Cosmic experience it is crucial to understand that it is not simply about observing the moon in the sky but about actively tuning into the cosmic energies at play it is time to align ourselves with the universe and fully commit to the development of these Cosmic forces in this sense it is important to explore the practices that can help us properly prepare for this Celestial event Beyond being a simple observation this is a unique opportunity to align ourselves with the energies of the universe and prepare for a new chapter of personal Evolution and expansion one of the keys is the definition of intentions which is like sewing seeds in the fertile soil of our Consciousness by directing our thoughts actions and choices toward desired outcomes we are clarifying what we want to manifest in our lives and aligning our energy with those intentions it is a way to get in tune with the cosmic forces that are being activated during this Crescent Moon some practices that may be helpful are meditation visualization dialogue with the moon ceremony and ritual these can help us deepen our connection with the lunar cycles and channel cosmic energy in a conscious and focused Way by committing to this process of preparation we open ourselves to receive the gifts and Transformations that this Cosmic experience can bring to our lives it is a unique opportunity to tune in to the heartbeats of the universe and take another step towards our personal and spiritual Evolution when defining our intentions we must nurture those desires with love and dedication sending a clear message to the universe about what we want to create is like placing an order in the cosmic kitchen trusting that our desires will be ful fulfilled in Divine timing but setting intentions goes beyond simply wanting something it's about taking inspired action toward our goals and dreams it is incorporating the energy of our intentions and living as if they had already come true to set intentions start by clarifying what you want to manifest in your life reflect deeply on your deepest desires and aspirations and write them down with Clarity and conviction be specific about what you want to create and Infuse your intentions with positive energy and emotion visualize yourself living your intentions feeling the joy and fulfillment they bring trust that the universe will conspire to make them a reality for as you send those seeds of intention into the field of possibility cosmic energy will align to support their blossoming nurturing our intentions with love and DED dedication is essential when we Define our desires with Clarity confidence and positive emotion we are sending a powerful message to the universe it's as if we are placing an order in the cosmic kitchen knowing that it will be prepared with precision and served at the perfect time by committing to this process we open ourselves to receiving the gifts that the Universe has prepared for us our task is to keep those intentions alive aligning our actions and thoughts with them and trusting that they will manifest in Divine timing in this process it is important to release any doubt or fear that may be holding you back trust in your power and the Divine support that surrounds you recognize that you are worthy of all the blessings the universe has to offer and that your intentions are already on the way to manifesting trust the process and surrender to the flow of life's natural rhythms setting intentions is an ongoing practice that requires consistent effort and commitment it's like tending to a garden you can't just plant the seeds and expect them to grow without nurturing them therefore set aside time this day and the following days to revisit your intentions visualize them manifesting and take inspired action to make them a reality by maintaining your focus and aligning with your intentions you can create the life of your dreams let go of any doubt or fear that holds you back because you are worthy of receiving the blessings that the Universe has for you trust in your power and the Divine support that surrounds you know that your intentions are already on their way to manifesting and surrender to the Natural flow of Life spend time regularly nurturing your intentions visualize them coming to fruition and take inspired action to make them a reality by maintaining this focus and Alignment you will be able to shape your reality according to your deepest desires and dreams it's an ongoing process like tending a garden but by doing it with dedication and confidence you can create the life you long for this is an excellent opportunity to set powerful intentions for your future harness the powerful energy of the Moon to amplify your intentions and accelerate their manifestation recognize that you have the ability to create the life you want allow your intentions to be infused with love joy and abundance and guide you on a journey of growth expansion and fulfillment in the hustle and bustle of everyday life it's easy to lose touch with ourselves but as the July 14th Moon approaches there's a gentle reminder from the universe to stop and look inward inner reflection is about taking a moment to Simply Be with ourselves to acknowledge our thoughts and feelings without judgment it's like taking a deep breath and entering the quiet sanctuary of our minds where we can explore the depths of our being with compassion and curiosity take advantage of this opportunity to Define intentions that are full of love joy and abundance allow those intentions to guide you on a journey of growth expansion and personal fulfillment use the powerful energy of the Moon to amplify and accelerate the manifestation of your deepest Desires in the midst of daily turmoil it is essential to find moments of inner reflection take time to Simply Be with yourself without judging your thoughts and feelings it is in this space of silence and self- exploration where you can connect with the wisdom of your deepest self and align your intentions with your highest purpose when we immerse ourselves in inner reflection we are creating an inner space where Clarity and understanding can emerge it's as if we shine a light into the darkest corners of our minds Illuminating the hidden patterns and beliefs that have been shaping Our Lives often without us being aware of it through this process of introspection we have the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and our place in the world we can discover fears or mental limitations that have been holding us back and begin to free ourselves