Israel Captures Rafah Crossing as Ground Invasion Begins | Vantage with Palki Sharma

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hello namaskar this is first post and you're watching vantage with me py Sharma [Music] [Music] [Music] it is election season in India today phase three of the voting was held we'll tell you about what's at stake but our lead story tonight is a vote of confidence from Corporate America they're bullish on India from Warren Buffett to Jamie Diamond some of the biggest names are vouching for the India growth story so there's reason to celebrate but without losing sight of the challenges ahead we'll discuss both on the show tonight meanwhile no se fire in Gaza Hamas has accepted it Israel has rejected it we'll tell you why in Moscow another grand inauguration for President Putin we look at his legacy as Russia's leader and his influence on world affairs in Europe a first of its kind deployment since the second world war German troops will be stationed in Lithuania in the US Donald Trump is pushing his luck in the hush money trial will he end up in the white house or in jail in Australia condemnation for China after a pla jet fired flares at an Australian Chopper in a dangerous encounter in Brazil a state of emergency after floods in the mald leaves an appeal for India please send tourists to Mali how should New Delhi read this and Tesla has parked outrage over its latest round of layoffs for the way they were done we'll discuss if there is a nice way to fire an employee and why don't companies do it all this and more coming up the headlines first hisbah says it has attacked Northern Israel with explosive Laden drones this comes just today after the Iran back group killed two Israeli soldiers there tensions between between Israel and hisbah have escalated since Israel began its Gaza offensive the United Kingdom says its defense Ministry was targeted in a Cyber attack the data breach involves names and banking details of the Armed Forces officials suspect China to be behind the attack in March the sunag government had accused Beijing of targeting email accounts of lawmakers in India no relief for Delhi chief minister Arin krial the Supreme Court defers its order on his interim bail plea the court said bail will only be granted if krial agrees to not carry out any official duties in March the Delhi chief minister was arrested in a money laundering case Nepal's ruling Coalition party splits several lawmakers from the janata samaj vadi party Nepal apply for a new party the party's chair the Deputy Prime Minister is on a trip abroad insiders say this move has been orchestrated by the prime minister to counter his deputy and at least six people killed after a building collapses in South Africa dozen still trapped and more than 50 people are missing 75 crew members were at the site when the under construction five-story building [Music] collapsed let me start with some questions are you an investor what do you look for in a potential investment most investors follow a checklist they want their money to be safe and they wanted to grow that's the whole point of investment getting returns now there are some Investments which guarantee returns and Corporate America believes that India is part of that list the destination to get some big returns so they're turning to Indian companies and Indian stocks in other words they're bullish on India take Warren Buffett for example he's a billionaire investor a few days back he met his shareholders at the annual meeting of his company Burkshire hawick it is one of America's richest companies sitting on a cash pile of $189 billion so Warren Buffett asked was asked if his company would put some of this money in India and he said it could be a good idea in fact let me quote from his response there may be an unexplored or unattended opportunity but that may be something in the future that is something a more energetic management at Burkshire could pursue obviously India I'm sure there are loads of opportunities in a place like India there may be an unexplored or uh unattended to opportunity in that area I'm not the one to do it um but that may be something that uh uh in the future Buffett is 93 years old now he's optimistic about India but he wants Future Leaders to pursue opportunities here basically he's sticking to his core values of patience and long-term investing there are others who want to move faster like Jamie Diamond the CEO of JP Morgan he's been constantly talking about India and its potential a few weeks ago he praised Prime Minister Modi and his development initiatives last year he spoke about Indian markets and the optimism around them Diamond feels the positive sentiment is completely Justified again I have a quote it's not just because of the complications with China I think that's an opportunity but some of this optimism would have been there anyway and the statement is revealing because it gives an insight into the thinking of corporate America what fuels their optimism about India the most obvious factor is China and its economic deine which is a well documented fact now China's economic policies have caused huge losses to investors let me show you data from January this year Chinese stock markets have wiped out some $6 trillion in three years years that's double Britain's annual economic output $6 trillion wiped out needless to say no investor likes to lose their money so for better returns they have turned to India and there's more data to support the shift in the past seven OD years Indian equities have delivered a return of more than 10% about 8 out of 10 times with no recorded losses so Indian markets are performing better than China but like diamond pointed out that's not the only Factor