it finally happened... THIS IS WHY YOU FISH THE BEACH!

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there we go there we go oh my hey what up fellas this right here might be the most ideal surf conditions of the year now I usually don't like to say this surf fishing but I definitely think we're going to catch some good stuff today out here is just endless train of f finger mullet heading south and also we have just a perfect amount of waves right now enough to keep everything mixed up but also not too hard to fish and the finger mullet man some of the best baits for the surf man look at these perfect finger mullet right here with these guys we're definitely going to be looking for some red fish today red fish of all sizes but I'm thinking with these trains of mullet there can be trains of big bull Reds as wello I can't wait to get a bait out there let's do it I got some double dropper rigs rigged up for pompo I'm not sure if we going to have time to fish shrimp and fish bites at all with all the red fish we're going to be catching dude I don't know I might be too hyped up but I think with these conditions man we're definitely going to get some good stuff so we've had a couple of cold fronts recently so the water is a little bit chilled it does definitely have this Bay [Music] going in the ocean into the darkness all right we want to lay [Music] down the whole oh my God no way it's on fellas look at this this is exactly what we want to do it's insane this bait was out there for about maybe 30 seconds maybe a minute and we already hooked up holy dude the conditions it's just too perfect for there not to be fish it's kind of going sideways I think I know what it is man what up big fella the red fish dude let's go man they're out there dude we caught one right away what are we about to catch today man I think we're about to have a day today man no telling what we're going to catch I think it's going to be a lot of these guys and hopefully there's some Giants out there not sure if we're going to keep fish today maybe we will maybe we won't but for sure first fish of the day he's going back this guy right here he's going to be terrorizing some mullet trains for sure and he's out right back out there dude right past that bar right there it's just loaded up with endless amounts of mullet and hopefully they're going to be attracting a lot of big guys as well let's get rebed I don't even know if we're going to be able to keep more than one rod out lots of times this time of year when I'm going for those bigger bull RS heads I'll get it further out you may get more bites closer in where we're about to cast right now but if you want some of those big guys send it out pass that second bar pass the third bar even and that's where a lot of those guys can be running all second bait out see how long this one takes rigging up our second mullet Rod which we're going to go for the long drop and man September early October were great and I love fishing them but there's so many Lady Fish and sharks and stingrays around it it can be it's fun it's just can be a little bit annoying once you've caught a ton of them and you have to fish around them and now after a couple cold fronts we got rid of our Lady Fish for the most part less sharks and the reds are really running woo all right now it's time to take our big rod and get it out there to the next gut where hopefully there's going to be some big guys oh look at them I'm only getting blown up on look at that you don't think there's a fish right there or is it from a bird that's a little bit chilly Perfect Dude right on the back side of that next bar thinking there's no one who will understand life on this planet is truly abundant oh there we go buddy that's the one we just casted out that's going to be on there it has to be yeah that boy's on that boy's on oh let's go oh buddy that's what we were looking for something like that right there dude this a little bit bigger guy and I know there's some monsters out there this is the guy we just casted out and it got hit quick yeah that's a bigger one oh that's a bigger one man this is not even the long drop this is just in that second gut it's actually been a little while since I C caught caught a big old red fish you never know though you can never be sure what it is until you actually see him he's going sideways we got him right here going between all our lines here let's see what we got dude he's not wanted to come all the way up here yeah it's a it's a red boys let's go man not a giant a decent one though sick to catch in the serf man bigger than the last one for sure that's a good one dude freaking awesome what's up big fell oh yeah that's a nice one they always get a little bit bigger when you get closer W let's go dude Dam that's the last one we caught was a little bit of a skinny boy this guy's got some meat on him yes sir that's why we fish this time of year man these beautiful guys right here I mean you can always find you can always find a reason any time of year to fish and there's always a good one but right now it's time for some red fish in the surf dude man we were getting a couple bits but they were not hooking up maybe just smaller fish but this guy's got big enough mouth to eat it up for sure how big you guys putting that guy out you think it's a you think it's overs slaught cuz I'll tell you what I'm thinking it's an overl easy actually not as easy as I thought he's about 28 and 1/2 29 golly he looks huge for that that was a pretty good one man but I'm thinking they can go bigger going with the instant rebate woo let's see how long it takes for this guy to get hit see that's right that's right on the back of a bar it would seem like it'd be shallow right there but it is a little bit deeper oh did we already get hit I think we did I'm just walking back dude this is crazy boys I'm just walking back I I cannot believe it and that's another good one dude how many fish are out there man shoot got to kind of feel bad for those mullet good thing there's a ton of them actually crazy dude how many are there I mean we're not in a special spot either uh We're Just Fishing one one little spot nothing really special on like 100 miles of Beach and if you think about that I'm hooking up in a nothing special spot how many red fish are on all of these beaches combined it's a great time of year got my fish grips see what we got oh man that's another good one dude month ago month and a half ago just filled up with sharks you have to worry every fish you think is a good fish might be just a little shark but that's a beautiful red right there woo like I said before what if we were throwing like a spoon spoon's kind of look like a mullet might be able to catch a bunch of these that's a pretty good one dude but we got to get one where we absolutely need two arms to carry it man the surf's always such a nice place to be but it's not always the most ideal fishing spot for that time but right now this might be the most ideal fishing Spoto insane we got to get more mullet got to get more mullet going oh sea turtle wow he's got to be feeling weird I had started getting hit holy H dude this is crazy man my gosh there's so many fish he's I think he's on there huh let's see yeah he's on there wow I'm sitting the hook on circle hooks this crazy dude I just set the rod down it it's blowing my mind man how many fish there are golly I'm having fun wow oh get over that we got a crazy guy where's my grips I was looking at it about the same as the other guys that's not a bad fish holy this guy has the best run so far he's head shaking crazy man woo wooo yeah that's a good one wow this guy got gripped up by a dolphin it looks like and look at that guy has a a blue tail as well man he recently got gripped up I was talking about this right here on Instagram recently what causes the markings when you catch red fish and they have this type of stuff on them and I had totally forgotten about dolphins and that's that's what I think it is dolphin's getting a grip on them Circle Hook's doing work too even though I'm setting them I mean this guy can't be mad at the Dolphin cuz what he's doing to those mullet right now he's doing the exact same thing oh get out of here buddy classic red fish he wants to let you know that you killed him and then you're like oh man he's dead until that fellas get out here do a little bit of Sur fishing you might want to have some waiters though I've been here maybe an hour dude and the fishing is crazy easy you never know what to expect Sur fishing it can be absolutely slow there might not be even any fish out there that you want to catch or can be like this where it's just crazy action so many fish oh there's a holy there's a bite just put on a fresh mullet and got inst recently picked up haven't caught a red fish in about again another 20 minutes seems like the bik slowed down a little bit but they're still definitely out there I mean I mean the thing is they're running the beach so sometimes there's going to be thick patches and sometimes you got to wait a little bit oh yeah actually this might this might be another decent one oh yeah another good red dude crazy woohoo look at that guy spotty boy my gosh that's a good one there's another good Surf Road my gosh look at his tail look at that super dark tail looks like it's super dirty well man this is a beautiful into to a crazy day of Fishing Unlimited red fish man I could have caught as many as I wanted I probably caught 12 or 15 hey if you're new to the videos please subscribe and if you want to help me out a little bit more check out my patreon I love you guys very much we'll see you guys next time on with indifference it governs the whole of our mind
Channel: ThresherFishing
Views: 53,175
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Surf fishing, beach fishing, fishing corpus christi, fishing port aransas, fishing pins, fishing padre island nation seashore, beach fishing texas, surf fishing texas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 10sec (790 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 25 2023
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