"IT GOES STRAIGHT TO YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS MIND!" - "I AM" Affirmations For Abundance & Wealth

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I am so grateful now that I possess abundance I deserve to have Financial abundance in my life now abundance and I are one I enjoy an abundance of money I have unlimited abundance I expect lavish abundance every day in every way all I have to do is ask for abundance and allow it I am living abundantly abundance flows easily when I relax [Music] feeling joyful attracts abundance I love abundance in all its beautiful forms I'm relaxing into greater abundance abundance is my Divine Birthright I always have more than enough abundance thank you Universe for my great abundance the more abundantly I live the more abundance I will receive [Music] I am open to the flow of abundance in all areas of my life I can easily imagine myself having Limitless abundance my grateful heart draws abundance like a magnet the day is filled with endless expressions of abundance my consistent focus on abundance draws it to me I love the idea of having truly effortless abundance abundance is around me abundance is within me abundance is throughout me today I expand my awareness of the abundance around me I live in an abundant world all is perfect in my universe perfect abundance is My Chosen reality abundance flows to me abundance is my Birthright the whole universe is conspiring to make me abundant I am thankful for the abundance in my life I am prosperous healthy happy and live in abundance I love abundance and I attract it naturally I believe I have the right to be abundant and successful I am abundant I will live life abundantly I am willing to be more abundant now I will live the Abundant Life all my needs are met instantaneously my life is full of love and joy and all the material things that I need my mind is a powerful magnet for riches and abundance my Supply is endless inexhaustible and immediate I am thankful for the unlimited flow of good into my life I now release the gold mine within me I know that life is abundant and I accept abundance in my life now I open to the flow of great abundance in all areas of my life I love life and I accept my abundance unconditionally I am unlimited I am abundant I am worthy and deserving of all good Creative Energy flows through all areas of my life abundantly cash moves in abundant amounts in my life I am in a state of fulfillment have abundant love and joy in my life and am free to do whatever I wish to do I love my activity and I attract whatever I need through it I always have more than enough of everything I need my income is constantly increasing my good comes from everywhere and everyone new opportunities to increase my income open up for me now I allow the universe to bless me in surprising and joyful ways I desire my day is filled with Limitless potential enjoy abundance and love [Music] I am overflowing with abundant prosperity abundance is my Birthright and I have abundance Within Me abundance is around me I thank the universe for the money that flows to me I radiate Prosperity money and wealth money is pouring into my life I release everything blocking money at this moment I am wealthy and living on my own terms life loves me and contributes to me [Music] constantly I deserve abundance in my life I forgive myself and set myself free of all limiting beliefs my bank account is constantly filled with money there are no limits to the money I can make the more fun I have the more money I make abundance is everywhere around me I constantly live in comfort and joy I release all my fear around money an abundance of money is flowing into my life right now I believe anyone can be wealthy including myself my wealth comes from being honest and true in everything I do my life is improving and prosperity is coming to me right now I will always have everything I need the universe takes excellent care of me and my mind is a powerful magnet for wealth and abundance I live my life in an abundance of money my income is constantly increasing thank you Universe for providing me with all the money and wealth I need I take every great opportunity that comes my way if others can be wealthy so can I today no matter where I am I focus on that which I want to see all the resources I need are within me I am abundant Rich wealthy deserving Worthy I love my life and everything it provides me with abundance is All Around Me In Everything I Do I attract money to me easily and effortlessly I am a money magnet I release all resistance to attracting money I accept and receive unexpected money I am a magnet for money Prosperity is drawn to me money comes to me easily and effortlessly wealth constantly flows into my life my finances improve beyond my dreams I am attracting money at this very moment I am open and receptive to all the wealth life brings me I attract money happily into my life I attract money beyond my wildest dreams I am open to receiving money in my life the more I focus on Joy the more money I will make I attract money to give to others money is energy and it flows into my life constantly money flows to me in expected and unexpected ways I have the power to attract wealth and money into my life money is abundant and I attract it naturally money is unlimited and my Prosperity is unlimited money is pouring into my life abundance of money is flowing into my life right now my mind is a powerful magnet for wealth and abundance money flows to me freely as I move through this world I will attain all the riches that I desire with time I am on my way to becoming wealthy everything I need to build wealth is available to me right now there is money all around me I just have to grab it I am a magnet that can attract