IT'S ACTUALLY GOOD!? NERF Elite 2.0 Turbine Full-auto Blaster Review

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okay i might be able to handle it this time i'm a little scared it's been a couple of days and it's an elite 2.0 blaster but i actually have some hopes and dreams for this review look i don't have to tell you that the elite 2.0 line hasn't been great in fact it hasn't even been mediocre it's been pretty bad but this time we got something a little bit different this time it's not a springer this time it's a flywheel blaster a really cool looking flywheel blaster that rings in at about 40 dollars for uh i think it's full auto no legit there is not a single point on the turbine cs18s box it says it's full auto battle attachment point tactical rails removable 18 dart clip acceleration button comes with 36 darts it says motorized rapid firing blasting but that could mean literally anything i'm a little scared but it looks flipping awesome and i cannot wait to get this out of the box because if anything this is going to be the elite 2.0 blaster you're going to want to pick up because even 40 dollars for a full auto blaster i'm pretty hyped and i might need your help with this one down in the comments section because i don't know if i'm just hyped because i love the way this thing looks or not so so please let me know what you think after the review i already know this thing's going to be basically impossible to open up without destroying it but i seriously don't care let's jump into the nerf elite 2.0 turbine cs18 [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so before we get too far into things i do want to let you know that i climbed a mountain this weekend to film a video a video you will see very very soon and also this is one of like nine blasters i'm gonna be reviewing within the next couple of days i have so much stuff to do videos on it isn't even funny this wasn't even my first choice in fact i asked instagram what people wanted to see and it was kind of a toss-up between this and the adventure for sportsman which i'll be reviewing tomorrow but i really really want to get my hands on the turbine sonar philadelphia let's get into it standing by complete turn up kaigon shabba do we touch a handshin drive so one of the reasons why i'm most hyped about the turbine is it's pretty much everything i kind of want in a blaster it's full auto it's flywheel it's thin and most importantly it has a thumb hole stock with no stock attachment point i don't really like those if you didn't know and it has an angled foregrip area and i gotta say [Music] it's so good the ergonomics on the turbine cs18 are so good and it looks cool like it's it's gonna be really hard to hate this thing pretty much no matter what i'm a little worried about the performance but just look at this and for comparisons i apparently don't have any rapid strikes in stock but i do have well a stampede and it is uh considerably bigger this is one of those blasters i was actually taken aback how small and thin it is it's really not a big blaster which kind of makes me wonder what magic they've got going on inside of it but the turbine it feels so good man it really does well uh except for except for this this is uh that is awful i should note that this is a 40 blaster which it feels like if i push the lock in there's no pusher so it has to be full auto and it looks like it uses some kind of rapid strike pusher but everything else about it feels good it looks good the grip is almost perfect i i say that with no hyperbole this grip is fantastic for me i equate it very much similar to the cross bolt the difference is that the cross bolt had a much thicker base back here this doesn't really rub into my hand and it feels amazing i can even kind of shoulder it although that's obviously like there's not a whole lot of stock room there so i kind of got a hunch over it which doesn't bother me it feels more like an smg style blaster and when you're holding it using the stock area as a brace it feels absolutely incredible well done with this one i don't know who designed this one but it is so much better than every other elite 2.0 blaster it isn't even funny it's got a sling attachment point right here it's got you would think maybe that's a sling attachment but there's there's no way you can't fit a sling in there but it's got another one down here so it's not really that big of a deal at least it's got a spot it's got a single lone rail up here at the top which stands out a little bit but i don't mind it the sights are actually reversed it's got two front posts and then a rear post none of which are colored differently they're the same kind of thing and honestly looking down this thing they don't even really line up all that well because the shell is thinner and not quite perfectly aligned with this one it's a budget blaster but for forty dollar full auto mag fed it's kind of hard to complain that much this is the first elite 2.0 magazine i've got my hands on and it is an 18 round magazine just the one which is always disappointing to me if you're gonna make a magazine fed blaster i really wish you'd give us two magazines in the box hasbro i'm not joking about this anymore i'm gonna be doing a video on this in the future the very near future about what went wrong with everything we're seeing the single magazine thing has got to stop this costs you pennies i know it cost you pennies and i know you're trying to save pennies but customer experience is going to be a lot more valuable and i know you kind of do this thing so you can get people to buy multiples of your blaster the moto stripe which we'll be seeing in the very near future