It’s Also the Way You Say It - Bobby Schuller

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[Music] do [Music] do do do do [Music] [Applause] [Music] would you stand with us we're going to say this creed together as we do every single week hold your hands out like this as a way of receiving let's say this together i'm not what i do i'm not what i have i'm not what people say about me i am the beloved of god it's who i am no one can take it from me i don't have to worry i don't have to hurry i can trust my friend jesus and share his love with the world thanks you can be seated today we're going to continue on talking about the value of words how words build others up and tear others down how words can build you up and tear you down and so i want to lead off in talking about words and that is the splashiness of words that you cannot use words on others without getting a little bit on yourself in the ancient world they used to always say that cursing someone like if you cast a spell on someone or cursed someone always came at the c at a cost and that cost was something was going to get on you too and even if it doesn't get on you you don't think it does and you lash out at someone i promise they're they're going to get you right back in some way or another and that is the weird thing about the splashiness of words well in the same way that that negative happens the positive happens too i promise you if you choose to go out of your way to encourage five people today you're you're going to feel encouraged most of those people are going to say something nice back to you you're going to feel good as you're saying it the positivity in the air is just going to go up there's something really splashy about words the splashes of word i heard from my son it's not in the dictionary i don't believe but we're going to use it haven splashy words are splashy anyway when i went on humanitarian and missionary trips in high school and college there were always big big rules around words and so here were some rules that were in place for our team and this was on every team i've ever been on we had some kind of rules like this number one rule was do not state the obvious if it's hot outside don't say it's hot outside if food doesn't taste good don't say the food doesn't taste good everybody knows that and when you say it out loud you can just feel everyone go oh it is hot outside so the main thing i'm getting across to you is the power of words in a team power of words in an organization and the ability that words have to create culture in a group in your family that just remember whenever whatever words you're saying out loud in a group of people is is affecting the culture it's either reinforcing the culture in a in a way or it is or is shifting the culture in a way and that's why words are very very important in whatever group that you're in it's gonna dictate your actions it's gonna it's gonna dictate morale it's going to cause people to leave that you don't want to be there or people you do want to be there it's going to cause people to come you don't want to be there or that you do want to be there you see the words are going to be constantly changing so pay attention to what you're saying in your team whether you're a leader follower doesn't matter you're going to have an impact that brings me to this reflection i want to show you that is one of the main big arcs in the bible there are little arcs but there's a big big ark and it begins with a tower of babel you know the story of the tower of babel it goes something like this that after the fall in the garden mankind becomes more and more evil murderous the abuse of children the raising up of altars war and finally as it goes in in genesis 11 after the flood you know god like basically does a re-roll with humanity is like we need to start this whole thing over with a really good group of people with with uh noah's family and it and of course it's just as bad as it was before justin murders and so this one language nation begins to build a tower that they want to reach heaven and it's working well it's going fast it's amazing looking and it's reaching heaven and the talmud actually says it didn't say this in the bible but that that at the top of the tower they wanted to place a sword so that was like they were literally stabbing god or that they were at war with god so there was a the story in a way of understanding that there was a unified opposition towards god and that this tower was to get as close to god as they could to effectively just be like you know to stab him right and so god in seeing this happen the first weird thing that you think is like well why does god feel threatened by that you know heaven isn't in the sky and god can't be stabbed so is god threatened probably not i you know as a christian i view this story through the lens of god's love that god loves these people too much to allow them to constantly be in a state of hatred rebellion whatever you want to call it and and so the the curse or the punishment or whatever you want to call it you know what it remember what it is he gives them all different languages so that they can no longer talk to one another and now that they can no longer talk to one another the right way they can no longer be unified and this is an ancient way of understanding why the world is in conflict all the time is because these different nation states it's not that they actually hate each other it's not that they actually have borders or weapons or whatever rod and by the way it is those things but the ancient way of understanding is they just don't speak the same language they still speak the same language and that inability to talk to one another is the very thing that even to this day according to this ancient understanding that's the main thing that keeps war and fighting and disunity that's what keeps it in place and you can see why a bronze age ancient person would see the world in this way first of all there's an incredible power in unity isn't there i mean we all know that when you you're when you're united it's an it's an incredible thing one of