It's 100º Outside, Bring On Fall! What's For Dinner!? Simple Dinner Ideas! Cook With Me!

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[Music] oh [Music] what i'm making tonight i saw someone else make and i thought wow that looks really easy and i've never had acorn squash before ugh these nails can we not so i decided to try my hand at it pinterest has about a million recipes but i'm just adapting a few of them you guys know how i roll so you just need a couple acorn squash some sausage an apple or not if you don't want it some spinach garlic onion and i'm thinking of adding some pecans because it's giving me fall vibes just like with the squash and the apple but we'll see how i feel when i'm starting to cook first thing i'm gonna do is get these guys in the oven okay i have my oven set to 400 degrees oh man this is like oh no it's not that bad i just bang it down you know what else you could do what bobby does over on flav city he uses a wooden rolling pin and knocks his knife with it like ding ding dink um i have found that my rolling pins get dinked probably because they're cheap i just use my muscles i don't think bobby has those i'm sure you could save these seeds and do something really amazing with them like oh i don't know grow your own spaghetti squash if you have a green thumb or you can roast them ooh that's an idea but i'm not gonna do either one of those things okay and then when you throw them in the oven my oven's at 400 degrees oh just a little bit just like when you do spaghetti squash or any squash in the oven or what you could do i was going to get my little tool to rub the oil around but then i forgot oh i have two tools on the edge of my wrists so you just schmear the oil around you can use any oil coconut oil whatever but what i was going to say is you can do this in the instant pot it takes like eight minutes it's crazy but i'm gonna have the oven on anyway on broil when we finish this thing so i figured i can just throw it into the oven it does take like 30 minutes or so but with all of the interruptions that i get it'll probably take me about 30 minutes to cook the sausage and stuff all right salt a little bit of pepper here look at me go professional chef somebody call the food network turn them over like so maybe take the sticker off i swear i washed it oh really are you kidding me are you putting it right now first the sticker doesn't come off in one fell swoop come on kim everybody's watching everybody's waiting this is nonsense you know what no one's gonna eat the skin it's good we gotta get dinner in the oven here okay so any stickers on here take two what is going on today stickers just do not want to come off i'm about to peel the whole apple off done i'm just gonna take the peel off of this good old sleepless in seattle style i actually watched that movie the other day because someone commented about it last time i peeled an apple like this anyway oh i didn't do it that's okay now the pressure's off although i feel like most of the meals on my meal plan this week are very fall inspired it is still about 7000 degrees outside i'm just trying to get in the fall spirit trying to get a good change of pace happening over here i'm just going to um cube the apple or dice it we're working on the mison plas over here i've got my onions already chopped hallelujah and i am going to chop my spinach up just into smaller pieces so it's manageable it's not hanging out in my mouth while i'm chewing uh and then what else do i have to cut nothing that's it fantastic this meal is fairly simple to throw together oh man i forgot to turn the pot on why do i always do that nice little weeknight meal here i'm just gonna add a few handfuls of onion and uh some of my kids might not eat the stuffed acorn squash but they'll probably eat this mixed in with some rice you can do wild rice or beans or whatever you want to do but you better believe alex and i are gonna eat that squash i cannot wait i did a really great job with these knife cuts i'm very impressed with myself i'm being sarcastic by the way they're terrible but i meal prepped all the onions so i am proud of myself about that ah you know what i'm not proud of the fact that i almost forgot to put these apples in i don't know how long it takes for these to soften maybe five minutes i guess we're not really in a rush right now because we have to wait for the squash to cook anyway so let this cook down for a few minutes i'm guessing like five and then we'll add the spinach i guess we can add garlic oh we'll wait till the end i don't want it to burn the apples have cooked well enough i'm gonna just add some garlic and then and then just dump all of the spinach in all of it maybe i'll save some for breakfast three quarters of it am i saying that right i added almost the entire bag maybe some salt and pepper or at least pepper because the sausage is probably salty oh yeah that smells good i think i made a good decision with the spinach i'll make a breakfast scramble with the rest tomorrow sounds good now i'm excited for breakfast what else do i have in here anything okay these have been in for quite a while here judging by the looks of them i think they're done oh yeah nice and fork tender so now we're just gonna stuff them ooh these smell really good oh there goes the sticker nice this squash is definitely giving me fall vibes oh they look beautiful and then here is the finished uh innard i'm gonna make it easy on myself use a cookie scoop and just pop it right on in there okay