It’s Time To Move By Your Faith | Dr. Sharon Nesbitt

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park 1112 mark 11 to have on tomorrow when they come in a bit there he was hungry and seeing a fig tree far off having leaves having leaves he came happily he may find anything anything thereon and when he came to find it he found nothing but what leaves for the time of figs would not yet Jesus answer said no man eat fruit of you hereafter forever you've got a curse what won't produce for you I think right here the body of Christ is going through a test because there are a lot of things that have been non-productive for the body and we are whining and complaining and we're not cursing the nothing he said no decide no no man here eat of you Hereafter and the disciples heard it now skip down to verse 20 and in the morning as they passed by they saw the fig tree dried up from the what roots stop cursing the fruit and cursed the root the reason you can't pray your meals don't curse the bill pay curse what is causing you not to be able to pay to be come on the fruit is the symptom you got to go back to the root and say what why do I keep you in in here what pattern what system keeps come on antagonizing me to the point where I am non-productive what is causing this in my life and you begin to change it Jesus came to something that looked like it should have been producing it didn't produce so he cursed it you will not go into 20/20 with a non-productive tree whatever should have been feeding you it will feed you in 2020 you will curse it and you will find the right thing that will feed you and sometimes God will kill the things so you can move to the greater level you're not hearing me so don't cry about what you lost in nineteen thank God for the opportunity and the unusual door that will open to your next level a progression in God so if the job clothes say thank you God then you're gonna double you're gonna give me a promotion something greater don't get mad at and say thank you lord that's too low my capacity has been fulfilled on that level take me to the next level of capacity no no we don't cry about stuff we resurrect it or we kill it no we're gonna weep in its presence destiny on the crying you gonna shoot me doing all weep in his presence but to cry about sometimes we cry too many years come on crying matzah who left you and who walked out you gonna know if one walked out seven I'll step in not not love us [Music] [Applause] [Music] because I know this I know this time of the year everybody's getting excited in their emotions and their and their flesh you're getting excited and and you know old feelings come up and then you won't give sin and we don't do tricks and all kinds of stuff is happening and you're gonna keep your sanity in your sanctity and your purity for once in your life you can go through the holidays without having somebody there but Jesus okay all right I just want to be clear now partly cloudy and Peter Colin remembers he said master behold the tree that was cursed is with the way and Jesus said have have faith in God or have the god-kind of faith' and he says how do you do this he says verily I say unto you whosoever shall say to this mountain come on we talk to mountains talk to it you know societies say you're crazy if you talk to stuff that can't talk back but that's the principle in the Bible okay he says be thou removed and be cast in the sea shell not what down in your heart believe those things which you say shall come to pass he shall have he shall have you shall have what's the never what's the never you say is what you're going to have and when you stand praying come on go down he says forgive no whatsoever things you desire when you pray believe you receive them believe you receive them believe you receive them and you shall believe you receive them believe you believe what believe that you want if I tell Mother Jones I'm gonna give her a $100 bill you do you think she believed me huh so what's she gonna do she go what she gonna look at look at [Music] [Applause] we really really believe he received believe you received so now the people that don't know me they like whatever she say believe you see so if I told mother McDow I was gonna give her $100 what would she do [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so in expectation whatever he says you start moving you missed it whatever he says you start you start what I don't know how he's gonna do it I really don't care but he said it if he said it I'm on my way to it all I need is a word if I get the word from God I can start moving are you hearing so am i stagnation is that I am not sure of what God is saying so your posture in this next season is to have your ear to the mouth of God that whatever he says you just start moving I'm gonna give you a new car you start looking for and we'll give you a new house start moving I'm gonna give you the love of your life just start preparing yourself stop moving your ministry is about to take out mood so so even when I go through the valley I can still smile because he already know I already know that the mountaintop is mine you got to move in this season you can't be stagnant I'm waiting no God no I'm waiting for a word and what the only thing on what I'm waiting for and once I get that word I'm going now go to 1st Samuel samer see first time you ten let me show you another prince the most amazing or important decision I ever made in my life was making Jesus Lord in my life I was in a dark place I had been to church all my life but I really didn't know god I knew Church but I didn't know God and it was at my doctor's hour that I cried out to God and he responded I want to give you that same opportunity it changed my whole world changed my life I want you to repeat this prayer after me father I come to you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I believe that he is my Savior I believe that he died was buried and resurrected for mine I have I believe he washed my sins away I'll spend the rest of my life serving him fill me with your precious Holy Spirit I'm yours and just as simple as that you're a part of amazing family and I just know as he changed my life he's changing your life to do phenomenal things in the earth that's the only