ISXCUMMINS 565 gets the job done

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[Music] okay we have this no-till field done and now we have moved on to the next farm which is actually just kind of next door ah to this one we'll fly over to where i am planting right now and then as you can see we have some neighbors here over on our east side of the hudson farm here so uh years ago we started bringing manure over to this farm um we had a lot of angry neighbors they didn't like the smell of the manure and as you can see we have a lot of neighbors here so the farm online now is right next door um it is a stoney farm there's there's a good track of woods and brush and whatever here in between the farm that we just got done with and the farm that we're on this this farm here is the beeler farm and we ended up taking a head draw we're actually [Music] flying we're still flying over the top of what was the old hudson farm and then this one field that we're just starting to creep over the top of the property line runs kind of where this field kind of tease into it here you can almost see where the hedgerow used to run across there and once we fall out of frame here once we get directly over the top of it right on the bottom of your screen is where the uh where the hedgerow was so this field here on this particular farm um it's 120 acres all in one field but as you can see it's got some rock ledges in it got a lot of little islands and everything when we bought this farm it was broke up in like 13 or 14 fields and um we had had a lot of work done to it and throughout the past few years here we've kind of pushed stuff back and and cleared stuff up here but it is real stony so that's why you can kind of see the islands are not being farmed there because the the rock is so close to the surface and uh will get flown back over to the drone or over to the to the corn planter here i'm just coming down this right-hand side of the hedgerow and i'm coming up into uh where wheeler's barn is we'll get the drone down a little bit closer to one of these islands give you a look at what kind of rock we're dealing with here so it's slow going in here and uh we really have to watch what we're doing so that we don't stone the planter as you can see there's some pretty good stone right here and uh yeah you'll break a lot of stuff in a hurry there's another rock ledge uh over here that that's a larger island right there and it is just peppered with stone and uh some brush that we kind of knock down uh in there as well and then there's another rock ledge uh over here this one has a lot of uh real big stuff in it there's one big huge stone the size of a picnic table here that uh they've peeled up with the chisel plow and you can see it it's right there we need to dig that booger out of there uh so that we don't hit it with anything now uh years ago the the trolley tracks used to come across this farm and the old trout there's another rock ledge there the old trolley tracks came across great right here you can kind of see am i in the right spot yeah trolley tracks i had i had to look to see where i was to know if i'm into pointing in the right direction of the drone but you can kind of see uh the old bed uh there where the trolley tracks went through and then they went right directly in front of us and then we'll turn the drone around 180 degrees here and uh proceeded on that way to the west and ended up going across monroe road and through the uh tuscarora golf course and then it went down in through the village of marsalis and then it went out through and towards tisco lake and i don't know if it if it started from a disco lake and just went to the city of syracuse or not but that trolley tracks i think they only i think that was only operational for a few years and then uh once you know once cars and stuff uh came along here that was kind of obsolete they shut it down and um and it was yeah that was that so you can see we're still rolling into dust here so this field i've gone three times around it and i've i've done 45 acres just going three times around it [Music] i got pretty close here yeah well we had this guy here drop off the other freightliner this is steve i have sex 565 and we're putting him to work we kidnapped him so tim said uh yeah we'll take you over if you want to see andy for a little while and uh he rode around me for a little while tim left went back filled this truck up with fertilizer so we put this old boy to work so enjoy every minute of it you've gotta load some stuff for west next right when you leave here you're going right to jersey jersey towns he got a few loads to move for him eh about five or so yeah you never know he might have six yeah yeah well we're gonna get this planter filled up here and uh get back plant from the corn my father's running the sixth row here on this side of the field and we're working over there we'll just put uh two bags against each tires uh steve i don't know yeah jake was over there working on the lawnmower when i was there that's the most he came over to work on the biggest piece of equipment [Music] all right so steve left here a little while ago uh i had a stone caught in one of my closing wheel assemblies i peeled that out i threw the drone up on top of the cab now i have never done this before i have not taken off from a moving object before so we're gonna try this hopefully this works or i'm gonna be running over this drone so we're gonna take off zoom zoom whoa home point has been updated so oh yeah taking off from a moving surface it's it's been done all the time before folks i've just never done it from the top of a tractor cab here so my father and i are in the same field i am just getting out of the danger zone if you will on this particular farm here and uh we have got bedrock right close to the surface off to my left here there's been a bunch of stone or rock ledges and islands that we cleaned up here and we're just proceeding to plant over the top of them just by going real slow so my father planted some smaller fields here this morning and we have now come together on this large field this field here is 120 acres even with the uh islands that are on it deleted out of the actual tally of what's in this actual field here so he is over to my right here we are sharing guidance tracks and um we're working both sides towards the middle so we'll go ahead and uh fly over next to him i am just getting into the part of the field now or yes i have to watch what i'm doing with this platter so i don't stone it but um it is not as critical as what you can see over to my left here there has just been a ton of areas that uh we really had to watch what was going on or we're gonna be fixing stuff so luckily enough we are still together i've planted this farm in the middle of the night before the last couple years and that was no fun and now we're planting it in the daylight so once we get to the end of the field there we'll fly over and check on my father see how he's doing he is oh he's probably a hundred feet uh to my right here all right so i am almost to the end of the field here and it has been several years since we have planted corn together and this is the first uh corn that we have planted since we have bought this planter this is the