Corporate America has more than one reason to like India they're also drawn by the high domestic demand and large infrastructure investments in India so Wall Street is looking at India from a long-term perspective in February Bank of America released a survey they spoke to more than 200 fund managers in the US and together they manage over $600 billion in assets these fund managers 600 billion dollar they were asked which countries they're bullish about 19% of the fund managers said they prefer India they also said they're avoiding countries like China and Thailand so there is a positive sentiment around India that's a good thing now India will have to find a way to keep this confidence to ensure that this bull run lasts for a long time and the key to that would be economic growth from 2014 to 2023 India's GDP grew by 55% new delhi's challenge would be to maintain this momentum and for that it it will have to plug a few gaps like domestic consumption it needs a boost look at the private consumption expenditure this is the measure of the money people spend on buying things in the last Financial year the spending grew at just 3% that's the slowest Pace in 20 years then there is a job problem more people are entering the workforce every year in India but there are fewer jobs to go around 83% of jobless Indians today are the youth even more worrying is the skills Gap let me show you this latest report India has less than 2,000 senior Engineers who are skilled enough to develop core AI products so investing in promising sectors would also be key India's long-term Outlook remains unchanged experts say India will remain among the world's fastest growing economies this is what draws foreign investors to India it's a win worth celebrating but without losing sight of the challenges ahead it's been a crazy 24 hours in Gaza a roller coaster of emotions first despair then joy and then despair again all of it over a ceasefire on Monday a deal looked very unlikely Hamas was not budging on its demands and Israel was set on attacking Rafa but late in the day some positive news trickled in Hamas had agreed to a seiz fire now just to be clear this agreement did not come from Israel it was drafted by Kar and Egypt after a lot of back and forth Hamas agreed to it and soon celebrations broke out in Rafa gazin thought the war was overd [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] alhamdulillah hope is a Fickle thing especially in Conflict zones like Gaza and pretty soon it was clear why Israel's hardrive ministers rejected the ceasefire so did prime minister Benin Netanyahu he said the deal did not meet Israel's demands so the military operation will go on Bim we examine every answer and response in the most serious Manner and are exhausting every possibility regarding negotiations and returning the hostages to their homes as soon as possible as a main mission in parallel we are still operating in the Gaza Strip and we'll continue to do so so the war continues Israeli soldiers have moved into Rafa you can see their tanks at the checkpost between Gaza and Egypt now this checkpoint is very important again a lot of Aid enters through here plus many gazans fled to Egypt via this point now Israel has occupied it they've surrounded Rafa from both sides and the bombing continues Israeli missiles hit Rafa overnight they killed around 20 Palestinian civilians I know all of this may sound confusing a lot of deals attacks and u-turns so let's focus on four major questions here what was the ceasefire deal why did Israel reject it why did Hamas accept it and what happens next first of all the ceasefire deal Reports say it had three major phases in the first phase Israel would leave the heavily populated areas of Gaza Hamas would then release hostages around 33 of them all women and children in return Israel would release Palestinian prisoners how many 30 for each Israeli hostage that's phase one in Phase 2 Israel would fully withdraw from Gaza in return Hamas would free captive soldiers and and finally phase three exchange of all remaining captives or their remains also a reconstruction plan for Gaza this was a seasi deal proposed by Qatar and Egypt the one that Hamas accepted each of these phases would last 6 weeks so the whole plan would have taken around 5 months which brings us to the second question why did Israel reject it well from the looks of it nanahu was caught off guard he did not expect Hamas to agree just look at the events leading up to it Israel dropped pamphlets in Rafa they asked the civilians to evacuate the city plus the sentiment in Qatar and Egypt was not positive neither side expected a breakthrough which is why Israel's response is Half Baked yes Netanyahu has rejected the deal but he also said that negotiations will continue now to question three why did Hamas accept the ceasefire honestly they did not have an option Hamas may not care about gazan civilians but they do care about their Fighters Israel says there are between 5,000 and 8,000 Hamas fighters in Rafa if Israel invades many of them would die maybe that's why Hamas agreed also it puts the pressure back on Israel Hamas can go and tell the world we agreed to a ceasefire yet Israel attacked us so don't blame us for the destruction blame Israel in fact a Hamas official said exactly that he said the ball is in Israel's Court which brings us to the final question what happens next Nath is under a lot of pressure both at home and abroad let me show you pictures from teline Israeli protesters blocked a major highway there they want prime minister Netanyahu to take the deal to bring the hostages [Music] [Applause] home we expect from the Israeli government to take this deal to save all the remaining hostages who