reason he came he came because he loved you and he loves you so much that he sent His only begotten Son for you now their ministry partners right there by the phone ready to take your call so they can help you navigate your roles and responsibilities in this new family welcome to the family of God over to go first time you attend first time you ten hallelujah look at verse someone I want to show you a principle and I'm through then Samuel took a while or oil Samuel it's the Prophet say prophet there's a God in Israel and there's prophets in Marion it's prophets in this church called Dominion and true prophets is rising out of this church with a Sears anointing [Music] [Applause] then the prophet Samuel took a vial are all poured it on his head talking to my soul kissed him and said it's not for these because the Lord has anointed you to be captain over the inheritance and let's go yeah let's go down to verse 3 and that's sure ya know yeah let's go for shoot and when you depart today he said you're gonna go to the border he said the donkey is what you seeking seek are found the donkeys or you know that word and and lo your father have left the asses yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah the assets which awareness to seek are found and low your father left care of the asses and sorrow for you saying what shall I do for my son Oh y'all so religious now I was I was I want you to see something and say dobersen X the next verse he says and you shall go forth from him hence and you should go to the plane of Tabor and you shall meet three men going up to God to beth-el beth-el means the house of God Bethel one carrying three kids you know small lambs or goats and another one carrying three loaves of bread and another one carrying a bottle of wine sound like communion to me and they will salute you and give you what two loaves of bread which you shall receive at their hands and it says after you shall come to the heel of God with a garrison of the Philistines that's the place of your enemy it's your come to pass that when you come here to the city you shall meet a company of prophets coming down from the high place coming down from the you only want to meet a prophet just because they got prophet before their name don't mean nothing is there a false prophets but I want a prophet who just coming down from a high place are you hearing me and he says when they come down you'll see them with a softer eat a burn a pipe or harp they're going to be ministering for the Lord before them and they shall prophesy and look what he says and the Spirit of the Lord shall come upon you and you shall prophesy with them and be and be what this is your season - what [Applause] this is your season - what okay about a hundred people gathered I don't know what the rest of y'all is a usual prophesy now I put I put a command on your mouth to only say what God says don't talk about your circumstance don't talk about how bad it you're gonna only prophesy what God says about your situation are you hearing me I'm giving you instructions say proper sign Bible says that when you start prophesying you're going to be now look at the technology of this look at the technology the Bible says that Samuel takes the vial or poison on Saul's head hey a bucket a Busha feel like preaching and and and the Bible says that he put the oil and because he's anointing him to be the captain of the inheritance of God you have to be anointed to handle God's inheritance you asked for the anointing to handle it he's not going to give you something yet you can't handle that's for an anointing to handle this next level of blessings ask for the anointing the heaven of this next level of wealth ask him they are nothing to stay in the house the anointing to drive the new car the anointing for the love of your life asks for the anointing you ain't anointed for it everybody you saw in the Bible got an anointing come on they got a word God did something amazing in their life come on Abraham had to be anointed to handle come on Ishmael and Isaac [Music] [Applause] like I don't know me for this next season and all that you want to give me I take the limits off whatever you want to do with me I agree today that you can do it angels hearken to the word of the Lord go quickly and retrieve all that God has obtained for me tell you if I can handle it I can handle it now he says now you know Saul was looking for his father's donkeys right he said he lost they they gotten lost can I help you nothing is lost in the kingdom don't ever get it twisted I didn't lose it it just left me even people that died you didn't lose we lost son says no no no we didn't lost we didn't lose him they're gonna be either two places lost me I don't know where it is are you hearing me and and he says look now how did he lose the donkey's he didn't have the capacity to keep them they were his father's donkeys they wasn't he that's why you cannot give your child something that you work hard for and they have the same level appreciation for it as you do they'll take the car that you have been taking care of for the last three years and put junk in the car they'll put right over bumps hit potholes do all kinds of creep why why why they don't have the capacity to appreciate and so they easily tear it up or lose it in a sense because they didn't have the capacity for a supernatural family alter my de millionaires all my friends and partners guess what is that time we are out of space and it is time to go back to two services yes January the 5th we are going back to to service 8 o'clock and 10:30 it's going to be phenomenal already you know God is going to do tremendous things we are overwhelmed with our seating and our parking and it's just time for us so we're going back to to service 8:00 a.m. the first Sunday of the new year on the Gregorian calendar the first Sunday in January we're going back to to service 8 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. we're gonna be right here it's gonna be phenomenal get your children get everybody come and meet us it's gonna be it's gonna be revelatory supernatural God's gonna do some tremendous things January the 5th 8 o'clock at 10:30 meet me here [Applause] [Music] so anything that walks out of your life that you should