Istanbul Street Market 2021 24 hours only!! | Cheapest Market !! #ISTANBUL

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what's up people and welcome to this new video if this is your first time here my name is theo   today i am in the area of fatih with my good friend solo hey what's up everyone so my name   is solo i have another youtube channel called traveling solo logs check it out but i'm here with   this guy and i'm excited just to explore the day definitely so we are now in fatih at the fatih mosque   something interesting about this place is that sultan mehmet the conqueror is buried over there   we're gonna start exploring guys stay  tuned it's going to be an awesome day   you ready i'm ready so let's go let's hit it it's amazing it is amazing you think  you can like go underneath like you   see over here there's a lot of like  social architecture work just for him so interesting so the market's just by us let's go to this gate and the market is surrounding the   mosque actually so you can go right or straight go left anywhere you want to go but i think we   should go right yeah let's go right the right  way right is the right way yeah makes sense so guys i just got to the wednesday market  and solo's way over there he's filming   so if you don't know guys there was a snow  storm here in istanbul for like five six days   and today the weather is really nice but as  you can see there's snow all over the grounds   this is the market it's not as congested  as usual usually there's more people so basically this place is the largest market in istanbul and it only happens on wednesday   so if you come here on thursday you're not gonna find anything which is super interesting like   how can they install and then uninstall  all this in 24 hours this is just crazy   and the display is just  amazing look at their display how are you i'm fine i'm fine thank you we're just recording stuff   so this guy has some watches so how much are your watches 1 piece for 55 liras i prefer real stuff yo what up theo this for man this for lady but this uh for lady for men together how about the wallets how much are these wallets? theres armani gucci how much are these? let's go between 10 to 25 liras so the shoes over here usually they range around like 60 turkish liras 70 turkish liras these shoes are nice but you guys have to know your exact size and try out the shoes they have a lot of copy shoes some could be comfortable just make sure you try it out walk around a little bit in it from my experience but it's snowy now and it's wet do you think they're gonna let us try on? yeah we could try it out you see they have these uh cardboard boxes actually on the ground that we can just put on if you want to buy a pair of shoes you can yeah so if you want to buy a pair of shoes you can try it but you just have to tap dance over here you can't walk you could probably walk you probably they  don't mind they'll just wash the shoe again   so it doesn't matter let's check out if they  have something my size oh this one looks good brother, do you have those in my size? which size? 45 no we dont have your size nothing in my size? so they don't have anything in my size which is a problem i usually face here in istanbul   i can't find my size in shoes yeah this  happens to me a lot because i'm a big man oh yo careful so you don't slip okay that was close yo let me try my luck with this one brother do you have anything in size 45? he just said there's no 45 in the bazaar in the market like i think i just meet the threshold   im 44 everywhere you go you're gonna find 44 but there's no way   you're going to find 45 my luck . let's continue exploring how much is this? so this is for 30 freeze mother f***** the have alot of toys overhere they have the avengers toys they have spider man here yo check it out they got olives over here yeah i just i just stopped here this guy is super nice black olives green olives  they've got stuffed olives   i don't know what this is this is still  olives but i don't know what type this is i've never seen it before yo have you ever seen this type of olives before yes i've had what is it different colored olives i don't know looks interesting can I try one? sure go ahead! oh wow its super good how much for 1 kg? 20 liras can I have 250 grams? sure! coming up! this type of olives guys if you ever come  here tastes super good i have to try i   just took some how much did you get i got a quarter of a kilogram i live alone so okay i don't need that much quarter of a kilo would be like five liras yeah why are you filming? for youtube you are a youtuber? yes i am where do you guys come from? im from lebanon he is from the united states but he doesn't look like americans yeah he said you don't look like americans where do you originally come from? his father is syrian his mother is american so what did you get let me show the camera this is really good actually i'm not much of an olive fan but   this tasted really good so i decided  to take some you're not much of an olive fan ? ARE YOU ARAB??!! so we just stopped over here hello guys hello what are