money in any Endeavor I undertake I love attracting money falls into my lap in miraculous ways people love giving me money I trust that more money is coming to me I am aligned with the energy of wealth and abundance I allow money to flow easily to me money is being drawn to me in every moment I am so grateful for the ability to manifest money when I want it I am creating an abundant future with my thoughts today more money is lining up for me right this minute I choose to focus on money flowing to me with ease I can see examples of abundance all around money chooses me always money is drawn to me always money simply falls into my lap I attract wealth to me from all directions I attract massive amounts of money to me I breathe in abundance I allow prosperity to flow into my life I make money easily I deserve to make more money I am worthy of making more money I embrace new avenues of income I welcome an unlimited source of income and wealth in my life I constantly attract opportunities that create more money I constantly discover new sources of income my income is growing higher and higher I attract enough income to pay for the lifestyle I want I get rich doing what I love my bank account is constantly filled with money there are no limits to the money I can make the more money I have the more money I make my income is constantly increasing my income will exceed my expenses money is an abundant resource that I can earn my income has unlimited potential I accept the flow of money from multiple sources my job provides the opportunity to work towards my financial goals I enjoy making money and genuinely love my work I can leverage my skills to bring in more money at any time I believe in my ability to earn more money I deserve the opportunity to earn more money than I make today every day is a fresh opportunity to earn more money I am capable of turning my skills and expertise into income my hard work will bring me money I am so grateful now that I possess abundance I deserve to have Financial abundance in my life now abundance and I are one I enjoy an abundance of money I have unlimited abundance [Music] I expect lavish abundance every day in every way all I have to do is ask for abundance and allow it I am living abundantly abundance flows easily when I relax feeling joyful attracts abundance I love abundance in all its beautiful forms I'm relaxing into greater abundance abundance is my Divine Birthright I always have more than enough abundance thank you Universe for my great abundance the more abundantly I live the more abundance I will receive I am open to the flow of abundance in all areas of my life I can easily imagine myself having Limitless abundance my grateful heart draws abundance like a magnet day is filled with endless expressions of abundance my consistent focus on abundance draws it to me I love the idea of having truly effortless abundance abundance is around me abundance is within me abundance is throughout me today I expand my awareness of the abundance around me I live in an abundant world all is perfect in my universe perfect abundance is My Chosen reality abundance flows to me abundance is my Birthright the whole universe is conspiring to make me abundant I am thankful for the abundance in my life I am prosperous healthy happy and live in abundance I love abundance and I attract it naturally I believe I have the right to be abundant and successful I am abundant [Music] I will live life abundantly I am willing to be more abundant now I will live the Abundant Life all my needs are met instantaneously my life is full of love and joy and all the material things that I need my mind is a powerful magnet for riches and abundance my Supply is endless inexhaustible and immediate I am thankful for the unlimited flow of good into my life I now release the gold mine within me I know that life is abundant and I accept abundance in my life now I opened to the flow of great abundance in all areas of my life I love life and I accept my abundance unconditionally I am unlimited I am abundant I am worthy and deserving of all good Creative Energy flows through all areas of my life abundantly cash moves and abundant amounts in my life I am in a state of fulfillment have abundant love and joy in my life and am free to do whatever I wish to do I love my activity and I attract whatever I need through it I always have more than enough of everything I need my income is constantly increasing my good comes from everywhere and everyone new opportunities to increase my income open up for me now I allow the universe to bless me in surprising and joyful ways I desire my day is filled with Limitless potential enjoy abundance and love I am overflowing with abundant prosperity abundance is my Birthright and I have abundance Within Me abundance is around me I thank the universe for the money that flows to me I radiate Prosperity money and wealth money is pouring into my life I release everything blocking money at this moment I am wealthy and living on my own terms life loves me and contributes to me constantly I deserve abundance in my life I forgive myself and set myself free of all limiting beliefs my bank account is constantly filled with money there are no limits to the money I can make the more fun I have the more money I make abundance is everywhere around me I constantly live in comfort and joy I release all my fear around money an abundance of money is flowing into my life right now I believe anyone can be wealthy including myself my wealth comes from being honest and true in everything I do my life is improving and prosperity is coming to me right now I will always have everything I need the universe takes excellent care of me and my mind is a powerful magnet for wealth and abundance I'd live my life in