are still alive save lives don't talk about fighting in [Music] [Applause] blood same with Israel's allies the US says it is reviewing the ceasefire deal but its overall position Remains the Same a deal is better than War we continue to believe that the hostage deal was the best way to avoid that sort of an outcome while securing the release of those hostages in spite of this warning and these request attack is started yesterday night I am afraid that this is going to cause again a lot of casualties civilian casualties whatever they say so once again all eyes are on Netanyahu his military is poised to strike Rafa the evacuation order has been given the border crossing has been occupied and the bombings continue it's now a question of sending soldiers in will Netanyahu give that order he's got a lot of factors to consider his right-wing allies want him to ignore Hamas to go ahead with the offensive the families of hostages want the opposite they say take the deal his allies abroad are saying the same but what if he takes the deal and Hamas was bluffing what if most of the hostages are already dead then it would be counterproductive Netanyahu would be the leader who was duped by Hamas not once but twice there are no easy choices here because security Legacy and lives are at stake he'll be tracking Israel's actions very closely [Music] [Music] that walk is quite famous you may have seen real or Tik toks of it Vladimir Putin first made that walk in the year 2000 he took charge as President of Russia Today he made the same walk again through the narrow staircase through the jilted corridor and a line of oligarchs and government officials it's not just a presidential inauguration it is a statement of authority it's Putin's way of saying I am the boss he's begun his fifth term as the Russian president it's a six-year term so Putin will be in office until 2030 only one person has ruled Russia longer than him and that's Joseph Stalin but this term is unlike his previous ones because Russia is now at War so all eyes were on his inaugural address what message would Putin send to the West he said he's ready for dialogue but only as equals the dialogue including on issues of security and strategic stability is possible but not from a position of force without any arrogance snobbishness feeling of One's Own exclusiveness but only is equals respecting each other's interests together with our partners in Eurasian integration with other Sovereign centers of development we will continue to work on forming a multipolar world order an equal and indivisible security system Putin is more confident now the tide of the war is turning and westerners always weak in but we're not just focusing on the the Ukraine war we're looking at Putin's overall Legacy he's ruled Russia for nearly a quarter of a century sometimes as prime minister sometimes as president so when the history books are written how will he be remembered as a villain as the West calls him or a hero of Russia I'm afraid the answer is not so black and white there are three indisputable facts about Putin's rule things that will shape his legacy number number one he put Russia back on the map after the Cold War no one expected this Russia's economy and Society were broken in 1998 they defaulted on their debt meaning they did not have money to pay back their loans and politically Moscow was rudderless most people assumed that NATO would swallow up Russia that a great power would become a western Ally much like Britain or Germany but Putin had other plans he did not antagonize the West instead he used the West to stabilize Russia's economy he sold gas and oil to Europe he got investments from the US and expanded relations in Asia and Africa as Russia grew Putin became more confident he started defying the West in 2008 he fought a war against Georgia back then Georgia was eyeing a NATO membership in 2014 he attacked another NATO candidate Ukraine he managed to snatch Crimea away from them and in 2022 he attacked Ukraine again with all these moves Putin's goal was the same to tell the West I'm not a pushover another example is that of Syria in 2015 he decided to support Syrian president Bashar al-assad in the Civil War again it was a timely move Assad now has the upper hand in Syria and Putin has a reliable Ally in West Asia Factor number two Democratic backsliding it's an undeniable Legacy of Putin in in the year 2000 he won the election with 53% of the votes this year he got 87% of the votes and no one is buying it his Rivals end up persecuted or dead and his critics end up jailed or poisoned the situation is very different from what Putin described in 2000 back then he said Russia was a modern democratic state today Russia is modern but hardly anyone would call it Democratic and finally the third Factor realigning Russia's Destiny around 75% of Russia's territory is located in Asia yet Moscow was always is looking West towards Europe whether it was culture trade alliances or even political threats Russia was always obsessed with Europe but Vladimir Putin changed that he has built a close partnership with China he cemented relations with India and he's also made inroads into West Asia today Russia's biggest markets and partners are in the East meanwhile the West is Enemy Number One I know stranger things have happened but after the events of the last decade it's hard to see back in the western fold chances are that chapter is closed which brings us to Putin's future he's 71 years old he will be 77 by the time his term ends and legally he can run again Putin is a great example of leaders making a difference but honestly that's also a problem for Russia will Putin's successor be as feisty as him will he or she be able to hold the country