from them with love and acceptance by immersing ourselves in this Sacred Space of reflection we are giving life to an inner light that reveals the impulses and convictions that have been unconsciously guiding our actions and experiences it is an act of self-exploration that gives us a broader and deeper vision of who we are and what our purpose is this introspective work allows us to bring to light those beliefs or fears that have been holding us back and open ourselves with compassion to begin to release them it is in this space of reflection where we find the opportunity to illuminate the darkest corners of our psyche better understand the patterns that have shaped our lives and thus Embrace a fuller more authentic existence aligned with our deepest being introspection not only helps us illuminate at the unconscious patterns and beliefs that have shaped our lives but it also provides us with an opportunity to reconnect with the wisdom that resides within us that Serene but firm voice that knows the way to follow and that lives within us by tuning into this inner guidance through reflection we can gain greater clarity about our deepest purposes and aspirations we connect with that source of creativity and intuition that has always has been there waiting to be rediscovered it is like opening a door to an inner Dimension full of resources and knowledge ready to inspire and guide our actions in the outside world as we practice introspection we may encounter resistance or discomfort especially if we are not used to being in touch with our thoughts and emotions however like anything worthwhile developing this introspective skill requires time and patience when we approach inner reflection with an open heart and mind we can cultivate a sense of peace and serenity to guide us through life's challenges I propose that today you take some time for inner reflection find a quiet space free of distractions where you can be alone with yourself for a few moments you can Journal meditate or simply remain silent choose the approach that resonates most with you right now as you delve into the depth of your own being I hope you discover the wisdom strength and resilience that already resides within you in the hustle and bustle of everyday life it is easy to neglect our own well-being however as we prepare for the transformative energies of the fourth lunar phase self-care becomes more important than ever cultivating self-care involves taking deliberate actions to nourish ourselves both physically and emotionally it's about recognizing our own needs and placing ourselves as a priority in our daily lives by reserving space for inner reflection you give yourself the opportunity to connect with that inner voice that knows the way forward from this place of Serenity and self- knowledge you can find the clarity and inspiration needed to move forward with greater integrity and purpose take this time for yourself with an open heart and mind let the wisdom that already lives within you guide and strengthen you on your path of growth and transformation self-care can take many forms and the important thing is to discover what best fits your individual needs it can be something as simple as taking a relaxing bath going for a walk in nature or spending quality time with loved ones it may also involve more structured practices such as meditation yoga or journaling no matter what activities you choose the key is to approach them with intention and mindfulness immerse yourself completely in the present moment giving yourself permission to rest and recharge by prioritizing self-care we not only improve our own well-being but we also strengthen our ability to be fully present in the world and support others when we take care of ourselves we are better prepared to meet life's challenges with Grace and resilience by tending to our physical emotional and spiritual needs we connect with the wisdom and strength that already reside within us self-care doesn't have to be something elaborate or complicated it can be as simple as taking a few minutes to breathe deeply enjoying a nutritious meal or simply allowing yourself a moment of rest and Stillness The crucial thing is to approach these practices with intention putting aside distractions and fully immersing yourself in the here and now throughout our lives we accumulate a series of patterns of behavior thoughts and beliefs that shape our experience of the world some of these patterns have served us well and helped us Prosper however others may have limited us or kept us trapped in repetitive cycles that do not allow us to move forward the moon on July 14th represents a special opportunity to examine those old outdated patterns that no longer align with our highest good it is a time to reflect let go and release everything that has been holding us back or preventing us from evolving by letting go of these old mental emotional and behavioral habits we open the door to New Beginnings we make space for healthier more expansive ways of being thinking and acting to emerge it's like cleaning the Blackboard to be able to write a different story for our lives this process C of Liberation and rebirth does not have to be complicated or painful it can be as simple as taking a few moments to compassionately examine our limiting beliefs and then consciously choosing thoughts feelings and actions that Empower us and help us flourish this Moon gives us the opportunity to let go of what no longer serves us and embrace new possibilities it is a call to transformation to let go of what ties us to the Past in order to welcome become a brighter future full of potential by harnessing this energy we give ourselves permission to reinvent ourselves and become the best version of ourselves releasing old patterns begins with awareness it is important to recognize habits beliefs and behaviors that no longer align with who we are becoming to do this take some time to reflect deeply on your life and identify any patterns that seem restriced or limiting this may include negative self-criticism fear-based beliefs or unhealthy coping mechanisms once these patterns are identified it is important to recognize them with compassion and understanding understand that they were part of your journey and the development of your being but that they no longer contribute to your growth and evolution this exercise in self-observation requires courage but it is a necessary step then the next step is to cultivate a sense of Readiness and openness to release these old