an abundance of money my income is constantly increasing thank you Universe for providing me with all the money and wealth I need [Music] I take every great opportunity that comes my way if others can be wealthy so can I today no matter where I am I focus on that which I want to see all the resources I need are within me I am abundant Rich wealthy deserving Worthy I love my life and everything it provides me with abundance is All Around Me In Everything I Do I attract money to me easily and effortlessly I am a money magnet I release all resistance to attracting money I accept and receive unexpected money I am a magnet for money disparity is drawn to me money comes to me easily and effortlessly wealth constantly flows into my life my finances improve beyond my dreams I am attracting money at this very moment I am open and receptive to all the wealth life brings me I attract money happily into my life I attract money beyond my wildest dreams I am open to receiving money in my life the more I focus on Joy the more money I will make I attract money to give to others money is energy and it flows into my life constantly money flows to me in expected and unexpected ways I have the power to attract wealth and money into my life money is abundant and I attract it naturally money is unlimited and my Prosperity is unlimited money is pouring into my life an abundance of money is flowing into my life right now my mind is a powerful magnet for wealth and abundance money flows to me freely as I move through this world I will attain all the riches that I desire with time I am on my way to becoming wealthy everything I need to build wealth is available to me right now there is money all around me I just have to grab it I am a magnet that can attract money in any Endeavor I undertake I love attracting money falls into my lap in miraculous ways people love giving me money I trust that more money is coming to me I am aligned with the energy of wealth and abundance I allow money to flow easily to me money is being drawn to me in every moment [Music] I am so grateful for the ability to manifest money when I want it I am creating an abundant future with my thoughts today more money is lining up for me right this minute I choose to focus on money flowing to me with ease I can see examples of abundance all around money chooses me always money is drawn to me always money simply falls into my lap I attract wealth to me from all directions I attract massive amounts of money to me I breathe in abundance I allow prosperity to flow into my life I make money easily I deserve to make more money I am worthy of making more money I embrace new avenues of income I welcome an unlimited source of income and wealth in my life [Music] I constantly attract opportunities that create more money I constantly discover new sources of income my income is growing higher and higher I attract enough income to pay for the lifestyle I want I get rich doing what I love my bank account is constantly filled with money there are no limits to the money I can make the more money I have the more money I make my income is constantly increasing my income will exceed my expenses money is an abundant resource that I can earn my income has unlimited potential I accept the flow of money from multiple sources my job provides the opportunity to work towards my financial goals I enjoy making money and genuinely love my work I can leverage my skills to bring in more money at any time I believe in my ability to earn more money I deserve the opportunity to earn more money than I make today every day is a fresh opportunity to earn more money I am capable of turning my skills and expertise into income my hard work will bring me money I am so grateful now that I possess abundance I deserve to have Financial abundance in my life now abundance and I are one I enjoy an abundance of money I have unlimited abundance I expect lavish abundance every day in every way all I have to do is ask for abundance and allow it I am living abundantly abundance flows easily when I relax feeling joyful attracts abundance I love abundance in all its beautiful forms I'm relaxing into greater abundance abundance is my Divine Birthright I always have more than enough abundance thank you Universe for my great abundance the more abundantly I live the more abundance I will receive I am open to the flow of abundance in all areas of my life I can easily imagine myself having Limitless abundance my grateful heart draws abundance like a magnet day is filled with endless expressions of abundance my consistent focus on abundance draws it to me I love the idea of having truly effortless abundance abundance is around me abundance is within me abundance is throughout me today I expand my awareness of the abundance around me I live in an abundant world all is perfect in my universe perfect abundance is My Chosen reality abundance flows to me abundance is my Birthright the whole universe is conspiring to make me abundant I am thankful for the abundance in my life I am prosperous healthy happy and live in abundance I love abundance and I attract it naturally I believe I have the right to be abundant and successful I am abundant I will live life abundantly I am willing to be more abundant now foreign [Music] all my needs are met instantaneously my life is full of love and joy and all the material things that I need my mind is a powerful magnet for riches and abundance my Supply is endless inexhaustible and immediate I am thankful for the unlimited flow of good into my life I now release the gold mine within me I know that life is abundant and I accept abundance in my life now I open to the flow of great abundance in all areas of my life I love life and I accept my abundance unconditionally I am unlimited I am