Genesis 4 Losers Quarters - Leffen (Fox) Vs. Mango (Falco) SSBM Smash Melee

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I can still hear β€œTHE UP B WAS SO SMART” echoing through my mind

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 71 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DankDunkerinos πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 02 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Holy shit. This is my first time watching this set. That was fucking unreal. Genuinely had no idea who was gonna take the set down to the last stock. Thanks for sharing!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 46 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/arseanalfan69 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 02 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

That was indeed a great set

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 30 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Elazulus πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 02 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 27 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/JustThatGuyBen πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 02 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

One of the best sets of all time no doubt.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 22 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/BanjoMelee πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 02 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Leffen won like 9/10ths of this set

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 57 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 02 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

mango leffen will forever be the hypest player matchup. unless pp comes back of course

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 33 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ILoveToCorrectPeople πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 02 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

"laser to forward smash, what a cheesey technique" LOLLLL

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Meads248 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 02 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is the set I always show people when they wanna know what Smash is all about, it’s so fast and hype and the casting is great.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 19 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/JohrDinh πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 02 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies
now since we're SuperDuper tight association we're on Polly I remember there's one woman actress there's in and love it's like the hit not testing you like that you can't test my fundamentals like that but here we go alright man go a different beast altogether yeah I think so mango versus Levin oh oh did you see that little trip up from both look at the dance is still so tight the - dance from weapon yeah no Levin's a sense is extremely strong I think the weapons got asked a lot so Bob money actually did a analysis of a manga left it said the past your goal sorry honey my buddy that's a self course from DVR the crew that is bringing you Genesis from bias tape to the Genesis crew basically that punish was so clunkers can you tell me what I just saw left him went straight up mango with no down error anywhere near it I mean is he just playing overly conservative he might have been when I was like a diagonal angle and you know he doesn't think the left hand had so yeah they're okay that's a good call he had to read through the eye by last day and yet to survive otherwise you got state I was just gonna point out oh my god he runs within the downsizes uh you know what I forget what I was gonna point out it'll come back to me cool cool desk you don't get battery birders yeah Bob money uh you made an analysis that he's talking about a lot of the things that left and looks for in his matches versus right there right there he did it so he loves facing his back to the Falcon one thing left is really good at that he just did that no other Fox really does as well as him I think is he takes a laser and immediately turn while in the first possible frame you can so you can laser him and then done bad it really turnaround up to a great angle by London omegle going for the fourth match sports not such a good option sorry because no it's huge it's been hit bosses eugenol so it stays out for a long time so even if you know you can throw out and it can cover you know the hitbox is active so it hits the other guy way frames we're just witnessing you know textbook Fox on Southland film on Fox catch bugs of course felt was the laser the for its map up tilt down air is super huge you know you can't even meet your pencil it and then Fox but the science by the table basically went when either these guys have the other offstage uh in the world alone did you see the way by mango by the way it weapons you know he kind of he got up and he was expecting mango to overcommit because mango was late and he threw out the up tilt to challenge just Big O stop right outside of range and then punished they don't Bobby I did I did see it but then he passed fell too far which is probably the right thing to do because at that point he was so committed you know coming back it might be a little rough this is I'm gonna give may go SuperDuper Armada benefited Elkins Armada it doesn't suppose I wonder if he wanted a train trade with the Firefox so we can allow it out yes our body does that but uh mango feeding away with down air as it usually does eleven not biting olefin comes down at me any mess he doesn't shine oh oh my goodness couple of missed punishes for mango hey I love my defense roles in poorly it does match covers heavily on that's it for Game one all right the crowds coming wide and this is where it matters this is the losers bracket and these are two players who are definitely contenders to win the whole tournament yeah oh yeah so this is like a you know these are okay club going down that's a big deal club definitely could win the tournament but you know right had to guess percentage of people who think that he was going to win it's way lower than either of these two players right yeah downer no Rory no gets Tatsu that's absolutely absolutely Oh one green grab by lucky bit let attack what grated