my favorite times in this country it sounds favorite times but an amazing time i think it's the only time i've seen this was the worst time in my life in american history was 9 11. but do you remember there were months after 9 11 where there was no democrat or republican or any of that it was just everybody was like we're gonna love each other support each other there was just something really good in the air and you could and looking back at that moment what you know that or or any kind of team maybe you had a moment or in your country or in your culture or whatever a moment where there was like a just an incredible amount of unity where everybody just put everything all their differences aside and we're just totally unified it's just an amazing at the very it's not always good but but it's an amazing power an amazing power genghis khan the pro maybe the most evil person ever live certainly he's in the top 10 choir top 10. i'll make a top 10 list for you later hitler's on there anyway jake is khan uh obviously but a genius when it came to conquest and military and of course he employed parthian tactics which were these ancient iranian horse archer tactics eurasian horse archers stuff to break up armies but his whole thing was you've you've got to break up your opposition and then kill them if they're unified don't fight them you got to get them to either fight each other or break them up and in i'm sure it's apocryphal speech to his sons he took a bunch of arrows and he said when i die you stick together if you stick together you can't break you and he like tried to break the bundle of arrows but if you split up this is what will happen to you just goes bam bam bam bam to the arrows we know that right that there's something about that power that if if a group is broken up and in fighting they're easy to conquer but if they're unified you can't it's very hard to to defeat them and so one way that this is accomplished in ancient understanding is uh language that's why esperanto came into being you guys know what esperanto is i totally forgot about this until my daughter was showing me a language app what's that language app duolingo is that what it is with the bird fun app if you want to learn a language check out duolingo it's free and they included in one of the languages you can learn esperanto and i was like esperanto so esperanto was a language created by a genius idea i think in many ways it was as smart as it was stupid actually maybe a better way of saying it an ophthalmologist i think a polish ophthalmologist felt that the world you know everybody's always putting so much effort into studying other languages when they travel especially in a place like europe i'm not a not a large continent it's like a someone called europe a peninsula made of peninsulas anyway but you know when you think about how the united states and europe are relatively the same size you know but in europe there's all these languages and you want to travel and and even in his day you know only if i think a fifth of french people spoke french so anyway his whole idea was what if there was a second language we all just agreed that we were going to learn and that would be the language that we would communicate to each other and his whole idea was if i can do this i will achieve world peace and you kind of have to you kind of have to love a heart like that you know and an observation that even though you know it didn't work out for him it's just kind of an interesting dr zamenhof's little did he know that that achievement would happen only about 100 years later because of a town that's about 30 miles from here called hollywood now everybody almost everybody learns english as their second language and it's a useful you know english is unique in that i think it's the first and only language to have more people speak it that are not native speakers than those that are native so there are 1.5 billion english speakers and only 300 million or 300 400 million of them speak english natively isn't that interesting and so that's because of i think you know hollywood not only is everybody learning english they're learning it with a california accent which is amazing as a californian i remember being in israel and i was talking to this bus driver who spoke hebrew natively you know and he said i asked him how did he go you know i learned to speak english i said how he's like i learned it from oh what was that show the the military comedy show mash i looned it from watching mesh he would just watch mash and he learned english from tv i'm sure he's pretty smart anyway and and you can also see so you understand this esperanto thing you can you can see too like if you ever travel just learning a little bit of that nation's language goes so far even if you're an english speaker and most of the people there speak english if you learn some of their languages make a little effort just watch how far it goes one of my biggest surprises ever is that french people are nice i uh when the first time i went to paris i was so nervous because i heard from so many americans that the the parisians and the french are rude they're not rude they're like new yorkers they're just busy and what i what i sorted out was that very often americans would go to paris and never learn any french never even think about what is the culture in paris so if you go into a bakery in paris the owner of the shop who's very proud of their shop will in a very polite way say to anyone who comes into their shop bonjour good morning and every frenchman or french woman who walks in will say bonjour bonjour you know any everybody germans will do that dutch will do that right everybody does that except americans if you go into target today someone's going to go morning and what are you going to do you're going to grab your car you're not going to say anything and so when we go into our patisserie in paris and bonjour it was like it's rude you know it's like super rude and so this is this is what i'm getting at uh this is what i'm getting at is that language language is such a bridge builder and what we lose sometimes in our