patterns this can be challenging as we are often attached to them or fear what may lie Beyond them however releasing these patterns requires a willingness to step into the unknown and Trust in the process of growth and transformation trust that by releasing what no longer serves you you create space for New Opportunities and experiences to flow into your life opening yourself to the new despite uncertainty is an act of courage and faith in your process of evolution it is an invitation to let go of what limits you and to welcome what pushes you towards greater development and fulfillment this Liberation process does not have to be dramatic or painful it can be gentle and gradual as you cultivate self-awareness and self-acceptance the important thing is to be willing to look honestly and compassionately at those patterns that no longer serve you and then take the brave step of letting them go trusting that something better awaits you on the other side a very powerful way to release old patterns is through simple practices this can be something as simple as writing the patterns you want to release on a piece of paper and then burning it as an offering to the universe while watching the paper turn to Ash during this process you you can visualize yourself releasing those patterns and entering a new way of being you can also choose to do an energy cleanse such as smoking with sage or taking a purifying bath to cleanse your energy and release everything that no longer serves you these symbolic rituals help make the process of Letting Go more tangible and meaningful on an emotional and spiritual level it is important to remember that releasing old patterns is an ongoing process that requires patient I persistence and self-compassion it is not something that happens overnight but rather a journey of growth and self-discovery be kind to yourself as you navigate this process and celebrate every small victory along the way by releasing those old patterns you create space for new possibilities to emerge and allow yourself to fully become who you are meant to be it is an act of courage and confidence in yourself in your abil ility to evolve and flourish trust that by letting go of what no longer serves you you open the door to a brighter and Fuller stage of your life connecting with nature is a deeply healing way to nourish our Spirits Nature has a unique ability to offer us a feeling of Peace connection and Harmony especially during the waxing moon phase it is a powerful time to take time and truly connect with the natural world around us spending time in nature allows us to slow down calm our minds and tune into the rhythms of the earth and the cosmos to connect with nature you can start by simply getting out and about in your surroundings take a quiet walk in a nearby Park or Forest allowing yourself to be fully present in the beauty of the natural world see the sights listen to The Sounds around you the rustling of the leaves in the wind as you tune in to these natural rhythms you may begin to feel a sense of peace and Tranquility envelop you Nature has the power to disconnect us from the fast pace and demands of Modern Life it offers us the opportunity to rest recharge and remember our fundamental connection with the all by immersing ourselves in it we can find a deep sense of belonging and spiritual renewal there are other mindful practices that can further deepen our connection with nature one of them is rooting take off your shoes and walk Barefoot on the earth feeling the fresh grass under your feet or the soft sand between your toes allow yourself to be completely connected to the Earth feeling the energy of the ground that sustains and nourishes you this simple action can have a profoundly healing effect allowing us to feel truly grounded and in tune with the rhythms of Mother Earth additionally spending time tending to a garden plants or simply sitting under a tree and absorbing the beauty of the natural world are also wonderful ways to connect with nature in intimate and deep Ways by engaging in these simple mindful interactions you can align yourself with the energies of the Moon and cultivate a deeper sense of peace presence and connection in your life rituals are also a powerful tool to deepen this connection rituals are like special ceremonies or routines that help us connect with something deeper within us and with the world around us they can be as simple as lighting a candle or as elaborate as a lunar ceremony these rituals help us create Sacred Space and set a clear intention for our actions by incorporating these types of practices into your life you open yourself up to a more vibrant connected and enriching experience with the natural world you allow the wisdom and healing of Mother Earth to nourish you and guide you in your own process of growth and transformation by performing certain practices we are honoring the sacredness of life and opening our hearts and Minds to receive positive energies and blessings rituals are a beautiful way to connect with something deeper and more meaningful one of the wonderful things about rituals is that they can be adapted to suit our individual preferences and beliefs they can be anything from a simple meditation a gratitude practice or even a ritual to honor the elements of nature by personalizing our rituals we resonate with our own unique spiritual journey by incorporating these rituals into our lives we create a sense of Rhythm and Harmony that can provide Solace and comfort in times of need they help us establish an anchor a reference point that reminds us of our connection to to something bigger than ourselves rituals can be powerful tools for manifestation and transformation when we do them with intention and presence we amplify the energy of our desires and align ourselves with the flow of the universe it is as if we open a Channel of communication between our inner being and Cosmic forces allowing magic and synchronicity to flow more easily by honoring the sacredness of life through these personalized rituals we embark on a journey of spiritual growth and evolution we connect with a deeper dimension of ourselves and the world around us giving us a greater sense of purpose peace and Harmony the Crescent Moon is a powerful symbol of transformation and spiritual growth when the moon is in this phase it represents the stage of expansion and development it is a moment of opening and reception where lunar energy is on the rise preparing to reach its fullness on the full moon spiritually the