cheese and desk I can't cover everything it's so easy he's got Zoe oh but he has another one pass with a little chance yeah well yes and no is a little bit no cuz cuz sometimes you do the banker cuz you're like maybe you can land I'll just do it cuz you can cover everything so it's like why not okay these ball ups or nuts uh down to who know Wow oh yeah great take my livin yeah what the head lice on mango uh I'm just gonna point it out mango goes for different like he's a different read oh she left it was dealing the advantage back big shines place I was just gonna say mango is it he reads he tends to like to cover different options than most Falco's a lot of that was willing to Ford smashing in versus was and mango for smashes in place are out cuz he knows like I want to be on the next Yomi level yeah do you don't have time huh I do but left run away with this let downs a fire stock yeah that's the question why I'm ft right yes question for the I I would say by mango I actually don't know his matchup well enough to know if there's like a duck and next-level thing going off and he got up throw love smash and yeah like usually doesn't soup right maybe she was thinking I mean honestly with leffen usually if you have to go this stage is gonna chain grab Oso so you di behind for the because you thought chamber boots but that's the thing about fox of this level against other fast ballers is there's no wrong answer you give up the way to call speak of no long answer mango you know build-a-bear comma lane left in here this is super missus for set momentum this is super she's 11 with another octo grab tech jet to take Jays left with the Texas oh my god wow I I kind of knew what he was going right again he was just wait in prison he wasn't me ran up to the stage but that was a good idea I think the second laser maybe he didn't want well a second laser like only if he was gonna land on stage made any sense at all but the idea was there I get it alright one one left Namanga 11 boxes him off stage the shines Clank no one's going anywhere sidestep oh my god these guys are scrambling on this platform a go trip the drift away downer which called out Bobby hmm I like it the baby brother bullet that's the thing that's one thing about melee right that you can't do in a lot of fighting games we're talking in Street Fighter you know like when you jump you're kind of committed to your trajectory and Sheik sort of has that but the reality isn't mailing with any character you can kind of weave in and out the air you jump forward to drift back so they you know messes up their spacing and mangoes is notoriously little bit of that thing it was an amazing first off by the way ending it with a tech chase forward smash yeah and he barely survived me left and head of enemy yeah that's a good lemon had a really amazing trap set up for mango where you know he had mango off stage he went for a shine spike and mango just found the spacing where he would not get shined so both of these players I mean this set like everything that's happening is is on a tightrope yeah yeah that yeah Levin said seaming the trap what I read my manga but left with one step ahead oh that's it no junk aside slight weapons gonna go on to the sad and where Mango is looking like you might you know be running waves at in ffz game now all of a sudden Levin poised you know to to have a a game leave okay yeah with to one that's big yeah and not it yeah we talked about you know stage event labor time you know even if plug ones that game on Yoshi's he's got a deal with beige box stage counterfeit now Fox out well that's not as big a deal flake through the status Fox legs are generally the say just about the lakes it's really not huge but Wayne Lampe back by Mac maybe with the exception of ft because the Europeans especially left overly good their be yeah I guess what I'm saying is a game deficit from mango isn't it Norma's but as I say that you know he's looking at even up this this match yeah yeah book both players actually playing so fast right now there's a lot of reason left he loves the forest mastery got taken place wow great recovery by mango but anyone would be confined to the stage yet I would say both play yeah both players uh making it really difficult for their opponent to edge Garthim no weapons coming back a ton even though I think that was a pretty great head garden first Fox baked right now doesn't mangroves yeah and I'm safe oh my god only the fourth best reach yet as well follow sports Matt dude it's a really really good news Wow very very good news okay double jumps away that was so risky weapon chased after a bit didn't quite get up yeah and now its last tock bagel up no joke no jump okay makes it back to the center of the stage uh-huh Levin has all the stage positioning playing great these girls better so much yes oh no John about notes on where he's gonna go off left with the root of the please oh that's it Levin up two games to one versus mango off what I call on the Isaiah of smash where there's more he would do to reverse it box on purpose to send it back out I got a gift silence with the god dude Marin San Jose right yeah this is the birthplace of Isaiah that's right it's his residence back to stadium mega with his patented upward angle shield especially on to to get the Fox to hit his shield a little earlier so there's more time to do an action between the pressure the hits in the pressure read to break out of the block strain mango really really good at that but let you know so nobody's doing lesson I think that left in such an interesting player because I think that he can get he goes he feeds his own momentum and what I mean by that is that if he's not playing well he's like one of the top players who could be shook and who can actually play worse because he's feeling nervous right but at the same time when he's playing well I feel like he really comes alive yes like the button that I'm watching right now has so much confidence yeah and I think that you know I don't know man uh it's dark laughing yeah he like takes over the room he said that's what that's 11 you see when he beats acts 3 oh yeah and he gets up and he kind of gives the crowd a look like one yeah what did you what did you expect did you not expect this like I could have told you this man any day of the week a of the week and I it was basically guaranteed where i have lots falls many of many of your apartment winner no punish my lovin but left and ready Oh barely survived the