Italian Chef Reacts to CHEESE WHEEL PASTA by @NickDiGiovanni

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he looks like a Super Saiyan from Dragon Ball great he's right here is a parmigiano reggiano I don't know who is doing this wastage where have you learned this from maybe Gordon we're letting our furry little friend try it himself so I'm gonna put what is he doing that's a cute little animal but it does not belong on the parmigiano wheel Nick what are you doing 30 million people watch this video what are you showing us [Music] this video we are reacting to one of your favorite Nick digiovanni cheese will pasta more than 13 million people watch this video is it good at making pasta now she's real let's find out today we have a little parmesan cheese Straight From Italy I just wanted to hey guys from Dragon Ball it looks like him he'll be a Super Saiyan it belongs to a Japanese cartoon [Music] nice apartment [Music] oh that's heavy let me tell you I received 40 kilos of granapadano wheel and it's extremely heavy so he's not gonna do it by himself if he does it deserves a round of applause you always like to see the attack I mean this is true you normally do have some fun stuff oh man oh this looks pretty legit seriously legit he's so good at this again oh look at that baby come on use those muscles this is so it is it it is it all right look at that look at that thing there's a man it's me so strong there's a there's a barcode on it this is crazy let's go to barcode because they need to know when it was made you know who made it the day was made it's very important the quality control of parmigiano is extremely important and they need to be able to go back to the day it was made so they know the batch they know if there's a bad batch or a good batch like anything else like cars or handbags whatever you make they are made in batches now let me just tell you this thing was not easy to bring in what you're looking at right here is a parmigiano reggiano straight from he said right right here is a parmigiano reggiano and you know it's funny I've been trying to get this thing in for weeks months even but the first time around it was damaged and Transit oh no that's a shame and I have no idea what that means all I know is I Got a notification as it was on its way that selling it happened halfway through its own look at that that's from February 2019. so that means the video was from 2021 two years it's two years it's Pat maybe someone decided they love cheese and just dropped it on purpose so they could take it home but the important thing is it's here now now I want to talk a little bit about this before we go and cut into it but the first thing I want to say because I have to say it is that it smells amazing guys I agree the smell of that cheese oh my God this makes your house smell so good now let's see if we can open the parmigiana wheel here's how it's going to go down we're making pasta inside this wheel but first we have to cut it in half so we're going to cut it like this he knows what he's doing guys I've done this too so go and watch my video I'll cut Aya open or breaking open a 40 kilos of granapadano wheel it's a fun video and I've done it in eight minutes yeah now to start we're gonna take this cute little knife right here and score around the entire wheel of Parmesan usually you need to get the knife that comes from with parmigiana they are there are specific knives that allow you to open it what you want to avoid is to have a knife that breaks inside the wheel we don't want that what's actually really cool is that they pretty much give us a line right down the middle to perfectly do this scoring for right now I'm just trying to get that initial line I'm going to come back around it again to get a deeper line but for now this is all I need look how pretty size it is all you need is extremely wood this nice liner on the cheese I'm actually going to take the back horde of the knife instead of the top which will allow me to dig in a little bit here and slowly go back to further solidify that line okay it's doing double the work okay because this is such a beautiful piece of cheese I'm really trying to do it justice here with nice clean cuts it's so gentle now we've got another knife that we're going to use here that's enough domain to use when you come like when you make the lines that's what you was meant to use not nice you don't use this knife to open it you need to use the pointy knife to be able to go in if you can see up close it's a very weird shape very specific to a cheese like this and it has this extremely sharp knife tip here I'm basically going to punch that into my cheese and then pull really hard to start cutting that rhyme this thing goes through like a breeze and you can see that when I leverage it like this the Rind comes right out just a bit no I see what it is wow so you first secreted the line then you you made it wider with that knife and now it's got the right knife yeah these are the knives you need these tools which are basically wedges that go into the side of the cheese to leverage it open this to me is the part I'm most looking forward to this is the path we've been waiting for we're gonna pick an area right on the side of the cheese and wedge this all the way in and as we go we'll go back and forth of it to start to break the cheese apart once that's in I'll wedge it just a little bit back turn my wheel of cheese and go to a space just a little bit over same thing here I wedge it all the way in there moving that around to break apart that cheese and then bring it back again now I'll Spin My Cheese around to the other side and wedge another one in shifting back and forth to break that Cheese open until you keep doing these you keep doing these until you get to the point that you feel it's about to break off it tells me that there's probably a few spots that still haven't been touched over here so I'm going to put in just a little bit more work with some of these wedges over on the edges you need to keep doing this until you feel like you can open it you know so you need to