abundant I am worthy and deserving of all good Creative Energy flows through all areas of my life abundantly cash moves and abundant amounts in my life I am in a state of fulfillment have abundant love and joy in my life and am free to do whatever I wish to do I love my activity and I attract whatever I need through it I always have more than enough of everything I need my income is constantly increasing my good comes from everywhere and everyone new opportunities to increase my income open up for me now I allow the universe to bless me in surprising and joyful ways I desire my day is filled with Limitless potential enjoy abundance and love I am overflowing with abundant prosperity abundance is my Birthright and I have abundance Within Me abundance is around me I thank the universe for the money that flows to me I radiate Prosperity money and wealth money is pouring into my life I release everything blocking money at this moment I am wealthy and living on my own terms life loves me and contributes to me [Music] constantly I deserve abundance in my life I forgive myself and set myself free of all limiting beliefs my bank account is constantly filled with money there are no limits to the money I can make the more fun I have the more money I make abundance is everywhere around me I constantly live in comfort and joy I release all my fear around money an abundance of money is flowing into my life right now I believe anyone can be wealthy including myself my wealth comes from being honest and true in everything I do my life is improving and prosperity is coming to me right now I will always have everything I need the universe takes excellent care of me and my mind is a powerful magnet for wealth and abundance I live my life in an abundance of money my income is constantly increasing thank you Universe for providing me with all the money and wealth I need I take every great opportunity that comes my way if others can be wealthy so can I today no matter where I am I focus on that which I want to see [Music] all the resources I need are within me I am abundant Rich wealthy deserving Worthy I love my life and everything it provides me with abundance is All Around Me In Everything I Do I attract money to me easily and effortlessly I am a money magnet I release all resistance to attracting money I accept and receive unexpected money I am a magnet for money Prosperity is drawn to me money comes to me easily and effortlessly wealth constantly flows into my life my finances improve beyond my dreams I am attracting money at this very moment I am open and receptive to all the wealth life brings me I attract money happily into my life I attract money beyond my wildest dreams I am open to receiving money in my life the more I focus on Joy the more money I will make foreign money to give to others money is energy flows into my life constantly money flows to me in expected and unexpected ways I have the power to attract wealth and money into my life [Music] money is abundant and I attract it naturally money is unlimited and my Prosperity is unlimited money is pouring into my life an abundance of money is flowing into my life right now my mind is a powerful magnet for wealth and abundance money flows to me freely as I move through this world I will attain all the riches that I desire with time I am on my way to becoming wealthy everything I need to build wealth is available to me right now there is money all around me I just have to grab it I am a magnet that can attract money in any Endeavor I undertake I love attracting money falls into my lap in miraculous ways people love giving me money I trust that more money is coming to me I am aligned with the energy of wealth and abundance I allow money to flow easily to me money is being drawn to me in every moment I am so grateful for the ability to manifest money when I want it I am creating an abundant future with my thoughts today more money is lining up for me right this minute I choose to focus on money flowing to me with ease I can see examples of abundance all around chooses me always money is drawn to me always money simply falls into my lap I attract wealth to me from all directions I attract massive amounts of money to me I breathe in abundance I allow prosperity to flow into my life I make money easily I deserve to make more money I am worthy of making more money I embrace new avenues of income I welcome an unlimited source of income and wealth in my life I constantly attract opportunities that create more money I constantly discover new sources of income my income is growing higher and higher I attract enough income to pay for the lifestyle I want I get rich doing what I love my bank account is constantly filled with money there are no limits to the money I can make the more money I have the more money I make my income is constantly increasing my income will exceed my expenses money is an abundant resource that I can earn my income has unlimited potential I accept the flow of money from multiple sources my job provides the opportunity to work towards my financial goals I enjoy making money genuinely love my work I can leverage my skills to bring in more money at any time I believe in my ability to earn more money I deserve the opportunity to earn more money than I make today every day is a fresh opportunity to earn more money I am capable of turning my skills and expertise into income my hard work will bring me money I am so grateful now that I possess abundance I deserve to have Financial abundance in my life now [Music] abundance and I are one I enjoy an abundance of money I have unlimited abundance [Music] I expect lavish abundance every day in every way all I have to do is ask for abundance and allow it I am living abundantly abundance flows easily when I