you selling masks makeup   yo you need some makeup ? i wanna feel beautiful he's my friend she's my wife what kind of makeups are nice? for what i want to show people just what kind of nice makeup do you guys have what's the prices   he wants to advertise your shop do you have a wife? its for him sometimes he likes to feel beautiful! what is this is is this nail polish no this  is stuff that we don't understand like why   do you have to stick your head into this kind of stuff trust me if you're a female and you're  a female you'll like it watching this guy you'll like this this guy's  saying it's not worth it but you know if you're   what do you think if you're a female and  you're watching this and you think this is   interesting leave me a comment below yo this goes well with your skin tone for you 20 % off i so basically guys if  you come here and tell them uh you're uh   coming from uh solo traveler traveling solos channel or from my channel you get a 20  % off right yeah so make sure you hit this  place up it's called sirin cosmetics in fatih area thank you guys, bye people are really nice here solo's checking out some carpets yo you  need some carpets uh i'm living here   temporary so i don't think i need carpets  but something to consider oh my god almost lost my underwear yo you want to put them in my bag so you don't have to carry them around yeah but i'm not going to return them  but don't tell this guy thank you man palestinians so this guy here sells bracelets of some kind has some interesting things he said 1 goes for 1 lira yes 1 lira cameraman 1 lira 1 bracelet goes for 1 lira' you know what's funny? i bought this yesterday okay i got three for 50 three for 50. wow now you can get one for a lira   you can get 50 for 50. but there's  obviously it's a different quality so if you want to see where i bought  this check out my latest video   yes here 1 lira very good very good look at here very good yes number one oh yeah yeah i think this is a bit small for me yeah it's way too small it's good for   like kids maybe well yeah it's like  a two-finger bracelet let's continue so we just got to the second  strip i think this one is uh   special for vegetables fruits there's a lot  of fruits here yeah a lot of fruits vegetables   they have uh other stuff too but this this  part mainly is more food look this is artichoke   so this is this is how it looks before and this is that oh it's after cleaning amazing   right they keep in the water yeah if you if  you don't keep it in the water it's going to   if you don't keep it in the water  it's gonna get all black it's gonna change color i   used to have a vegetable shop like a grocery store i used to sell vegetables and fruits   yeah and then i decided to leave it and become a youtuber all right let's see how it is so you   know please drop that like don't subscribe to him don't forget that also subscribe to this guy yeah we got some sunflower seeds i think  this is melon seed how are you are you good okay come on u wanna try? yeah sure! what is this? let's find out oh it's sweet! turned out to be sugar coated peaunuts yo seriously you got like six seven  pieces and you gave me just one   i'm hungry i'm hungry okay we're going  to eat man just leave some for me it's really nice very nice let's continue i have to say turkish people in general are pretty nice people very nice we have two cameras right now they're very nice they're very uh hospitable super honestly i've been to a lot of countries ...yeah? but i've never seen people like the turkish   people turkish people are super nice  everywhere you go they offer you samples   they laugh at your face smiling man is you know has like a big place in my heart like   if someone smiles to you it's nice to smile to someone in other countries i've never seen it   like turkey everybody's just smiling to your face other countries if you look at someone he's gonna   be like what are you looking at no definitely like in some countries you cannot really do youtube   or like you do youtube you cannot walk out on the streets let's go on like this big market and walk   around even filming people you know here when  you start filming people they just go like hi   hello and they give you a like other countries they'll be like why are you filming me and you   know you feel like they're to attack you  like dude chill out i agree with you here   you go here's some more nuts if you want  oh thank you thank you so generous any time underwear i just bought boxers yo  let's see uh no i just i want to see   the difference between what you bought and here how much for 1 piece? 15 liras how much did you get it? i got mine for 10 let's go salam alaykom are you youtuber? 