Tory Lanez talks about how Friends Switched up on him Instantly after the Meg Thee Stallion incident

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well we're talking to Tori now who's been dealing with this for two years I'm wondering in the immediate aftermath okay a lot of people don't know what's going on we're not going to really get into that at all really but like there's a there's a time where where people are seeing headlines they're hearing narratives who knows what's true um but you're an artist and I remember listening to again I'm telling you man I love that album man I remember listening to the album you're calling out a few people for moving a little bit different on you now and you can sit here now and be like well what what what's them loving me maybe they didn't love me but it felt like you were disappointed how but your peers now love it now this is a great point I don't think that I was so much more mad at just everybody moving a certain way it was certain [ __ ] it was certain [ __ ] because of what we shared who we are and what we have as two people you understand what I'm saying it's you see how you said you know there's times I report things that are not in your favoritory but da da da but I understand act that's your job that's what you do you have to report you gotta report whatever they say or whatever this is this because at the end of the day people only go to your channel some people only go to your channel to get the news from you so I understand that some people were just that was just like I've done so much for and shown so much actual love to and had so much real love for you beyond the music Beyond quarantine radio if you met me there or wherever it was that it was just like that's wild my [ __ ] it's like there's also a button called that's wild my [ __ ] will you hurt I was a couple of people definitely hurt me for sure I'm a human being that [ __ ] cut me deep to the Bone even in the times when I was able to even get on that attitude when it was like you know what I'm it was one of those points was just like you know everyone's pumbling me everyone's coming at me I was just like you know what [ __ ] you [ __ ] and that's what happens to any human being of course and that's when you got the snap and you got the ah [ __ ] I'm I'm a rap I'm gonna spit whatever I'm gonna spit because this is the only way I can actually say it right now you know I agree with you I mean you see now I will never lie about that I'm still a human being I'm not gonna sit here and be like yeah I was all peaches and Danny through the whole thing uh I'm a human being with feelings and emotions bro that [ __ ] hurt you know what I'm saying and it hurt it hurt it hurt for the three years that I'm still going through this what hurt the most did it hurt the most that maybe their opinion or how they moved and aligned with what you were doing or did did it hurt that even though you knew that maybe you did something for them you had a relationship they didn't care to at least not that didn't hurt doesn't hurt it wasn't the it wasn't that bro it was just like all y'all [ __ ] know what you're doing is creating my situation to look worse and be worse for me and my family and my child y'all all know me you know my family you know my child you've seen my kid before you've whatever it is it's like why would you do things that are going to put us in a situation and just add fuel to the fire because there's two courts there's a court of law but there's a court of public opinion and the court of public opinion why would you do things that would further Slow Me Down from getting money and doing things without even knowing a truth to anything without even a lick of evidence without anything why would that be why would that be a thing like what did I actually do to you previously before this but show you love for you to turn around and do that and think that that shit's okay and not wild that's wild my [ __ ] that's it that's what hurt me you know I remember when um whatever fallouts which as I said I think that's a phenomenal song Thank you that that's an artist that's a person that's a human who's backs against the ropes and you could tell they're jumping them and [ __ ] he a little tired because he's been scrapping for a little bit but you got that last breath and he and he about to go crazy on everybody and he's hoping he knocks everybody out because if he'll knock everybody out they're gonna [ __ ] him up and you went crazy on that but even talking about like you know your child and everything like I remember you even said um how like you know you're I guess you're trying to get like a a situation like housing for them and like everybody was just seeing this thing on the media and everyone's judging you over it like it was crazy you know obviously you have a huge team and a lot of people who also rely on you you gotta understand how big how big it got to the point that you know um I'm this is like two years ago but I was in a situation where I'm trying to uh move my baby mother from one house to another and um before the situation I had already closed it like pretty much closed something and um you got a landlord that's like watching this [ __ ] happen on the news and watching the days as it unfolds and really you know and then he goes and tells us like yo I'm not going to I'm not going to do this like like what if what if he goes to jail that was like it like what if he goes to jail uh how's he gonna pay this if he goes to jail it's like bro I have all the money to just pay it all off like no no I just what if you were to how do you and it was just like I don't understand how a personal view of somebody could be the reason why I'm not able to put my child in the house or put my baby mother get my baby mother Roofing over her head I don't understand how someone could look on the news and there's an accusation with no evidence then it's just like nah this kid doesn't need a [ __ ] his baby mother doesn't need a house the things that he's providing as a man don't need to be there you know what I'm saying like that's not that's weird to me you know what I'm saying and so like when I'm seeing going through the things that I'm going through personally you gotta remember in my personal life the same way things are being snatched from me in a industry way things are being snatched from me in a personal realm where it's like uh well [ __ ] [ __ ] we don't know and it's like yo what
Channel: DJ Akademiks
Views: 243,393
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dj akademiks, dj akademics, deejay akademiks, everyday struggle, the negrotiator
Id: lkL2CCebXl0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 4sec (424 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 06 2022
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