It’s Officially Over For Tory Lanez

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was probably all looks like it might be over or it looks like it's probably over for Tory Lanez because he's just been sentenced to 10 years in prison for the shooting of Megan the stallion and in response he said the following Tori spoke for several minutes he said he still cares about Megan he called her a quote someone I still care for dearly to this day regardless of what she may think of him he said the victim's my friend he talked about bonding with her over the loss of their mothers we both lost our mothers we would sit there and drink and drink until we got numb about the shooting I said some very immature things that I shouldn't have said I revealed some Secrets I shouldn't have revealed this was very sad overall number one because you kind of see the time that Tori got which 10 years for this is crazy I mean he was supposed to potentially get more they were petitioning for more there was no way in hell he was going to get probation I mean they he literally took it to trial they're not giving you probation after he just took it to trial we spent all this time wasted everybody's time the reason why they gave him the plea that he had initially was because of this and this just makes me more confused about the whole situation because the way that Tory Lanez was moving before the case started you would think this guy has to be innocent or he's a lunatic and I think how he handled the case too he was perhaps trying to protect Kelsey too much and just screwed himself over and I don't know if you guys saw this headline too but a couple of weeks ago they were saying that Tory Lanez was I forgot the word that they used but they pretty much said he had given up but he had given up all hope and he was just kind of depressed and sunken and it's unfortunate just from a talent perspective right for instance who in who won God's green earth has the nerve to Let's ignore this whole situation let's say we've got Tory Lanez music just the music and we've got Megan the stallion's music and you're like hey you gotta cut one of these careers whoever is cutting Tori's career over Megan's is a lunatic I mean this person shouldn't even their privilege to listen to music to hear their auditory senses should be removed and given to someone else who deserves them better because at that point you're just a criminal you're an audio criminal if you'd rather have more Megan the stallion music than moratory Lane's music that's just a musical perspective circling back to Tory Lanez they were giving them three years I think or maybe less they potentially he could have gotten down like less than two had he taken the plea deal but he didn't want to get deported now that's going to happen academics did divulge some information though which was that Tory Lanez is in the process of getting married he's engaged so if he's a Canadian citizen he had been living in the U.S probably on a work visa situation and then he gets this charge which is a really really bad charge because it's a violent crime too and it's a felony now after he serves this time what's supposed to happen is he gets deported to Canada overall he'd probably serve around seven years starting from today which is a lot of time to serve if you guys remember Bobby Shmurda did about six ERS a little bit more than six and that felt like a very very long time Tori is gonna do more than that and one of the tweets that I sent out I'm not going to read it exactly you should follow me on Twitter though was I said something along the lines of Tory Lanez first got his feet wet in the industry 10 years ago 2013 he wasn't lit he was just you know starting to make some moves he dropped like a mixtape or two I think he wasn't with Sean Kingston anymore but he didn't actually have a breakthrough until 2015 or 16 with say it and love but he was getting in the industry for 10 years oh let's just say lit right he got lit after say it he was at his peak in 2020 and even after that while this whole thing was going on he was hitting new strides with people showing him a lot of love so let's say seven years that he was popping he's about to do more than seven it's gonna be like eight considering he's been gone for a year he's about to spend a longer time in a cell than he did enjoying his career and he definitely enjoyed his career think about it penthouses luxury quarantine radio think of the peaks of quarantine radio and how much love he was getting Kylie Jenner he felt like he was him and then one momentary lapse in judgment and he's gonna be sitting inside a cell for seven plus years nobody really caring about him and barely anybody reaching out to him and life just passing him by and that's something that I don't think a lot of people recognize which is your freedom so would you trade let's say seven years you got to live like Tori you're probably looking at toy like damn man this guy's got all the hoes he's got all the bread he's got the jewelry he's got the Rolls-Royce calling in he just made a million in a day off this nft thing you know he's really living if you knew that after those seven years you were about to do eight in prison would you take it probably not I would certainly hope not if you've got some sense yet that's his situation or that's his reality right now and as for Megan the stallion man I'm not gonna lie this whole situation she was really aggressive at the end not aggressive but she was