2 youtubers which youtube channel he has one i have one name them uh my name is theo his name is traveling let's get a new subscriber bro  hell yeah you can write in here there you go now you don't want to subscribe to me   yeah yeah nice to be double  famous yeah you can like   so it's jam-packed in this side as you can  see it is it's all vegetables and greens and the prices that you can get here are so much better than the prices you can get in normal shops   or grocery stores   i was just saying  look how they arranged these oranges   like how long does it take to arrange it one by one i think yeah it does   take a long time yeah i think in the morning there's not so many people so you know in   the morning when there's not so many people they have the time to arrange the oranges this is little syria right right now down the left little syria correct   dude you're pretty good this theo is actually pretty good with his ways around actually   he's actually a good guy with directions thank you thank you yes he is a good guy with his direction   just in case you guys didn't see it i don't think that's going to be free i'm going to charge you   for directing for the tour guide yeah i'm the  tour guide so i should be charging you he told me   five well yeah but you're keeping your stuff in my bag so yeah but i think we're even this is the snowplow over here they have a plow and salt they got  it that's salty bro that is salty   what does salty even mean man like that's bitter okay guys we just made it a little syria  and we want to show you guys how it looks   so this place is called little syria because  basically little syrians no no it's not that   little syrians are here it's because the street is little it's not so big but you know i think i'm   gonna slip here no it's called little syria the  reason this place is called actually little syria   is because there are many syrians they moved from syria obviously you guys know there's a problem   happening in syria so many other people moved here they migrated here so they want to just uh so   you know come to the nearby country which is turkey and just set up shop over here basically this is a honey shop get some honey for your honey I dont have a honey if anyone's interested do you want to get a falafel sandwich let's get a falafel sandwich okay guys so we got our falafels we got drinks and we're heading now to eat somewhere because   if you don't know now to the covid  19 you're not allowed to eat anywhere   in in restaurants so we have to like find a bench and eat so let's go let's go so guys we just got   our falafel i already started and i started too what do you think how is it so delicious and the   price is on point five turkish liras like about a dollar for a sandwich it's super nice here   also you can enjoy the mosque view there's a small fountain here beautiful see there's benches here   we decided to sit and eat so uh we'll eat and i'll see you when we finish this bon appetit so guys we just finished our sandwiches and now we're heading back to little syria to get our   kunefe kunefe is delicious it's like one of the best or most famous middle eastern desserts ever   and it's only five turkish liras it's like  the cheapest you get in istanbul turkey so   let's check it out so this is the place you see the line there's so many people waiting for it see in istanbul when you find there's a place with a line you know that the food is good   we're getting kunefe with the white stuff so like a mix? yeah so we just got half the plate cheese kunefe and the other half that one so that was five and this is five amazing right yeah it's really cheap yes so that was like this is  literally for less than two dollars   yeah let's go find somewhere to eat them so let's dig in guys as you can see here super cheesy it's hot it  has some pistachios on top it's really good it's really  nice let's try the other one   oh this one is cold so there's a cold one  there's a hot one cold one tastes a bit better it's like creamier on top let's see if  the cat likes kunefe that's the question this is the real question oh the cat likes it that's how delicious it is got the cat  approval right thumbs up give it a thumbs up she just ignored you guys so i'm going to  finish this and i'll see you in the next shot   okay guys so we just finished our  kunefe and this episode thank you so   much for watching thank you solo for this  great collab again no problem anytime bro   so that's it basically yeah basically yeah we had a fun time today we saw the market we saw little   syria over here we saw a beautiful mosque so catch you guys on the next one don't forget to like and   also subscribe alright also check out his channel make sure to subscribe to his channel as well   we'll see you in the next video peace
Channel: Theo Rifaii
Views: 3,159
Rating: 4.891892 out of 5
Keywords: Turkey, Istanbul, Istanbul street markets, Istanbul markets, Istanbul market spree, Istanbul street market spree, Istanbul daily markets, Istanbul daily markets 2021, Istanbul markets 2021, Street markets 2021, Istanbul streets, Street bazaars, Istanbul street bazaar, Wednesday market istanbul, Istanbul fatih street market, Fatih street market, Istanbul fatih, Wednesday bazaar, Wednesday street bazaar, Istanbul fatih Wednesday street market, Where to shop istanbul
Id: nsqjHmT9kqs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 21sec (1281 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 20 2021
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