'It Should Not Happen In The USA!': Hawley Furiously Accuses Mayorkas Of Allowing Child Slavery

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thank you Mr chairman I'm glad we're having this hearing and thank you to all of the witnesses thank you for being here I want to visit with you in just a second but I just want to reiterate something that I heard the chairman say that I agree with which is that there really ought to be government Witnesses sitting there and I tell you what I'm tired of I've had secretary mayorkas sit in front of me in a different committee the homeland security committee where I asked him at links about the outrage of 250 000 migrant children unaccompanied crossing the border in the last two years and tens of thousands of them being sold into slavery let's not mince words they've been sold into slavery when kids are being put into factories forced to work overnight forced to work in terrible conditions they're not getting paid they're not going to school sometimes they're not getting fed that's slavery and what I heard from secretary mayorkas don't take my word for it you go look at the record read the transcript what he told me was oh it's not my problem we don't have anything to do with it not my problem now we have a new report from HHS where they say it's not their problem amazing how this works nobody's responsible these kids are literally being sold as slaves in the United States of America in the year 2023 and nobody's responsible they don't want to come and testify to this committee you bet they don't they don't want to be put under oath they don't want to answer any questions they don't want cameras here they don't want to take any responsibility well I tell you it's somebody's fault it's not the kid's fault thank God for the New York Times phrase I never thought would come out of my mouth but really I mean thank the Lord that the New York Times did these series of reports because otherwise we'd still be fed the lies lies from this Administration that everything is fine and dandy we know just where the kids are it's all great they're all fine no it's not is it fine that people like Carolina yuck who's 15 years old and I apologize to her if I mispronounced her name she's one of the the folks one of the young women that the New York Times caught up with what is she doing midnight in Grand Rapids Michigan a conveyor belt carrying bags of Cheerios past a cluster of young workers Carolina every 10 seconds have to stuff a sealed plastic bag of cereal into a passing yellow carton it's dangerous work fast-moving pulleys and gears that had torn off fingers and ripped open a woman's scalp the factory was full of underage workers like Carolina who'd cross the southern border by themselves vulnerable now spending late nights bent over hazard Machinery in violation of child labor laws Carolina says sometimes I get tired and feel sick her stomach often hurt she was unsure if that was because of the lack of sleep the stress from the incessant Roar of the machines or the worries she had for herself and her family in Guatemala this is totally utterly completely unacceptable and I am sick unto death of this Administration coming before this Congress and saying it's not our fault we have nothing to do with it we don't know where they are the kids are fine somebody will do it somebody will get around to it ridiculous let's look at some of the things that we've learned about what's going on over at HHS that secretary Becerra is doing here's some quotes from employees at HHS at least five health and human services staff members said that they were pushed out after raising concerns about child safety this all from the New York Times by the way Mr Becerra told the office of refugee resettlement director that if she could not increase the number of discharges of children he'd find somebody who would next 20 percent of kids have to be released every week or you get dinged it's a conveyor belt of children being forced through the system and what's the priority of HHS just get them out as fast as we can they go to factories uh they go to slave labor no I've written to the FBI and asked the FBI where are the 80 000 plus children this administration's lost they don't know I've said it's your responsibility to go get them it's a direct violation of child labor laws they're not doing anything nobody's doing anything it's outrageous it's absolutely outrageous and the fact that the administration won't come and sit there and answer questions to this committee is absurd and it is nothing more than cowardice they don't want to answer questions they don't want to be responsible they don't want to take responsibility for this so let the record reflect that this Administration has let tens of thousands of children be sold into slavery and they are doing nothing about it and I hope Mr chairman I'm glad you said that we've been holding additional hearings we need to have additional hearings there need to be Administration witnesses there and we need to figure out what in the world is going on and who's to be held accountable for this because I tell you what's not an acceptable answer it's not acceptable to say it's not my problem we wish the kids the best the kids are in danger the kids are in slavery the kids are being exploited and it should not happen in the United States of America thank you Mr chairman Senator Blumenthal thanks Mr chairman uh thanks for holding this hearing and I too am glad that we're going to have others because I'm hoping that we'll have bipartisan support not only for enforcement of prohibitions Against exploiting Child
Channel: Forbes Breaking News
Views: 681,132
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Id: KRLVthbWDxw
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Length: 5min 36sec (336 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 14 2023
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