value of communication is that even within english there's a way of communicating a language our language that that when we talk to each other just because we're speaking english that does not there is a right way to speak to someone and a wrong way to speak to someone you know this because of text messages if you try and work out something emotional in a text message you're just there's a way of saying stuff that you're like i better write ha-ha at the end of this text or they're not going to know that that's a joke so this is important because if you want to build your team if you want to build up others as god has called us if you want to really love people and i don't mean like just feel good things for them you really want to love them you got to learn how to talk to people in a way that's loving talk to people in a way that's encouraging forgiving gracious and kind hey didn't haven do a great job reading proverbs thanks for doing that haven good job [Applause] really uh the bible says in proverbs the wise in heart are called discerning and gracious words forgiving words beautiful words so grace promote instruction prudence is a fountain of life to the prudent but folly brings punishment to fools remember in proverbs the fool is almost always a reflection of a person of the way that they talk in foolish ways the heart of the wise make their mouths prudent and their lips promote instruction and then i just love this last part gracious words are a honeycomb sweet to the soul and healing to the bones this is why jesus has some of his strongest rebukes for when you say which is a term of contempt to be like cussing someone out or if you say you fool that when you tear someone down he's like he says it's almost like you have the heart of a murderer it's it's not that you want to murder them necessarily as bobby talking now but that you wouldn't mind if they died you don't care about them you're done with them you're over it you're over them and you want in the strongest way possible for them to feel some kind of pain because you know whatever whatever thing it was by the way if we decide to invent a new cuss word in in esperanto it should be a raka because that's you have to do it in the back so that's only cool people can do it as children we internalize the words of our parents or parental figures or the people that raise us this is why especially what you say to children even children that are strangers because as an adult they're going to look up to you is so important when a father tells a daughter she's beautiful when a mother tells a son that he loves her or vice versa when parents aunts uncles grandparents say affirming words even after those parental figures or parents are gone their love or contempt remains in the child's heart so that if you neglect to say good things or you say negative things that child will have a lot of work as an adult to overcome those pains and insecurities or when you you know to affirm your child love your child there's a lot of science to support this affirm them with words there's an inner strength that they have that a part of you remains inside the body of that child who's now an adult long after you die that the internalized words remain there and so what happens is you will find that with every adult you meet there are certain there are certain burns that burn more than others there are certain compliments that lift up more than others and a big part of loving people that you love especially people closest to you is understanding what those are in psychology we understand pain not to be single events i say we i'm not a psychologist but i understand this to be true that pain is like a web where it's if you touch one part of a painful thing in a person's life the whole thing shakes so you'll find that there are certain people who are really sensitive about some things and not about others don't judge people for this learn to to work into them compliments or affirmations where they need it in this way a lot of people need that final word okay ninety percent of what you say to people is tone all right tone listen to me guys i learned this from my grandpa pursley who is a linguist spanish teacher for a long time when a baby is learning a language the first thing they learn is not words but tone that's why gugu gaga in america sounds different than gugu gaga in thailand or nepal babies when they're learning they're learning means like what's that or huh means i'm not gonna do that right you can hear it in english now if you're watching this in mandarin you have no idea what i just said that's because uh like like my grandpa was teaching me spanish he was teaching me the tone first so for example he he said that when you ask for salt in spanish if you see it with an english tone pastel por favor like that's how you can i have the salt please it sounds he said sounds feminine and weird and it says like when you ask for salt you say you go down in the tone so this is what he was teaching me in order to to speak so that the tone is the first thing you learn and this doesn't go away as an adult the tone the tone is so so much more important actually believe it and you're if you're in a conflict you're trying to be smoke on bees or work something out on a team the tone is really important i remember russ telling me like when a situation was really bad back when there were fires and a lot of dramas he would he would always want me to go into that and i didn't always want to do it because he always said i was smoke on bees and you know what the secret is to be smoke on bees to to bring the temperature down in the room it is tone it's not words a lot of people are thinking about what am i going to say what am i going to say and i always think what do i want them to feel in my words what i want people to feel do i want them to hear in my tone compassion understanding i'm listening to you i hear you and this is such a great way such a better way uh to communicate tone think about that when you go to your girlfriend and you say are you all right and she's like i'm fine she is not fine okay she's not fine here you go