was the same way it only comes with one magazine which is a joke because even if you can get them separately they're not out on shelves right now so what exactly is the point put multiple magazines in there it defeats the entire purpose of having a magazine when you only give us one of them uh that release is not great it's uh i kind of can do it like push forward it's running for the trigger which you think would be nice but it's very clearly a plastic spring but that being said if i just use my trigger finger and just push up on it's not that bad it's not that bad at all it's a little bit of a spongy rev trigger but the fire trigger feels absolutely immaculate all right and it does take four c cell batteries which is a a bit much but at the same time not a lot because i would expect this thing to take more than four because it needs the voltage for the pusher and everything like that the bigger c size battery is just bigger capacity but it only takes four of them and it's c and okay well let's just put in clam money shot four brand new duracell c batteries that's not bad that's about what i'd expect okay there's two weird things going on one that rate of fire is actually really good check this out that's really good that's not a joke that's single fire is excellent on it but what i'm also noticing is that the flywheels spin faster when you hold down the fire trigger i is that in is that intended i'm really confused about this right now because that would be counter like that would counter balance the full auto slowing down the flywheels but also why would that like would that hurt your single shot perform like why did they spin faster when i hold down the trigger and i mean all things considered you get 36 darts for your 40 bucks either so it really is somewhat of a bargain i know you can get like some dart zone things that are full auto and even some buzz b things like the brute was a thing in the past and those were rather nice but they they weren't perfect by any means dirt zone adventure force things were all belt fed and the busby stuff while they were like the i think the brute and the cyclonic are the only two i can think of they weren't bad but they were very far from perfect also ergonomics everything was kind of a mixed bag but it was cool to get like i think the cyclonic was a 20 blaster i did a review of that was rather promising for what it was trying to be but this is well nerf and there is one thing the nerf kind of did well that was the rapid strike although the rate of fire was abysmal this seems to be a bit more accessible in my opinion so far i'm i'm i don't know what to think about this i'm really confused and conflicted right now 18 of the included darts and i love that grip and we're going to see what it hits through the chronograph for its initial shots because i'm kind of curious because i'm expecting some pretty low numbers i'm hoping they're not as bad as i think 73 81 82 80 82 79 74 79 82 81 81. i uh what what exactly is going on this is one of the strongest nerf flywheel dart blasters i've ever got my hands on that is definitely good it's not like the 100 fps we see with some of the dart zone stuff but that's that's definitely usable and the you can see with how much ease it was for me to single shot off this thing so with the rest of the shots let's see what the rate of fire actually is like that is darn near perfect it's fast enough that it's usable but at the same time it's slow enough that you can easily single shot with it plus the ergonomics are fantastic i have to gush about this it's again should be noted that i have somewhat small hands at least so i've been told this is it feels amazing i just can't get over it the grip the rev trigger even though it doesn't quite fit my entire finger for some reason it feels a lot less intrusive than other red triggers like the strife rev trigger is absolutely horrible in my opinion this is nice the actual trigger it's really fat on the front of it and it feels really good to press in and it's got a good response there's no definite click or anything like that but it feels good enough that i can single shot it all day with no problems whatsoever the foregrip is amazing and they got around the lack of paint by doing the kind of double plastic insert kind of thing so you've got cut out holes right here and cutouts for elite 2.0 and underneath that you have orange plastic which makes it look good you have gray plastic here that's just one piece and then a piece of black plastic that's clipped over that i'm not going to candy coat this i know this thing has only like six screws in the side of it and i know these black grip pieces are going to be clipped on and i'm sure there's going to be solvent welds all over the thing so it's going to be a nightmare if not impossible to mod i don't think that's gonna stop me at this point though because holy crap the turbine is really good i wish all of the elite 2.0 blasters were this good because if they were this good out of the box i wouldn't be hurting for 100 fps blasters like what i get from dart so those are amazing do not get me wrong there's so many reasons to pick those up over this thing but it feels really good it looks really cool it functions good enough actually above elite standard we might have a complete winner if there's a single elite 2.0 blaster you need to buy it's gonna be the turbine and now it's time to go outside and see exactly what this thing does all right included standard elite darts for the turbine we'll do single shots and see exactly how this thing does starting with flat shots now that wasn't impressive that was a bit better well elite darts are terrible but