have kept it's because you didn't have the capacity for it y'all had to learn the hard way I've lost businesses because I didn't have the capacity for it and the Bible says luckily he had an anointing he says but when you he says now now now that I've annoyed at you the donkeys are found you got capacity now to go get them and keep them I know I know he says and when you come to the company of prophets you're gonna prophesy and you're gonna be turned into another man because where you are now you cannot handle God's inheritance even though you've got an anointing you need a turning and sometimes your situations are turn you you know ain't nobody relevant in a real situation that you came out and you look back and say God changed me in that I can't even find myself in that I'm different I know I'm different I'm I don't think the same way I don't act the same way there's a turning tell your neighbor that's a turning that this situation came to change me I know now that I know I'm going - I need a tourney [Music] and some of us don't want to turn because we like where we are but we are not fit for the inheritance because we have become complacent and sometime God has to close things shut things move people out the way so you can soon take it personal said look at some Emerson don't take it personal it's God's divine plan for you to move on are you hearing me there was a point in my life I didn't want to obey God God wanted me to go to Rhema I didn't want to go to Rhema I had a I had a barber shop I had ownership in a furniture store I had alarm systems I was doing everything you could do I I was doing everything I was doing bail bonding allocating and now in between four or five businesses we were rolling we had money and the Lord says I want I want you to preach my whole life all I want to do was be a businesswoman I didn't anyone and because we didn't believe in women preachers and there was a point in my life that like every one of the businesses start we start having problems like money was flowing like crazy and we started having problems that everything now we got we got problems with the Accounts Payable people don't want to pay their money we got people jumping bond and never had to go to San Diego pick a lady up in the gang ridden streets that you know cuz you go I'm gonna get my money and it is like everything tell you I was a businesswoman I grew up on a farm a loser and every one of money out the customers I would have early cutting hair and it was like God just start cuz it was time for me to I've been able to pay my mortgage on the house would ease nothing all of a sudden is like I'm struggling to pay a 6 back then $600 oh you know how long that's been sick are you eating me and it was just drying up I was crying I was praying I was going and and I was like I don't know what to do this is crazy people were depending on me we had about 30 employees and I was like what are we doing you know we when you got amnesia with God you quickly start remembering when it gets hard I am amnesia when everything is going good but when it start getting hard you you start remembering father God and the Lord says he said you can do it the easy way or we can do it the hard way and I say easy Alex but at that point I had lost everything because I kept telling God I didn't want to do ministry just let me do business I'll I'll support the ministry I don't want to preach and the Lord says ok but you can't do business with me what was he saying I could do business but without him doesn't it seem like sometimes you're doing things without God I'm talking to somebody y'all ain't talking back because that's what you want to do and then you won't God to put his seal on what you wanna do and when he tells you what he wants you to do you act like you can't hear him I'm talking to yelling saying that so sometime God has to dry up close down removal to get you to the place of maturation and purpose and destiny so his plan will be fulfilled in the earth it ain't need about about you so so so stop telling God what you want to do and for real for once in your life say God you can do whatever you want to do and then you'll stop things from drying up y'all ain't hearing me obedience is going to be the word of the year I will obey you Lord in every area of your in your giving in your living yeah you know some of y'all know how to time y'all know tithing but you won't and then get mad if God blessed somebody else this boy say he's a tither since 2014 who you think God gonna bless first the tighter are the one who eats up everything okay lift your hands if you're serious lift your hands say Lord I'll obey you in anything and everything with everybody you are dying me to be hallelujah so if that means to preach you gonna preach that man prophesy you won't prophesy if that means he gives you a prayer mental and he just wants you to pray you know for five hours a day and you're gonna find five hours to pray he tells you to leave them alone I don't care how much you tell much you love and we got all this stuff together and we bought all this stuff okay on buy sell it you got a run to obedience in this season I know I know I know we wanted a word this is the word are you hearing me and when you do that you're gonna see tremendous things how do I know that Saul had a problem with obedience because when Samuel told him he said God told him he says kill everything kill everything later on he became King y'all know he said kill everything and what happened he's taking this city and he tells him kill everything don't take anything because it's the cursed and guess what he did he took the choice things in the city the best animals the best property he disobeyed God and when the Prophet came he says what is this lowing of sheep that I hear in my ear that you have disobeyed God he said because you disobeyed God you can't be the captain of the hospital become a partner today please visit for toll-free 186 six five seven nine five eight zero seven
Channel: Dr. Sharon Nesbitt
Views: 4,164
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: vTelsq3gDDM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 53sec (1673 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 17 2020
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