you go to your husband are you fine i'm fine he needs a cookie he's hungry all right okay we all know so final words just build people up man just build people up build people up don't be known for the tell it like it is per don't be that guy that gal don't gossip don't lie don't say out loud bad things about other people especially when they're just build people up and it will it will begin to guide your life compliment people encourage people if you're inspired by someone if if someone does something that's impressive to you tell them it's impressive it's a great way to meet people say thank you when someone does something nice for you even if they're supposed to say it i know that i say that all the time and and also friends build yourself up it's okay to look in the mirror and encourage yourself you think i haven't done that before you think i haven't been running up a hill thinking i'm going to die and just saying this is your hill bobby this is your hill you can get up this hill you think i haven't looked at a bill when we were broke and said bobby you can find a way to pay this you think i didn't look at a a door of a children's hospital for the 50th time there excuse me there are times you have to look in the mirror and you have to say you can do this there are times when you have to say out lied out loud i am a good father i am a good mother i am a good friend i am a good musician leader christian if you're running up the hill and you say i'm tired guess what you're going to feel if you're looking at the hospital door and you say i can't do this anymore what are you going to feel if you're looking at your bills you say i can't pay this if you're looking at a friend you need to make amends with and you say i can't do this what are you going to feel say over yourself who you want to be say the words out loud of where you want to go and that is exactly where you will get it's okay to build yourself up we all got to do it sometimes amen all right let's pray father we thank you so much for all that you've done for us and we pray in jesus name lord that your holy spirit would show us the kind of words that we need and can say to each other lord my heart and all of our hearts were broken about how our country has been treating one another how people are treating one another i believe that it's in large part because of words and tone and so lord i pray that you put deep in our hearts a sense of love for each other and just grace that we would go easy on one another help us father to use the kind of words that you would use on us words like i'm proud of you i'm thankful for you i forgive you i love you we thank you lord you love us it's in jesus name we pray amen thank you for being a part of our hour of power family we're so glad you're worshiping with us today as we embrace the new year hannah and i want to say thank you for your continued generosity this ministry is only possible because of the consistent donations from friends like you who invest so faithfully in our mission for over five decades you have enabled us to reach millions of people around the world with the gospel of jesus christ and eagle partnership has been our backbone through it all isaiah 40 31 says but those who hope in the lord will renew their strength they will soar on wings like eagles they will run and not grow weary they will walk and not be faint these verses remind us that god empowers us to lead impactful lives regardless of our circumstances he constantly lifts us up and sustains us and he invites us to give back to him a portion of what he so faithfully provides for us the scriptures promise that he will multiply what we offer until it overflows knowing this we invite you to experience the joy of kingdom generosity by becoming an eagle partner this year that's right since the 1980s eagle partners have been a living demonstration of god's renewing strength to us when viewers like you choose to uphold our power with a recurring monthly donation it enables us to build a solid foundation from which big dreams are born and great heights are reached prayerfully consider becoming an eagle partner with your monthly gift of fifty dollars or one time gift of six hundred dollars and we'll send you our brand new 2022 porcelain eagle statue created just for hour of power this beautiful hand-painted collectible features a majestic eagle perched atop a tree branch it's an exclusive keepsake that was designed to remind you of the renewing power of christ in your life as a golden eagle partner with your gift of one hundred dollars a month or a one-time gift of twelve hundred dollars we'll also include a custom base with your porcelain eagle created from deep mahogany tone wood the base will elevate your statue's majesty to new heights and make it easy to display in your home or office call write or go online to become an eagle partner today god is birthing revival in these uncertain days an hour at power is more passionate than ever about delivering the hope of the gospel to human souls this is why your ego partnership is so vital to the life of this ministry right now if you've been an eagle partner in the past please join us again so we can keep our power alive and thriving in 2022 and beyond and if you've never been an eagle partner i want to encourage you to spread your wings today let god bless you for your commitment to his kingdom and i'm certain that the impact of your generosity will be great thank you and remember as always god loves you and so do we [Music] hey church family if you've enjoyed this sermon remember to give it a thumbs up and let me know what ministered to you in the comments section from all of us here at hour of power god loves you and so do we
Channel: Hour of Power with Bobby Schuller
Views: 4,434
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bobby Schuller, Sermon Title, Bobby Schuller Sermon, Shepherds Grove, God, Jesus, Inspiration, Scripture
Id: kcwnsbkw3U4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 47sec (1727 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 23 2022
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