this gets popped back into the oven uh maybe broiler if you would rather do that if that doesn't look good enough to serve to a party i don't know what does that is beautiful i hope it tastes as good as it looks i just popped it in the broiler for it was either three or four minutes i can't remember but that's all it took just to get a little crisp on the outside a little color this acorn squash dish oh that's hard to say say that five times fast acorn squash dish acorn squash dish acorns well it's not too bad okay anyway this dish was exceptional delicious the only thing i would do differently next time is season more of the squash itself other than that so good i would make it again in a heartbeat oh meredith what's on the menu tonight it is orecchetti pancetta and we don't have pancetta and i don't have enough or a chatty pasta that's like the most american way or a chatty and we're gonna get over it okay tomato tomato anyway this recipe is from joanna gaines let me share with you the cover of the cookbook i'll link it below if it's still on sale on amazon at target this book's like 40 bucks but amazon it was 13 maybe 14. um anyway this was the first recipe in the cookbook that i looked at and said wow that looks great oh i don't have peas i do have some frozen peas i'll either pull those out or pull out some broccoli i haven't decided yet okay here's what you're going to need you need obviously some pasta listen you can use any type of pasta you want but i wanted to stay true to the recipe and get these guys i think i made a mistake okay you need a pound i only have 12 ounces because you guys know how i read recipes you need some parmesan cheese butter garlic some lemon juice freshly squeezed if you can heavy whipping cream we have some chicken broth back there and instead of pancetta i am using good old bacon because it's what i have in my fridge and what do we do that's right we use what we have okay i'm doing some more reading because hooked on phonics worked for me what are you doing child oh trying to get some pasta uh anyway you need a shallot guess what i don't have meredith i don't have a shallot so what are we gonna use you're gonna need some dry pasta you're gonna choke we are going to use an onion and look at the recipe on the back of the box it has like sausage and broccoli maybe some onions it has pretty much the same stuff and i've seen this recipe a thousand times over on pinterest with pretty much the same ingredients so let's go over what we're gonna do pretty versatile if you ask me okay i've gathered the rest of the ingredients i'm gonna cut up some bacon i already have some onions chopped up and i am going to just make these broccoli pieces a little bit more manageable and i think a shallot is a cross between an onion and garlic is that right so i think our bases are covered as far as flavors go [Music] the recipe says four ounces but you guys know i go big or go home plus it's bacon hi have you met me so i'm pretty sure i'm using closer to eight ounces if that's one pound so we're gonna get this into the pan okay we're gonna start the bacon in a cold pan it's got some broccoli on it and that's the best way to render the fat the recipe says to cook the pancetta with a little bit of butter at the bottom obviously this is going to render a lot of fat so i don't need to add more fat to it oh and look our water's boiling more you know moment so i'm reading the back of this looking to see how long i cook it for 12 minutes until al dente but also horace translated means little ears perfect for scooping up hearty sauces and fresh veggies back over to this pot that's barely simmering i'm gonna add the broccoli i think this needs to cook for a little bit i mean i could saute it it's too late at this point really am i even following a recipe anymore do i ever ah [Music] meredith is impressed bacon's looking chris pay and joanna gaines says to drain the bacon fat out of here but in my life fat means flavor so we're keeping that to saute meredith to cook our onions and the opposite for onions you want to throw them in a hot pan just because that's how they cook so i'm just going to do like two handfuls show me your whisk show me your whisk yeah okay joanna gaines i'm gonna have to pull out my magnifying glass where is it i can't tell if that says three quarters cup heavy cream or one quarter cup i have the eyes of a 90 year old i literally had to take a picture of it on my phone and zoom in three quarters cup we're gonna add one clove of garlic to our burning onions until fragrant oh all right i smell it i fear this colander is too small but it looks better than my orange one so we're gonna test the waters i'm gonna set myself up for success oh look at that thank you target three dollar colander what do we do with this now i'm not quite done with the sauce because we're living that mom life trying to take care of 17 things at once while we're making dinner okay add in two tablespoons of butter to our freshly washed pan because there was burnt crisps all on the bottom okay i don't think i bought enough parmesan here just read the recipe i guess that'll be the next step in my life actually reading recipes before i make a grocery list oh wait i need a whisk i'm going to whisk in one cup of chicken broth lovely and three quarters cup of heavy whipping cream heavy whisking cream whisk maybe a little more i don't know what else i'm gonna use it for i feel like i should add pepper ooh look at that bubble bubble boil in trouble i i think it's toil