together like Putin has or will Russia's ambitions Disappear With Vladimir Putin perhaps questions for another time but in conclusion let me say this Putin will probably be remembered as one of the most influential figures of this Century controversial and ruthless yes but also influential and here's the latest example of how Putin is influencing his neighborhood this is a story from Lithuania a country in northeastern Europe in the Baltic region it is home to less than three million people and it is one of the three Baltic countries the other two being latva and Estonia these three Baltic nations are located at a critical Junction they lie at Russia's border when Russia invaded Ukraine in 2022 the Baltic nations were scared they feared that they could be next so they've been clamoring for protection all three are already NATO members they joined the alliance in 2004 but their proximity to Russia makes them wary they want support from the other NATO member countries and not just in terms of weapons Lithuania has gone one step further it wants a permanent troop presence soldiers to bolster its armed forces and one NATO member in particular has been Keen to help Germany is firmly on the side of the Baltic states and there are many many reasons for this but it is very important that we make it very clear this is a serious commitment German Chancellor Olaf schs was in Lithuania yesterday he was observing a NATO military exercise the grand quadriga it's a NATO drill being held in Lithuania but led by the German military there was a multinational contingent of troops involved but some 20 or German soldiers stand out not because of their skill but because of what they represent has and secondly we are stationing a brigade in Lithuania on my journey here this morning I took another look at the situation in Lithuania and visited our troops there and this commitment our commitment shows how determined Germany how determined NATO is to defend the alliance against any aggression Germany is permanently stationing a brigade in Lithuania the German troops arrived here last month it was a milestone for the first time since the second world war Germany is permanently stationing troops in another country this hasn't happened since the defeat of of Hitler and the Nazis back in the 1930s and 40s Nazi troops spread across all of Europe Lithuania was not spared either it was occupied between 1941 and 1944 the Nazis were defeated the following year in 1945 but sadly for Lithuania it did not get Freedom before the fall of Hitler Lithuania had already changed hands it was occupied by the Soviet Union in 1944 so Lithuania became a communist Soviet state and stayed that way to till 1990 so for lithuanians the memories of Soviet occupation are still fresh this means Lithuania was always likely to choose Germany over Russia especially because today Germany is a democracy and a fellow NATO member Germany's decision to assign a brigade to Lithuania is an example and testimony of much needed leadership and a firm commitment to Collective defense Lithuania cannot wait to get more German soldiers the original plan was for Germany to send about 5,000 people by 2027 soldiers civilians and their families but Lithuania does not want to wait another 3 years the country's president made an urgent plea yesterday he wants Germany to deploy troops and I'm quoting as fast as possible he said Lithuania does not have the luxury to waste one minute their prime minister also wants more German troops immediately her ministers are finalizing the deal Paving the way pay for more German soldiers I think our ministries of Defense are on a very good track of finalizing this uh this agreement and we will be able to uh sign the the relative documents and ratify the uh the documents related to status of German German Brigade Lithuania uh in the parliament this fall she expects the deal to get finalized by this Autumn so in the next few months Lithuania will make make arrangements to host 5,000 Germans at a cost of about €800 million e it's a steep price but Lithuania is willing to pay that price for its security the question is will it work will German troops on its soil actually make Lithuania safer or will it just serve to anger Russia further our next story is from the United States it's about Donald Trump the former and possibly next American president Trump will face Joe Biden again this November so far the race is neck and neck every month new opinion polls flip the picture a new poll came out this Sunday it says Trump leads among all American adults he's leading 46 to 44% against Biden so it's a closed race it could go either way so Trump should be treading carefully but that's not his style instead he's making a big play using all the legal cases against him as ammunition Donald Trump faces a number of criminal charges so he's trying to portray himself as a martyr he's working to discredit the legal proceedings that's his play that's politics but there's a fine line between politics and illegal actions like intimidating Witnesses is Trump Towing the line or has he crossed it by defying the judge in his hush money case our next report has the details Mr President how do you think defense team former US president Donald Trump is Meed in legal troubles he faces multiple criminal cases one the hush money case has reached the courts it's a relatively minor one but Trump is never one to let an opportunity pass he wants to benefit from his legal troubles Trump is using them to portray himself as a martyr they don't have a case every legal scholar says they don't have a case this is just a political Witch Hunt it's a election interfering and this is really truly election interference and it's a disgrace it's a disgrace