relax feeling joyful attracts abundance I love abundance in all its beautiful forms I'm relaxing into greater abundance abundance is my Divine Birthright I always have more than enough abundance thank you Universe for my great abundance the more abundantly I live the more abundance I will receive foreign I am open to the flow of abundance in all areas of my life I can easily imagine myself having Limitless abundance my grateful heart draws abundance like a magnet the day is filled with endless expressions of abundance [Music] my consistent focus on abundance draws it to me I love the idea of having truly effortless abundance abundance is around me abundance is within me abundance is throughout me today I expand my awareness of the abundance around me I live in an abundant world all is perfect in my universe perfect abundance is My Chosen reality abundance flows to me abundance is my Birthright [Music] the whole universe is conspiring to make me abundant I am thankful for the abundance in my life I am prosperous healthy happy and live in abundance I love abundance and I attract it naturally [Music] I believe I have the right to be abundant and successful I am abundant I will live life abundantly I am willing to be more abundant now [Music] I will live the Abundant Life all my needs are met instantaneously foreign and all the material things that I need my mind is a powerful magnet for riches and abundance my Supply is endless inexhaustible and immediate I am thankful for the unlimited flow of good into my life I now release the gold mine within me I know that life is abundant and I accept abundance in my life now I opened to the flow of great abundance in all areas of my life I love life and I accept my abundance unconditionally I am unlimited I am abundant I am worthy and deserving of all good Creative Energy flows through all areas of my life abundantly cash moves in abundant amounts in my life I am in a state of fulfillment have abundant love and joy in my life and am free to do whatever I wish to do I love my activity and I attract whatever I need through it I always have more than enough of everything I need my income is constantly increasing my good comes from everywhere and everyone new opportunities to increase my income open up for me now I allow the universe to bless me in surprising and joyful ways I desire my day is filled with Limitless potential enjoy abundance and love I am overflowing with abundant prosperity abundance is my Birthright and I have abundance Within Me abundance is around me I thank the universe for the money that flows to me I radiate Prosperity money and wealth money is pouring into my life I release everything blocking money at this moment I am wealthy and living on my own terms life loves me and contributes to me constantly I deserve abundance in my life I forgive myself and set myself free of all limiting beliefs my bank account is constantly filled with money there are no limits to the money I can make [Music] the more fun I have the more money I make abundance is everywhere around me I constantly live in comfort and joy I release all my fear around money an abundance of money is flowing into my life right now I believe anyone can be wealthy including myself my wealth comes from being honest and true in everything I do my life is improving and prosperity is coming to me right now I will always have everything I need the universe takes excellent care of me and my mind is a powerful magnet for wealth and abundance I live my life in an abundance of money foreign [Music] thank you Universe for providing me with all the money and wealth I need I take every great opportunity that comes my way if others can be wealthy so can I today no matter where I am I focus on that which I want to see all the resources I need are within me I am abundant Rich wealthy deserving Worthy I love my life and everything it provides me with abundance is All Around Me In Everything I Do I attract money to me easily and effortlessly I am a money magnet I release all resistance to attracting money I accept and receive unexpected money I am a magnet for money Prosperity is drawn to me money comes to me easily and effortlessly wealth constantly flows into my life my finances improve beyond my dreams I am attracting money at this very moment I am open and receptive to all the wealth life brings me I attract money happily into my life I attract money beyond my wildest dreams I am open to receiving money in my life the more I focus on Joy the more money I will make I attract money to give to others money is energy and it flows into my life constantly money flows to me in expected and unexpected ways I have the power to attract wealth and money into my life money is abundant and I attract it naturally money is unlimited and my Prosperity is unlimited money is pouring into my life an abundance of money is flowing into my life right now my mind is a powerful magnet for wealth and abundance foreign money flows to me freely as I move through this world I will attain all the riches that I desire with time I am on my way to becoming wealthy everything I need to build wealth is available to me right now there is money all around me I just have to grab it I am a magnet that can attract money in any Endeavor I undertake I love attracting money falls into my lap in miraculous ways people love giving me money I trust that more money is coming to me I am aligned with the energy of wealth and abundance I allow money to flow easily to me is being drawn to me in every moment I am so grateful for the ability to manifest money when I want it I am creating an abundant future with my thoughts today more money is lining up for me right this minute I choose to focus on money flowing to me with ease I can see examples