okay you add in some parmesan eight ounces to be exact we have six right there so there's that oh yeah that's nice and then we add i don't know oh my god my whisk i'm just gonna add a little bit of pepper to this just read the recipe again oh it's burning okay relax relax you add a little bit of lemon juice okay a little acidity i feel you and then the bacon mixture oh in hindsight i should have added the whole pound of bacon then the drained noodle mixture oh it's like an alfredo sauce okay you can garnish with chives i think it said well you know what this does not look like the picture for multiple reasons mostly because i don't have peas but also this just looks like pasta alfredo i'm gonna put it in a pretty pot maybe that'll make it look better well there's that yeah i mean like why does mine look like sludge and joanna's looks like it doesn't even have sauce on it you know what i mean what's wrong with this clearly this looks absolutely nothing like joanna's pasta come on you know what i was expecting french fine french cuisine here and what i got inside actually is it italian is orichetti italian what i got instead was like worse than buffet style broccoli alfredo so if i were to make this again well i wouldn't i would follow a completely different recipe and maybe slap the pasta in like a skillet and crisp it up a little bit i don't know you know what my mom used to prepare for us prepare wait till you hear what she prepared and then you'll laugh at my word prepare she would make us bacon and noodles oh yes tonight's menu includes i don't know some of this stuff best copycat zuppa toscana recipe that's what i'm looking at right here i don't know if i've mentioned earlier oh is my lens dirty or the viewfinder hard to tell i'm holding a baby can't clean it right now meredith say hi hi he's my little sous chef for the evening it's actually not evening it's been like raining all day plus she woke up at 4 30. it's been a day so i'm just ready to make dinner what time is it it's not even four i don't care okay so you need one onion i have diced mine already so i just take a couple handfuls you need like two tablespoons of flour four large russet potatoes clearly those are not large so i'm improvising also i never really fully follow recipes so there's that also you need some chicken broth heavy whipping cream some garlic some sausage bacon straight out of the freezer hopefully i can let that thaw out a bit before i cut into it and some kale a bunch of kale i think you actually only need half a bunch but you can use spinach if you want to let's just start chopping the recipe says to cook the sausage and then cook the bacon and then cook the onions all separately and i'm just thinking wow that's going to waste so much time i will cook the bacon separately simply because i haven't cut it up yet and i do think that it gets crispier if you cook it separately although that being said we're adding it to some soup so that didn't get cut so it's gonna not be crispy anyway but anyway that's what we're doing just a couple handfuls of that in there should we do more all right that seems decent well i like onion let's just break this sausage up we were something don't you think so all right now i'm gonna get my mison floss ready i guess i need a knife what am i cutting i guess i need to cut that bacon that's the next thing to cook grab this over here just threw it in some water i don't know for like two minutes i feel like we just made something with bacon a few days ago is that true did i tell you the recipe says to cut up eight slices of bacon eight slices a bit what is that a single portion serving yeah we're probably gonna do more than eight slices i either do half a thing of bacon or a full thing of bacon because those are my measurements when it comes to bacon my fingers hurt oh my gosh it's 24 ounces all right that's probably perfect all right what's next i guess we can do the kale i'm putting off doing the potatoes it never really takes me that long but i just always put it off if you don't know look how sad this looks oh you pour i mean i'm not gonna throw it away i'm definitely gonna eat it if you don't know how to like strip kale from the stem you just make a dinosaur claw like so it's very technical term here dinosaur claw or like the claw from oh what's that movie liar liar anyway the stem just comes right off and you're good to go but i will say the reason i'm making this soup is because one of our cousins was talking so highly of it and i thought you know what i need to try it out i like soup she said she's never tried to recreate it because she doesn't want to ruin the experience so i'm taking the bullet for her and i'm going to let her know although i don't think i've ever had it in the restaurant um see i'm not using my own rule the claw this was a small bunch of kale so i'm using the whole kale even though the recipe says half of a bundle i don't care uh also i've made the mistake of not cutting it before so make sure you cut this stuff and the bonus of using kale over spinach is that it's a little more hearty especially if it's in a soup it'll hold its shape its texture a little bit so i like that it uses kale plus kale isn't it a super food people still go crazy about it like they did i don't know 2005. did i finish my thought about being the guinea pig for her for my cousin making the soup and then i'll bring her some and she can taste it if it doesn't taste good she can blame it on me not the recipe moving on now i will peel the