that was Trump yesterday he's clearly making the case a political issue calling it election interference here's a quick primer on the hush money case Trump is accused of falsifying business records to hide a hush money payment to an adult actor called Stormy Daniels Trump allegedly had an affair with her but in 2016 he didn't want her to make that public so he allegedly bought her Silence with $130,000 Trump is accused of falsifying business records to obscure that payment and even though the trial is still on Trump is already facing the prospect of jail time and then you have the other thing that maybe is even more disgraceful is the gang order where I can't basically I have to watch every word I tell you people you ask me a question a simple question I'd like to give it but I can't talk about it cuz this judge is giv me a gag order and said you'll go to jail if you violate it Trump isn't allowed to talk about some aspects of the hush money case specifically the witnesses or the jury but Trump being Trump has been discrediting everyone involved from the judge to the attorney Prosecuting him to the current US President Joe Biden Trump wants people to believe that Biden is orchestrating all this that Biden is using legal attacks instead of fighting Trump fair and square it's a standard political strategy projecting yourself as some victim or martyr Trump's gag order doesn't stop him from discrediting Biden or the judge or the prosecutors but the red line is Witnesses and the jury because that's when it stops being politics and becomes intimidation a jury that's afraid of trump supporters can't objectively do its job Witnesses who are scared of Trump's social media rants may not give reliable testimony it's a clear obstruction of justice and since Trump has been criticizing Witnesses and the jury he has been getting fined $11,000 per gag order violation that's the maximum amount allowed Trump got his 10th fine yesterday but the judge knows that $1,000 don't mean much to Trump so he threatened Trump with jail time Trump could face up to 30 days in jail for violating his gag order but can Trump use this to his Advantage as well he has always projected at himself as an outsider challenging the Washington establishment he's using these legal cases to claim that he's a victim of both politics and even the Judiciary for him and his supporters it's a David versus Goliath battle and only in America can a privileged white man and a billionaire portray himself as a victim and still find plenty of takers now let's tell you about a dangerous encounter it happened on Saturday between the Australian and Chinese Defense Forces this was a midair altercation it happened in the Yellow Sea a chopper from the Australian Navy was in the region it was on a routine Patrol mission to enforce un sanctions on North Korea you see Australia supports United Nations sanctions on North Korea so this mission was aimed at keeping pongyang in check but suddenly a Chinese war plane appeared out of nowhere it flew close to the Australian Chopper and then the Chinese jet deployed flares what are flares they're like fireworks coming out of a plane Pilots typically use flares as a defensive measure to protect their aircraft from incoming missiles so flares are a safety tool but in this case China used them as a weapon to provoke or scare off the Australian Chopper which managed to dodge the FL but this has sparked a diplomatic War now canura has slammed the Chinese military on uh on the incident that uh we have reported on uh we have made very strong representations at every level uh to China about this incident which we regard as unprofessional and unacceptable unprofessional and unacceptable that's what Australia is calling China for putting their Chopper at risk thankfully no one got heard but it could have gone either way this episode or incident as the Australian prime minister calls calls it has put Anthony albanesi in a tough spot that's the Australian PM since coming to power he has pursued a Deon with Beijing albanesi inherited a broken relationship with China his predecessor was Scott Morrison who took who took on Beijing publicly Morrison was the first world leader to demand an investigation into the origins of the Wuhan virus pandemic he asked China to cooperate in this investigation and this demand of course led to tensions China responded with a wave of economic curbs it even detained Australian Nationals albanesi has been trying to reverse that he came to power two years back and he's been at it since last year he paid a visit to China he sat down with Xi Jinping the trip raised hopes for a reset Australia and China were mending ties but beijing's provocations over the weekend could undo a lot of this progress albanesi says he wants to keep talking to China but Beijing is a tricky customer unpredictable and unreliable it is already blaming Australia for Saturday's incident the truth is that the Australian military aircraft under the banner of implementing the UN Security Council resolutions deliberately approached China's airspace in a threatening way that jeopardized China's Maritime and air security the Chinese military took necessary measures at the scene as warning and the relevant operations were legal compliant professional and safe let me simplify that statement for you China is basically calling Australia a liar It also says the Australian Chopper approach Chinese airspace and the actions of the Chinese pilot were defensive in nature that's beijing's position it will be tough for albanesi to keep the dialogue going in circumstances like these apparently he plans to raise this issue again in the month of June that's when the Chinese Premier is scheduled to visit Australia meanwhile the