Joe Biden’s polling ahead of 2024 ‘couldn’t be worse’: Reince Priebus

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the flame that Giuliani lit with those lies and passed to so many others to keep that flame blazing changed every aspect of Our Lives I miss my home I miss my neighbors and I miss my name the absurdity of the number merely underscores the absurdity of the entire proceeding where I've not been allowed to offer one single piece of evidence in defense which I have a lot that was former Georgia election workers sheos and Ruby Freeman reacting to the $148 million verdict against Rudy Giuliani for defamation and Giuliani attacking the ruling insisting that he has evidence which simply does not exist let's bring in the round table former DNC chair Donna Brazil former RNC chair and Trump white house chief of staff R Prius ABC News Deputy political director Avery Harper and Politico National investigative correspondent Heidi Prisa so RS let's start we'll get to Rudy and all that but let's start with Nikki Haley I promise you we'll get there um so Nikki Haley big endorsement she's getting the money you heard her there this is there a chance well I mean there's always a chance but the reality is is that at this point you could see in the interview she's trying to walk a fine line between not being too much anti-trump uh because the reality is Trump is sitting nationally at you plus 50 in New Hampshire he's about plus 30 so she has to figure out a way to prosecute her case in New Hampshire without alienating the rest of the country coming her way on super Tuesday a few weeks after the reality is is that the Trump operation right now is making it very clear if they win by plus 10 in Iowa they're going to say we're the presumptive nominee they're going to they're going to lay that groundwork and then if they win New Hampshire by plus 10 they're going to demand to be declared the presumptive nominee and the pressure on the party if that was to happen uh I think would be just enormous and I don't think they'd be able to withstand that I mean if he wins both those states he goes to South Carolina she's the former Governor but he's got maybe his biggest lead there any of the early it's over if that happens what was your reaction hearing her navigate criticizing Trump praising Trump what what what did you make well I I think look I've watched all of the Republican debate I'm probably one of maybe two Americans that have found these debates to be very interesting because on one hand I found them kind of interesting well they know they're interested because Donald Trump has remained the front runner and the reason why is because none of them have the guts or the gall to say what they are privately saying to each other and to to their friends and maybe their family that he is unfit for office only Chris Christie has shown some courage in saying that what what the governor tried to do today was just like try to go down the middle and say well I like this but I don't like that well her biggest argument during that interview was that I'm electable but how I mean if you cannot point out your differences with the front runner then I don't think you have a a strategy to win after all he controls the Republican Party he controls the magga movement he's in charge and if you're not willing to say that I disagree with him that immigrants are poison the blood of the country or you know disagree with him on on the uh election results if you're not willing to disagree and point out your own Vision then I don't think you are electable because I asked her about that extraordinary thing that she said uh after January 6th to Tim Alberta Politico then with Politico um saying that we never should have followed him we must never follow him again and she said she stands by that but then the next breath said she was he was the right president for the right time she's being very cautious and in the meantime 2016 is calling and it wants its narrative back which is that this field this non-trump field is not consolidating and the thing that's perplexing about it is it seems like Jonathan that's what some of these voters want that voter who stood up and confronted her at the Town Hall he wanted her to tell the American people like Donna says how they talk in private which is that Trump has exhibited authoritarian ideations that he has talked openly or mused about being president for life that many people even Republicans will privately tell you that this was a failed coup and there's also this math problem which is this field is not consolidating in a number of states but in New Hampshire if she does not pull this out in New Hampshire it's really hard to see how it's over and uh the way to do that is for Chris Christie and disantis voters to move over to her it's not to play to those hardcore Trump voters and every Trump was in New Hampshire and he was quoting Vladimir Putin last night right he definitely was as an authoritative Source on analyzing his legal cases right uh he has really had this real intense flirtation with authoritarian leaders uh he has spoken to and echoed back uh to lines that have to do with Hitler right and I want to pay attention to what he said he spoke about uh migrants from South America he spoke about migrants from Africa he spoke about migrants from Asia he did not speak about migrant or immigrants from Europe right poisoning the blood was the phrase he used which is obviously an incredibly loaded phrase like the verman phrase word that he used and this is and this is rhetoric that he continues to use on the trail he has said this before he's probably going to say it again uh it is something that is uh reminiscent of white nationalist language and he is calling to dark parts of the Republican party when he does this a and that's not something that folks are going to forget uh come general election time I mean r i i remember you as RNC chair kind of fighting so hard to get him to condemn David Duke when David Duke endorsed him and I remember you in in in the white house trying to you know keep him W within the guard rails do you worry that you know is he he does he rushes towards this nomination that that that he's going off those into those places that you tried to keep him from going um not particularly because I think that I think you're all misreading the electorate I I think that the electorate is is not looking for Less blood I think they're looking for more blood I think that people are more angry about crime than they've ever been before I think they're more angry about the border the fentel the sanctuary cities the boys competing against girls in sports schools out of control I think as I've said before people are looking for a bigger middle finger this time than they were in 2016 and I think so no matter how you're misreading this I the people are angry and they and and on the other side you know you got president Biden who's losing young voters who's losing black voters uh the polling couldn't be worse and unlike Barack Obama in 2011 Democrats would have walked over glass for Barack Obama Democrats