Italian Sausage Risotto | Jamie's Italy UNSEEN

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When I turned thirty I toured around Italy in my camper van everywhere I went. I did some amazing things which changed my life forever and I'll never forget it. I've been out shopping in my van and I've gotten all I needed to make a beautiful sausage risotto. And where better took it than on the top of the hill as sun sets. I'm boiling up the water here which is going to be my stock. We were driving up here and there's a geezer in a cave with a bunch o' sheep. With the onions take the skins off and I'm gonna put them whole into my stock. So whole onion, and I want to boil the sausages and I'm gonna fry them a little later. Straight into the stock water. So in they go. Straight in there. Stock's ticking over nicely. I'm going to take one of these onions out. Just gonna cut it in half. Little bit of olive oil in. So I've just chopped that onion up. And I'm going to put that into the pan. Oh yeah. The pan wants it. Thyme leaves. Onions oil slowly cooked. Bit of thyme, bit of savory. You could use rosemary instead. I'm using arborio rice. You can use karavali rice. It's very starchy and plump. You slowly cook it. Massaging out all that lovely starch from inside it Not too much stock at a time, because that's just going to be boiled rice. We don't want boiled rice. So a little bit of stock that's how you get the creamy risotto. Can you hear that? It's fine, okay. Just don't let it fry for more than thirty seconds. Right in with the white wine. About a wine glass full. I wanna cook that white wine away until you're left with the rice again. Then you left with the perfume and not that sort-of alcoholly flavour. Then I'll start adding the stock, and we'll crack on with the risotto as you always do. Adding a bit, stirring a bit. I'm going to pour my stock from here into here, leaving me with the sausages in here. I want that sausage to get crispy. You know, like crispy bits. Sausages go back on, but this time to get crispy. A little bit of stock. The rice's good. That's good. That's really, really good. In here I just chop the sausage up that I boiled, and I just fried it, until it was like crispy bits. And as it was getting golden I just threw in the thyme, and a bit more savory. Erm, and I'm going to put half of that in to the risotto, and cook it there for the last couple of minutes. So over to the pan. Normally I put a knob of butter in, but I haven't got any knob of butter, so I'm going to put a little swig of good quality oil, right, and there you go. Look at that. Right, that's done. That can sit there. And then lid on top. Notice no heat, no fire. Lid on top. Letting it rest for two minutes is how you get a lovely oozey risotto. If your risotto is firm and you can, you know what I mean. It's not good. It's got to ooze like proper old-fashioned Scottish porridge. It's got to be perfect. Senor. I have no idea who that bloke is, but I'm gonna give him some food. Look at that. I'm going to finish it with Parmesan. Put loads in and you'll wreck it. Just a little bit. Grazie. And look. Just one bit of roasted onion. I've never just fed a random person before, but it was quite nice. Have a good day. He just said optima. The best. That was cool man. I will never forget that moment in all of my life and I swear on my mother's life that wasn't set up. That was just totally fluke, and I will never forget that man. That's just genius. What a good result, ey? If you love this hit the thumbs up button, and of course if you haven't subscribed to Food Tube hit that button because it's free and we love it, and we love you. thank you very much. Bye!
Channel: Jamie Oliver
Views: 1,020,489
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jamie, oliver, cooking, food, cook, recipe, tube, chef, foodtube, jamieoliver, Risotto (Dish), Amalfi (City/Town/Village), Italy (Country), JAMIE'S ITALY, Italian Sausage (Cuisine), Kitchen, Youtube, Cook (Profession), Restaurant, birthday, Jamie Oliver (Chef)
Id: 1RdjA6hmGYg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 7sec (307 seconds)
Published: Sun May 31 2015
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