at a flat it almost hits elite ranges which is definitely not standard let's angle it a little bit and see where we get [Music] [Applause] and that sailed off into non-existence i mean if you account for the fact that elite darts suck and they're catching the wind something horribly they actually can't hit like rival ranges which is pretty surprising but i think we can do a little bit better and here's where we test out drum compatibility with an infamous 30 round drum seems to lock in there just fine and it's loaded with adventure force waffles so [Music] oh let's try that again there we go [Music] about the same let's give it an angle [Applause] [Music] much better accuracy now let's see the rate of fire oh man it it really gets bogged down if you let it ha but does work all right so the nerf and strike elite 2.0 turbine isn't exactly a definite clear-cut winner now it does do remarkably well single fire and it does have the option for full auto which i do appreciate and it's a 40 price tag for 36 starts the magazine and the blaster itself and i do have to start off by saying the ergonomics on the blaster are amazing it is incredibly thin it is comfortable i love just about every single thing about this blaster but my goodness does the full auto really get bogged down it does seem to hype up the flywheels on full auto but when you're using adventure force waffles which trust me you're gonna be using there's just not enough voltage in those flywheels spinning to keep up with the big thick heads on those darts so yeah it actually becomes kind of a liability at that point with standard elites is pretty much fine but you're not going to be using standard elites for long and i've gushed about this blaster enough for the price tag and what you get i think it's all right but is it going to be for everybody well for the normal player that wants to have a magazine full auto flywheeler it's definitely a compelling argument 40 for something like this isn't that bad but we have seen not as good but comparable options in the price for far less money though this one like i said feels really good to use so i would definitely pick it up over a brute or a cyclonic that being said four c cell batteries isn't enough for this thing and the biggest kick in the shins in my opinion is the fact that it's gonna be really difficult to mod now this is the one blaster from the entire line i'm really interested in modding because i want to see exactly what the pusher is like it's looks like it's most likely a rapid strike pusher but at the same time since it's such a thin blaster maybe the pusher is aligned like this i'm not entirely sure but it has a three switch setup it doesn't ever keep like the pusher sticking out if i even when i stop revving it always returns which is really nice and it just needs more voltage the battery tray is definitely big enough to have a lipo which makes me happy but without any kind of upgrade and god knows what kind of flywheels are in here it's so thin i'm actually really worried that it's going to be running like pancake motors like how the elite stockade did but it's nice it really is a nice little blaster if you just want something stock 40 isn't the best deal ever but coming from hasbro and the nerf brand it's actually not bad at all they cut some corners and you can tell where they cut some corners and i really wish they didn't because i gladly would have paid 50 for something like this and i really do like it i think it's a very compelling blaster to pick up but it's definitely not for everybody and that's why it's very important that you head down to the comment section and let me know what you think if you understood what i was talking about most importantly and if you agree or disagree with my conclusions i know elite 2.0 being a punching bag rightfully so is a hot topic right now and honestly as consumers even though we might not be the intended audience i think it is important that we all kind of get that idea out there that we're not happy and here's why we don't have to bash absolutely everything hasbro does except for when they release a blaster that i break two of them without even really trying that's not good won't last 30 seconds in your kids hands if you're buying it for them so be really careful with the warden it's definitely like an alpha strike rapid strike in fact i'm kind of wondering if that wasn't the way this was supposed to go you can kind of see that with the alpha strike hammer storm in something like this it shares a lot of the same design features and philosophies i love the turbine i'm definitely going to do what i can to make this a more functional war worthy practical blaster so stay tuned for that i don't know i'm going to get around to it because i have a mountain of blasters behind the camera and please get subscribed like 50 of you aren't subscribed we have a lot of cool stuff coming i'll have another video out tomorrow for all of you to enjoy but until then i'm welcome seven thank you very much for watching this video and of course i hope to see you in an entirely different one i have big big plans for you [Music] up [Music] foreign
Channel: WalcomS7
Views: 326,627
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Walcoms7, nerf shotgun, nerf, nerf sniper, nerf grenade, nerf minigun, nerf delta trooper, nerf deploy, nerf infinus, nerf awp, nerf barrel break, nerf retaliator, nerf rival, nerf double barrel shotgun, nerf jolt, nerf retaliator mod, nerf loadout, sport, sports
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 50sec (1130 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 11 2020
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