really do this for about seven eight ten minutes now I'm gonna run the entire wheel with these wedges and I think we're ready to pop yeah you can tell so you can tell you can tell when you're ready [Applause] whoa what all of that hard work has paid off yeah this is the best part you're gonna get the best experience when you open the wheel now the flavors the smell going into your nostril don't forget this cheese is about to eat it's the best you can get when you get parmigiano straight from the wheel that tastes absolutely amazing when it cracks open like that you get these beautiful flakes of cheese this gorgeous almost crystal-like hunk that you've got in here you simply can't get that any other way opening up I agree I agree that's the best way to enjoy apartment the wheel and have it I know I've already taken a few bites but I have to try this cheese while it's so fresh like this because I don't know how many times in my life I'm gonna get cheese this fresh that cheese has more parmesan flavor than I even knew parmesan could have there's a spot I don't like parmesan there's no parmesan Parmigiano-Reggiano all right let's see how he makes the pasta in the parmigiano wheel but of course we're gonna fill this whole thing with pasta so let's make that dough to start our pasta dough this one is special so I want to make a 12 yolk pasta dough yolks only in my bowl where I'm gonna put the yolks I'm gonna add in a little bit of olive oil because I don't want those yolks sticking to the Bowl I'll crack my eggs then gently drop the whites in with the shells which I can save for later those will make a nice tasty omelette as for these gorgeous little yolks I'll gently place them all into the bowl with the olive oil I'll repeat this process very carefully with all 12 of my egg yolks trying to keep them all all whole and intact he's probably using the egg yolk because he wants to see the yellow pasta he wants the pasta to be yellow but it do you don't do that when you make pasta you normally use the entire egg I don't know who is doing this wastage where have you learned this from maybe Gordon now our cutting board we'll put down a little over two cups of all-purpose flour into the middle of the flour we'll make a nice little well so important to make a nice well see the well you don't want the eggs to escape the well otherwise you make a mess on your chopping board and the risk to have the eggs on the floor are pretty high so the well needs to have nice thick eye edges that well we'll go our 12 beautiful egg yolks if we want we can add just a little bit of olive oil here that's a lot of extra virgin olive oil guys it you can put a little bit of olive oil in the pasta dough but that's a lot you got extra virgin olive oil only egg yolks where is the egg white egg white then we break those egg yolks such a satisfying thing to do I have to try it satisfying gently and gradually mixing until everything is nice and well combined how much flour is he using he didn't tell us normally when you make pasta dough you use one entire egg and 100 grams of flour for each person so if you have five people you need five entire eggs and 500 grams of flour so you're making pasta with five egg yolks and I don't know how much flour how many people are you planning to serve this pasta to and why you don't want to use the egg white I really want to know Nick and after some pretty solid elbow grease but nothing quite as bad as opening up that parmesan wheel we have a beautiful disc of pasta dough it looks beautiful it's very dark in color because of the egg yolks thank you the color doesn't really make any difference in this case you know it's fresh pasta the color is given to by the eggs okay also of course if your eggs are darker the pasta will look darker if your eggs are a little bit more pale the pasta will look pale but it doesn't mean that because this fresh pasta dough is so dark it means it's better than manona's pasta then it's lighter no no no doesn't mean that at this point in time I'll take my ridiculously oversized plastic wrap and rest this in the fridge for half an hour the importance of resting in the fridge you need to create a gluten so it does help do you have to do it all the time you don't have to do all the time you can make the pasta straight away and it works but that 10 minutes wait it can make a big difference and once you've created a nice Bowl we can set our wheel aside now that our dozen resting in the fridge for a while I first want to show you how bright and yellow this thing is that's what you get when you use all egg yolks now first we're gonna hit this dough with some nice flour really making sure that that's not going to stick to a bunch of stuff then we'll take make that same bench scraper we used earlier and cut this in half press out your dough until it's nice and normal Cuts discs you know cut discs and makes a little bit at a time using um I believe you're gonna use off that dough and put it through the pasta machine a bit too much your pasta is going to be extremely long you don't want your pasta to be too long flattering a little bit as you go and optionally using a rolling pin to push it out even further once you're ready to go push it through your pasta maker we should get a gorgeous beautiful and smooth yellow dough and as I think I've discussed before I always like to fold it together and put it through a second time to get out any air balls yes that's very important I just discovered that Nona does this about eight nine even ten times on the first setting because she really wants to get the hip bubble out and stretches and make sure that first time that you put it through the machine it's done extremely well that you don't have any bubbles left in the dough once your dough is rolled out the first time turn off the dial and start to roll it through on a thinner setting until you're ready to make your fettuccine once it's finished you can roll out our footage way too long my friend look how long this bus stays this is way too long you're going to have a long pasta longer than your car now we roll out the