grandma's ITALIAN WEDDING SOUP (meatball soup)

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before me and my family started to host thanksgiving my grandma used to and every year she would serve an italian wedding soup as a little kind of first course before the real thanksgiving dinner and since then we haven't really made italian wedding soup for a holiday in a long time but today we're gonna change that and we're gonna make my grandma's italian wedding soup thanksgiving season has begun so let's just jump right into it [Music] italian wing soup is essentially a meatball soup with vegetables it's not really served at weddings apparently it more or less signifies like a marriage between the meatball and vegetables and besides the meatballs one of the main ingredients is esker and now i know this may look like lettuce to you but it's actually not it's actually an endive part of the chicory family and it's uh more of like a bitter green it's more bitter than a lettuce but less bitter than like an endive so it's like a middle ground and it can be cooked and it's delicious and it goes into this soup you could use chicory you could use kale you could use chard you could use spinach any sort of leafy green that can be cooked is gonna work in this especially a bitter one but we need to get this clean so i'm gonna chop it up into bite-sized pieces and get it washed [Music] it needs to get washed a couple times it's a big head it can get a lot of kind of stuff stuck in between it a lot of dirt some insects so you want to get it thoroughly rinsed off so we have that cleaned and cut we're gonna put that off to the side now we've just got some mirepoix which is carrot celery onion we're just gonna chop it up into a small dice something that just fits nicely on the spoon i'm saving all of my little ends and stuff like that for another recipe down the road so onion tops carrot top celery potato skins all that kind of stuff mushroom stems hold on to that [Music] [Music] about this off to the side so now we're going to make the meatballs and right here i have a pound of veal now that's what she used you don't have to use that you could use beef you could use pork you could use sausage ground chicken ground turkey whatever you want but this is what she used so i'm gonna use it and i'm gonna make it just like my meatballs so follow along very simple let me get my veal in here then i'm gonna make my little sludge in here so in here it's gonna go some cream one egg salt and pepper bread crumb pecorino romano cheese you can use parmesan but pecorino's salty it's gonna help flavor the beef from within a little bit better i find we're gonna grate in some garlic and some fresh chopped parsley you can do it really rough just gonna add a touch more cream you see you can take a little bit more moisture i'm going to start to work that mixture into the meatballs you want to roll these into really tiny meatballs maybe like a half inch you could probably go even smaller than this you just really want to be able to fit like two to three on the spoon when you eat the soup so we've got our meatballs here we've got our scarole nicely cut we've got our vegetables cut we've got our broto or chicken stock chicken broth whatever you've got and we've got some pasta you don't need to add pasta in fact a lot of recipes don't call for pasta i like to add pasta and everything and my choice today is dittolini we're ready to go before we do that we need to thank our sponsor today me and my holiday plan of attack for me november sparks the beginning of the holiday season every year i put together what is called my holiday plan of attack with all of my holiday recipes some little stories about myself some prep guides on timing and when to do what appetizers all my recipes nicely organized into probably what will eventually become a book it's a downloadable item that's always on my website and when you purchase it you get a yearly pass that renews every year and it always has the most up-to-date version of the plan of attack two ways to access it you can purchase it directly from my website 15 a year or if you're become a patreon member link down below you're going to get it for free so everyone who's already a patron member is going to get this for free the link is already up on the patreon so you can access this and start planning your thing so if you want to check it out the link is down below all month up until the end of the year basically we're all holiday just so we're all on the same page let's go make the soup in a large soup pot on medium heat add a couple tablespoons of olive oil and sweat the onions carrots and celery until softened and the onions are nice and translucent we don't want any color to develop season with a little bit of salt this should take around 10 to 15 minutes so just take your time with it [Music] once the vegetables have softened then you're gonna add about eight cups of chicken stock or your homemade broto and then you're gonna top it off with around four cups of fresh water bring it up to a boil and then drop that down to a simmer and then let those vegetables cook for a good 10 15 minutes the soup doesn't cook very long so you want to make sure the vegetables are tender before adding the meatballs taste the soup at this point and then adjust the seasoning before we cook the meatballs in the broth you'd also season that boiling pasta water as well when the vegetables have had enough time to cook in the broth drop the meatballs in and they're going to cook in about 10 to 15 minutes they're kind of gonna float as they cook you want to make sure you don't boil these or they might break up the meatballs keep it on a nice simmer and when they start to float then they're going to be done now you can drop about a half a pound of the dittalini and we're going to serve that separately i'll save that other half for another round of soup later now that the meatballs have pretty much cooked we can add the escarole and we're going to cook that for a minute or two and then just let that steep in the soup while we bring the rest of the meal together so we're just going to turn the heat off on the soup by now the pasta should be perfectly al dente we're going to drain that get it into a bowl and plate the soup up [Music] it's a great soup the meatballs are fantastic the escarole or the shkado is delicious it doesn't wilt like you would think a lettuce looking thing would it has some bite almost like a bok choy would have bite after it's cooked it's like juicy it's really good so there you have it grandma's italian wedding soup [Music] get your plan of attack link is down below all the money that comes from the sale of this goes to help pay people who behind the scenes help make this show possible let me know in the link down below if you already have it if you had it last year if you thought it was valuable if you're getting it again this year let me know what you think all the links are down in the description as always thanks so much to my patrons scrolling up on the screen you guys get my holiday plan of attack for free so don't forget to go download the link over on patreon that's all that i have today i'll see you next time until then take care of yourself and go feed [Music] yourself you
Views: 408,859
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Keywords: italian wedding soup, how to, cooking italian, how to make italian wedding soup, meatball soup, italian soup recipe, meatball soup recipe, how to make italian meatball soup, veal meatball recipe, thanksgiving recipes 2020, thanksgiving recipes soul food, holiday recipes 2020, holiday plan of attack, how to make italian wedding soup meatballs, italian meatball soup
Id: mDnyxYbS65U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 27sec (567 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 04 2020
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