Crescent Moon invites us to contemplate our own process of evolution and transformation it is an invitation to expand our Consciousness to embrace new possibilities and to let our ideas and dreams flourish this Luna phase is ideal for setting intentions planting metaphorical seeds and nurturing projects we want to see grow it is a time of momentum where we can harness the ascending force of the Moon to propel us forward on our path of personal and spiritual growth this crescent moon is associated with feminine energy receptivity and intuition it is a time to trust our instincts to listen to the voice of our inner being and to allow the wisdom of our heart to guide us as we contemplate it we can be inspired to let go of what no longer serves us to let go of limitations and to embrace a new broader brighter perspective it is a phase of Hope of new beginnings and of trust that our planted seeds will eventually flourish a key aspect during the waxing moon phase is to surrender to Divine guidance and cultivate a deep sense of trust and faith in the universe this means letting go of the need to control every aspect of our lives and instead flowing with the natural rhythms of life it is trusting that every everything is happening exactly as it should and having faith that we are being guided toward our highest good surrendering to Divine guidance also requires being open and receptive to the signs and messages that the Universe sends us this requires us to calm the agitation of our minds and tune into the subtle Whispers of our intuition during the waxing moon we are invited to let go of the ego and allow inner wisdom to flourish it is a time to abandon forced efforts and instead go with the flow of Life by trusting the process we let the Crescent Moon gently push us toward our fullest potential and expansion we align ourselves with the forces of the universe that lovingly guide us toward our highest good and purpose this surrender and openness to Divine guidance is one of the most profound ways to harness the rising lunar energy for our spiritual growth it allows us to relax into the flow of life and allow transformation to happen naturally and organically gratitude is a transformative practice that transcends the individual level and has a profound impact on the collective Consciousness by recognizing our deep interconnection with the Web of Life gratitude becomes a bridge that connects us to the vast fabric of existence it reminds us of our place within the Great Cosmic order generating a sense of belonging and unity when we Express gratitude we not only enrich our own lives but we also promote Harmony in the collective Consciousness it is an act of love that reminds us of our inherent worth and worth as human beings by taking the time to appreciate and honor all that we are and have accomplished we cultivate a deep sense of self-worth and acceptance recognizing our own value creates a foundation of self-love that radiates outward touching the lives of those around us the practice of gratitude is at its core an act of self-love by being grateful for our blessings achievements and connections we open ourselves to the abundance and fullness that life offers us this deep connection with ourselves and with the whole becomes a powerful transformative Force both individually and collectively performing this practice today as a gift as it allows us to reaffirm our inherent dignity and value by tuning into gratitude we align ourselves with the current of life that guides us toward a fuller more harmonious and conscious existence as we prepare for the powerful crescent moon on July 14th it is crucial to remember practices that can help us align with Cosmic energies and promote true personal growth incorporating internal refle reflection is an essential First Step by spending time introspecting we can clearly Define our intentions releasing old patterns that no longer serve our highest good connecting with nature is another important pillar spending time Outdoors observing the beauties of the natural world allows us to recharge our energies and find a deep connection with the fabric of Life practicing self-care through activities that nourish the body Mind and Spirit prepares us to receive the guidance and healing we need surrendering to Divine guidance whether through prayer meditation or attentive listening opens us to higher wisdom participating in meaningful rituals that honor lunar cycles and transformational energies helps us integrate these processes of change consciously and deeply and we cannot forget the practice of gratitude expressing gratitude for all that we are and all that we have humbles us and reminds us of our place within the great Cosmic order these practices not only illuminate our paths with healing and growth but also Empower us to embrace each moment with Open Hearts they invite us to receive the wisdom and transformation that flows into our daily lives strengthening our connection with the source of all that is let us prepare then to make the most of the energy of this Crescent Moon letting it guide us toward a greater expansion of our Consciousness and a blossoming of our Highest Potential I hope this video guides you on a journey of spiritual growth showing you that you can shape your life and take full advantage of the benefits of this moon phase if you have found value in this content I am deeply glad I invite you to express your support by liking and subscribing to our Channel this way you will be able to access more resources that can nourish and Empower your journey of self-discovery May the higher Force guide you with wisdom and strengthen you in your search for a Fuller and more conscious life my best wishes for you I hope you can flourish fully and find the peace joy and connection your soul Longs for God bless you
Channel: The Power of Now
Views: 310
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Keywords: dolores cannon, dolores cannon 2024, dolores cannon audiobooks, dolores cannon manifestations, dolores cannon new, dolores cannon jesus, dolores cannon hypnosis, dolores cannon meditation, dolores cannon twin flames, dolores cannon journey of souls, dolores cannon book, dolores cannon workshop, dolores cannon new earth, do this before new moon✨dolores cannon, dolorescannon, dolores manifestation, Solar Storm, july 14
Id: _kJ6E3ZE3oU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 54sec (1854 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 14 2024
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