potato actually i have a peeler hold up can you see meredith by my feet probably not she's just always there don't worry when i have crawling babies i sweep and mop [Music] non-stop [Music] back to the sausage over here it's almost completely finished i let it cook pretty low so i had enough time to do all my miso plus so i'm just going to throw this in a bowl and then i'm going to throw the bacon in here so you know how i don't read recipes until i'm like in the middle of cooking so it says this oh oh my gosh it's in the slow cooker wait what am i supposed to what is it a slow cooker okay that's not what i just read what i just read was because i never read a full sentence it says it tastes way better than the restaurant version and i'm thinking well i don't even know what restaurant it's from cracker barrel i'm just kidding i think it's like olive garden or caravas something like that nowhere in this does it say slow like cook in the slow cooker oh yeah at the very bottom cliff notes gotta read the fine print right at the bottom don't mind my nail polish that doesn't match and it's only on two fingers anyways it gives you crock pot directions but it's so simple on here and i bet if you're doing it in the crock pot you still have to cook the meat and bacon separately you do and that's going to be a no for me dog actually that would be kind of nice especially on a day like today because well now because then you have to wait for it to well it doesn't matter i'm not doing it yes we're still cooking the bacon but i had a thought i have another soup recipe with bacon in it that is just so delicious it's a pioneer woman recipe i feel like i've shared it with you before so all right i just i don't have the patience to wait anymore that looks like it's pretty much done so i'm gonna add some garlic in there two cloves worth then i'm gonna add in the rest of the sausage and stuff and give this a little mixy mix beautiful oh and get this the recipe instructs that if you believe that there's too much grease in there you can drain it but we all know that i don't think there's enough you add two tablespoons of flour just to make this you know soup a little thicker mix that in with the fat there this is called a roux thank you rachel ray all right what do we do next what do we do next i think we add chicken stock now comes the fun part you add 32 ounces of chicken stock or i have chicken broth oh you're supposed to stir it as you pour whoops who cares oh man add in potatoes and bring to a boil okay so i should have added the potatoes for first of all that is not enough chicken stock for all of the potatoes that i cut is this the joke oh yeah the recipe says psych at 48 ounces no i'm just kidding uh in reality like that just what it's not enough it's never enough okay four large russet potatoes are going in here i might not add all of these and you know you could always throw them in the oven make some oh or make some home fries for breakfast oh i might do that all right hold on let's see where we're at here i just don't think that's enough liquid oh yeah yeah yeah it's handling it quite well actually and then the starches from the potatoes are going to make this soup nice and thick too so oh i'm excited to eat it what could be bad it's like sausage and bacon and oh i'm ready for to eat something good for dinner oh hi meredith waving are you asian you're so cute the recipe says four large russet potatoes you guys saw the size of my teeny tiny russets right and this is what i have left and i think i cut five up so large is subjective i'm just saying but i'm pretty sure that's a good amount if i overload it we'll have like no liquid left you know what i think i'll just add a little bit more so you bring this to a boil gently boil it for 15 minutes until the potatoes are fork tender oh we made a mistake add in cooked sausage you can't even see it well you add in the sausage afterward it's just it's fine we're fine it'll be fine meredith what have we done what have we done [Laughter] all right well that's what we did so let's just cover that and let it cook time's up on this soup 15 minutes now since everything's already in there well the sausage and bacon and stuff uh you add a cup of heavy cream oh look at that just shy of a cup but i'm just gonna add that i wouldn't have measured it but you guys are here and yeah not that that matters any other time i do something kale goes in as well and you let this cook for i think it says 10 minutes or something i'm also gonna add some salt and then some pepper oh yes yes yes oh doesn't that look beautiful even though we did the recipe like not correctly at all we live and we learn okay learn from my mistakes and you'll yours will taste better than mine maybe i shouldn't bring this over to my cousins because of the mistakes well you know we'll taste it first we'll see if it's good i mean it's going to be good but will it be great who am i kidding of course it's going to be great oh my gosh forget the crappy orichetty pasta this is where it's at this super i am so thrilled i made this it will definitely be on rotation especially during the fall months you guys it was amazing and my sister actually came over that night and she has had it at the restaurant i think it's olive garden anyway she gave it a full chef's kiss petite if you will so this was amazing she said it was better than the restaurant itself just like the recipe said so on the menu tonight i've heard a lot of good things about this borisone cheese i got them from