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go to Matthew go to Matthew 27:45 are you severe not your neighbors say it's okay to use your Bible a bit at church it's okay to do that go to Matthew 27 verse 45 now from the sixth hour until the ninth hour there was darkness over the land and about the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice saying Eli Eli lama sabachthani that is my God my God why have you forsaken me now the significance of that is once again that Jesus had had perfect communion with the father he had never been separated from the father and sin separates you from God he never sinned so when your sin and mine is laid upon him he for the first time experiences that separation from the father and he cries out lah Eli Eli lama sabachthani and he's actually speaking in a language other than the one he learned which is why the Bible says this has to be interpreted so he is not speaking in the language of the people who are listening to him now why is that because for the first time Jesus actually speaks with other tongues a tongue that he had not learned and the reason he speaks for the first time in a tongue that he had not learned is now he is for the first time experiencing the same separation that you and I being born in sin caused us to experience and now in order for his spirit to communicate with his God he's got a bypass his natural realm and speak to his father in the spirit that's why even the writer says this being interpreted meaning this wasn't a language we understood and that's what the people who were looking at him said well he must be calling Elijah if he was speaking their language they would have known what he said but because he lie a lie Lamas ibaka lie sounds like Elijah they say he's calling it no he's doing what are you and I get to do he's speaking in another language in a nun don't talk I don't have time to preach that today but for the first time for the first time he is experiencing the separation from God that sin affects so he cries a Lama Eli Eli lama sabachthani have you forsaken me and the Bible declares watch this some of those who still there when they heard that said this man is calling well Elijah look at verse number 48 I got a hurry immediately one of them land took a sponge filled it with sour wine and put it on a reed and already to him I read that to get you to see that we're talking about the same time and the same event that John recorded but Matthew gives us another piece of information are you still here Amelie one of them ran take a sponge filled it what's that why and put it on read a nominee to him to drink the rest said let him alone let's see if he lies it will come to save him and Jesus cried out again with a loud voice and yielded up his spear look at the very next verse then behold the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom now why does the Bible tell us at that very moment the very moment when he said it is accomplished the very moment when he said to tell us not the very moment when he said paid in full the very moment when he settled the account and closed the book the Bible says at that very moment the veil in the temple is torn from top to bottom you see of the Holy Spirit he leaves no stone unturned he says it is torn from top to bottom why is that important because it was a very tall veil it went to the ceiling and no man could climb up there and tear it so the fact that he says it was torn from top to bottom means it was a divine tearing not a human one no man tore it God tore it now what is the significance of this once a year the high priest would have to come back in to the Holy of Holies behind the veil look at your neighbor say where nobody can see and offer the blood of bulls and goats on yom kippur the day of atonement and for one year more the sin of the nation was atoned for but only for a year and the Hebrew writer VIN begins to show us that Jesus after he gives up the ghost begins to function as your and my high priests now what we don't see is another piece of information that Peter tells us about in 2nd Peter chapter 3 and verses 18 and 19 I didn't give that to them back there but if you can find it put it up because just as in the natural the high priest went behind the veil look at your neighbor say and nobody could see him and when he went back there he was doing the things that the high priest has to do in order to make the sacrifice acceptable and secure the atonement for the people according according to 2nd according to 2nd Peters that what I want I don't think that's what I want what did I say 2nd Peter what go to 19 no no no go to 19 okay then go to first Peter 3:19 yeah now go up to 18 put them both on there 18 and 19 for christ also suffered once for sins the just for the unjust that he might bring us to God being put to death in the flesh but made alive in the spirit by whom also he went and preached to the spirits in prison now we're talking about high priestly function just as the high priest would go into the Holy of Holies where nobody could see and work out the atonement the Bible declares that the moment that Jesus gives up the ghost his flesh dies but by the spirit he goes and preaches to the spirits in prison the spirits held captive who are these these are the Old Covenant Saints who have not yet been able to come into heaven because the price has not been paid in full it is not fully accomplished and so he leaves his body and the Bible says he goes into the lower parts of the earth Ephesian tells us he that ascended what is it also that he first descended in the lower parts of the earth Peter tells us that when he descended he goes and preaches to the spirits held captive who are these this is Moses Daniel David Elijah Elijah this is Shadrach Meshach Abednego this is Jeremiah Isaiah who are waiting for the tetelestai they're waiting for the thing to be paid in full and the Bible says that when he leaves there takes captivity captive he leads a procession out of it in essence saying to Satan I believe you have something that belongs to me give me the keys to death to hell and to the grave and he alerts a supernatural jailbreak and all the men and women who died in faith believing that Messiah would come and pay for it they take a procession out of that place and losses and Abraham and David and Daniel and Ezekiel and Elijah follow him out free laughs watch it grab your neighbors hand tell him I'm talking about the resurrection now this is what it does and so and so so the Hebrew writer says the high priests in the natural had to do this once a year he had to go in every year with the blood of a ball and make a sacrifice but this man who is the only one who was qualified to pay and this is why there is not salvation in any other this is why Confucius can't do this for you and Buddha can't do this for you and Muhammad cannot do this for you smart as they were they were not qualified to go in and pay the price only this man could do that only his blood well you don't like me now I thought I was in a church friend oh no no no you know I'm open-minded I'm open-minded to Christ mine and somebody's got to tell you neither is there salvation in any other for there is no other name given under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved but the name of Jesus he is the way not any way he is the way the truth the life and no man comes to the Father except by him because he was the only one qualified to be the Passover lamb and the yom kippur high priest and so the bible declares watch it now and so the Bible declares this man after he had made one sacrifice for sin after he had made one sacrifice for sin look at your name was a one after he had made one sacrifice for sin he sit down at the right hand of God now again because we are not schooled in Hebraic tradition most of the Western Church does not really understand the significance of this action but the reality is that every Jew knew that there is no seat behind the veil there is no seat for the high priest in the natural temple there is no place for him to sit down and the reason there is no place for him to sit down is because he is never finished he has to go back next year so there's no need to sit down when you gotta get up again and do it again the fact of the matter that the Bible says that your life high priest sat down is evidence that he would say it is finished pay in full no more sacrifices grab your neighbors hand and tell them do you understand what this means that you understand do you understand that this means you can come to God freely you can come to him without price that you don't have to come afraid you don't have to be scared you don't have to fear his judgment its condemnation you don't have to fear his wrath there is no where you've been nothing you have done that has not been paid for by that one sacrifice that means I don't have to come to God making deals I don't have to promise him I'll never do it again I don't have to tell him God please one more time just he'll answer you and say I'll do it a million times I'll forgive you a million times ha ha ha lookit look at your neighbor and say my savior is chillin he's chillin he's he's silly and the reason he is silly is because he knows it has forever been settled your sin forever dealt with grab your neighbors hands look at him squarely in the eye and say to tellest I if I had the time I would preach to you that Jesus is an overpayment for your sins he didn't just settle the books he overpaid leave your neighbors say he overpaid
Channel: Bishop McClendon
Views: 30,339
Rating: 4.8425198 out of 5
Id: 0UsFifGR1MQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 9sec (849 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 18 2015
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