Americans have expressed concern about this incident in particular and China in general the US says the pla is becoming more aggressive that's the Chinese military the people's Liberation Army pla they're becoming more aggressive in the water surrounding China and the US forces have been at the receiving end last year a US Air Force plane was flying over the South China Sea a Chinese fighter jet buzzed the American plane and they've done the same with Canada this was in October last year a Canadian Chopper was in the South China see a Chinese jet approached the aircraft and deployed flares it was a close call Canada said the chopper could have drowned but Beijing refuses to change its ways in fact it has only expanded such operations which is both dangerous and Reckless a small misstep could trigger a major conflict in the past both the US and Canada have issued statements they've protested against China's actions but Beijing is yet to change course Australia should be aware of this reality and seek a more robust deterrent against China [Music] to Brazil now where the government has declared an emergency Southern parts of the country are being ravaged by floods they're left behind a trail of Destruction the rains have stopped for now but hundreds of towns remain underwater more than 85 people have died hundreds others are missing 15,000 people have been displaced there is no electricity and drinking water is scarce the state's Governor has called it a scene out of a war but what led to these floods experts say it was a dangerous cocktail of climate change and El Nino our next report tells you more for many in Brazil it's a tale of horror it started with heavy rain soon streets turned into gushing Rivers residents watched the water rise slowly soon the foul rust-colored water entered their homes ultimately they had to take refuge on rooftops until they were rescued I was on the top floor of my daughter's house and I saw death in front of me it's very sad it began with heavy rains in Rio Grand do Sol a state in the south of Brazil soon the guba river which flows through the state burst its Bang on Sunday the river reached a level of 17.4 Ft that led to widespread flooding hundreds of towns are underwater at least 85 people have died hundreds more are missing 150,000 have been displaced 800,000 are left without drinking water and electricity on Sunday president Lula D Silva arrived at in the state he discussed rescue and reconstruction operations we have to rebuild a lot of houses and in the recovery of the houses jader should take into account with the mayors that we can't allow people to rebuild houses in the same place where they fell down the town hall the state and the federal government need to locate safe land so that people can rebuild their houses rescue operations are currently in full swing authori are out on inflatable boats helicopters are rescuing people from roofs schools have been turned into makeshift shelters field hospitals have been set up 14,000 soldiers are aiding search and rescue missions meanwhile volunteers are working against the clock all this as concerns grow about supplies of food water and other Essentials but the dangerous still will not over this week Brazil has another forecast of heavy rainfall it could be between 10th to 15th of May if that happens the region could be further underwater and that would impact rescue missions the situation is like something out of a horror movie with people lying on asphalt mattresses on the ground and sleeping there with what's left but what's causing this flood ing Rio Grande doou is no stranger to natural disasters in fact this is the fourth such disaster in the state in the last one year the extreme weather this time is a combination of hotter temperatures high humidity and strong winds many are attributing this to a dangerous cocktail Al Nino effect coupled with climate change in Brazil the elino effect is not new it's caused droughts in the north and intense rainfall in the South but this time it's out of control which means extreme weather is becoming more and more common so Brazil must prepare to deal with more such freak weather in the coming days let's turn to the MDES now their government seems to be having a rethink after all the anti-india rants after all the insult Mali is now appealing to Indian tourists first their tour operators reached out they started organizing Road shows in Indian cities and now the tourism minister is on the job listen to what he said I'm quoting our people and the government will give a warm welcome to Indian arrivals as the tourism Minister I want to tell Indians to please be part of the males's tourism our economy depends on tourism how about that a personal appeal from the tourism Ministry of the males which raises two questions one what triggered it and two is it genuine the minister answered the first question himself he said the Malian economy depends on tourism no tourists no revenue and Indian tourists are not traveling to the males not like before just look at the data from last year between January and April more than 73,000 Indians visited the Maldives and this year just under 44,000 so Indian arrivals are down 42% China the UK and Russia have overtaken India you can thank boycott movements for that in January Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited lakshadweep Islands he also posted pictures of the trip but some malen ministers insulted the Indian PM of course this triggered a huge backlash in India many tourists said they would boycott the Maldives and looks like they actually are doing it hence Mal's desperation they've set an ambitious Target this year to Welcome 2 million foreign tourists but without India it will be hard which brings