Issues To Look Out For When Buying a Used LC500

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hey guys today on rich with cars I want to talk to you about some of the issues that came up with the LC 500 reason being is because now VLC is just a little under six years in terms of its age not mine particularly but the actual model year so I've been noticing a lot of people actually going into the second hand and third hand Market trying to purchase an LC so I want to give you guys sort of like a quick overview of you know some main things you should look out for when purchasing a used LC 500 so guys strap in let's take a look so let's jump right into it so the first one which I think a lot of people probably know of or at least a lot of current LC owners know of is a fuel pump recall there was both a low pressure and a high pressure fuel pump recall at the end of the day this was sort of like a recall that was done uh by Lexus themselves to replace the fuel pump but it wasn't only on the LC 500 to be honest it was on all the vehicles that contained the 2ur GSE engine which sits under This Hood right here so they actually did that for I believe the RCF GSF and of course the LC 500 and basically it just required them to replace the fuel pumps whether it was the low pressure or the high pressure in my case particularly I only had to replace the low pressure fuel pump I'll show you guys a quick snippet of the recall a letter or the TSB just so you can take a look at it but make sure that if you actually do look for an LC 500 make sure that you ask the owner if the fuel pump was actually replaced I mean not that you guys should know anyways because you would take it to the dealership but I just want to show you kind of like where it goes believe it or not they would actually have to access it through the rear and remove the seat and because the access to the fuel pump is right in this area around there so yeah that's basically it if it hasn't been done I wouldn't recommend that you purchase a vehicle or if anything at least make sure that it can be done with a dealership or any dealership that's next to you that's number one make sure to check out for the fuel pump recall if it's already been done or not so issue number two uh a lot of people have been you know I guess owners have been experiencing a rattle issue and for different people it's been different issues my particular case was two different separate issues where I actually experienced a rattle one was on the driver's side rear strut Tower they went through a whole bunch of testing and then finally got replaced the entire strut itself was actually replaced by the dealership it was under under warranty so that wasn't much of a you know issue but it did take quite a bit of time almost about a month for them to realize and then and they also during that investigation period they did replace the third brake light a lot a lot of people had their third brake lights replaced because there was a slight rattle or clicking noise that was coming from there I actually got to replace the second time what they ended up doing is they replaced this component over here and they put some felt tape all around to avoid any sort of moving or rattling so that's basically it some other people which I will show you a small diagram with a glass roof in my particular case as you can see I have a carbon fiber roof but the people that actually did have the glass roof basically had some clips over here on the top and I'll show you the diagram once again that basically needed some felt tape to be placed because they got some rattling and some loose things going on in there so if you do verify the second thing to look out for is you know test drive the vehicle and make sure that it doesn't have any sort of rattles or anything it's not a big issue just wanted to let you guys know my particular case here with the rear strut on the driver's side was sort of like a one-off or there hasn't been that many people actually uh went through that but at the end of the day make sure to test drive the vehicle as always and look out for that rattle sound and if it's still there find out if they actually replace the third brake light or if they put any sort of Clips if it does have a glass roof so so issue number three a lot of people complain about this I still have it not because of anything but because I don't mind it but one of the main issues was basically brake squeal or brake squeak I'll show you guys a quick clip of my brakes actually squeaking and the reason being is because what ended up happening was that when Alexis decided to release the LC being a heavy car and more on the performance side of a GT vehicle what they ended up doing is they ended up putting more performance oriented brake pads which has more of a metallic material in the pad itself so what ends up happening is that on slow driving or slow braking or or soft braking what ends up happening is that you'll get that metallic material from the pad rubbing up against the disc itself and it'll make a break squeal a lot of high performance vehicles have this so it's not really much of an issue but if it would bother you and you don't want to hear that break squeal make sure that the owner that you're purchasing it from ended up replacing that brake pad to a less performance oriented brake pad uh what Lexus ended up doing is they ended up coming out with a TSB for a free replacement of the brake pads I had that option myself and I decided not to go with that so at the end of the day I still want to have more of that bite with my braking so it doesn't really bother me to be honest with you guys I'll show you a quick snippet from the TSB for the brakes just so you guys can take a look at that and ultimately it's really dependent on each owner but if it if it is something that you think will bother you then make sure you know when you do test drive it that it doesn't have that brake squeal and find out if the brake pads were replaced under that TSB because it was a free of charge replacement from uh Lexus North America or from the dealership itself so that's number three so those are the main issues that I want to let you guys know of you know if you're looking for a second hand or third hand Lexus LC 500 I want to mention a few other things that I went through I mean of course at the end of the day this car hasn't really presented many issues for me but I do want to let you guys know so one of the things that I did go through was I had to replace that component right there which is the grab handle it's automated and it stays flush when it's closed and what I ended up having to do was replace this entire component which contains the actual motorized actuator what what was happening with me was that this when I would push it would not pop out and the issue was the fact that the actuator stopped working what ends up happening is they had to replace this entire component because it basically comes with the handle itself which is in the body color of the vehicle that was one thing and then the last thing also which Lexus was really nice enough to do I had some condensation on the rear brake housings or the components so on both this one and this one as well and it wasn't really noticeable but since I'm so meticulous I I noticed a bit of I guess you could say like dried up water streaks that was on the inside of this housing so what Lexus ended up doing was they replaced both rear brake lights under warranty um I hope this video actually helps you helped you guys a little bit if you're looking for an LC 500 for those of you that are still owners and have experienced any other issues feel free to comment below let me know or let other people know to help them out for things that they should maybe look out for that's basically it for anything else guys don't forget make sure to take a look at my videos on the LC 500 I got some other ones they can give you some good Insight on it and don't forget to subscribe share thank you so much for all your support and that's basically it I see I guess I'll see you guys on the next one thanks for watching Once Again bye
Channel: Rich With Cars
Views: 147,078
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lexus lc500, lexus lc500 issues, lexus lc500 recall, lc500 problems, lc500 maintenance, lexus problems, lexus usa, lexus
Id: RGyl-mvWlUk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 19sec (559 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 26 2022
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