fettuccine creating these beautiful strands of pasta guys it's too long look how long this is I mean there is no flour there's no flour so they're gonna get stuck because look how thin it is but look how long it is how are you gonna eat that that's why you can use that much dough you need to cut this and then keep doing it and cut again you have about half kilo pasta there probably you know like he it's too much it's also difficult when you do it this way just do it a little bit at a time you don't want to serve as such a long pasta to anyone let me tell you no easy for you to cook with this and not easy to eat it chop off each of the heads of the garlic garlic for our garlic cream sauce I'll add about a stick of butter oh garlic has always got Americans love garlic so much so if I see Italians put one or two cloves you have to put at least six or seven cloves he's using two garlic eggs you know how much garlic that is it's enough garlic to wake up Dracula [Music] once that butter is melted I'm going to take a few cloves of my fresh garlic and press this right in here oh [Music] hey I prefer garlic pressed to mincing garlic any day because it really I agree with you the garlic press really brings the flavors out now into this butter I'm going to slowly sprinkle in a few tablespoons of flour while still whisking and this will flower so he's making a very uh thick heavy cream because he's basically using the technique to make Bechamel so butter garlic which is the flavor you're adding and the flour this is very heavy guys is it needed no you don't need that and this will make us a nice garlic Roux those clumps that you see in there aren't the flowers it's actually just that minced garlic once you've stir this around a short bit and let it thicken I'll add in about two cups of heavy cream do you need heavy cream why don't you make the cream with the cheese link you are a Master Chef winner you're Gordo Ramsay best friend and you are using heavy cream with making decisions and I think well to for a pasta that is going inside a cheese wheel you got a beautiful cheese over there why don't you use the cheese to make the cream please Nick you know better than that and then once I've let this start to heat up I'll start grating in some of the parmesan right out of my wheel I'll be late to use the parmesan come on Nick can you imagine if I had the nerve to use pre-grated parmesan right now from the store think about it this way you can buy fresh parmesan that's at least somewhat recently been taken out of a full parmesan wheel like I've shown you or you can buy pre-grated parmesan which has probably been sitting on the shelf a few years he's right he's right but not exactly Aging in the good way just think about that next time you make that choice step into a really beautiful buttery cream sauce we can set this whole thing aside and we're ready because it's very heavy very heavy you know you can make the cream just Alfredo the simple Alfredo is just Parmigiano-Reggiano and butter you should have done that so simple this is extremely heavy once our water is boiling wow look at that pot this is sexy this is a sexy glass pot I want this where'd you get it from Barbara like the ocean because we really want that salty flavor in our pasta he's very generous with the salt I like unique and once the salt has had a minute to settle and dissolve into the water we'll toss in our pasta you see that pasta was very long watch the game look how long that pasta is oven to the water we'll toss in our pasta guys extremely long very long very hard to mix it with the sauce that you made they are to eat it very hard to do this that's what you need to use a knife I know why now people use knives to eat spaghetti or pasta they use a knife because they serve you a pasta this long I will need a knife too to cut it it's too long now before we put in that pasta we'll pour in a bit of white wine and light it on fire okay I've seen this technique done by many people you need to do this oh you don't have to assure you why because if you have hot pasta going straight in there let me tell you the pasta will melt if you're gonna watch my video I did a risotto enough now you can see once you put it in it's nice and hot you go with two spoons and scrape the edges and the edges will come off it will become cream you might not be able to see the flame right now but you can probably hear it and there's tons of heat coming off this wheel of Parmesan right now you can probably start to see some of these flames of the fire which is kind of faint but still definitely there what it's allowing me to do is sort of make a cheese sauce out of this before yeah okay that's a good technique before we even add any of the pasta for that and because it's so hot in there the cheese is starting to melt in the base of my wheel now that my you can also use a little bit of pasta water to be honest just a little bit to make it softer but again you don't have to once you put the hot pasta in there the cheese will melt easily we have this really warm cheese paste at the base that we can now use to make the rest of our pot look how beautiful this cheese paste is you don't need the the butter heavy cream and the garlic this is just perfect we'll pour in that pasta oh my God look at look how dry it is look at the pasta guys look how dry I wondered how long the pasta has been sitting there Gordo Ramsey didn't teach you the right thing Nick watch my videos Nick look at that it's a mountain of dead pasta that pasta is dead first it's too much for the little hole the hole is too small and that's too much pasta second put a little bit at a time look at that look how sad the pasta is crying I don't want to be here take me out then we'll come in with that big oh my God you're ruining the beauty of this wheel how much butter and heavy cream you got there cream sauce letting it go all over that pot you know what we need now this is what you need extra virgin olive oil because the pasta stuck together you need to revive the pasta but you should have done that before you put it in when you collect