The ITER You Never See

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during the day the worksite looks like a huge ant hill trucks engineering equipment and workers are overrunning every single side corner and after dark the place is changing the silence invades the noisy spaces and shadows cover the sunny lighted places [Music] but eater never sleeps a handful of people are keeping the site alive [Music] hello hello tonight are you how are you fine early tonight there is including b-50s yes it's here if it is here uh you you let the freezer the road on the east side but you close the road on the west side yes okay uh the allergies are the same as yesterday yes it's okay okay thank you man thank you bye bye when the main activities stop the radiographic testing teams enter onto the scene rt is a non-destructive technique that ensures the detection of floors in components and equipment such as in the welding when pieces of equipment are joined for four years an average of six persons are performing rt tests every night and they will continue until the end of the project thanks to the lower level of co-activity at night the rt teams can make exclusion zones and operate until the sunrise hello hello as explained by mail could you activate the pass please hearty operation is planned on the b-50s yes okay thank you bye-bye operation in building b50s tonight we need to evacuate the building b-50s and building b-33 including inside this scenario and we need to implement correctly the exclusionary around b-50s including b-33 particular attention for the gallery the roof and the scaffold to implement rtx scenario we use a specific artificial tape and the critical point of of course potential cross are marked with beckon flash with lighting specific lighting [Music] rt operation building b-50s in five minutes you must evacuate you must evacuate building b-50s and b-33 rt operation in five minutes you must respect erti excusa in case of emergency contact command the eater side changes completely during the night the roads and buildings look different under the headlamps of the security vehicles [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] in the morning when i arrive i check the lists of all the tickets i check the statues this year we had to deal with 2 500 tickets [Music] [Music] do [Applause] uh [Music] [Music] we have four to six agents every day our multi-service agents are able to do small repairs install whiteboards technical and industrial cleaning such as workshops or technical rooms and installations they are in charge of the cleaning and maintenance of all iu service cars and during the cold season they manage with salt spreading and snow removal they can also be asked to install furniture for an event like davinci event last year and the starts of machine assembly celebration last summer cleaning ladies are multitask regarding the pandemic they are asked to clean the meeting rooms before each meeting clean the contact points on a regular basis and the frequency of the cleaning [Music] increased the first weeks of the corona crisis took everybody by surprise and have been pretty crazy for us in the beginning many people did not have the i.t systems to work properly at home the efficiency of the whole ita project depended on getting people at home to work as efficiently as possible but i let the it team explain to you what happened behind the scenes we had 100 pc in stock for newcomers many people had no laptop and no way to work from home we had to install urgently loan laptop to allow them to work the complex systems in it cannot work simply on the laptop on the user laptop so they need a plenty of computing power and we configured remote access from home laptops to servers and workstations which remain in the heater for staff and collaborators telecommunication is very important during normal times of the project during this crisis it became essential skype usage went up by a factor of 10. we needed to ramp up the server infrastructure provide training and close support to all users to allow everybody to work efficiently from home usage of the studio become an important tool for conferences and communication of course our supplier has to face the same issue and obtaining our required equipment needed a lot of negotiation and convincing this was helped by our friends and procurement we had to urgently reinforce our remote access servers also our firewall was not able to withstand so many remote connections from home we had to limit temporarily the non-essential data flow and at the same time increase the capacity of the vpn infrastructure to go from 50 concurrent vpn connections to 2000 and constantly monitor the infrastructure to make sure nothing would break in it we are working with teams all across the world because of that this 2020 year was very challenging because each team faced copied at different moments we had to adapt and organize our working to keep the efficiency to its maximum as you saw this was a pretty intense time for us we basically had a crisis meeting lasting four weeks with minimum sleep periods to in order to raise the capacity from 50 people teleworking up to 2000 thank everybody in it and that eater who contributed to this success [Music] [Music] you
Channel: iterorganization
Views: 41,089
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ITER
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 35sec (695 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 14 2020
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