Israeli T3 Emergency Bandage

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hey welcome to another video from skinny medic I want to do a review for you on the Israeli t3 bandage now we're all familiar with Israeli bandage hopefully you're familiar with the Israeli bandage but this has got some new features on this is a t3 edition so it's got a couple of different features that I'm going to show you in this video so I like having a good pressure bandage in my eye facts because it has multiple uses you can use it to manage a head you can use as a splint cap cardboard use a pressure bandage like an ace bandage to wrap the Holden splint in place you can do it for broken ribs so be careful and not to over-tighten that way the person can't span the chest and breathe that's always bad but you can use it for bleeding major bleeding on the arms and legs now I think major bleeding because if it's bright red blood squirting you just want to put a tourniquet on it so if it's a really nasty wound on our leg is really bandage works fantastic for that and then if you have an injury that's in the shoulders for or the hips that supporting blood you wouldn't pack it you can use the pressure bandage there to hold that goals in place so one bandage has a ton of features all right so here's what the outside the package looks like I apologize I have already open this one up make another video so I apologize but it comes vacuum sealed and is sterile so it's going to have an expiration date so when you open it up you go break the seal also has direction on the back in case you're not familiar you're heading into someone that you're not exactly sure what they're doing with it so I has direction on the back which is really nice and then comes vacuum sealed so you'll tear the tab breaks the seal when you pull it open here it has another clear shrink wrap that is still tight so it's sealed twice they're going to apologize I use it for the video and open it up so to packaging here so you open this package and you have this packaging to be open as well so like I said a t3 has a couple different options here we're going to look at so it has our pressure bar that were used to seeing these rel advantages and then it has this pad now when you get yours brand new this pad will be attached it's just barely sewn on there it pulls loose rips loose really easy but it's attached so you can of unfold it make it a wider bandage you can double it over and you have twice the thickness here you can pull it loose and use it somewhere else as a secondary injury so lots of issues things that can be addressed with using this one so but normally it is attached brakes it just pulls loose very easily also it's going to come with some extra gauze here so we can wound pack we can use for secondary injuries things like that but all this comes filled up into one package for you when you're first using this as well when you're first time you enroll you can see that has a little piece sewed there piece so there so this wouldn't stop it from coming unraveled unrolled the first time you do it I've used this before so these aren't even torn but when you open it brand new these will catch you can have to pull them together break loose so you can see the regular difference this is a six-inch Israeli pressure bandage has a pressure bar this pad is sewn in so it doesn't get removed this is a four inch you can see look at the difference there and like I said this pad here is normally attached you can pull it loose multiple options here so you can see the difference between the 4 and a 6 inch and then this one also the t3 bandage comes with the extra compress goals that we don't have in the normal Israeli bandage all right I'm going to use my redneck wound packing machine here so you can see the ball run right through here so I want to say before we even get started that if you have an injury to the leg arm whatever looks something like this and it's scoring bright red blood and you don't feel like you can get it control with direct pressure just put a tourniquet on it okay don't worry about wound packing things like that it just put a tourniquet on it now if you think you can hold it with direct pressure and get bleeding stop and all that good stuff and then put a pressure bandage follow me to do that because then you are less likely to have some issues going on obviously we do with a tourniquet with a tourniquet you stop blood flow past the tourniquet so you have possibly they may have some nerve damage possibly they may lose that extremity so we can keep blood flow flowing so we didn't completely sever the femoral artery here and we can keep blood flow coming to this part of the leg then wound packet but at the same time I would hate to see the patient completely bleed out while you're trying to wound pack this wound when you should just put a tourniquet on it so the t3 gives us a couple of options and we're going to say this is you know a wound here and we have a wound on the other side we can make it just the entrance to sex and what you guys want to do so we have this pad here we've tore off that we can put over there for the smaller rooms we have this wound here so we can wound pack this I don't we just tie on Michael and not kind of give you some bolt to get started okay and then find the source of bleeding put your finger on it and then start working calls in going east north south west filling in all the little crevices in there from side to side top bottom and then one completely fill it up then as you do cut up curricula mown because when you put pressure on it you're going to make it apply more pressure so we have here now I'm going to hold pressure for about five minutes or so we're going to get done five minutes we don't want any bleeding coming out around this so we don't want but any kind of redness using anything out around here so hold pressure for five minutes and I've got this other smaller ones on the other side like we're controlling with this bandage here so now we can put our Israeli bandage on I'll do this one-handed here we're going to catch that other bandage and then pull it tight go the slack out of it come in catch a torsion bar tension bar okay and then pull it back on top of itself and then you come around make it wide and also if you want to you can click a little spin they're not going to put more pressure down onto the wound we're had the bleeding occur then we finish unwrapping it okay once you get done has a little clip it's going to clip in right here and we're done so if we see we still have some bleeding occurring you do have the ability online this and this through you want your last fans you use and start turning now you've made a tourniquet it's going to get tighter and tighter and when you get done just clip it back in a place in a hold so now we've created a tourniquet and now we would not have blood flow to the to the foot or hand whatever so if you just create a pressure bandage then you should still have blood flow going here which would give you a pull down past the absolute injury if we create tourniquet you no longer would help holes down there all right so this bandage here normally comes attached to here so if we needed the larger surface area to recover then we can unfold it and it's going like just like this so if we had a large wound here we now have twice the coverage so I've unfolded it go under here and then when I come across I just run across this $5.00 unfolded and get a coverage down we can secure this just be careful and don't over tighten it here because this could hurt his breathing if we over tighten it because the chest can expand so as we were talking about earlier if we had a wound here that we needed to put calls in a wound pocket now we don't actually wound packing the chest cavity but like up into a muscle part we can so we could use the gauls that comes with a t3 bandage to wound back into here and then once we get that secured you can bring your bandage here to hold that sticker goal in a place where you somewhere would go under this arm here cuz that's going to pull pressure when you lower his arm down and come across hole through Harmony's you to get this nice and secure point now you pull it tiny lowers arm down it's going to hold pressure here into the injury so another thing about the Israeli bandages some people notice we will don't know is this band right here you'll see some people talking about sticking their arm through there to kind of give you that leverage you need to start across your arm if you're use it for self application put it over the wound that I had and then I can pull across and this makes it a lot easier to start that first band so wherever the injury is you need to apply get this right back up so say it's here on my wrist or across and then that band household makes a little bit easier so thank you guys for watching you never know when you'll be the first responder we're in the right gear and the right training so just think all this for six days talk I talked about during this video and not one perverted joke was said you
Channel: SkinnyMedic
Views: 208,049
Rating: 4.9426599 out of 5
Keywords: Israeli Bandage, T3 Bandage, Israeli, pressure bandage, hemorrhage control, how to, how to use, skinnymedic, skinny medic, bandage, emergency bandage, tourniquet, first aid, how to use an israeli bandage, the emergency bandage, first care products, wound packing, TQ, ifak, israeli bandage, stops bleeding, pressure applicator, paramedice
Id: DadXqNaLNj8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 57sec (657 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 13 2017
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