of abundance all around money chooses me always money is drawn to me always money simply falls into my lap I attract wealth to me from all directions I attract massive amounts of money to me I breathe in abundance I allow prosperity to flow into my life I make money easily I deserve to make more money I am worthy of making more money I embrace new avenues of income I welcome an unlimited source of income and wealth in my life I constantly attract opportunities that create more money I constantly discover new sources of income my income is growing higher and higher I attract enough income to pay for the lifestyle I want I get rich doing what I love my bank account is constantly filled with money there are no limits to the money I can make the more money I have the more money I make my income is constantly increasing my income will exceed my expenses money is an abundant resource that I can earn my income has unlimited potential I accept the flow of money from multiple sources my job provides the opportunity to work towards my financial goals I enjoy making money and genuinely love my work I can leverage my skills to bring in more money at any time I believe in my ability to earn more money I deserve the opportunity to earn more money than I make today every day is a fresh opportunity to earn more money I am capable of turning my skills and expertise into income my hard work will bring me money I am so grateful now that I possess abundance I deserve to have Financial abundance in my life now abundance and I are one I enjoy an abundance of money I have unlimited abundance I expect lavish abundance every day in every way all I have to do is ask for abundance and allow it I am living abundantly abundance flows easily when I relax feeling joyful attracts abundance I love abundance in all its beautiful forms I'm relaxing into greater abundance abundance is my Divine Birthright I always have more than enough abundance thank you Universe for my great abundance the more abundantly I live the more abundance I will receive I am open to the flow of abundance in all areas of my life I can easily imagine myself having Limitless abundance my grateful heart draws abundance like a magnet the day is filled with endless expressions of abundance my consistent focus on abundance draws it to me I love the idea of having truly effortless abundance abundance is around me abundance is within me abundance is throughout me today I expand my awareness of the abundance around me I live in an abundant world all is perfect in my universe perfect abundance is My Chosen reality abundance flows to me abundance is my Birthright the whole universe is conspiring to make me abundant [Music] I am thankful for the abundance in my life I am prosperous healthy happy and live in abundance I love abundance and I attract it naturally I believe I have the right to be abundant and successful I am abundant I will live life abundantly I am willing to be more abundant now I will live the Abundant Life all my needs are met instantaneously my life is full of love and joy and all the material things that I need my mind is a powerful magnet for riches and abundance my Supply is endless inexhaustible and immediate I am thankful for the unlimited flow of good into my life I now release the gold mine within me I know that life is abundant and I accept abundance in my life now I open to the flow of great abundance in all areas of my life I love life and I accept my abundance unconditionally I am unlimited I am abundant I am worthy and deserving of all good Creative Energy flows through all areas of my life abundantly cash moves and abundant amounts in my life I am in a state of fulfillment have abundant love and joy in my life and am free to do whatever I wish to do I love my activity and I attract whatever I need through it I always have more than enough of everything I need my income is constantly increasing my good comes from everywhere and everyone new opportunities to increase my income open up for me now I allow the universe to bless me in surprising and joyful ways I desire my day is filled with Limitless potential and joy abundance and love I am overflowing with abundant prosperity abundance is my Birthright and I have abundance Within Me abundance is around me I thank the universe for the money that flows to me I radiate Prosperity money and wealth money is pouring into my life I release everything blocking money at this moment I am wealthy and living on my own terms life loves me and contributes to me constantly I deserve abundance in my life I forgive myself and set myself free of all limiting beliefs my bank account is constantly filled with money there are no limits to the money I can make the more fun I have the more money I make abundance is everywhere around me I constantly live in comfort and joy I release all my fear around money an abundance of money is flowing into my life right now I believe anyone can be wealthy including myself my wealth comes from being honest and true in everything I do my life is improving and prosperity is coming to me right now I will always have everything I need the universe takes excellent care of me and my mind is a powerful magnet for wealth and abundance I live my life in an abundance of money my income is constantly increasing thank you Universe for providing me with all the money and wealth I need I take every great opportunity that comes my way if others can be wealthy so can I today no matter where I am I focus on that which I want to see all the resources I need are within me I am abundant Rich wealthy deserving Worthy I love my life and everything it provides me with abundance is all around me and everything I do I attract money to me easily and effortlessly I am a money magnet I release all resistance