us to the second question is the appeal genuine for tourists maybe but it's too early to call this a U-turn by the Maldives they're still looking Beyond India last week a Turkish warship visited the Maldives the ship's Commander also met top maldivian officials including the defense minister and don't look at this Voyage in isolation back in November president Muhammad muu traveled to Turkey it was a huge break from tradition usually Malian presidents visit visit India first after taking office but muu visited turkey instead he also bought Turkish drones the bay rakar tb2 drones for $37 million again this was an escalation because India and turkey do not see eye to ey the relationship is largely hostile yet muu bought drones from Turkey same with China he visited the country before traveling to India he also signed a number of deals with them so don't expect mizu's policy to change this is more of a financial appeal and how should India see it so far New Delhi has been patient with muu he asked Indian soldiers to leave the males and India agreed muu had set a deadline for Indian soldiers to withdraw May 10th the deadline which is this Friday around half of the soldiers have already been pulled out the rest will follow soon so India has shown a lot of Goodwill no criticism no outbursts the response from New Delhi has been measured but has that measured response s muu doesn't look like it look like it has India out was a campaign pitch for Muhammad muu a pitch that worked not once but twice the Maldives held parliamentary elections last month mizu's party swept the country they ended up with a super majority in Parliament so why would he pres why would he abandon a winning strategy why would the president do it logic says he won't but politics is a tricky business you campaign in poetry but you govern in pros and and that's what muu is doing he talks about decoupling with India but he knows it will be tough it'll take time he wants to do it with minimal blowback hence these appeals and softening rhetoric in fact the malan foreign minister is visiting India this week he will meet India's external affairs minister SJ Shankar it's actually the first high level visit since muu took charge the foreign minister will be arriving on May 9th so just one day before mizu's deadline expires and this visit should give us an idea about what lies ahead more hostility or a working [Music] [Music] relationship in India it's election seat reason today was the third phase of voting four more remain a lot was at stake in this phase one most of the states that went to polls are ruled by the BJP so it was crucial for the ruling party and two prime minister modi's home state Gujarat went to polls the Indian Prime Minister himself voted today he urged more people to come out and cast their vote and three some key seats were up for grabs especially in the states of Karnataka Gujarat and utar Pradesh so all in all it was an important phase by the end of voting today the fate of over half half of all Parliament seats had been sealed our next report tells you more today was another voting Day in India Millions skewed outside polling booths exercising their Democratic right one of them was prime minister Narendra Modi he voted at a school in Ahmedabad he arrived there at around 7:30 a.m. he cast his vote greeted the crowd outside and urged citizens to come out and [Music] vote aban this was the third phase of voting in India why does this phase matter first let's take a look at the states that voted 11 states and union territories were part of this phase among them was Gujarat prime minister modi's home state more than 1300 candidates contested in these polls voting happened in 93 constituencies in 2019 the BJP Le NDA Alliance won 80 of these 93 seats most of these states are controlled by the ruling party so this was an important phase for them which brings us to some of the key constituencies one of them was Gandhi nagar in gujarath it's crucial to the BJP it's one of its strongest bastions it's been represented by party stalwarts like adal bihari vajpai and LK adwani in 2019 home minister Amit sha fought for from the seat he won by a margin of half a million votes so this time he's looking to continue the winning streak and return to power with a bigger mandate other crucial constituencies included menuri in the state of utar Pradesh has long been a stronghold of the samajwadi party it has won it for almost three decades the seat was held by party patriarch malayam Singh yadav after his death it went to his daughter-in-law dimple yadav the BJP has never triumphed in manuri but it made inroads in the 2022 assembly elections this time it hopes to Fair better in Madia pradesh's Guna it's a battle to reclaim glory for jadia cindia Guna has long been synonymous with the cindia royal family it's always voted for the Royals cindia has won the seat from 2002 to 2014 on a congress ticket but in 2019 he lost the family Bastion soon cindia switched sides he joined the BJP and now he aims to win the seat again under a different party so phase three was a crucial one but voter turnout was below average until 7:00 p.m. there was a 60.6% voter turnout which is lower than the elections in 2019 50% of the parliament seats have been decided in the first three phases but four more phases of voting Remain the last phase is on the 1st of jun June and the results will be announced on the 4th of June for our last story tonight let's talk about Tesla the auto giant this company has given the world a master class on Speedy Innovation and on Headline grabbing moves but now it is teaching us something else on how not to fire people Tesla is in a spot financially they've seen their worst performance in years sales are