today they say 75% we wish we had a different candidate so that it matters who you're running against too and it also matters what the state of the country's in and this is a perfect storm Mr chairman let me just say this you you you're talking about taking millions of people off their Healthcare which is Donald Trump he is pledged to do that that's blood that is blood you're talking about suspending the United States Constitution something that Donald Trump has said yeah look I get the anger part I get the I get the I get the people who are frustrated with crime I get the fact that the Border need more agents need more Democrats are suing the White House more technology but you know what I don't get I don't get the fact that you're willing to stand up for someone who's praising dictators I'm not willing to stand up who hungry to get I'm doing here Donna is I am telling you what the reality on the ground is and there's 100,000 people in five states that are going to decide this election and if you can convince me that those 100,000 people are worried about Donald Trump suspending the Constitution uh you know even though he said that on multiple but you have to be able to convince people that are voting that that he means what he says well then if that's what your if that's what your case is sure but if you really have to convince him that this president the president you say that Democrats will not walk on glass well they'll go through fire to protect the constition they will go through fire to defend they're going through fire to see someone else R flirting of black voters with Donald Trump it is just that well then look at Pauls all right let's go to Heidi I like the chairman versus chair this is good go ahead Heidi Ry is right that Trump is playing here he's playing on emotions he's convincing people that we are living in a state of American Carnage as he said when he first took office that there is this risk of a dystopian United States of America where judeo-christian values and Christians are huddled cold and hungry in a corner and persecuted but it's an alternative America that Democrats say is based on misconceptions is based on lies in some regards uh there's absolutely a case here on on numbers on crime you can have a debate about that and and how you define crime versus homicide versus gun shootings it's all how you slice it um they're also not being given information about why costs are higher in inflation and the fact that putting this in perspective over sees the inflation here is relatively more modest there's no context in this debate and so I'm I'm agreeing with both of you right and I think there's something else that RS has hit on that that is clearly out there and that is deep deep Democratic discontent with Biden and fears about whether or not he is up to it right and not that he's not up to doing the job but that he's up to a campaign against Donald Trump and that he can beat him right there are concerns about uh whether Biden is going to be out on the trail uh there are concerns about uh certain issues whether he is going to be able to meet the moment uh there are concerns about whether he's going to be able to turn out uh young voters uh black voters right when we talk about immigration and the uh the ongoing negotiations for supplemental funding uh there are concerns that he could be perceived as siding with Republicans on this issue uh something that would be in a front to what he promised on the campaign Trail back in 2020 that he was going to uh transform the immigration system with humanity and a focus on American values if he is seen as siding with not only Republicans but farri Republicans on this issue that could be damaging to his credibility as he goes out on the trail as well so we don't have a lot of time left I've got to get back to as I promised back to Rudy Giuliani we heard from we heard from shoss and Ruby Freeman donno that verdict I mean to me you know watching that whole episode and the way they were the way they were you know accused of of these terrible things that were not true and what was your sense hearing that verdict you want to a motion that's a motion it's not the money the money will never give them their name back the fact that they will spend the rest of their lives no matter how much money um worried about who might be coming after them what Rudy did was so damaging damaging to not just the Democracy the institution but he damaged two innocent people during their job they used to love to go and be pole Watchers and pole workers because that's what many Americans do and now he has put a a stain on that process and and are they going to see anything out of this I mean we we by the way we saw something else I think it was this morning Four Seasons total Landscaping remember yeah hosted the Rudy Giuliani press conference after the election they uh said that they have not been paid uh for renting the lecturn and the various things uh so I don't know it's it's not just about Ruby Freeman and sheos yeah look at the numbers since 2016 since 2020 especially we're seeing a historic drop off and individuals who want to perform this historic uh Public Service of overseeing Elections and volunteering uh there was violence I stood outside the Detroit TCF Center people were scared to go in there it was it was there was actual violence taking place um well I agree with Donna I mean it's a punitive decision it's a statement case I'm not defending anything that Rudy did or said I certainly wouldn't but I think that this issue with pole workers and pole Watchers is serious I agree with you we need need people to to feel good about volunteering you I remember back in Wisconsin there was a Milwaukee Police Department report about 70 Pages describing all the all the challenges in regard to conducting these elections so they deserve our respect and uh certainly uh we can't move forward uh without it and I'll say there's definitely a Hope on the part of election workers that this is a massive deterrent to folks interfering with the job that they do that is essential to the functioning of democracy uh we've seen 12 States since 202 they have unfortunately we are out of time thank you all for being here this morning hi everyone George Stephanopoulos here thanks for checking out the ABC News YouTube channel if you'd like to get more videos show highlights and watch live event coverage click on the right over here to subscribe to our Channel and don't forget to download the ABC News app for breaking news alerts thanks for watching
Channel: ABC News
Views: 126,374
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2024, Averi, Brazile, Chris, Christie, DeSantis, Democrats, Donna, GOP, George, Haley, Harper, Heidi, Jonathan, Karl, Nikki, Priebus, Pryzbyla, Reince, Republican, Ron, Stephanopoulos, Sununu, This, Week, election, nominee, p_cmsid=2494279, p_vid=news-105725217, primary, voters, voting
Id: QPupkHdATxc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 50sec (830 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 17 2023
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