like yeah pretty much I want him to get the worst sentence possible I have seen mothers who have had their kids killed right straight up murder and they showed more Mercy to the perpetrator in court than Megan the stallion has showed Mercy to Tory Lanez it's insane I'm not saying the people that you know killed somebody deserve any type of Mercy whatsoever but even the mother is saying like yeah you know I unders you know this is I forgive him you know I still want him to do the time but you know I hope God forgives or I hope he's able to change his life and I forgive him because you know I believe in God and all of this other stuff Megan is on some hell no I don't forgive him when sure I'm not saying she wasn't traumatized by the event but thankfully for Megan her life physically is unaltered she's still able to work she's still able to conduct herself in the same way she's you know gotten more popular her careers in a good spot right now she's kind of transcended music because nobody really cares about making the stallion music right now so everything's going well for her she's really really must hate this guy to not even say you know I hope he's able to you know recover and I forgive him for what happened not that he deserves that or that he should be granted that but it's just something that I thought I should point out because I know you guys have seen the same thing too with other people where you're like damn I can't believe this person forgave this person for this crime as for his career man seven years is a long time to be gone just look at how long pushaiste has been gone and he's what nobody's talking about him you probably were like oh push iced tea I think he's set to get out in a year push heisty will be fine I do believe that he'll come back everyone will work with him he'll get back lit but seven years to be gone is a long time people kind of took to Tori in a positive way before he got locked up so I think people might still be willing to collaborate with him but I can't even imagine what the world music landscape everything is going to look like seven years from now the biggest lesson here is not making impulsive decisions and I think Tory Lanez oh yeah Tory Lanez is also screwed because he has to go back to Canada I forgot about the point that I was making about the marriage so let's say Tory Lanez is getting married and then he's getting married to a U.S citizenship U.S citizen the path to citizenship is then filed by the person that is a U.S citizen the problem is will they Grant it to Tory Lanez because one of the requirements is to be a demonstrating good moral character right so if you've committed certain crimes especially violent crimes they're like hey this person isn't showing good moral character he's a felon he shot he was convicted of shooting at a woman and then if you look at his previous history I think he had like arrests for a bunch of aggravated stuff like violent styling when he was pulling up on Dax a lot of impulsive things I think maybe he had like a gun charge before that so it his case even if he gets married to the U.S citizen and tries to file for it it's not gonna look good at all so he might not even get that and then if he's deported to Canada not only did he lose seven plus years of his life sitting in a Cell in a U.S prison cell now he has to go back to Canada and his whole Market is in the U.S so at that point what he's going to try to go to the UK or something will the UK even let him in after he has a record like that so then he's basically stuck away from a lot of his friends and family who are in the U.S with less of a lit career and he can't even capitalize on the US market anymore so he's just screwed from every angle in which way you try to look at it which the biggest lesson is decision making those small decisions that you're like man screw this I'm gonna do this that can ruin your life forever Tory Lanez is losing so much time with his kid I really don't NVM whatsoever I wouldn't I wouldn't trade anything for freedom and peace of mind but let me know what you all think about this in the comments I guess finally over it's been three plus years that we've been following this case seeing what's going to happen now the real question is can Megan stay a star because realistically after I spice came in the game you've even got glorilla who's the other female rapper I feel like glorilla kind of not fell off that's not the proper word but glorilla is not as lit as she was a Lotto lotto coil array and I gotta do another coil array by the by the way equivalry video by the way that album she dropped was hard I told y'all I was gonna go listen to it I'm gonna save it for another video but man I'm impressed yeah it doesn't even seem like Megan the stallion comes up in top three top four top five conversations of female rappers right now if you're like hey who's the five most lit female rappers I think a lot of people aren't mentioning Megan the stallion oh we'll see how her career progresses let me know what y'all think in the comments like subscribe and hit the notification Bell if you enjoyed follow me on Twitter and Instagram thank you for watching peace
Channel: helloyassine extras
Views: 11,963
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Keywords: helloyassine
Id: PWQyzMDpvxo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 10sec (670 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2023
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