pasta from the boiling water put in a colander straight in the sauce if you wait too long this is what happens it dries up faster and at this point I'll take my forks and mix this all in together to make our beautiful pasta inside that wheel of Parmesan I have to say this is one of the most beautiful coolest most rustic things I have ever seen in the kitchen it's so beautiful I agree it's so wonderful what you should have done is to go quickly quickly with the forks and then you get two spoons and scrape all the edges of the cheese and that's how you get the cream you mix it pasta like when you do an alfredo a real afraid of rum two spoons and mix mix and that's how you get the beautiful cream with a fork I'm worried this is gonna dry up and if it dries up you don't enjoy this I have cooked a lot of things in my life just listen to that pasta sound [Applause] we like this sound just for some color I'm gonna finish this off with a few chives why why do you need chives what what is the chives going to do why do you need chives in a an alfredo style pasta made in the parmigiano wheel why tell me why I need to understand why chives why you need the green and if you need the green why chives before I dive in I'm just going to add a little bit more parmesan right on top of this you don't need to add more parmigiano because you are in the parmigiano wheel you need to scrape the edges with the spoon that pasta is probably too cold by now so it doesn't it's not going to melt the the cheese but if you get the pasta straight from the boiling water and you go straight in there you will be able to melt the cheese easily this is going to dry up I know this is going to be extremely extremely dry it's time to take a little bite now we can't eat anything what is he doing what is that we're letting our furry little friend try it himself so I'm gonna put what is he doing that's a cute little animal but it does not belong on the parmigiano wheel Nick what are you doing 30 million people watch this video what are you showing us I'm gonna put pesto down and don't worry this is going to be sanitary enough I'm gonna scrape off excuse me sanitary now what are you talking guys we had covered we're going through covered still and you show me this have you learned something about covet you put an animal that belongs to the mouse family on a cheese wheel that you're about to eat to serve what what are you doing you have a cooking show teaching people how to cook and this is what you do a sorry Nick I'm a big fan of yours but this is not what you need to do this is what nobody I don't I don't appreciate this I don't respect this I find this yuck this part of the cheese after the funny thing is here I think he's just gonna eat the cheese and not actually go for the pasta and that's okay that's not okay this is definitely not okay the younger generation should not say this I don't want anyone to do this at home especially when you have a beautiful parmigiano or a general wheel like that a little bit of respect to The Artisan who have made this beautiful parmigiano oil this makes me a little bit angry Nick okay because there's too much garlic in the pasta but this is probably one of the best days of Pesto's life pesto say bye to everybody okay but now I think it's he's eating the pasta I guess you guys are best friends so you share everything right look at that pasta It's Time to dive in let's give this a try look how broken the pasta is you notice how broken it is from a long pasta look how small it is now it's broken probably overcooked probably died in the colander try to bring it to life again in the parmesan cheese wheel oh my God I call it parmesan parmigiano cheese real and then when he mix it he broke he broke the whole thing details make the difference guys details that right there is some good see the pass is broken past honestly I mean I mean a little bit of a hard time describing all of it is so so fresh I just feel like you can't get much pressure than this I mean sure I can take a trip to Italy next time and get the wheel right from the cheese maker and some beautiful basement where they've been aging it for a while yeah but make sure you don't bring your little pesto friend please don't okay no don't go there because they don't like stuff like that and that would be a little bit fresher well I mean this is pretty darn fresh no Nick you've done a great job you've done a great job the pasta was good the idea of the pasta sauce was good but if you cut the pasta smaller and put it straight from the pot to the wheel and mix it and scrape the edges it would have been a fantastic fantastic pasta without the chives please but what you've done here was a little bit too much maybe you rushed it a little bit you also didn't have a chance to test it because there was a brand new cheese wheel so be new new to try and this is what you made I'm pretty sure the next time you make it you know what to do but this was a great video apart from the fact that you use your little friend there that was terrible please do not do that ever again but did you guys enjoy I mean we like Nick everybody loves Nick the only problem with Nick is God around the best friend so maybe don't do Italian food anymore Nick because Gordon is bad influence disaster thank you so much for watching this episode I'll see you in the next few changes play video recipe [Music]
Channel: Vincenzo's Plate
Views: 165,457
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: italian chef reacts to nick di giovanni, italian chef reacts to cheese wheel pasta, italian chef reacts, italian chef react, italian chef reaction nick di giovanni, italian chef react to, chef react to cheese wheel pasta, nick di giovanni, cheese wheel pasta, pasta nick di giovanni, pasta italian chef reaction, cheese wheel pasta nick di giovanni, nick di giovanni cheese wheel pasta, vincenzo's plate reaction, vincenzo's plate
Id: U4sHncDRIgI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 30sec (1470 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 05 2022
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