to attracting money I accept and receive unexpected money I am a magnet for money Prosperity is drawn to me money comes to me easily and effortlessly wealth constantly flows into my life my finances improve beyond my dreams I am attracting money at this very moment I am open and receptive to all the wealth life brings me I attract money happily into my life I attract money beyond my wildest dreams I am open to receiving money in my life the more I focus on Joy the more money I will make I attract money to give to others money is energy and it flows into my life constantly money flows to me in expected and unexpected ways I have the power to attract wealth and money into my life money is abundant and I attract it naturally money is unlimited and my Prosperity is unlimited money is pouring into my life an abundance of money is flowing into my life right now my mind is a powerful magnet for wealth and abundance money flows to me freely as I move through this world I will attain all the riches that I desire with time I am on my way to becoming wealthy everything I need to build wealth is available to me right now there is money all around me I just have to grab it I am a magnet that can attract money in any Endeavor I undertake I love attracting money falls into my lap in miraculous ways people love giving me money I trust that more money is coming to me I am aligned with the energy of wealth and abundance I allow money to flow easily to me money is being drawn to me in every moment I am so grateful for the ability to manifest money when I want it I am creating an abundant future with my thoughts today more money is lining up for me right this minute I choose to focus on money flowing to me with ease I can see examples of abundance all around [Music] money chooses me always money is drawn to me always money simply falls into my lap I attract wealth to me from all directions I attract massive amounts of money to me I breathe in abundance I allow prosperity to flow into my life I make money easily I deserve to make more money I am worthy of making more money I embrace new avenues of income I welcome an unlimited source of income and wealth in my life I constantly attract opportunities that create more money I constantly discover new sources of income my income is growing higher and higher I attract enough income to pay for the lifestyle I want I get rich doing what I love my bank account is constantly filled with money there are no limits to the money I can make the more money I have the more money I make my income is constantly increasing my income will exceed my expenses [Music] money is an abundant resource that I can earn my income has unlimited potential I accept the flow of money from multiple sources my job provides the opportunity to work towards my financial goals I enjoy making money and genuinely love my work I can leverage my skills to bring in more money at any time I believe in my ability to earn more money I deserve the opportunity to earn more money than I make today every day is a fresh opportunity to earn more money I am capable of turning my skills and expertise into income my hard work will bring me money I am so grateful now that I possess abundance I deserve to have Financial abundance in my life now abundance and I are one I enjoy an abundance of money I have unlimited abundance I expect lavish abundance every day in every way all I have to do is ask for abundance and allow it I am living abundantly abundance flows easily when I relax feeling joyful attracts abundance I love abundance in all its beautiful forms I'm relaxing into greater abundance abundance is my Divine Birthright I always have more than enough abundance thank you Universe for my great abundance the more abundantly I live the more abundance I will receive I am open to the flow of abundance in all areas of my life I can easily imagine myself having Limitless abundance my grateful heart draws abundance like a magnet day is filled with endless expressions of abundance my consistent focus on abundance draws it to me I love the idea of having truly effortless abundance abundance is around me abundance is within me abundance is throughout me today I expand my awareness of the abundance around me I live in an abundant world all is perfect in my universe perfect abundance is My Chosen reality abundance flows to me abundance is my Birthright [Music] the whole universe is conspiring to make me abundant I am thankful for the abundance in my life I am prosperous healthy happy and live in abundance I love abundance and I attract it naturally I believe I have the right to be abundant and successful I am abundant I will live life abundantly I am willing to be more abundant now foreign I will live the Abundant Life all my needs are met instantaneously my life is full of love and joy and all the material things that I need my mind is a powerful magnet for riches and abundance my Supply is endless inexhaustible and immediate I am thankful for the unlimited flow of good into my life I now release the gold mine Within Me I know that life is abundant and I accept abundance in my life now I open to the flow of great abundance in all areas of my life I love life and I accept my abundance unconditionally I am unlimited I am abundant I am worthy and deserving of all good Creative Energy flows through all areas of my life abundantly cash moves and abundant amounts in my life I am in a state of fulfillment have abundant love and joy in my life and am free to do whatever I wish to do I love my activity and I attract whatever I need through it I always have more than enough of everything I need my income is constantly increasing my good comes from everywhere and everyone new opportunities to increase my income open up for me now I allow