dropping profits are down 55 % year on year the demand for EES is waning globally so Tesla is downsizing they're laying off 10% of their Global Workforce that's almost 14,000 jobs this move began in April and now the blood bath has entered its fourth week several workers received termination notices last weekend and I say notices because that's all that they got the termination emails began with dear employee not the name of the person and notice the impersonal language used in the EA email this company is worth $578 billion as of April they employed 140,000 people yet they cannot figure out how to write an email this is better than a child's notice writing homework former employees are shocked many are taking to social media and sharing how their association with Tesla was snapped with a single mail but the thing is it's not just about the termination people saw this coming teams were slimming down week after week people knew that they could get a what stands out here is the egregious way in which Tesla is laying off its employees workers had their logins Frozen so termination letters were sent over personal emails many found out that they were fired only after security did not let them enter the office building it can be traumatic but it's also part of a growing Trend we are only 4 months into 2024 Reports say more than 600,000 employees have been fired globally Mass layoffs have become The New Normal what's unusual is how they're happening this year edtech company BYU fired 500 employees over phone calls and emails last year Google's parent company alphabet laid off around 12,000 people many who worked for the company for decades got the news in their inboxes the year before that meta fired nearly 11,000 employees for many again it happened over email and this is happening across Industries people are being laid off online but the sting is real and personal companies claim that this is the only efficient way to fire a lot of people at once informing workers personally is too risky and complicated they say employees can access internal systems and go on a sabotage spre or it could be difficult to coordinate multiple terminations but both the reasons seem Hollow legally companies have recourse if employees sabotage them Plus these workers need to find jobs again will they really go around behaving criminally as for the complications managers interact with their teams daily why does that suddenly become impossible when it is time to lay them off no matter the explanation firing people over emails is an unnecessary and cruel act kind of like breaking up over text completely avoiding human contact it serves only one purpose it lets managers off the hook they don't have to face the shock they don't need to console anyone they don't even have to get criticize it's all very convenient but sometimes it can backfire it can endanger a company's own interest and reputation because word spreads fast future hiring prospects read workplace reviews some workers publicly post about getting fired plus they notice the ironing employees are pushed to give their jobs their all many are expected to give up any semblance of personal life work is treated as worship but more often than not this is a one-sided relationship employees are treated as disposable units it is dehumanizing the thing is that there is no perfect way to fire someone no matter how workers get laid off it will hurt them but at least when a manager sits in front of them shows sincerity and empathy it can make the process more tolerable laying off people people is going to be brutal either way but it doesn't have to be undignified and now it's time for vanted ch's images that tell the story in New York hummingbirds and flowing saris take over the red carpet at the Met Gala Stars try to make a mark at Fashion's biggest night in Normandy bunkers get a new lease of life with artworks and frescos and a UK Zoo welcomes its first baby camel in over 8 years finally we're taking you back in history on this day in 1945 Nazi Germany officially surrendered to the Allies it ended the second world war in Europe a few months later in September Japan also surrendered thus bringing an end to six years of fighting we're leaving you on that note thanks for watching we will see you tomorrow and R to fall from the Nazi tree Chief Nazi criminal will dece siing fut governor in Poland beautiful over that [Music] away so for [Music] first post reports from the world's second largest continent hello I'm Allison lrange a very warm welcome from Durban South Africa we get you the news and the newsmakers from Africa South Africa goes to the polls on the 29th of May I will track the election and bring you ground reports is at the end of the road for the African National Congress and will former president Jacob zma stage a dramatic comeback from elections to climate change to Innovations and opportunities as the world's attention shifts we report from Africa the heart of the global South join me every weekday live on first post [Music]
Channel: Firstpost
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Keywords: firstpost, vantage, palki sharma, vantage palki sharma, first post, firstpost palki sharma, israel hamas war, israel rafah offensive, israel's rafah offensive, israel rafah offensive news, israel hamas war news, israel, israel rafah, gaza ceasefire, gaza ceasefire deal, israel takes control of rafah, israeli tanks at rafah crossing, israeli tanks rafah offensive, israel gaza ceasefire, gaza ceasefire deal israel, israel hamas update, israel gaza update
Id: Pkt9ZNycDwk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 59sec (3479 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2024
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