house 1% where he was going to survive yeah I agree 1% magnet missing a sword I think and that makes the edge work so much easier for the Fox stock leaving gay bleep for left downer everything about men leaving about wow the power of BALCO down era true spike you know if you get hit by it you cannot meteor cancel which means you just go down for the full hit Sun yeah a very very powerful move that only a few characters have yes I can't believe mangos fighting to the pit right now this is so scary yeah yeah right now 101 Clubman messes up a little bit okay mangoes mangoes turn oh it's your house cancel 11 misses wait land now could have been to KO paints out of smash speaking of um smashes Oh lettuce fly line shortens have been so good what an obvious for smashing mangoes so ready for but not evil to punish that was kind of crazy haha yeah yeah Levin went for very I'll smash the crowd cheering for Mango mega obviously a fan favorite yes but lemon mango just missing the laser that would have a lot of it makes it back this is big what's lemon gonna do he goes and he's up mega without a Tucker this is so much damage when Omega goes in I can't believe it yeah lemon definitely want to set him off stage and maybe common law science playing another side Wow laser for smash what a cheesy technique but at an angle barely surviving through weapons invincibility gets hit one time against across scales and easily knocked down another knockdown women'll alive oh my goodness at this what's he getting he sends in the rest away walled off he was so smart shine out of shield Wow look at ER horribly ball in this with that come back okay the crowd is going nuts but that's because everyone in the room knew that lemon had the momentum he had the positioning you had the percent he had everything in that set and mango stole it back people to Crowder hugging like they just saw a baby saved out of a river for drowning or something I've never oh my goodness blended with a big smiley together pressure that's when you've got lemon with a great angle to avoid mangos edge guard and here's my question to you Toby kidney my hands are shaking but these players have you seen the what's that movie with inordinate Caprio Titanic no it's a different one he says my never shake yeah conception but the party that's the one how are these players able to play such a highly technical game what you're saying is it's it's mango it's lemon it's lunar DiCaprio those are the punch masters of sure yeah Wow oh well the lesson I love that mega hits the text on those little tech tracks mangoes I would miss that tech eight days a week let the nut all shook oh my good press that last game he has it on big lead right now this is still doable for Falco because you know it's basically this matchup is like kind of a one hit you know yeah oh Jesus lemon guys racing ran out the stage mango needs a good love it's just playing that he's playing the key play game right now because he's milking this lead oh my god lemon yeah let them definitely running away with this mango shot one laser worried that he's going to keep saving left so lemon definitely this is a major advantage once again mango needs a big big Punisher he's got the shines great tech advice but except exit place because tag away would have been easier slightly easier to cover right because it takes a little longer yeah he knows I'm just gonna make this as hard as possible for mango to get to me in time to punish Manuel with no bunch of the ticket is there all right look at that tilts are doing so much work by the way oh yeah oh yeah great grab oh wow what am i a mega right now we're fighting this way back not great the edge of lemon on that backyard mango that's the two special features you know if he keeps to me if he keeps it together he's got a still a sizable leader but it's one big opening we know it's awful you know yeah basically left and just doesn't want to get hit wait I saw some shield the three months got a huge huge ah you know high blast oh so manga definitely slowing the pace down I know Levin looking stitch booking the chase hangover oh no job down Oh blows ladders we get back here what's the point to stick the wrong way that get to read no one to know nothing he's yeah he's a little late yeah chuckles Megan she's mega actually had a could about the leader but he's he's much much closer than he won't once he got here left him sliding off the stage nothing for mango let invincible legendary position for mango wow he's so so lucky that he traded the up be with lessons kill move there wow what nut I think it that was mango make it best for worse a bad situation he didn't get the giant wave that down he was in the air and then just double jump later on the platform yes oh no for Levin this is analytic this is a lot nobody is not oh well what a beautiful 4b my mango he does not do it right away there what's happening this is big he's so far away that's it down there Oh Emma Luke honestly Levin played so well these two players took each other to their limit and beyond one armor levin called it a year ago and it exists today was left in the better player in the set he may have been but the gods of melee are looking down upon us mere mortals and they are saying not bad great finals that we need to see for the fourth time am I getting ahead of myself I don't know I don't know mangos there there's more whose matches to be played I'm not but I'm just saying that was that was it come back you want to scare a lot of a lot of scared people in the crowd I think looking at looking like BoSox and mango said hold my beer honestly it was a heartbreaker set either way left and honestly he really he was holding it down he had the momentum he played super super well it was just a couple of bounces that went the wrong way that match was decided on a tight rope genesis the tournament series where we can't get a calm set everything has to be stressful let the next was pretty calm
Channel: VGBootCamp
Views: 835,664
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: camp, Super Smash Bros. Melee, boot, G4, vgbc, video game, SSBM, super, Melee, videogamebootcamp, bros, bootcamp, video game boot camp, Super Smash Bros Melee, videogame, vgbootcamp, brothers, Smash Melee, Smash Bros Melee, game, Smash Bros. Melee, video
Id: qIsTgPo71Kc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 7sec (967 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 22 2017
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