costco garlic and fine herb and then shallot and chive i'm excited about it i looked up a few recipes on pinterest apparently it's really simple it's like a simple recipe let's see how much i can complicate it i'm also going to just cook veggies in the oven sheet pan style because one it they're delicious and two i'm gonna have the oven on anyway i'm also going to make these mashed potatoes one because they've been in my pantry forever i got them on clearance yay me also because uh a lot of the recipes with this cheese makes mashed potatoes and i figure well let me just take a shortcut also get this out of my pantry so let's get started all right very minimal effort in this uh dinner really this is the only thing i have to prepare and i don't know how we're gonna cut them let's just do fancy little coins here uh they're already washed and stuff i you know what i have learned that i don't care about peeling my carrots i did at first because i thought oh they taste kind of dirty so i've either gotten used to it or buying organic carrots really is a game changer because they don't taste so dirty anymore i don't know there we go that's a good rhythm is a dancing take it fun romance i don't know any of those words you know what i just thought of i'm gonna add some onion and guess what since i'm meal prepped everything's already pre-cut here comes the easy part you just toss everything on a sheet pan normally if i knew i would be roasting these i would not dice them up but there's the i wonder if i kept a few whole i don't think i did i'm just gonna dump the broccoli on here some of these broccoli pieces are a bit big so i'm just going to make them a little smaller i probably shouldn't be cutting on this silicone mat but i don't know like ask me if i care you know really simple trifecta olive oil and then salt and pepper maybe i should add some fine herbs to tie in the flavor i don't think i own any fine herbs getting to the nitty-gritty of this dinner recipe so i've been letting this sit room temperature for i don't know about 15 minutes now just so it's you know it's easy to spread anyway there's really no rhyme or reason so all of the recipes that i read said to use well first of all chicken breast i didn't have that i have thighs because they're more more delicious also it said to use skin on well i don't have that either so we're working with what we have so if you have chicken breasts you can kind of butterfly it and then shove the cheese in the middle fold it back together and then throw it in the oven well chicken thighs have you seen them they're like already butterflied these chickens did not have a weight problem in their thigh region okay i'm not even really 100 sure what i'm gonna do where i'm gonna put the cheese i thought about just spreading it on top or maybe putting it in the middle and then folding that over should we do that it's just all gonna spill out i don't really know what we're gonna do well you know what i think that's exactly what we're gonna do well how many do we have one eight we're gonna slice this into eight perfectly even pieces all right here we go and then shove it right in here all right then i'm going to shove it closed if you're getting really fancy use a toothpick should we do that it's just going to seep out of the sides anyway i don't know what we're doing over here i feel like this is like a cult classic cheese because when i mentioned it in my recent haul got a lot of comments about it but it's not something that i hear like in my normal everyday life i don't know like i've never seen a recipe that calls for this influencers need to get on top of their game don't you think [Music] there it is i have a little bit of cheese left over i'm just gonna like shove it in there when i have two hands i also feel like i should just add a little bit of oil on this and then salt and pepper because you can never go wrong with that right you gotta season it okay that piece is getting the cheese we're gonna see if that one turns out way better than the rest i'm gonna shove this in the oven probably around 25 30 minutes until they're done let's pull the chicken out of the oven it is beautiful all that sauce oh just imagine it over all of these beautiful veggies roasty and toasty that's what i like to say i'm cooking the mashed potatoes in the microwave sounds so weird but that's what i'm doing okay we got carried away eating some of it as an appetizer with some crackers so it's like half of the block and i also only have like half of the amount of mashed potatoes that i made because you know kids i think i need to add some milk too i just followed the instructions on the back of the box to make these well you know i followed the instructions like i do so now we're done with these mashed potatoes okay let me tell you something about these potatoes they were amazing the ones with the cheese compared to the ones that weren't i mean listen they're still boxed potatoes so there's you know there's a peak of amazement that can happen with them but i will tell you the cheese made all of the difference in the world i can't imagine adding it to actually good mashed potatoes along with the chicken it was wonderful delicious i'd eat it every night until i got sick of it and wanted the supa toscana okay tonight for dinner i was just gonna throw this together and not share it with you but i think i even mentioned it when i made the super toscana so i thought well i can't not share it with you so here it is it is a pioneer woman recipe it is