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Channel: iterorganization
Views: 211,499
Rating: 4.9500852 out of 5
Keywords: ITER, Fusion, Fusion Energy, Fusion Power, Tokamak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 57sec (237 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 13 2021
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
God, this whole project is ridiculous and crazy and I love it. While operating it'll experience a temperature gradient of over 100 million degrees Celsius over as little as 5 meters, which would easily be the largest temperature gradient anywhere within the observable universe. They even want to breed tritium within the tokamak's neutron shields so that they can go for sustainable D-T fusion without needing to spend more energy making the tritium elsewhere.
It's a really incredible project and I only wish that it'd received enough funding to be finished a decade ago.
Awesome. Should also post it on r/infrastructureporn.
ITER is a criminally under-reported project. We see headlines about how various fusion startups or national laboratories around the world are making breakthroughs, but its all mickey mouse shit compared to ITER. The question of ITER's success isn't 'if' but 'by how much?'. The projected output is 500mw from 50mw of input. That's a huge margin for error, well beyond any previous or current laboratory.
Stuff like this gives me hope for the future of humanity.
Can't help but get excited over nuclear fusion even if it is such a source of frustration. If they get it right it's the sort of technology that can entirely change a civilisation, on par with the harnessing of electricity.
How does one come up with all this? There must be someone that understands all of it from A to Z. How is that possible? How can this be completed without any errors?
My colon after Taco Bell
Amazing place, I have been lucky enough to work on this project
So it will be the worlds biggest water cooker?