Italian dry cured sausage recipe

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go fellas so I want to show you how I make Italian sausage cured Italian sausage it's a pretty simple recipe and it's really good what you got to do is start with some boneless pork you can use shoulder or or leg and what you're gonna need is 800 grams off with the recipe here 800 grams of pork mate 200 grams of fat caught with that with the skin off you can use pork belly and take the skin off or you can just buy shoulder roast it's got all the fat on it like this and then you've got to need 28 grams of salt and two tablespoons of paprika I put in that attack the spoon and a half of peppercorns you can grind them up or or you can use already made like pre powdered pepper garlic powder I like that it's not really traditional by adding it anyway fennel seeds and about a tablespoon of chili flakes add more if you like it hot and you're gonna need some butchers twine as well which you can get from butcher shop or Kohl's or whatever and that's about it basically what I'm going to do is queue the meat up into 1 centimeter cubes make sure the fat is cubed up and same sort of size as well I'm going to mix all the herbs in and the salt and then gonna cover it up leave it for 24 hours in the fridge and then we'll come back and stop it into the casings so I'll start cutting now and see how we go [Applause] [Music] so I'm about halfway through cutting the meat mmm got plenty of fat in it about 20% and I've got a bucket load of meat and I'm still gone I'll finish that off while that's going um I took the skin off that fat and waste night one night so just making some pork crackle check that out yeah boy so this is two kilos of meat each one of these shoulder roast that I've got are 2 kilo that two of them but for the purpose of showing you so 2 kilos of meat will need 56 grams of salt and then add your herbs and don't forget yes so you want each one a little pieces no bigger than the size of the end of your finger basically that's how how big you want it so to that I'll add the salt chilli flakes paprika garlic powder black peppercorns and a bit of fennel and be mixing that all up [Music] so um that's two kilos of meat I'm gonna do the other two and then refrigerate overnight and then tomorrow we'll come back and stuff the casings oh and don't forget to take your pour crackle out of the oven good so I've got this meat grinder here which has all the sausage attachments on it you don't really need something as fancies this you can just use a funnel a funnel that's got like a wide wide mouth on the top of it just and you just feed the meeting into that and just put the sausage casing over the top and then feed the meeting to the funnel side and some people push it just with a wooden dowel or a stick but um today gonna be a bit lazy let me just set these are this is hob casing so that some actually pigs and tests on I like them because they come out of wider diameter they they really stretch a lot as a stomach would and you can get a nice a fatter sausage with em but it's up to you I want to do a bit of both I think [Music] [Music] of course we've got our our meat and fat mix been marinating in the fridge for 24 hours and it's looking really good it's time to get it into the sausage casing [Music] [Music] [Music] yep [Music] [Music] [Music] so the last bit the last thing you want to do is find little gaps of air in the sausage and just pinprick them with a normal oil in you can't really go overboard in this process it's the most important bit so that you get all of the air particularly around the ends of the sausage as well and then any any in the middle got to get squeezed about pretty much and also making sure that your hands are really clean [Music] [Music] so I'm out in the back shed here and I've got my bill tomten set up now you can see all the spices and stuff from the last batch I did but anyway so you've got to keep your sausage at 13 degrees Celsius as close as you can get to that for three weeks some people hang them in the attic or in the pantry or even you buy an old for like purpose fridge purposely for me pretty much and you can just hang them inside that and just set it at 13 but this there's plenty of ways to do it but I just got a little fan here just to keep the air going I only use this for meat so I'm not sterile it's just an old old grow tent pretty much you can buy these cheap because everyone sells them on gumtree and that and yeah it's just a sterile environment not no insects and get in and just keeps the air flowin and out in the shedder here it stays at 13 degrees 1415 that's in a sort of July August in Western Australia and yeah just hang them out here as long as the air keeps flowing in that and you've kept pricked all the air bubbles out of your sausages they'll cure up nicely and no bugs will get in the sausage anyway yeah that's about it so I'll come back in three weeks I'll show you the final result and so I'm back this is after three weeks they look really good so cut one up and give it a try looks pretty good really with nice watching please subscribe [Music]
Channel: Unfastened
Views: 54,142
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cured, dried, air, sausage, ding, italian, home made, diy, aged, meat, artisan, pork, sausages, hung, recipe, beverage, service, aussie, australian, ribs, brisket, smoked, smoker, weber, dehumidifier, oven, baked, fried, dry aged, italian dry cured sausage recipe
Id: 1ScfQ9fzbBA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 12sec (792 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 18 2020
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