first that we have been in the same field together now uh earlier he planted some smaller fields and what i wanted to do was get the headlands done on this one i wanted to get some straight rows struck out because that planter there does not have suction control on it in other words that planter is not going to shut off when it comes into the headland or uh coming into odd-shaped rows so i got him on the square side of the field we're now sharing each other's guidance track and we're both working both sides towards the middle and we're running completely parallel uh with each other here now um what we're doing uh is having implant some of the smaller fields although um it is not uh it's not really one of the things where you know hey the big plan planner is uh you know it it's it's losing you a lot of time by planting the smaller fields it's just working out better that way um we're actually both planting the same kind of seed uh right now he just got moved over into the variety of seed that i am planting and we have uh three varieties of seed that we have planted on this farm here we started with sea consultants then i moved over into some dakob i planted all through the dakob and now we are planting hoopner uh 62 25 this is a dual purpose variety of seed and we can either harvest this off for grain or we can harvest it off as uh silage so he is in the longest part of the field here and if you look there is corporal welch road right there and then we've got the far east i'm sorry west side of the field actually goes over into the old hudson farm so these two farms are joining each other now and it makes it nice for being able to own both of them side by side here so we'll try to get the drone down [Music] maybe a little closer here give you a good look at this setup uh back in the day we had a 1750 uh corn planter that had finger uh pickup seed delivery on it but it was dry fertilizer this one is a 1755 and it has a liquid fertilizer on it nothing special other than um it doesn't have any markers on there but we're using gps now the previous owner that had this planner uh they did zone telling or something like that and what they did was they just they were able to drive in between the zone till marks and they use this planter without markers uh being that they were [Music] doing the uh tillage practice that they were doing so eventually um i should say eventually we might possibly put a set of markers on this planter uh this winter or we're just gonna continue using it the way we're using it we have not yet decided it is too early to predict on what we actually plan on doing uh with this uh set up here in the next coming years or next year for that matter it is just too early to tell there is uh quite a few different options that we are thinking about right now as far as uh running two planters now uh there is a set number of days every year that from when you could start planting corn until you should stop planting hard that you can actually plant corn now some guys some of the big cash crop guys out west they want to plant all their corn in a certain number of days from start to finish they want to be done planting corn within 10 to 12 maybe it's 14 days i'm not sure which from when they start to when they get done just to fall in the window of you know having the stuff mature at the uh right time here and usually it falls into a situation where you want to have a big enough planner or enough planters to plant your corn in an adequate amount of time and we are of course uh using a planter not this particular i'm not talking about this planter i'm talking about running the amount of acres that we're planting uh in general uh all through the 16-row planter now our neighbors our neighbors are planting about the same amount of corn that we are they're both dairy farmers and they both have the same size planters and between the three of us we are undersized with the size planters that we're currently using uh most generally and this is just a generic number that i'm gonna throw out there you should uh you should be having a planner that's sized right to the amount of acres that you're planting in other words you probably should have uh one row of your card planter should be planting 100 acres of your total acres that you're doing in other words if you've got 2 400 acres of corn that you're putting in you should have a 24 row planter uh we've got a 16 roll planter and i'm not going to give an exact number of the amount of acres that we're planting but i could tell you right now we're planting more than uh 1600 acres back in the day my grandfather had a four row planter and um you know that was us our farm uh my uncle jerry's farm and my uncle pat's farm and we had nowhere near 400 acres back when uh my grandfather was in charge of things um and you know with that being said we are you know we need to get a larger planter or plant with two of them like we're doing and get closer in size to uh what we're doing with the amount of acres that we're trying to plant each year just so that we can get the seed in the ground um quicker than we have done it in the past bunch of years here so the sixth row is is working out pretty good um it is taking a little bit of stress off the 16 row and um we're able to get some acres done by the end of the day here so i've rambled on long enough i'm gonna fly this drone down to the end of the field air we're gonna go ahead and get it landed before i end up freaking running into a bird or something but um we were glad that steve ended up trucking those or delivering those trucks up to us from arkansas if any of you uh haven't caught him on his channel his channel is isx uh cummins 565 and uh he puts out videos every now and again he's actually going to be moving um wes pandy's equipment down into the carolinas if you don't know who wes pandy is he also has a youtube channel called one lonely farmer and he is located in new jersey he um bails a lot of hay for the mushroom farms grows a little bit of corn and he also does some custom bail and he's currently running uh three chrome big balers all together uh his nephew has one of the third balers and he's got uh two himself and he's actually running down into the carolinas doing some custom bound like i was saying and uh steve's got a truck the equipment down there for him and he's got as many as five loads maybe even six loads to deliver down there so that um wes can bail the wheat straw once they get combine and wheat down into carolina so check out those guys folks uh it's one lonely farmer and is x cummins 565 and that is going to do it for this video we've rambled on quite a bit here and i'm sure you've seen enough of a six-row planner now this planter is being pulled by a 7730 it is overkill um by no stretch of the imagination but we needed to use gps on this planter because there's no markers and that's the smallest tractor we have with gps on it so that's gonna do it folks i want to thank you for watching and we will catch at the next one [Music] you
Channel: Farming Fixing & Fabricating
Views: 37,009
Rating: 4.9826574 out of 5
Id: 3e6aAqVqJuw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 16sec (1336 seconds)
Published: Mon May 24 2021
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