bean with bacon soup and look how absolutely delicious that looks oh i promise you it is a good one it's from this cookbook oh mary did [Laughter] okay so did i mention it's like the end of the couple weeks of my grocery haul i'm bare on ingredients if you can't tell over here things are looking kind of sad so this is like cleaning out the pantry the fridge and all that good stuff i did find an onion buried deep down in the fridge so i'm happy about that this was in my freezer this i think it's tomato paste or at least i hope so we need some garlic some cannellini beans actually it calls for great northern beans a pound of them i'm just gonna use two cans oh one of them is great northern so i've got great northern cannellini basically the same thing some bacon right here any white bean i feel like is good i've got some carrots some celery we're gonna whip it up okay so this is so ridiculous it's still good we're gonna use it it's not gonna go to waste okay we're gonna start out by getting our what is this called carrots onion and celery for a soup mirepoix mirror paw paw something like that we're just gonna make the pieces a little bit more manageable and we're just gonna cut it all up dice it up into equal sized pieces so this is so if you don't know the ends on the celery they hold so much flavor and they're so fragrant i throw those in the pot as well so we're just gonna get started here and i have three carrots you know what i don't ever listen to when the recipe says oh two stalks of celery like please i need more than that so technically this recipe calls for one onion two large carrots and two stalks of celery we're going big here there it is all finished nice food prep for you everything else is just dump and go i'm just gonna scissor the bait oh is this kind of frozen still kind of is i'm just gonna throw it in the pot is scissor even a verb this might be too frozen for me to scissor my fingers hurt from cutting up this frozen bacon and you know what i think didn't we the last soup we made wasn't it with bacon i think it was with the other pound of this bacon brings such a richness to soups plus like who doesn't love bacon once the bacon is nice and cooked you're going to take it out i'm going to put it in this bowl over here okay we've reserved our bacon and now i'm just going to throw oh can she do it put all the veggies in and cook it in that nice bacon grease the flavorful fatty bacon grease give that a good mix i'm also going to add a little bit of salt and a little bit of pepper and then let this cook down just for a few minutes we don't want it to turn to mush okay so we've cooked our veg just until it's softened and then we add some garlic i'm just going to add the rest of this jar because i don't want to put it back in my fridge i enjoy emptying things until their completion am i alone in that i don't know i'm just gonna give that a mix and then we're going to add the tomato paste that has been in my freezer probably since the last time i made this meal because you only need two tablespoons of it and it's like you know what do you do with the rest if you buy a little can like so you know all right i don't know if that's officially two tablespoons but that's what we have so that is what we're gonna work with because you work with what you have now what do we do then you're gonna add the beans if you soak them that's a whole other thing i don't deal with the recipe says to do that first and then you know what i just do it my way i do it my oh you know what else it says you guys says to add a couple bay leaves i'm fresh out of bay leaves but you know what i have some italian seasoning so i'm just gonna throw some of that in there not too much okay not too much just just a touch just a touch meredith and then four cups of chicken broth which is one carton of this i think it's a quart oh hi meredith hello how are you down there what am i doing up here do you smell it is that what you're smelling can you see her face okay and i add in the rest of the bacon you can reserve some to top it with but that's like fancy kind of style and we don't do that here so i just throw it all in and you cover this and let it simmer for an hour and a half and you know what i'm gonna need more broth probably because i added more veg than it says but you know add vegetable stock or vegetable broth to your liking i'm just gonna add the rest of that container for an hour and a half people oh my goodness meredith is ready to eat here is the finished product and i think i forgot to tell you the recipe also calls for tomatoes i left those out because one i don't have any and two i don't like tomatoes so there's that the soup is delicious as is so delicious in fact i've made it a lot of times so we're going to sit down and eat it right now so boo boo nippity
Channel: THE WADS
Views: 136,989
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wads for dinner, whats for dinner, the wads, thewads, dinner inspiration, dinner ideas, family dinner ideas, what we eat, dinner recipes, fall dinner recipes, zuppa toscana olive garden, acorn squash, housewife, homemaker, easy meal ideas, meal ideas, dinner, family dinner recipes, easy dinner ideas, easy meal ideas for family, cooking videos, easy meal ideas for dinner, whats for dinner 2020, cook with me, easy weeknight meals, sahm
Id: qV6uzMpwKzA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 47sec (2267 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 29 2020
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