It is MINE! Possessive Pronouns in English 🤩 / 英語の所有代名詞 😎

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my husband's Chopsticks are bigger than my Chopsticks this sentence sounds very boring because I'm repeating the word Chopsticks in the sentence if I want to make the sentence better I should replace the word chopsticks with a possessive pronoun so instead of my husband's Chopsticks are bigger than my Chopsticks I could say my husband's Chopsticks are bigger than mine mine is an example of a possessive pronoun hi welcome to Jen's juio my name is Jen and today I'm going to teach you all about possessive pronouns in English first what is a possessive pronoun a possessive pronoun takes the place of a noun and shows who that noun belongs to in a sentence possessive pronouns are usually found at the end of sentences and when we use possessive pronouns we do not use them together with nouns like we do with possessive adjectives in English there are seven possessive pronouns let's take a look at them now my plus a noun becomes mine for example my friend cell phone is older than mine your plus a noun becomes yours this internet is faster than yours his plus a noun becomes his my towel is cuter than his her plus a noun becomes hers I brought my husband to the party she brought hers it's Plus a noun becomes its when you are writing though be careful because there is no apostrophe in it we ate our food the cat ate it their plus a noun becomes theirs that house is smaller than theirs our plus a noun becomes ours here his car is blue but ours is white so today you learned about possessive pronouns in English mine yours his hers its theirs ours please try using these possessive pronouns next time in your speaking and in your writing to sound more fluent and now it's time for question of the day for today's question of the day in the comments below please make a sentence comparing something that belongs to your best friend with something that you own use possessive pronouns in your sentences I look forward to reading them in the comments below thank you so much for watching this lesson if you found it useful please subscribe to Jen juio and give this video a thumbs up good luck with your English studies see you in the next lesson a
Channel: JeN's Jyugyou / ジェンの授業
Views: 795
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Possessive Pronouns, Pronouns, English Pronouns, English grammar, Beginner English lesson, What is a Possessive Pronoun in English, What are the Possessive Pronouns in English, native English speaker, speaking English, improve your English, Mine, Yours, His, Hers, Its, Theirs, Ours, English studies, English writing, ESL, 英語, 英語の所有代名詞, Beginner English, nouns, possessive, pronouns in English, possessives in English, grammar, JeN, Canadian English
Id: k5WAMt2Czjg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 33sec (213 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 15 2023
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