the universe to bless me in surprising and joyful ways I desire my day is filled with Limitless potential and joy abundance and love I am overflowing with abundant prosperity abundance is my Birthright and I have abundance Within Me abundance is around me I thank the universe for the money that flows to me I radiate Prosperity money and wealth money is pouring into my life I release everything blocking money at this moment I am wealthy and living on my own terms life loves me and contributes to me constantly I deserve abundance in my life I forgive myself and set myself free of all limiting beliefs my bank account is constantly filled with money there are no limits to the money I can make [Music] the more fun I have the more money I make abundance is everywhere around me I constantly live in comfort and joy I release all my fear around money in abundance of money is flowing into my life right now I believe anyone can be wealthy including myself my wealth comes from being honest and true in everything I do my life is improving and prosperity is coming to me right now I will always have everything I need the universe takes excellent care of me and my mind is a powerful magnet for wealth and abundance I live my life in an abundance of money my income is constantly increasing [Music] thank you Universe for providing me with all the money and wealth I need I take every great opportunity that comes my way if others can be wealthy so can I today no matter where I am I focus on that which I want to see all the resources I need are within me I am abundant Rich wealthy deserving Worthy I love my life and everything it provides me with abundance is All Around Me In Everything I Do I attract money to me easily and effortlessly I am a money magnet I release all resistance to attracting money I accept and receive unexpected money I am a magnet for money Prosperity is drawn to me money comes to me easily and effortlessly [Music] wealth constantly flows into my life my finances improve beyond my dreams foreign I am attracting money at this very moment I am open and receptive to all the wealth life brings me I attract money happily into my life I attract money beyond my wildest dreams I am open to receiving money in my life the more I focus on Joy the more money I will make I attract money to give to others money is energy and it flows into my life constantly money flows to me in expected and unexpected ways I have the power to attract wealth and money into my life money is abundant and I attract it naturally money is unlimited and my Prosperity is unlimited money is pouring into my life an abundance of money is flowing into my life right now my mind is a powerful magnet for wealth and abundance money flows to me freely as I move through this world I will attain all the riches that I desire with time on my way to becoming wealthy everything I need to build wealth is available to me right now there is money all around me I just have to grab it I am a magnet that can attract money in any Endeavor I undertake I love attracting money falls into my lap in miraculous ways people love giving me money I trust that more money is coming to me I am aligned with the energy of wealth and abundance I allow money to flow easily to me money is being drawn to me in every moment I am so grateful for the ability to manifest money when I want it I am creating an abundant future with my thoughts today more money is lining up for me right this minute I choose to focus on money flowing to me with ease I can see examples of abundance all around money chooses me always money is drawn to me always money simply falls into my lap I attract wealth to me from all directions I attract massive amounts of money to me I breathe in abundance I allow prosperity to flow into my life I make money easily I deserve to make more money I am worthy of making more money I embrace new avenues of income I welcome an unlimited source of income and wealth in my life I constantly attract opportunities that create more money I constantly discover new sources of income my income is growing higher and higher I attract enough income to pay for the lifestyle I want I get rich doing what I love my bank account is constantly filled with money there are no limits to the money I can make the more money I have the more money I make my income is constantly increasing my income will exceed my expenses money is an abundant resource that I can earn my income has unlimited potential I accept the flow of money from multiple sources my job provides the opportunity to work towards my financial goals I enjoy making money and genuinely love my work I can leverage my skills to bring in more money at any time I believe in my ability to earn more money I deserve the opportunity to earn more money than I make today every day is a fresh opportunity to earn more money [Music] I am capable of turning my skills and expertise into income my hard work will bring me money [Music] [Music]
Channel: MotivationHub
Views: 1,207,037
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: affirmations, affirmation, I am affirmations, success affirmations, affirmations for success, affirmations for wealth, affirmations for sleep, sleep, sleep affirmations, subconscious, listen every day, I am, listen before you sleep, motivationhub, motivationhub affirmations, meditation, 432 hz, listen every night, listen every night before you sleep, IT GOES STRAIGHT TO YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS MIND!, abundance, abundance affirmations sleep, money affirmations, money, affirmations prosperity
Id: 5wMlR0bZB6E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 36sec (5136 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 10 2022
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